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13 Physical Characteristics of Model S10 Short-Wave and Model L10 Long-Wave Hubs . 108
Front Panel, Model S10 Short-Wave Hub
Front Panel, Model L10 Long-Wave Hub
Rear Panel, Short-Wave and Long-Wave Hubs
Supported Topologies
Product Description
The Hewlett-Packard SureStore E hub, short-wave model S10 and long-wave model L10, is
a full-duplex, 1063-megabit-per-second hub. It increases loop reliability, number of loop
connections, and distances between server and mass storage devices in a Fibre Channel
Arbitrated Loop. The hub’s port detection and bypass circuitry dynamically detects and
bypasses a failed node on the loop. Nodes can be added, removed, and reconnected
without bringing down the loop and disrupting communication for other nodes.
Fibre Channel Manager is a web-based software application that allows you to remotely
manage and monitor the health of the hub. To learn more about Fibre Channel Manager,
visit the Hewlett-Packard (Software Depot (http://www.software.hp.com). Fibre Channel
Manager is available as a free download from this web site.
Older hubs may require a firmware upgrade to meet Fibre Channel Manager’s minimum
requirements. The Software Depot web site has more information about this. The latest
hub firmware and upgrade instructions are available as a free download from this web site.
Detailed configuration information and part numbers for the hub are provided in chapter6,
12 Overview
HP SureStore E hubs provide the following features:
•Short-wave hub (model S10): 10 non-Open Fibre Control (non-OFC) short-wave
optical transceivers
•Long-wave hub (model L10): nine non-OFC, short-wave optical transceivers and one
non-OFC, long-wave optical transceiver
•Local retime and regeneration of transmit signals to prevent accumulation of jitter and
improve the signal
•Reliable, automatic bypass of failed nodes; dynamic recognition of newly added or
removed nodes, with a controller in each port permitting the bypass of a port if the port
fails signal validity tests
•Active loop reconfiguration when a node to an arbitrated loop is added, removed, or
•Plug-and-play capability, which allows the hub to connect to compatible servers and
other Fibre Channel Arbitrated Loop (FC-AL) devices while they are operating ( FC-AL
devices can be added or removed while the hub is active.)
•Cascade support (hub-to-hub connections) for increased loop distances
Cascaded short-wave hubs are supported up to 500 meters; cascaded long-wave hubs
are supported up to 3000 meters (3 km). Under certain conditions, cascaded long-wave
hubs are supported up to 10,000 meters (10 km) (see page105 for more information).
The 10-km capability only applies to long-wave hubs connected to HP-UX servers.
Product Description
NoteIncreased loop distances are associated with increased latency times.
•Access to the RS-232 interface for firmware upgrades and hub configuration and
•Support for a hub management tool (Fibre Channel Manager) to remotely manage and
monitor the health of the hub
Features 13
Front Panel, Model S10 Short-Wave Hub
The front panel contains LEDs for monitoring power, fault, and port status. The RS-232
port is provided to configure and troubleshoot the hub and to upgrade its firmware. The
10Base-T port provides an ethernet connection if you choose to manage the hub with Fibre
Channel Manager.
The Reset button resets the internal control microprocessor of the hub. Pushing the Reset
button also forces loop initialization on all devices in the loop.
Figure 1Front Panel Display, Short-Wave Hub
1 Power LED7 10Base-T port
2 Fault LED 8 10Base-T Status LED
3 Reset button 9 MAC address
4 Fibre Channel connector (Port 1 indicated)10 RS-232 port
5 Port LED (Port 1 indicated)11 AC power connector
6 FC-AL short-wave ports and Port LEDs
14 Front Panel, Model S10 Short-Wave Hub
Front Panel, Model L10 Long-Wave Hub
The front panel contains LEDs for monitoring power, fault, and port status. The long-wave
port is between port 9 and the 10Base-T port. The RS-232 port is provided to configure and
troubleshoot the hub and to upgrade its firmware. The 10Base-T port provides an ethernet
connection if you choose to manage the hub with Fibre Channel Manager.
The Reset button resets the internal control microprocessor of the hub. Pushing the Reset
button also forces loop initialization on all devices in the loop.
Figure 2Front Panel Display, Long-Wave Hub
1 Power LED7 FC-AL long-wave port and Port LED
2 Fault LED8 10Base-T port
3 Reset button 9 10Base-T Status LED
4 Fibre Channel connector (Port 1 indicated)10 MAC address
5 Port LED (Port 1 indicated)11 RS-232 port
6 FC-AL short-wave ports and Port LEDs12 AC power connector
Product Description
Front Panel, Model L10 Long-Wave Hub 15
Rear Panel, Short-Wave and Long-Wave Hubs
Three fans, located in a customer-replaceable module at the rear panel, cool the hub. If one
fan fails, the remaining two fans cool the hub temporarily, but it is important to replace the
module as soon as possible (see chapter5, Maintenance and Replacement).
Figure 3Rear Panel
fan air vents
CautionAlthough the module will continue to run with two fans, a full complement of
fans ensures system and data integrity.
16 Rear Panel, Short-Wave and Long-Wave Hubs
Supported Topologies
Devices such as FC-AL disk arrays and HP system servers that support FC-AL can be
connected to the hub in a loop that includes one or more servers. All nodes in the loop
must be 1063 Mbps short-wave, non-OFC, FC-AL. The ports connected by a cable must
have the same optical transceivers. Figure4, Figure5, and Figure6 show typical hub
topologies. For details on supported topologies, contact an HP sales representative.
Single Short-Wave Hub Topology
For the model S10 short-wave hub, Hewlett-Packard recommends 50-micron multimode
fiber cable for new installations, but also supports 62.5-micron multimode fiber cable with
SC-style connectors in existing installations. Stated distances assume 50-micron multimode
A server with an FC-AL short-wave adapter can connect to an hub 500 meters away. Each
of the 10 ports on the short-wave hub can connect to an FC-AL device up to 500 meters
away. The maximum distance between the server and the end FC-AL device is 1000 meters
(1 km).
Figure 4Example Topology: 10 Ports Shared among Server and FC-AL Devices
HP-UX Server
or HP NetServer
HP-UX Server
or HP NetServer
NOTE: Connecting HP-UX servers
and HP NetServers to the same hub
is NOT a supported configuration.
Product Description
500 m
500 m
FC-AL Devices
model S10 hub
Total distance between server
and FC-AL device = 1000 m
Supported Topologies 17
Cascaded Short-WaveHub Topology
The example in Figure5 shows two model S10 hubs connected in a cascade topology.
Cascadedshort-wave hubs use one port on each hub for the hub-to-hub connection. Such a
configuration increases the potential distance between nodes in the loop an additional 500
meters. The maximum distance between the server and FC-AL devices with cascaded
short-wave hubs is 1500 meters (1.5 km).
Figure 5Example Topology: Cascaded Short-WaveHubs
Maximum distance between
HP-UX Server
HP NetServer
NOTE: Connecting HP-UX
servers and HP NetServers
to the same hub is NOT
a supported configuration.
500 m
FC-AL Devices
server and FC-AL device = 1500 m
model S10 hubmodel S10 hub
500 m
FC-AL Devices
500 m
Cascaded hubs must have the same firmware versions to operate properly. If you are using
Fibre Channel Manager to manage cascaded hubs, configure the hub that has the LAN
(ethernet) connection as a parent hub and the remaining hub as a child hub (see
Configuring Cascaded Hubs on page60).
18 Supported Topologies
Cascaded Long-Wave Hub Topology
Cascaded FC-AL, non-OFC, model L10 long-wave hubs use the long-wave port for the hubto-hub connection. The maximum supported distance between cascaded long-wave hubs
with single-mode 9 micron cable is 3 km. The maximum distance between a server and FCAL devices on cascaded long-wave hubs is, therefore, 4000 meters (500m + 3000m +
500m). Under certain conditions, cascaded long-wave hubs are supported up to 10,000
meters (10km) (see page105 for more information). The 10-km capability only applies to
long-wave hubs connected to HP-UX servers.
CautionWhen cascading long-wave hubs, only connect long-wave ports to long-wave
ports or short-wave ports to short-wave ports.
Ports 1 through 9 on each long-wave hub are for connections to FC-AL devices. Ports 1
through 9 can also be used in a cascaded configuration; however, the maximum distance
between hubs decreases from 3000 meters to 500 meters.
Figure 6Example Topology: Cascaded Long-Wave Hubs
Maximum distance between
server and FC-AL device = 4000 m
NOTE: Under certain conditions, the
maximum distance between an HP-UX
server and FC-AL device can be 11,000 m.
model L10 hub
HP-UX Server
HP NetServer
NOTE: Connecting HP-UX
servers and HP NetServers
to the same hub is NOT
a supported configuration.
500 m
model L10 hub
3000 m (long-wave port to long-wave port only)
Product Description
FC-AL Devices
500 m
FC-AL Devices
Supported Topologies 19
Cascaded hubs must have the same firmware versions to operate properly. If you are using
Fibre Channel Manager to manage cascaded hubs, configure the hub that has the LAN
(ethernet) connection as a parent hub and the remaining hub as a child hub (see page60
for more information).
20 Supported Topologies
Procedure 1: Prepare to Install the Hub
Procedure 2: Unpack the Hub
Procedure 3: Verify Hub Operation
Procedure 4: Mount the Hub into a Rack (Optional)
Procedure 5: Plan the FC-AL Connections
Procedure 6: Connect FC-AL Devices
Procedure 7: Verify the Connections
The procedures for installing an HP SureStore E model S10 or model L10 hub are the
1.Prepare to install the hub.
2.Unpack the hub.
3.Verify hub operation.
4.Mount the hub in a rack (optional).
5.Plan the FC-AL connections.
6.Connect the FC-AL devices.
7.Verify the connections.
Read this chapter completely before installing the hub or attaching any FC-AL devices to
the hub.
22 Overview
Procedure 1: Prepare to Install the Hub
Before installing the hub:
•Complete site-required arrangements for the hub.
•Make sure electrical power and temperature control requirements are met.
•Define a strategy for integrating the hub into an existing loop.
•Draw a map of all nodes to be connected to the hub.
Procedure 1: Prepare to Install the Hub 23
Procedure 2: Unpack the Hub
1.Unpack and inspect the hub for damage that may have occurred during shipment.
2.Save the boxes and packing materials in case there is damage or anything needs to be
reshipped at a future date.
3.Verify that all items shown in Figure7 are present. Contact an HP sales representative
if items are missing.
4.If the hub is to be used as a standalone unit, attach the four rubber feet to the bottom
corners of the hub. Optionally, remove the hub’s preinstalled mounting ear brackets and
nylon retainers. The brackets and retainers are used to mount the hub in a rack.
Figure 7Standalone Product Contents
HP SureStore E Hub
Models S10 and L10
Service and User Manual
power cord
installed FC
port covers
24 Procedure 2: Unpack the Hub
ear bracket
rubber feet
nylon retainer
NOTE: The long-wave hub
includes an additional loopback
cable for the long-wave port.
Procedure 3: Verify Hub Operation
By performing this procedure, you test the hub and verify that it operates properly before
you mount it in a rack or connect any devices to it.
1.To initialize the self-test, first plug the power cord into the hub and then into a power
receptacle. The hub does not have a power switch.
The hub runs the self-test each time the power cord is plugged in or the Reset button is
NoteThe hub’s power supply automatically adjusts to a range of 100 VAC ±10% or
240VAC ±10%.
2.The hub finishes the self-test in less than 15 seconds.
If the Fault LED (amber) stays on after self-test, the hub failed. Refer to chapter 4,
Troubleshooting, or contact an HP service representative for assistance.
If the Power LED does not light, refer to chapter4, Troubleshooting, or contact an HP
service representative.
NoteInterruptions to the hub’s AC power source initiate a self-test. Make sure the
power source circuits are properly grounded before using the supplied power
cord to connect the hub to the circuit.
3.Verify that each Fibre Channel port is operating properly. Insert the loopback cable into
the port and verify that the port status LED turns on. Both ends of the loopback cable
plug into the port connectors.
If you plan to use Fibre Channel Manager to manage the hub, continue with step4. If you
do not plan to use Fibre Channel Manager or another hub management tool, go to step7.
Procedure 3: Verify Hub Operation 25
4.Verify that the 10Base-T port is operating properly. Insert an ethernet cable that is
connected to the LAN into the 10Base-T port, and verify that the 10Base-T status LED
turns on. (The status LED may begin flashing.)
5.Set the hub IP address and configure the hub as described in chapter 3, RS-232 Interface
6.Verify the connection between the HP-UX server and the hub. At the management server
where Fibre Channel Manager is or will be installed, execute the following command:
/etc/ping <hub IP address> Example: /etc/ping
Fibre Channel Manager requires HP-UX 10.20 or 11.0 on the management server.
If you are unable to ping the hub, refer to If the Management Server Cannot Ping the
Hub on page78.
7.Unplug the hub.
26 Procedure 3: Verify Hub Operation
Procedure 4: Mount the Hub into a Rack (Optional)
The hub mounts into any standard HP 19-inch wide EIA cabinet. The hub’s front panel will
face the rear of the cabinet. The front of the hub contains the 10 Fibre Channel connectors.
You will need a T25 Torx head screwdriver to complete this procedure.
1.Record the serial number, located on the bottom of the hub, and the MAC address,
located under the 10Base-T port. The MAC address is unique and cannot be changed.
2.Verify that the rack is adequately secured and has enough space (1 EIA) for the hub.
Remove filler panels as needed from the front of the cabinet and open the rear door.
3.If the rubber feet are attached to the bottom of the hub, peel off the feet. Attach the
mounting ear brackets and nylon retainers if they are missing from the left and right
sides of the hub (Figure8).
Secure the mounting ear brackets with three M3 x .5 screws to each front outside
corner, turning the angled end of the bracket outward. Attach the nylon retainers with
one screw through the center of the retainer and into the hole in each side of the hub.
Figure 8Replacing Mounting Ear Brackets and Nylon Retainers
nylon retainer
1 M3x.5 machine screw
mounting ear bracket
3 M3x.5 machine screws
4.Slide a sheet metal nut onto the outer column in the back of the rack. Make sure to align
the hole in the nut with the hole at the selected EIA location on the column.
Procedure 4: Mount the Hub into a Rack (Optional) 27
5.Insert one end of the left rail in the adjoining slot. Line up the hole in the rail lines with
the holes in the nut and column (Figure9).
6.Use a second sheet metal nut and repeat steps 4 and 5 to attach the other end of the rail
to the inner column on the front of the rack.
NoteDO NOT attach screws at this time.
Figure 9Installing Rails
rear of rack
28 Procedure 4: Mount the Hub into a Rack (Optional)
front of rack
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