Data sheet
HP Folding solutions
High-productivity online folding for
HP PageWide XL and HP DesignJet XL printers
Full online integration
• Control the folder and folding styles from
HP Smar tStream software, the driver, the
scanner, or the printer touchscreen
• Experience reliable system operation with
bi-directional communication between the
printer and the folder
• Monitor and manage HP Folding
solutions from the printer’s front panel or
HP Smar tStream software: the job queue
halts when the folder has stopped
For more information, please visit
High speed
• Boost end-to-end productivity
with breakthrough linear speeds of
HP PageWide XL and HP DesignJet XL
• Quickly complete your jobs from start to
nish with folding speeds up to 23 m (75 ft)
per minute
• Keep your jobs organized with stacking up to
150 A0/E-size folded package standards
• Select the best folding solution among
HP F70, and HP F40 folders for your
workspace and volume needs
• Opt for the HP F40 Folder for a more
compact end-to-end solution
• Eiciently fold all your C AD documents by
using either pre-dened or custom folding
• Choose from a variety of folding standards
including DIN, AFNOR, ANSI, and US
Measured on an HP Pa geWide XL Fo lder.

Data sheet | HP Folding solutions
Technical specications
HP F70 Folder HP F40 Folder
Tab options
Performance Speed Up to 12 A0/mi n Up to 8 A0/m in
Paper handling Paper feed
Folding Fa n fold 170 to 305 mm (in crement s of 1 mm)
Dimensions Dimensions with packaging 1850 x 1070 x 1420 mm (72 x 42 x 55 i n) 1850 x 1070 x 1315 mm
Weight Weight with packaging 365 kg (80 4 lb) 300 kg
Environmental Operating temperature 10 to 40 °C (50 to 104°F ) 15 to 35°C
Power Power requirements 30 0 W (typica l) 250 W
Certications Safety IEC 60950 -1+A1+A2 complia nt; USA and C anada; EU
Ordering Options 8SB 09A HP Page Wide XL Fol der Upgra de Kit for
Warranty 90 day s 90 day s
Acous tics base d on foldin g solutio n with the HP P ageWide X L 8000 Pri nter.
Product Number 8SF70 A (withou t Tab Appl icator)
Paper width
Pape r length (fa n fold)
Pape r length (cr oss fold) Up to 2,5 00 mm (8.2 ft ) Up to 3,0 00 mm (9.8 ft )
Pape r weight (fol ding)
Pape r type (fold ing)
Output delivery
Stacking on folder Up to 10 pag es, up to A0/E -size Not supported
Cross fold Z-styl e; panel len gth 210 mm to 310 mm
Book fold
Folding programs DIN B 198 x 297
Dimensions with packaging with
Tab Appl icator
Dimensions without packaging 1800 x 1620 x 1220 mm ( 70 x 63 x 48 in) 1779 x 851 x 931 mm
Dimensions without packaging
with Tab Applicator
Weight with packaging with Tab
Weight without packaging 310 kg (683 lb) 247 kg
Weight without packaging with
Tab Appl icator
Recommended temperature 15 to 35°C (59 to 95° F) 15 to 35°C
Operating humidity 20% to 8 0% RH, depe nding on me dia type 20% to 8 0% RH, depe nding on me dia type
Sound pressure 63 dB( A) (prin ting), 35 dB( A) (ready),
Sound power 8 B(A ) (prin ting), 5.1 B( A) (rea dy),
Requirements Input voltage (auto ranging)
Electromagnetic Compl iant with C lass A requ irement s, includ ing:
Environmental CE mar king (inc luding Ro HS, WEEE , REACH) CE mar king (inc luding Ro HS, WEEE , REACH)
Supported printers HP Pag eWide XL 8x 00 Printe r
With t he 8SB06A a ccessor y
upgrade kit
With t he 6SE87A HP Des ignJet
XL 360 0 MFP Folde r Upgrade K it
With o r without Tab A pplicat or
8SF71A (w ith Tab Appli cator)
Autom atic or man ual
297 to 914 mm (11 to 36 in)
Up to 6,0 00 mm (19.7 ft)
Unli mited wit h the HP PageW ide XL Fold er Upgrad e
Kit for Long Plots
75 to 90 g/m
Plain paper, bond paper
Stand ard belt, c apacit y for up to 150 A0/E- size
folded packages
(6.7 to 12 in (in crement s of 0.03 in))
Bind ing margi n adjusta ble 0 to 40 mm
(inc rements of 1 m m)
(0 to 1.57 in (i ncremen ts of 0.03 in))
(8.3 to 12.2 i n)
216 mm x 279.4 mm (8 .5 x 11in)
DIN B 210x 297
DIN C 210x 297
DIN B 210x 305
DIN B 210x 310
Fan Fold o nly
DIN A 190/2 0x297
DIN 185/25 x297
INVE RSE DIN 210x 297
AFNO R 297x210
ANSI 8 .5x11
ANSI 7.5+1x11
ARCH 9 .0x12
Mail er 7.5x10
2180 x 1070 x 1420 mm (85. 8 x 42 x 55 in) -
2100 x 1620 x 1220 mm (82 x 6 3 x 48 in) -
410 kg (903 lb) -
360 kg (793 l b) -
< 25 dB( A) (sleep)
< 4.2 B( A) (sleep)
100-120/200 -240 ± 10% VAC, 50/6 0 ±3 Hz, 10/5 A
(LVD and EN 60 950-1 compl iant); Rus sia, Bela rus,
and Ka zakhsta n (EAC)
USA (F CC rules), Ca nada (ICE S), EU (EMC Di rective ),
Aust ralia and N ew Zealan d (RCM), Jap an (VCCI),
Korea ( KC)
Long Plots
3JJ55A HP P ageWide X L Reel for Tab App licator
HP Pag eWide XL 5x0 0 Printer s eries
- HP Pag eWide XL 4x0 0 Printer s eries, H P PageWide
(20 to 24 lb)
Fan Fold o nly 9.0
DIN B 210 TAB / DI N B 198
TAB (Fol ding prog rams
only available with Tab
12 mm (0.4 in)
With out Tab Appli cator
Up to 1.5 A0/m in for HP De signJet X L 3600 MFP Se ries
297 to 914 mm (11 to 36 in)
Up to 6,0 00 mm (19.7 ft)
60 to 110 g/m
Plain paper, bond paper
Stand ard belt, c apacit y for up to 80 A0/ E-size
folded packages
170 to 230 mm (i ncrement s of 1 mm) Bind ing margi n
adju stable 0 to 40 m m (increm ents of 1 mm)
Z-styl e; panel len gth 210 mm to 310 mm
(8.3 to 12.2 i n)
216 mm x 279.4 mm (8 .5 x 11in)
DIN B 198 x 297
DIN B 210x 297
DIN C 210x 297
DIN B 210x 305
DIN B 210x 310
Fan Fold o nly
DIN A 190/2 0x297
DIN 185/25 x297
ANSI 8 .5x11
ANSI 7.5+1x11
ARCH 9 .0x12
Mail er 7.5x10
Fan Fold o nly 9.0
58 dB( A) (prin ting), 32 dB( A) (read y)
7,7 B(A) (pr inting) , 5.1 B(A) ( ready)
IEC 60 950-1+A1+A2 compl iant; USA a nd Canada; E U
(LVD and EN 60 950-1 compl iant); Rus sia, Bela rus, and
Kaza khstan (E AC)
Comp liant wit h Class A req uirement s, inclu ding:
USA (F CC rules), Ca nada (ICE S), EU (EMC Di rective ),
Aust ralia and N ew Zealan d (RCM)
HP Pag eWide XL 5x0 0 Printer s eries
XL 39x 0 MFP
HP Des ignJet XL 3 600 MFP Se ries
20 mm (0.7 i n)
Standard folding
© Copyr ight 2015, 2021 HP D evelopme nt Compan y, L.P. The infor mation co ntained h erein is sub ject to cha nge witho ut notice. T he only war ranties f or HP produ cts and se rvices ar e set forth i n the
expr ess warra nty state ments acco mpanyin g such prod ucts and s ervice s. Nothin g herein sho uld be cons trued as con stituti ng an addi tional wa rranty. HP s hall not be l iable for te chnical o r editori al
errors or omissions contained herein.
4AA6 -2405EEP, Febr uary 2021, Rev.11
210 mm (8. 2 in) 198 mm (7.8 in) 190 mm (7.4 in)
with reinforcement stripe
Standard folding
Standard folding
with binding edge