Installation Checklist – HP ProLiant Cluster F200 for
RA4100 usin
Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Enterprise
May 2004
Table of Contents
ProLiant Cluster F200 for RA4100 ......................................................................................................... 2
Hardware Cabling Scheme................................................................................................................... 3
Introduction......................................................................................................................................... 3
Software and Hardware Requirements ................................................................................................... 4
Gathering Information .......................................................................................................................... 5
Installing Node 1 Operating System ...................................................................................................... 6
Installing Node 2 Operating System ...................................................................................................... 8
Validating the Cluster........................................................................................................................... 9
For more Information.......................................................................................................................... 10
Feedback.......................................................................................................................................... 10

ProLiant Cluster F200 for RA4100
The ProLiant Cluster F200 uses HP's industry-leading
ProLiant servers, StorageWorks RAID Array 4100,
Ethernet server to server interconnect, and HP's industry-leading
installation and systems management utilities. The ProLiant
Cluster F200 offers redundant FCAs, fabrics and array
controllers for a fully redundant storage configuration ensuring
“always on” operations of your business critical applications.
Key features are:
• Flexibility to create and deploy industry-standard, fibre
channel clustered solution with the latest, industry-standard
ProLiant and StorageWorks platforms.
• Unified suite of cluster management tools offer superior
management capabilities to simplify the installation of
complex cluster configurations and assure consistent
This checklist provides step-by-step ProLiant Cluster F200 for
RA4100 operating system installation and cluster configuration
directions using Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Enterprise

Hardware Cabling Scheme
Figure 1. Hardware cabling scheme
Note: This diagram depicts a two-node cluster. With Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Enterprise
Edition, HP only supports two nodes in a RA4100 ProLiant Cluster.
Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition is an extension of the Microsoft Windows 2000
operating system environment developed to enhance the customer experience and to improve the
overall usability and deployment.
General cluster improvements for Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition include:
• Larger cluster sizes – Enterprise Edition now supports up to 8 nodes.
• Enhanced cluster installation wizard – built-in validation and verification function to help
ensure base components are ready to be clustered.
• Installation – cluster binaries are automatically copied during the operating system
• Multi-node addition – multiple nodes can be added in a single operation instead of one by
• Active Directory integration – tighter integration including a “virtual” computer object,
Kerberos authentication, and a default location for services to publish service control points.
Users can access the virtual server just like any other Windows server.