1 8V/20A* or 25V/7A** range selection key Selects the 8V/20A or 25V/7A
range and allows the full rated output to 8V/20A or 25V/7A.
2 20V/10A* or 50V/4A** range selection key Selects the 20V/10A or
50V/4A range and allows the full rated output to 20V/10A or 50V/4A.
3 Overvoltage protection key Enables or disables the overvoltage protection
function, sets trip voltage level, and clears the overvoltage condition.
4 Overcurrent protection key Enables or disables the overcurrent protection
function, sets trip current level, and clears the overcurrent condition.
5 Display limit key Shows voltage and current limit values on the display and
allows knob adjustment for setting limit values.
6 Recall operating state key Recalls a previously stored operating state from
location ‘‘1’’, ‘‘2’’, or ‘‘3’’.
7 Store operating state / Local key
Stores an operating state in location ‘‘1’’,
‘‘2’’, or ‘‘3’’ / or returns the power supply to local mode from remote interface
8 Error / Calibrate key
Displays error codes generated during operation, selftest and calibration / or enables calibration mode (the power supply must be
unsecured before performing calibration). See
Service G uide
for more details
on calibration.
9 I/O Configuration / Secure key
Configures the power supply for remote
interfaces / or secure or unsecure the power supply for calibration. See
Serv ice Guide
for more details on how to secure or unsecure the power supply.
10 Output On/O ff key En ables or disables the power supply output . This key
toggles between on and off.
11 C ontro l knob Increases or decreases the value of the blinking digit by turning
clockwise or counter clockwise.
12 Resolution selection keys Move the blinking digit to the right or left.
13 Voltage/current adjust selection key Selects the knob control function for
Y ou can set the voltage and current limit values from the front panel using the
following method.
Use the voltage/current adjust selection key, the resolution selection keys,
and the control knob to change the voltage and current limit values.
1 Select the desired range using the range selection keys after turning on the
power supply.
2 Press the #key to show the limit values on the display.
3 Move the blinking digit to the appropriate position using the resolution
selection keys and change the blinking digit value to the desired voltage limit
by turning the control knob. If the display limit times out, press the key
4 Set the knob to current control mode by pressing the key.
5 Move the blinking digit to the appropriate position using the resolution
selection keys and change the blinking digit value to the desired current limit
by turning the control knob.
6 Press the #key to enable the output. After about 5 seconds, the display
will go to output monitoring mode automatically to display the voltage and
current at the output or the display will go to output monitoring mode
immediately by pressing the #key again.
Note All front panel keys and controls ca n be dis abled with remote interface commands.
The HP E3633A and HP E3634A must be in "Local" mode for the front panel keys
and controls to function.
Display Annunciators
AdrsPower supply is addressed to listen or talk over a remote interface.
RmtPower supply is in remote interface mode.
8VShows the 8V/20A range is selected. (HP E3633A model)
20VShows the 20V/10A range is selected. (HP E3633A mod el)
25VShows the 25V/7A range is selected. (HP E3634A model)
50VShows the 50V/4A range is selected. (HP E3634A model)
OVPThe overvoltage protection function is enabled when the
annunciator turns on or the overvoltage protection circuit has
caused the power supply to shutdown when the annunciator blinks.
OCPThe overcurrent protection function is enabled when the
annunciator turns on or the overcurrent protection circuit has
caused the power supply to shutdown when the annunciator blinks.
CALThe power supply is in calibration mode.
LimitThe display shows the limit values of voltage and current.
ERROR Hardware or remote interface command errors are detected and
the error bit has not been cleared.
OFFThe output of the power supply is disabled (See page 52 for more
UnregThe output of the power supply is unregulated (output is neither CV
nor CC).
CVThe power supply is in constant voltage mode.
CCThe power supply is in constant current mode.
To review the display annunciators, hold down key as you turn on
the power supply.
The Rear Panel at a Glance
1 Power-line voltage setting
2 Power-line fuse-holder assembly
3 AC inlet
If you have questions relating to the operation of the power supply, call
1-800-452-4844 in the United States, or contact your neares t Hewlett- Pac kard
Sales Office.
If your HP E3633A or HP E3634A fails within three years of purchase, HP will
repair or replace it free of char ge. Call 1-800-258-51 65 ("Express Exchange")
in the United States , or contact your neares t Hewlett- Packard Sales Offic e.
This is the User’s guide for your HP E363 3A and E3634A DC power supplies. Unles s
otherwise sta ted, the information in this manual applies to bot h two models.
This chapter provides a general description of your power supply. This chapter also
contains instructions for initial inspection, location and cooling for bench and rack
operation, selecting the power-line voltage, and connecting your power supply to ac
Safety Considerations
This power suppl y is a Safety Clas s I instrument , which means that it has a protec tive
earth terminal . T hat terminal must be connecte d to earth ground through a power
source with a 3-wire groun d receptacle.
Before installation or operation, check the power supply and review this manual for
safety mar kings and instructio ns. Safety infor mation for speci fic procedures is located
at the appr opr iate place s in this manual. Se e also ‘‘Safety’’ at the beginning of this
manual for general safety information.
Safety and EMC Requirements
This power supply is designed to comply with the following safety and EMC
(Electromagnetic Compatibility) re quirements:
• IEC 1010-1(1990)/EN 61010-1(1993) + A2 (1995): Safety Requirements for
Electrical Equipment for Measurement, Control, and Laboratory Use
• CSA C22.2 No.1010.1-92: Safety Requirements for Electrical Equipment for
IEC 1000-4-4(1995): Electrical Fast Transient/Burst Requirements
EN61000-4-5(1995): Surge Requirements
EN61000-4-6(1995): Conducted Radio Frequency Immunity Requirements
EN61000-4-8(1993): Magnetic Field Requirements
EN61000-4-11(1994): Voltage dips , s hort, interrupti on and var Requirement
• Low Voltage Directive 73/23/EEC
• EMC Dire ctive 89/336/EEC
Chapter 1 General Information
Options and Accessories
• EN 5501 1(1991) Group 1, Cl ass A/CISPR 11(19 90): Limits a nd Methods of R adio
Interference Characteristics of Industrial, Scientific, and Medical (ISM) Radio Frequency Equipment
Options and Accessories
Option ‘‘0E3’’ and ‘‘0E9’ ’ determine which power-line voltage is selec ted at the
factory. The standard unit is configured for 115 Vac ± 10%, 47-63 Hz inp ut voltage.
For more information about changing the power -line voltage setting, see ‘‘Power-Line Voltage Selection’’, starting on page 22 in this chapter.
230 Vac ± 10%, 47-63 Hz input voltage
100 Vac ± 10%, 47-63 Hz input voltage
Rack mount kit (HP part number 5063-9243)
Extra manual set (same language as the selected language manual
set when you order the power suppl y)*
The accessori es list ed below may be ordered from your local Hewlett -Packar d Sale s
Office either with the power supply or separately.
HP No.Description
9 pin (m) to 25 pin (m) for use with PC or printer
*To order a separate set of English User’s guide and Service guide, order
HP part number E3634-90000.
HP-IB cable, 1 m (3.3 ft.)
HP-IB cable, 2 m (6.6 ft.)
RS-232, 9 pin (f) to 9 pin (f), 2.5 m (8.2 ft.) cable; plus 9 pin (m) to
25 pin (f) adapter
RS-232 adapter kit (contains 4 adapters):
9 pin (m) to 25 pin (f) for use with PC or printer
9 pin (m) to 25 pin (m) for use with modem
9 pin (m) to 9 pin (m) for use with modem
Chapter 1 General Information
The HP E3633A and HP E3634A DC power supplies feature a combination of
programming capabi lities and linear power suppl y performance that makes them ide al
for power systems applic ation s. T he power s upply i s pr ogrammable l ocall y from th e
front panel or remote ly over the HP-IB and RS-232 int erfaces. This power s upply has
two ranges, allowing more voltage at a lower current. An output range needed is
selected from the front panel or over the remote inte rfaces.
Operational features include:
• Dual range of single-outpu t: 8V/20A and 20V/10A (HP E3633A),
25V/7A and 50V/4A (HP E3634A)
• Cons tant voltage (CV) or constant current (CC) operati on
• Overvoltage protection (OVP ) and ove rcurrent protection (OCP)
• Three storage locations (1 to 3) for user-defined operating states
• Automatic turn-on self-te st
• Remote sensing for load voltage at the front or rear panel termi nals
• User cal ibration from the front panel or over the remote interfaces
The front panel operation permits:
• Easy-to-use of knob control
• Output range selection
• Enabling or disabling OVP and OCP features
• Se tting the OVP and OCP trip levels
• Clear ing OVP and OCP conditions
• Se tting and displaying the voltage and curre nt limit values
• Saving and recalling operating states
• Returning the power supply to local mode from remote interface mode
• Retrieving/Scrolling error messages on the dis play
• Calibrating the power supply, including changing the calibration s ecure code
• Configuring the power supply for remote interfaces
• Enabling or disabling the output
Chapter 1 General Information
When operated over th e remote inte rface, th e power supply can be both a liste ner and
a talker. Using an external controller, you can instruct the power supply to set the
output and to send the s tatus data back over the HP-IB or
RS-232. Capabilities include the following feature s:
• Voltage and current programming
• Voltage and current readback
• Present and stored status readback
• Prog r ammi ng syntax error detection
• Complete self-test
The front-panel VFD (Vacuum-Fluorescent Dis play) include s:
• Displaying actual values of output voltage and current (meter mode)
• Or displaying the limit values of voltage and current (limit mode)
• Chec king the operating status from the annunciators
• Checking the type of error from the error codes (messag es)
Connections to t he power supply ’ s outpu t and to chas sis ground a re made to binding
posts on the front panel and to the rear output terminals.
Warning Floating the power supply output mo re than ±60 Vdc from the chassis presents an
electric shock hazard to the operator . Do not float the outputs more than ±60 Vdc
when metal shorting bars without insulat ion are used to connect the (+) output to the
(+) sense and the (-) output to the (-) sense terminals.
Chapter 1 General Information
Warning Outputs can be float ed to maximum of ±240 Vdc provided that the metal short ing bars
without i nsulation are eith er replaced wi th ins ulated cond uctors or they are remove d
from the terminals so there is no operator access to the output conductors without
insulation. All fie ld wiring insulation must be adequate for the voltage present.
The power supply is shipped with a detachable , 3-wire grounding type power cord.
The ac line fuse is an extra ctor type on the rear panel. The power supply can be
calibrated from the front pa nel direc tly or with a c ontroller ove r the HP-IB or RS-232
interface using calibration commands. Correction factors are stored in nonvolatile
memory and are used during output programming. Calibration from the front panel
or a control le r eli minat e the need to remov e the top c over or even t he ne ed to remove
the power supply from your system cabinet. You can guard against unauthorized
calibration by using the “Secured” cal ibration protection function.
Chapter 1 General Information
Initial In spection
When you receive your power s upply, inspect it for any obvious dam age that may
have occurred during s hipment. If any damage is found, notify the carrier and the
nearest HP Sales Office immediately. W arranty informat ion is shown in the fr ont of
this manual.
Keep the origina l pac king materials in case the power supply has to be returned to
Hewlett-Pack ard in the future. If you return th e power supply for servi ce, attach a tag
identifying the owner and model number. Also include a brief description of the
Mechanical Check
This check confirm s t hat th ere are no b roken ke ys or knob, that t he ca binet and panel
surfaces are free of dents and s cratches, and that t he display is not s cratched or c racked.
Electrical Check
Chapter 2 describ es an initial operatio n pr ocedure which, when succes sfully
completed, verifies to a high lev el of confidence that th e power supply is operating
in accor dance with its specifica tions. Detailed electrical verification procedures are
included in the Servic e G ui de.
Cooling and Location
The power supply can operate without loss of performance within th e temperature
range of 0 °C to 40 °C, and with derated output current from
40 °C to 55 °C. A fan cools the power supply by drawi ng air through the rear panel
and exhausti ng it out the sides. Usi ng an HP rack mount will not impede the flow of air .
Bench Operation
Your power supply must be install ed in a location that al lows sufficient space at the
sides and rear of the power supp ly for adequate air circulation. The rubber bumpers
must be removed for rack mounting.
Chapter 1 General Information
Rack Mounting
The power supply can be mounted in a standard 19-inch rack cabinet using one of
three option al kit s avai lable . A r ack-mounti ng ki t for a single instru ment i s ava ilabl e
as Option 1CM (P/N 506 3-9243). Inst allatio n instruct ions and har dware are includ ed
with each rack-mounting kit. Any HP System II instrument of the same size can be
rack-mounted beside the HP E3633A or E3634A DC power supply.
Remove the front and rear bumpers before rack-mounting the power supply.
To remove the rubber bumper,stretch a corner andthen slide itoff.
o rack mount a single instrument, order ada pter ki t 5063-9243.
Chapter 1 General Information
T o rack mount two instrument side-by-side, order lock-link kit 5061-9694
and flange kit 5063-9214.
To install one or two instruments in a sliding support shelf, order shelf
5063-9256, and slide kit 1494-0015.
Chapter 1 General Information
Input Power Requirements
Input Power Requirements
You can operate your power supply from a nominal 100 V, 115 V, or 230 V single
phase ac power source at 47 to 63 Hz. An indication on the rear panel s hows the
nominal input voltage set for the power supply at the factory. If necessary, you can
change the power-line voltage setting according to the instructions on the next page .
Power-Line Cord
The power supply is shippe d from the factory with a power-line cord that has a plug
appropriate for your locatio n. Contac t the neare st HP Sales and Servi ce Offic e if the
wrong power-lin e cord is included with your power su pply. Your power supply is
equipped with a 3-wi re grounding type power cord; the third conductor being the
ground. The p ower supply i s grounded only when the power-line cord is plugge d into
an appropria te receptac le. Do not o perate your p ower supply withou t adequate cabinet
ground connection.
Power-Line Voltage Selection
Power-line voltage selec tion is accomplished by adjusting two components:
power-line v oltage se lector and power-li ne fuse on t he powe r-li ne m odule of the re ar
panel. To change the power-line voltage, proceed as follows:
Chapter 1 General Information
Input Power Requirements
4Remove the power cor d . Remove the
fuse-holder assembly with a flat-blade
screwdriver from the rear panel.
6Rotate the power-line voltage selector
until the correct voltage appears.
5Install the correct line fuse. Remove
the power-line voltage selector from the
power-line module.
100 or 115 Vac, 6.3 AT fus e
230 Vac, 3.1 5 A T fuse
7Replace the pow er-line voltage selector
and the fuse-holder assembly in the rear