Hp COMPAQ PROLIANT 1600, COMPAQ PROLIANT 3000, COMPAQ PROLIANT 1200 Compaq Integrated Management Log Viewer in a Microsoft Windows NT Environment

Microsoft Windows NT Integration Team
Compaq Computer Corporation
Executive Sum mary ....3
Introduction................ 3
What’s New.................3
Utility Overview.......... 3
Background................ 5
Utility Benefits ............ 5
Software and Hardware
Requirements .............6
Installing the
Utility......................... 7
Using the Utility..........8
Utility Features ........... 8
Utility Tips................17
Online Resources
from Compaq............19
Compaq Integrated Management Log
Viewer in a Microsoft Windows NT
Compaq continues to make our products easier to manage by introducing the Compaq
Integrated Management Log (IML) Viewer, which provides the user with superior
serviceability of Compaq servers. This utility allows administrators to view and manage
IML system event en t r i es o n l o cal o r r emo t e s ystems.
This document provides brief historical information on the Compaq IML and how it
relates to the Compaq IML Viewer. Following the background information, this white
paper focuses on how and why administrators should use the Compaq IML Viewer, such
as understanding utility features, using the utility (locally and remotely), utility tips and
benefits. Lastly, this document provides information on how to acquire other online
technical documents from Compaq.
The intended audience for this white paper is network administrators and system
engineers who install, configure and maintain high-end and mainstream Compaq servers
in a Microsoft Windows NT Server environment.
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Compaq Integrated Management Log Viewer in a Microsoft
Windows NT Environment
Second Edition (April 1998)
Document Number: ECG024/0498
Compaq continues to make our products easier to manage by introducing t he Compaq
Integrated Management Log (IML) Viewer, whic h pr ovides the user with superior
serviceability of Compaq servers. This utility allows administrators to view and manage
IML system event entries on local or remote systems. An administrator using the remote
capabilities of this utility eliminates the need of physically managing individual servers to
view, update and modify IML system events.
The intended audience for this white paper is network administrator s and system
engineers who install, configure and m aintain high-end and m ainstream Compaq servers
in a Micr osoft Wi ndows NT Server environment.
Compaq developed the Integrated M anagement Log (IML) to replace the Critical and
Correctable Error Logs. The IML records signi ficant ev ents that occur during system
operation, from the normal operational stat us of components to the identificat ion of a
failed component. This non-volatile random access mem ory (NVRAM) log allows
customers to obtain a single historical record of recent system events and errors f or
post-diagnosis review, thus helping the system administrator or engineer to promptl y
identify server failures on business-critical net works.
Compaq added versatility to the IML by designing a utility that allows users to view, filter,
sort, print , export and archive (save) system event information. Users can view the IML
online from a local or r emote system v ia a user-friendly gr aphical user interface (GUI)
utility called the Compaq IML Viewer. T his utility provides the system administrator a
tool that c an aid them in understandi ng how recent c hanges or events aff ec ted system
performance or caused system failure.
New functionality has been added to the lat est version of t he Compaq IML Viewer.
These new functions i nc lude acknowledging pending alerts on the IMD and command
line support and can be found on the Compaq SSD for Windows NT 4.0, V er si on 2.06.
Acknowledge Alerts – Allows the user to clear flashing alerts on the
Integrated Management Display (IMD) .
Command Line Parameters – Provides support for com mand line
parameters so users can use the feat ur es of the IML Viewer fr om a console.
Refer to the appropriate sections in t his document for more information on each featur e.
First, under stand that the Compaq IML i s a repository of significant system events such as memory and power-on-sel f-test (POST) er r or s that can occur in either the hardware or software. The Compaq IML Viewer provides easy access to this important information
so the system administrator can quickly identify system failures. For example, as shown
in Table 1, each IML entry provides a status, which correlates to the severity level of
each event.
Icon Term Description
This information provides a status on the condition of the hardware or software so the
user can take the appropriate action to m onitor or repair the system event that oc c ur r ed
in the IML. Marking events as “repaired” is discussed later in this docum ent.
Along with the severity level, the utility also provides a wealth of additional information
to system administrators increasing the serviceability of Compaq server s. Listed below
are the event fields found in the Compaq IML V iewer along with a description of each
field type:
Informati onal A comprehensi ve chronicle of past hardware or software system events. This type of
Repaired An action has taken place to fix this system event and the user mark ed this event as
Caution A non-criti cal system error has occurred and may or may not require ac tion by the
Critical A system component on the unit has fail ed and requi res action by the admini strator.
Description – A br ief descripti on or ac c ount of the ev ent including the
locati on such as slot number or port number.
Class – The category of the event such as in the disk subsystem,
operating system , power subsystem, etc .
Severity – The rating of the system ev ent such as Informati onal,
Repaired, Caution or Critical, where Informat ional is the lowest level and Criti c al is the highest. Ref er to Table 1 for descri ptions of severity levels.
Count – The number of times the event has occurred since the user
cleared the log or since the initial startup of t he system.
Updated Time – The time and date the event was last updated. An I M L
event is updated when an administrator marks an entry as repaired. Each recorded event has a time stamp of one-minute granularity.
Initi al Time – The t ime and date stamp of the first occ ur r enc e of the
system event.
Compaq Integrated Management Log Viewer
event requires no action by the adminis trator.
being “repaired.”
administrator, however, it is recommended to take action if possible, t hen m ark the event as “repaired.”
Replace the system component, and then mark the event as “repaired.”
Table 1:
Severity Levels
When the IML was first designed, it could be vi ewed in several ways, such as through
Compaq Insight M anager , Remote Insight Board, Compaq Survey Ut ility or the Liquid
Crystal Displ ay ( LCD) on Compaq ProLiant servers called the Integrated Management
Display (IM D) shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: The Integrated Management Display.
The IMD was fir st support ed on the ProLiant 2500; shortly thereafter it was supported on
the ProLiant 6000 and is today a feature on m ost Compaq servers. And now with the
development of the Compaq IML Viewer, the newest way of accessing t he IML,
administrators have an addit ional means of managing the infor mation in the I M L. Refer
to Table 2 for a complete list of the curr ent Compaq servers that support an Integrated
Management Log.
The Compaq IM L V iewer expands Compaq’s system managem ent strategy by allowing
users to view system events either locally or remotely. The ability to remotely
manipulate system event information with features such as view, filter , sort, print, export
and save is a tr emendous benefit to customers. These benefits i nc lude:
Ability to view the IML of either local or remote systems.
Ability to obtain a single historical record of recent system events and errors for
post-diagnosis review.
Ability to view detailed system event information in a readable for mat.
Ability to save an IML as a binary file so that users can view the saved IML file at a
later date or possibly even at a different l oc ation.
Ability to filter or sort IML entries so a user can find specific information quickly.
Ability to save the IML to a comma-separated file for viewing at a later date using a
third-party application, such as a spreadsheet program.
Ability to print out a hard copy of the IML.
Using the Compaq I M L V iewer is relatively straightforward once a user understands the basic features of the utility. Understanding the location of where the software needs to reside and the hardware needed to use this utility is the key to successfully implementing and utilizing this utility throughout a network.
Software Requirements
This utility is based upon cli ent/server archi tecture. This type of network architectur e dedicates servers to act as service providers to clients and clients to perform the work. Serv er s can be dedicated to providing one or more network services such as file storage, shared printing, communications, email service, etc.
Since the Compaq IML Viewer is based on this type of architecture, it can run on any server and connec t to any other server on the network running the Compaq Remote Monitor Ser vice. The local machine is no exception. To view the IML on the local machine, it must be running the Compaq Remote Moni tor Servic e. The following is a quick reference of the software required to run the utility:
On the mac hine running the utility:
Install the Compaq IML Viewer f r om the Compaq Support Software Diskette (SSD) for Microsoft Windows NT 4.0, Version 2.04A or later.
On the machine the utility will connect to:
Install the Compaq Remote Moni tor Servic e from the Com paq S S D 2.04A or later.
Note: The Compaq IML Viewer and Remote M oni t or Service are onl y supported under
Windows NT 4.0.
Hardware Supported
Table 2 lists the Compaq ProLiant F amily of S er vers that currently support an Integrated Management Log:
Table 2:
IML Servers
ProLiant 1200 ProLiant 5500 ProLiant 1600 ProLiant 6000 ProLiant 2500 ProLiant 6500 ProLiant 3000 ProLiant 7000
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