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table of contents
DVD Writer/CD Writer Drive Features ............................................. 1
Creating Music CDs with RecordNow! ............................................. 1
Creating CDs to Play in Your Car or Home CD Players.................................. 1
Creating CDs to Play on Your PC................................................................1
About Creating a Music CD.......................................................................2
Storing Files on a DVD or CD .......................................................... 2
About Storing Data Files on Disc ................................................................3
Copying a DVD or CD ..................................................................... 3
Erasing a DVD or CD....................................................................... 4
Removing Files from a Recorded Data Disc ..................................................4
About Removing Files in RecordNow! .........................................................5
Creating DVD Movies ..................................................................... 5
Using InterVideo WinDVD Creator..............................................................5
Requirements for Capturing Video ..............................................................5
Playing Your Recorded DVD Movie ................................................. 6
About Recording Video Files........................................................... 6
Recording VHS Video Files onto DVDs............................................. 6
Creating Recovery CD/DVDs for the PC........................................... 7
Setting Automatic Recording Options.............................................. 7
Compatibility Information .............................................................. 8
Disc Quick Reference ...................................................................... 8
Software Quick Reference ............................................................ 10
Troubleshooting ........................................................................... 11
More Information ......................................................................... 12
Creating DVDs and CDs

Your PC includes the DVD Writer/CD Writer, which is
a DVD and CD rewriteable optical drive. This guide
tells you about the optical drive features and tells you
about how to use some of the software programs to
create DVDs and CDs.
IMPORTANT: HP supports the lawful use of
technology and does not endorse or encourage the
use of our products for purposes other than those
permitted by national copyright law.
DVD Writer/CD Writer
Drive Features
The DVD Writer/CD Writer is a multipurpose
rewriteable optical drive that can:
• Record audio, data, and video files onto DVDs
or CDs.
• Create DVDs and VCDs that can be played on most
DVD-ROM drives and some home DVD players.
• Record directly to a DVD or CD from a digital or an
analog video source, such as a digital video
camera, a TV tuner, or a VCR.
NOTE: Your PC must have an analog capture
card to capture video from an analog device such
as a VCR.
Creating CDs to Play in Your Car
or Home CD Players
1 Click Start, choose All Programs, CD (DVD)
Recorder, RecordNow!, and then click
RecordNow! again.
2 Click the Audio Projects tab.
3 Select Audio CD for Car or
Home CD Player.
4 Insert a music CD. Select View and then select
your CD-ROM drive to view the tracks on your CD.
Click Find, and then click Browse to find music
files on your hard disk drive that you want to
5 Select the tracks you want to record, and then
click Add.
NOTE: You can press Control (Ctrl) on your
keyboard to select more than one track.
6 Click the Burn icon when you have
added all the audio files to your music
CD project.
7 Click Ye s.
8 When prompted, insert a blank CD-R or
CD-RW disc.
• Store, edit, and preserve video files from various
video sources.
• Store large amounts of data.
• Play DVD movies and music CDs.
• Read data DVDs and CDs.
Creating Music CDs
with RecordNow!
NOTE: Burn is an industry term used to describe the
recording of information onto a DVD or CD. Optical
recording uses a laser beam to place information onto
the disc, thus the term burning.
You can use RecordNow!™ to create audio CDs to
play in your car or home CD player or on your PC.
NOTE: If you want to play your music CD in your
home or car stereo, use a CD-R disc. CD-RW discs
may not play in some stereos.
9 Click OK. It is best not to use the PC while
10 Click Done when recording is complete.
Click ? and then select RecordNow! Help for more
information about recording music CDs with the
RecordNow! program
Creating CDs to Play on Your PC
1 Click Start, choose All Programs, CD (DVD)
Recorder, RecordNow!, and then click
RecordNow! again.
2 Click the Audio Projects tab.
3 Select Jukebox CD.
Creating DVDs and CDs 1