HP a-msr Configuration Manual

HP A-MSR Router Series
Part number: 5998-2030 Software version: CMW520-R2207P02 Document version: 6PW100-20110810
WLAN Configuration Guide
This document describes the software features for the HP A Series products and guides you through the software configuration procedures. These configuration guides also provide configuration examples to help you apply software features to different network scenarios.
This documentation is intended for network planners, field technical support and servicing engineers, and network administrators working with the HP A Series products.
Legal and notice information
© Copyright 2011 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
No part of this documentation may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written consent of Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.
HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY MAKES NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WITH REGARD TO THIS MATERIAL, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Hewlett-Packard shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material.
The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein.
WLAN interface configuration ······································································································································· 1
WLAN-radio interface ······················································································································································ 1
Configuring a WLAN-radio interface ···················································································································· 1
WLAN-BSS interface ························································································································································· 1
Configuring a WLAN-BSS interface ······················································································································· 1
WLAN-Ethernet interface ·················································································································································· 2
Entering WLAN-Ethernet interface view ················································································································· 2 Configuring a WLAN-Ethernet interface ················································································································ 3
Displaying and maintaining a WLAN interface ············································································································ 8
WLAN service configuration ·········································································································································· 9
Basic concepts ·························································································································································· 9
Wireless client access ·············································································································································· 9 WLAN topologies ·························································································································································· 12 Protocols and standards ················································································································································ 14 Configuring WLAN service ··········································································································································· 14
Configuration task list ··········································································································································· 14
Configuring global WLAN parameters ·············································································································· 14
Specifying a country code···································································································································· 14
Configuring a WLAN service template ··············································································································· 15
Configuring radio parameters ····························································································································· 15
Configuring the radio of the AP ·························································································································· 16
Configuring 802.11n ··········································································································································· 17
Displaying and maintaining WLAN service ······································································································· 18 Configuring WLAN client isolation ······························································································································ 19
Enabling WLAN client isolation ·························································································································· 19 Configuring SSID-based access control ······················································································································· 19
Specifying a permitted SSID in a user profile ···································································································· 19 WLAN service configuration examples ······················································································································· 20
WLAN service configuration example ················································································································ 20
802.11n configuration example ························································································································· 21
WLAN RRM configuration ············································································································································ 23
Configuration task list ···················································································································································· 23 Configuring data transmit rates ···································································································································· 23
Configuring 802.11b/802.11g rates ················································································································ 23
Configuring 802.11n rates ·································································································································· 24 Configuring non-dot11h channel scanning ················································································································· 26 Enabling 802.11g protection ······································································································································· 26 Displaying and maintaining WLAN RRM ··················································································································· 27
WLAN security configuration ······································································································································· 28
Authentication modes ··········································································································································· 28
WLAN data security ············································································································································· 29
Client access authentication ································································································································· 30
Protocols and standards ······································································································································· 30 Configuring WLAN security ·········································································································································· 31
Configuration task list ··········································································································································· 31
Enabling an authentication method ····················································································································· 31
Configuring the PTK lifetime ································································································································· 31
Configuring the GTK rekey method ····················································································································· 32
Configuring security IE ·········································································································································· 33
Configuring cipher suite ······································································································································· 34
Configuring port security ······································································································································ 35
Displaying and maintaining WLAN security ······································································································ 37 WLAN security configuration examples ······················································································································ 37
PSK authentication configuration example ········································································································· 37
MAC and PSK authentication configuration example ······················································································· 38
802.1X authentication configuration example ·································································································· 41
Supported combinations for ciphers ···························································································································· 46
WLAN IDS configuration ·············································································································································· 49
Terminology ··························································································································································· 49
WIDS attack detection ·········································································································································· 49 WLAN IDS configuration task list ································································································································· 50 Configuring IDS attack detection ································································································································· 50
Displaying and maintaining IDS attack detection ······························································································ 51
WLAN IDS frame filtering configuration ····················································································································· 52
Blacklist and white list ··········································································································································· 52 Configuring WLAN IDS frame filtering ························································································································ 53 Displaying and maintaining WLAN IDS frame filtering ···························································································· 54 WLAN IDS frame filtering configuration example ······································································································ 54
WLAN QoS configuration ············································································································································ 55
Terminology ··························································································································································· 55
WMM protocol overview ····································································································································· 55
Protocols and standards ······································································································································· 57 WMM configuration ······················································································································································ 57 Displaying and maintaining WMM ····························································································································· 59 WMM configuration examples ···································································································································· 59
WMM basic configuration ··································································································································· 59
CAC service configuration example ··················································································································· 60
SVP service configuration example ····················································································································· 62 Troubleshooting ······························································································································································ 63
EDCA parameter configuration failure ··············································································································· 63
SVP or CAC configuration failure························································································································ 63
Support and other resources ········································································································································ 64
Contacting HP ································································································································································ 64
Subscription service ·············································································································································· 64 Related information ························································································································································ 64
Documents ······························································································································································ 64
Websites ································································································································································ 64 Conventions ···································································································································································· 65
Index ················································································································································································ 67
WLAN interface configuration
To do
Use the Command…
1. Enter system view.
2. Enter WLAN-radio interface
interface wlan-radio interface-number
3. Set the description for the
description text
By default, the description string of an interface is interface-name +
4. Restore the default settings of
the WLAN-radio interface.
5. Shut down the WLAN-radio
By default, a WLAN-Radio interface is up.
The terms AP and fat AP in this document refer to A-MSR900 and A-MSR20-1X routers with IEEE 802.11b/g and A-MSR series routers installed with a SIC WLAN module.
Wireless routers support WLAN-Radio interfaces, which are physical interfaces that provide wireless network access.
Wireless routers support WLAN-BSS and WLAN-Ethernet virtual interfaces. Use WLAN-Radio interfaces on routers as common physical access interfaces. You can bind them to WLAN-BSS interfaces and WLAN-Ethernet interfaces.
WLAN-radio interface
WLAN-Radio interfaces are physical interfaces used to provide wireless access service. You can configure them, but you cannot remove them manually.
Configuring a WLAN-radio interface
To configure a WLAN-radio interface:
WLAN-BSS interface
WLAN-BSS interfaces are virtual Layer 2 interfaces. They operate like Layer 2 Ethernet ports of the access link type. A WLAN-BSS interface supports multiple Layer 2 protocols. On a wireless router, a WLAN-Radio interface bound to a WLAN-BSS interface operates as a Layer 2 interface.
Configuring a WLAN-BSS interface
To configure a WLAN-BSS interface:
To do
Use the command…
1. Enter system view.
2. Enter WLAN-BSS interface
interface wlan-bss
If the WLAN-BSS interface does not exist, this command creates the WLAN-BSS interface first.
3. Set the description string for the
description text
By default, the description string of an interface is interface-name +
4. Assign the WLAN-BSS
interface to a VLAN.
port access vlan vlan-id
By default, an interface belongs to VLAN 1 (the default VLAN).
5. Specify an authentication
domain for MAC authentication users.
mac-authentication domain domain-name
By default, the default authentication domain is used for MAC authentication users.
6. Set the maximum number of
concurrent MAC authentication users on a port.
mac-authentication max-user user-number
256 by default
7. Restore the default settings of
the WLAN-BSS interface.
8. Shut down the WLAN-BSS
By default, a WLAN-BSS interface is up.
Before you execute the port access vlan command, make sure the VLAN specified by the vlan-id parameter
To do
Use the command
1. Enter system view.
already exists. Use the vlan command to create a VLAN. For more information about the port access vlan command, see Layer 2LAN Switching Command Reference.
For more information about the mac-authentication domain and mac-authentication max-user commands, see Security Command Reference.
WLAN-Ethernet interface
WLAN-Ethernet interfaces are virtual Layer 3 interfaces. They operate like Layer 3 Ethernet interfaces. You can assign an IP address to a WLAN-Ethernet interface. On a wireless router, a WLAN-Radio interface bound to a WLAN-Ethernet interface operates as a Layer 3 interface.
Entering WLAN-Ethernet interface view
To enter WLAN-Ethernet interface view:
To do
Use the command
2. Enter WLAN-Ethernet interface
interface wlan-ethernet
If the WLAN-Ethernet interface does not exist, this command creates the WLAN-Ethernet interface first.
3. Restore the default settings of
the WLAN-Ethernet interface.
To do
Use the command
1. Configure an interface.
qos max-bandwidth shutdown mtu description enable snmp trap updown
2. Configure ARP.
arp max-learning-num arp proxy enable proxy-arp enable
3. Configure the interface as a BOOTP client.
ip address bootp-alloc
4. Configure
Configure DHCP server.
dhcp select server global-pool
Configure DHCP relay.
dhcp relay address-check dhcp relay information enable dhcp relay information format dhcp relay information strategy dhcp relay release dhcp relay server-select dhcp select relay
Configure DHCP client.
ip address dhcp-alloc
5. Configure IP accounting.
ip count firewall-denied ip count inbound-packets ip count outbound-packets
6. Assign an IP address to the interface.
ip address
7. Configure IP performance.
ip forward-broadcast tcp mss
8. Configure policy-based routing.
ip policy-based-route
9. Configure UDP helper.
udp-helper server
10. Configure URPF.
ip urpf
11. Configure fast forwarding.
ip fast-forwarding
Configuring a WLAN-Ethernet interface
For a WLAN-Ethernet interface, you can configure basic settings such as MTU, and ARP, DHCP, and routing protocols as listed in the following table. For information about the commands/features listed in the following table, see related chapters in the corresponding volumes.
To do
Use the command
12. Configure basic IPv6 settings.
ipv6 address ipv6 address auto link-local ipv6 mtu ipv6 nd autoconfig managed-address-flag ipv6 nd autoconfig other-flag ipv6 nd dad attempts ipv6 nd ns retrans-timer ipv6 nd nud reachable-time ipv6 nd ra halt ipv6 nd ra interval ipv6 nd ra prefix ipv6 nd ra router-lifetime ipv6 neighbors max-learning-num ipv6 policy-based-route
13. Configure NAT-PT.
natpt enable
14. Configure IS-IS.
isis authentication-mode isis circuit-level isis circuit-type p2p isis cost isis dis-name isis dis-priority isis enable isis mesh-group isis small-hello isis timer csnp isis timer hello isis timer holding-multiplier isis timer lsp isis timer retransmit isis silent
15. Configure OSPF.
ospf authentication-mode simple ospf authentication-mode ospf cost ospf dr-priority ospf mtu-enable ospf network-type ospf timer dead ospf timer hello ospf timer poll ospf timer retransmit ospf trans-delay
To do
Use the command
16. Configure RIP.
rip authentication-mode rip input rip output rip metricin rip metricout rip poison-reverse rip split-horizon rip summary-address rip version
17. Configure IPv6 IS-IS.
isis ipv6 enable
18. Configure IPv6 OSPFv3.
ospfv3 cost ospfv3 mtu-ignore ospfv3 timer dead ospfv3 timer hello ospfv3 timer retransmit ospfv3 area ospfv3 dr-priority ospfv3 trans-delay
19. Configure IPv6 RIPng.
ripng default-route ripng enable ripng metricin ripng metricout ripng poison-reverse ripng split-horizon ripng summary-address
20. Configure basic MPLS capabilities.
mpls mpls ldp mpls ldp timer hello-hold mpls ldp timer keepalive-hold mpls ldp transport-address
21. Configure BGP/MPLS VPN.
ip binding vpn-instance
22. Configure PPPoE.
pppoe-server bind virtual-template pppoe-client dial-bundle-number
23. Configure bridge sets.
24. Configure
Configure multicast routing and forwarding.
multicast minimum-ttl multicast ipv6 minimum-hoplimit multicast boundary multicast ipv6 boundary
Configure IPv6 multicast routing and forwarding.
multicast ipv6 minimum-hoplimit multicast ipv6 boundary
To do
Use the command
Configure IGMP.
igmp enable igmp fast-leave igmp group-policy igmp last-member-query-interval igmp max-response-time igmp require-router-alert igmp robust-count igmp send-router-alert igmp static-group igmp timer other-querier-present igmp timer query igmp version
Configure MLD.
mld enable mld last-listener-query-interval mld max-response-time mld require-router-alert mld send-router-alert mld robust-count mld timer other-querier-present mld timer query mld version mld static-group mld group-policy mld fast-leave
Configure PIM.
pim bsr-boundary pim hello-option pim holdtime pim require-genid pim sm pim dm pim state-refresh-capable pim timer graft-retry pim timer hello pim timer join-prune pim triggered-hello-delay
To do
Use the command
Configure IPv6 PIM.
pim ipv6 bsr-boundary pim ipv6 hello-option pim ipv6 holdtime pim ipv6 require-genid pim ipv6 sm pim ipv6 dm pim ipv6 state-refresh-capable pim ipv6 timer graft-retry pim ipv6 timer hello pim ipv6 timer join-prune pim ipv6 triggered-hello-delay
25. QoS
Configure traffic policing, traffic shaping, and line rate.
qos car qos gts any cir qos gts acl
Apply a QoS policy.
qos apply policy
Configure congestion avoidance.
qos max-bandwidth
26. Configure firewall.
firewall ethernet-frame-filter firewall packet-filter firewall packet-filter ipv6 firewall aspf
27. Configure NAT.
nat outbound nat outbound static nat server
28. Configure Portal.
portal auth-network portal server
29. Configure IPsec.
ipsec policy
30. Configure the backup center.
standby interface standby threshold standby timer delay standby timer flow-check standby bandwidth
31. Configure NetStream.
ip netstream
32. Configure NTP.
ntp-service broadcast-client ntp-service broadcast-server ntp-service multicast-client ntp-service multicast-server ntp-service in-interface disable
33. Configure IPX.
ipx encapsulation
To do
Use the command
34. Configure port security.
port-security authorization ignore port-security max-mac-count port-security port-mode { mac-and-psk |
mac-authentication | mac-else-userlogin-secure | mac-else-userlogin-secure-ext | psk |
userlogin-secure | userlogin-secure-ext | userlogin-secure-ext-or-psk | userlogin-secure-or-mac | userlogin-secure-or-mac-ext }
port-security preshared-key { pass-phrase |
raw-key }
port-security tx-key-type 11key
Displaying and maintaining a WLAN interface
To do
Use the command
Display information about WLAN-Radio interfaces.
display interface [ wlan-radio ] [ brief [ down ] ] [ | { begin | exclude | include } regular-expression ]
display interface wlan-radio interface-number [ brief ] [ |
{ begin | exclude | include } regular-expression ]
Available in any view
Display information about WLAN-BSS interfaces.
display interface [ wlan-bss] [ brief [ down ] ] [ | { begin | exclude |
include } regular-expression ]
display interface wlan-bss
interface-number [ brief ] [ | { begin | exclude | include } regular-expression ]
Available in any view
Display information about WLAN-Ethernet interfaces.
display interface [ wlan-ethernet ] [ brief [ down ] ] [ | { begin | exclude | include } regular-expression ]
display interface wlan-ethernet interface-number [ brief ] [ |
{ begin | exclude | include } regular-expression ]
Available in any view
WLAN service configuration
The terms AP and fat AP in this document refer to A-MSR900 and A-MSR20-1X routers with IEEE 802.11b/g and A-MSR series routers installed with a SIC WLAN module.
WLANs have become very popular because they are easy to set up and maintain. Generally, several APs can cover a building or an area. Because the servers in the backbone are fixed, a WLAN is not a completely wireless network.
The WLAN solution allows you to provide the following wireless LAN services to your customers:
WLAN client connectivity to conventional 802.3 LANs Secured WLAN access with different authentication and encryption methods Seamless roaming of WLAN clients in the mobility domain
Basic concepts
A handheld computer or laptop with a wireless NIC can be a WLAN client.
Access point
An AP bridges frames between wireless and wired networks.
Fat AP
A fat AP controls and manages all associated wireless stations and bridges frames between wired and wireless networks.
Service set identifier. A client scans all networks at first, and then selects a specific SSID to connect to a specific wireless network.
Wireless medium
A medium used for transmitting frames between wireless clients. Radio frequency is used as the wireless medium in the WLAN system.
Wireless client access
A wireless client access process involves three steps: active/passive scanning surrounding wireless services, authentication, and association, as shown in Figure 1.
Authentication request
Authentication response
Association request
Association response
Active/Passive scanning
AP 2
AP 1
Probe request
with no SSID
Probe request
with no SSID
Probe Response
Probe Response
Figure 1 Establish a client access
A wireless client can get the surrounding wireless network information in two ways: passive scanning or active scanning. With passive scanning, a wireless client gets wireless network information through listening to Beacon frames sent by surrounding APs. With active scanning, a wireless actively sends a probe request frame during scanning, and gets network signals by received probe response frames.
Actually, when a wireless client operates, typically it uses both passive scanning and active scanning to get information about surrounding wireless networks.
1. Active scanning
When a wireless client operates, it periodically searches for (scans) surrounding wireless networks. Active scanning falls into two modes according to whether a specified SSID is carried in a probe request.
A client sends a probe request (with the SSID null, or, the SSID IE length is 0): The client periodically
Figure 2 Active scanning (the SSID of the probe request is null, or, no SSID information is carried)
sends a probe request frame on each of its supported channels to scan wireless networks. APs that receive the probe request send a probe response, which carries the available wireless network information. The client associates with the AP with the strongest signal. This active scanning mode enables a client to actively get acquainted with the available wireless services and select to access the proper wireless network as needed. The active scanning process of a wireless client is as shown in
Figure 2.
AP 1
Probe Request
Probe Response
A client sends a probe request (with a specified SSID): When the wireless client is configured to access
a specific wireless network or has already successfully accessed a wireless network, the client periodically sends a probe request carrying the specified SSID of the configured or connected wireless network. When an AP that can provide the wireless service with the specified SSID receives the probe request, it sends a probe response. This active scanning mode enables a client to access a specified wireless network. The active scanning process is as shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3 Active scanning (the probe request carries the specified SSID AP 1)
2. Passive scanning
Passive scanning is used by clients to discover surrounding wireless networks by listening to the beacon frames periodically sent by an AP. All APs providing wireless services periodically send beacons frames, so that wireless clients can listen to beacon frames periodically on the supported channels to get information about surrounding wireless networks. Passive scanning is used by a client when it wants to save battery power. Typically, VoIP clients adopt the passive scanning mode. The passive scanning process is as shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4 Passive scanning
To secure wireless links, the wireless clients must be authenticated before accessing the AP, and only wireless clients passing the authentication can be associated with the AP. 802.11 links define two authentication mechanisms: open system authentication and shared key authentication.
For more information about the two authentication mechanisms, see the chapter WLAN security configuration."
A client that wants to access a wireless network via an AP must be associated with that AP. Once the client chooses a compatible network with a specified SSID and passes the link authentication to an AP, it sends an association request frame to the AP. The AP detects the capability information carried in the association request frame, determines the capability supported by the wireless client, and sends an association response
to the client to notify the client of the association result. Usually, a client can associate with only one AP at a time, and an association process is always initiated by the client.
Client 2
Other related procedures
1. De-authentication
A de-authentication frame can be sent by either an AP or wireless client to break an existing link. In a wireless system, de-authentication can occur due to many reasons, such as:
Receiving an association/disassociation frame from a client which is unauthenticated. Receiving a data frame from a client which is unauthenticated. Receiving a PS-poll frame from a client which is unauthenticated.
2. Dissociation
A dissociation frame can be sent by an AP or a wireless client to break the current wireless link. In the wireless system, dissociation can occur due to many reasons, such as:
Receiving a data frame from a client which is authenticated and unassociated. Receiving a PS-Poll frame from a client which is authenticated and unassociated.
WLAN topologies
WLAN topologies for fat APs consist of:
Single BSS Multi-ESS Single ESS Multi-BSS
Single BSS
The coverage of an AP is a BSS. Each BSS is identified by a BSSID. The most basic WLAN network can be established with only one BSS. All wireless clients associate with the same BSS. If these clients have the same authorization, they can communicate with each other. Figure 5 shows a single BSS network.
Figure 5 Single BSS network
The clients can communicate with each other or reach a host in the Internet. Communications between clients within the same BSS are carried out through the fat AP.
Client1 Client 2
Client 2
Radio 2
Radio 1
Client 1
This topology describes a scenario where more than one ESS exists. When a mobile client joins the fat AP, it can join one of the available ESSs. Figure 6 shows a multi-ESS network.
Figure 6 Multi-ESS network
Generally a fat AP can provide more than one logical ESS at the same time. The fat AP can broadcast the current information of ESS by beacon or probe response frames. Clients can select an ESS it is interested to join.
Different ESS domains can be configured on the fat AP. The fat AP can be configured to accept clients in these ESS domains once their credentials are acceptable.
Single ESS Multi-BSS (the multi-radio case)
This topology describes a scenario where a fat AP has two radios that are in the same ESS but belong to different BSSs.
Figure 7 Single ESS multiple BSS network
Use this network scenario when both 802.11a and 802.11b/g need to be supported. Figure 7 shows two clients connected to different radios belong to the same ESS but different BSSs.
Configuring global WLAN parameters
Specifying a country code
Configuring a WLAN service template
Configuring radio parameters
Configuring the radio of the AP
Configuring 802.11n
To do…
Use the command…
1. Enter system view.
2. Configure the client idle
timeout interval.
wlan client idle-timeout interval
By default, the idle timeout interval is 3600 seconds.
3. Configure the client keep alive
wlan client keep-alive interval
By default, keep–alive function is disabled.
4. Enable the fat AP to respond
to the probe requests with the SSID null sent by the client.
wlan broadcast–probe reply
Enabled by default.
Protocols and standards
ANSI/IEEE Std 802.11, 1999 Edition IEEE Std 802.11a IEEE Std 802.11b IEEE Std 802.11g IEEE Std 802.11i IEEE Std 802.11-2004 IEEE Std 802.11n
Configuring WLAN service
Configuration task list
Configuring global WLAN parameters
To configure global WLAN parameters:
Specifying a country code
A country code identifies the country in which you want to operate radios. It determines characteristics such as operating power level and total number of channels available for the transmission of frames. You must set the valid country code or area code before configuring an AP.
To do…
Use the command…
1. Enter system view.
2. Specify the country code.
wlan country-code code
By default, the country code for North American models is US, and for other models is CN.
To do…
Use the command…
1. Enter system view.
2. Create a WLAN service
template and enter WLAN service template view.
wlan service-template service-template-number { clear | crypto }
3. Specify the service set
ssid ssid-name
By default, no SSID is set.
4. Hide the SSID in beacon
beacon ssid-hide
By default the SSID is not hidden in beacon frames.
5. Specify an authentication
authentication-method { open system | shared key }
For related configuration about the shared key, see the chapter WLAN security configuration."
6. Specify the maximum number
of clients allowed to associate with the same radio.
client max-count max-number
32 by default.
7. Enable the service template.
service-template enable
Disabled by default.
To do…
Use the command…
1. Enter system view.
To specify the country code:
You cannot modify the country code for North American models. Country codes for other models can be modified at the CLI.
For information about country codes, see WLAN Command Reference.
Configuring a WLAN service template
A WLAN service template includes attributes such as SSID and authentication method (open-system or shared key) information. A service template can be of clear or crypto type. If a clear type service template exists, you cannot change it to crypto. To do so, you must delete the clear type service template, and configure a new service template with type as crypto.
To configure a service template:
Configuring radio parameters
To configure the radio of the AP:
To do…
Use the command…
2. Enter radio interface view.
interface wlan-radio interface-number
3. Specify a radio type for the
radio-type [ type { dot11b | dot11g | dot11gn } ]
4. Bind a service template to a
WLAN-ESS interface for the radio.
service-template service-template-number interface wlan-bss interface-number
5. Specify a working channel for
the radio.
channel { channel-number | auto }
By default, auto mode is enabled.
The working channel of a radio varies with country codes and radio types. The channel list depends on your device model.
6. Specify the maximum radio
max-power radio-power
By default, the maximum radio power varies with country codes, channels, AP models, radio types and antenna types. If 802.11n is adopted, the maximum radio power also depends on the bandwidth mode.
7. Specify the type of preamble.
preamble { long | short }
By default, the short preamble is supported.
This command does not apply to
802.11a radios.
To do…
Use the command…
1. Enter system view.
2. Enter radio view.
interface wlan-radio radio-number
3. Set the interval for sending
beacon frames.
beacon-interval interval
By default, the beacon interval is 100 TUs.
4. Set the DTIM counter for
beacon frames.
dtim counter
By default, the DTIM counter is 1.
5. Set the fragment threshold.
fragment-threshold size
By default, the fragment threshold is 2346 bytes and must be an even number.
Configuring the radio of the AP
To configure the radio of the AP:
To do…
Use the command…
6. Specify the RTS threshold
rts-threshold size
By default, the RTS threshold is 2346 bytes.
7. Set the maximum number of
retransmission attempts for frames larger than the RTS threshold.
long-retry threshold count
By default, the long retry threshold is 4.
8. Specify the maximum number
of attempts to transmit a frame shorter than the RTS threshold.
short-retry threshold count
By default, the short retry threshold is 7.
9. Specify the interval for which
a frame received by an AP can stay in the buffer memory.
max-rx-duration interval
By default, the interval for which a frame received by an AP can stay in the buffer memory is 2000 milliseconds.
To do…
Use the command…
1. Enter system view.
2. Enter radio interface view.
interface wlan-radio
3. Enter radio view.
radio radio-number type dot11gn
4. Specify the bandwidth mode
for the radio.
channel band-width { 20 | 40 }
By default, the 802.11gn radio operates in 20 MHz mode.
Configuring 802.11n
As the next generation wireless LAN technology, 802.11n supports both 2.4GHz and 5GHz bands. It provides higher-speed services to customers by using the following methods:
1. Increasing bandwidth: 802.11n can bond two adjacent 20-MHz channels together to form a 40-MHz
channel. During data forwarding, the two 20-MHz channels can either work separately with one channel acting as the primary channel and the other acting as the secondary channel; or both can work together as a 40-MHz channel. This provides a simple way of doubling the data rate.
2. Improving channel usage through these methods:
802.11n introduces the A-MPDU frame format. By using only one PHY header, each A-MPDU can
accommodate multiple MPDUs which have their PHY headers removed. This reduces the overhead in transmission and the number of ACK frames to be used, and improves network throughput.
Similar with MPDU aggregation, multiple MSDU can be aggregated into a single A-MSDU. This
reduces the MAC header overhead and improves MAC layer forwarding efficiency.
To improve physical layer performance, 802.11n introduces the short GI function, which shortens the GI
interval of 800 us in 802.11a/g to 400 us. This can increase the data rate by 10 percent.
To configure 802.11n:
To do…
Use the command…
5. Enable access permission for
802.11n clients only.
client dot11n-only
By default, an 802.11gn radio permits both 802.11b/g and
802.11gn clients to access.
6. Enable the short GI function.
short-gi enable
Enabled by default.
7. Enable the A-MSDU function.
a-msdu enable
Enabled by default.
The device receives but does not send A-MSDUs.
8. Enable the A-MPDU function.
a-mpdu enable
Enabled by default.
Available for routers with a SIC_WLAN module that supports
Available for routers with a SIC_WLAN module that supports
Available for routers with a SIC_WLAN module that supports
Available for routers with a SIC_WLAN module that supports
To do
Use the command
Display WLAN client information.
display wlan client { interface wlan-radio [ radio-number ] | mac-address mac-address | service-template
service-template-number } [ verbose ] [ | { begin | exclude | include } regular-expression ]
Available in any view Display WLAN service template information.
display wlan service-template [ service-template-number ] [ | { begin | exclude | include } regular-expression ]
Available in any view
Display WLAN client statistics.
display wlan statistics client { all | mac-address mac-address } [ | { begin | exclude | include }
regular-expression ]
Available in any view Cut off clients.
reset wlan client { all | mac-address mac-address }
Available in user view
For information about MCS index and mandatory and supported 802.11n rates, see the chapter WLAN RRM configuration."
The following matrix shows the feature and router compatibility:
Displaying and maintaining WLAN service
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