HP A-F5000 Installation Manual

HP A-F5000 Firewall
Installation Guide
Part number: 5998-1413
Document version: 6PW100-20110909
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Product overview·························································································································································· 1
A-F5000 physical architecture·········································································································································1 Main processing unit (NSQ1MPUA0) ····························································································································2 Interface modules ······························································································································································2
NSQ1GT8C40·························································································································································2 NSQ1GT8P40··························································································································································3 NSQ1XP20·······························································································································································3
Power supplies···································································································································································3
AC-input power supply ············································································································································4 DC-input power supply ············································································································································4
Fan trays·············································································································································································5
Preparing for installation ············································································································································· 6
Safety recommendations ··················································································································································6
Safety symbols ··························································································································································6 General safety recommendations ···························································································································6 Safety with electricity ···············································································································································6 Safety with laser ·······················································································································································6 Safety with firewall moving ·····································································································································7
Examining the installation site ·········································································································································7
Temperature and humidity·······································································································································7 Altitude ······································································································································································8 Cleanness··································································································································································8 Cooling system ·························································································································································8 ESD prevention ·························································································································································9 EMI·········································································································································································· 10 Lightning protection··············································································································································· 10
Rack-mounting························································································································································ 11 Installation tools······························································································································································ 11 Accessories supplied by the firewall ···························································································································· 11 Checklist before installation ·········································································································································· 12
Installing the firewall··················································································································································14
Installation flow ······························································································································································15 Check before installation··············································································································································· 15 Installing the firewall in a 19-inch rack························································································································ 15
Installing cage nuts to the rack ····························································································································15
Installing the cable management brackets·········································································································· 16
Installing the mounting brackets to the firewall ·································································································· 17
Installing the firewall to the rack·························································································································· 18 Grounding the firewall ·················································································································································· 18 Installing an MPU ··························································································································································· 19 Installing an interface module······································································································································· 20 Installing a fan tray ························································································································································ 21 Installing a CF card························································································································································ 22 Installing an air filter (optional)····································································································································· 23 Installing a power supply ·············································································································································· 24 Connecting a power cord ············································································································································· 25
Connecting an AC power cord ··························································································································· 25
Connecting a DC power cord······························································································································ 26
Connecting Ethernet cables··········································································································································· 26
Connecting a copper Ethernet cable··················································································································· 26
Connecting an optical fiber ································································································································· 27
Logging in to the firewall and configuring basic settings ·······················································································30
Logging in to the firewall through the console port···································································································· 30
Connecting the firewall to a configuration terminal ·························································································· 30
Setting terminal parameters·································································································································· 31 Powering on the firewall ···············································································································································34
Checking before power-on··································································································································· 34
Powering on the firewall······································································································································· 34
Checking after power-on ······································································································································ 34 Logging in to the firewall through Telnet ····················································································································· 34 Logging to the firewall through a web browser·········································································································· 35 Performing basic settings for the firewall····················································································································· 36
Launching the basic configuration wizard·········································································································· 36
Configuring the system name and user password····························································································· 36
Configuring service management························································································································ 37
Configuring the IP address for an interface········································································································ 39
Configuring NAT··················································································································································· 40
Completing the configuration wizard ·················································································································41
Hardware management and maintenance ··············································································································43
Displaying hardware information of the firewall ········································································································ 43
Displaying the software and hardware version information of the firewall···················································· 43
Displaying the operational statistics of the firewall ···························································································44
Displaying the detailed information about a module ························································································ 44
Displaying the electrical label information of a module ··················································································· 45
Displaying the CPU usage of a module ·············································································································· 46
Displaying the memory usage of the MPU ········································································································· 46
Displaying the CF card information ····················································································································46
Displaying the operational status of the fan ······································································································· 47
Displaying the operational status of power supplies························································································· 47 Solving system faults ······················································································································································ 47
Solving system faults ············································································································································· 47
Viewing the system fault solving method ············································································································ 48 Saving the current configuration of the firewall·········································································································· 48 Rebooting a module or the firewall······························································································································ 49
Replacement procedures ···········································································································································50
Safety recommendations ··············································································································································· 50 Replacing a power supply ············································································································································ 50 Replacing an MPU ························································································································································· 51 Replacing an interface module····································································································································· 52 Replacing a transceiver module ··································································································································· 52 Replacing a CF card······················································································································································ 53 Replacing a fan tray ······················································································································································ 54 Replacing an air filter ···················································································································································· 55
MPU failures ··································································································································································· 57
RUN LED is off ······················································································································································· 57
RUN LED fast flashes············································································································································· 57
ALM LED is steady on or flashes·························································································································· 58 Interface module failures ··············································································································································· 58
RUN LED is off ······················································································································································· 58
RUN LED fast flashes············································································································································· 58 Power supply failures····················································································································································· 58
Power LED is off····················································································································································· 58
Red power LED is on············································································································································· 59 Fan failures ····································································································································································· 59
Fan tray is absent ·················································································································································· 59
ALM LED is red ······················································································································································ 59 Configuration system problems ···································································································································· 60
No terminal display ·············································································································································· 60
Garbled terminal display······································································································································ 60 Using the AUX port as the backup console port········································································································· 60 Password loss ································································································································································· 61
User password loss ···············································································································································61
Super password loss ············································································································································· 62 Cooling system failure ··················································································································································· 62 Host software file missing errors··································································································································· 63
Appendix A Technical specifications························································································································65
Dimensions and weight ················································································································································· 65 Power consumption range············································································································································· 65 AC power supply ··························································································································································· 65 DC power supply ··························································································································································· 65 Fan tray ··········································································································································································· 66 MPU (NSQ1MPUA0)····················································································································································· 66
Technical specifications ········································································································································ 66
Components ··························································································································································· 67 Interface modules ··························································································································································· 69
NSQ1GT8C40······················································································································································ 69
NSQ1XP20···························································································································································· 69
NSQ1GT8P40······················································································································································· 69
Appendix B LEDs························································································································································70
MPU LEDs········································································································································································ 70 Interface module LEDs···················································································································································· 71
NSQ1GT8C40/NSQ1GT8P40·························································································································· 71
NSQ1XP20···························································································································································· 72 Power supply LEDs ························································································································································· 73 Fan tray LEDs ·································································································································································· 74
Appendix C Cables ···················································································································································75
Ethernet twisted pair cable············································································································································ 75
Introduction ···························································································································································· 75
Making an Ethernet twisted pair cable ··············································································································· 78 Optical fiber ··································································································································································· 79
Appendix D AC power cables used in different countries or regions··································································81
10A AC power cables used in different countries or regions··················································································· 81 16A AC power cables used in different countries or regions··················································································· 84
Support and other resources ·····································································································································87
Contacting HP ································································································································································ 87
Subscription service ·············································································································································· 87 Related information························································································································································ 87
Documents······························································································································································ 87
Websites································································································································································· 87 Conventions ···································································································································································· 88
Index ···········································································································································································90
Product overview
This chapter includes these sections:
A-F5000 physical architecture
Main processing unit (NSQ1MPUA0)
Interface modules
Power supplies
Fan trays
A-F5000 physical architecture
Figure 1 Front view
(1) MPU slot (slot 0) (2) Fan tray (3) Power supply slot (PWR1) (AC power supply in this figure) (4) PoE module slot (reserved) (5) Power supply slot (PWR2) (6) ESD-preventive wrist strap slot and mark (7) Interface module slots (slots 1 through 4)
No PoE modules are available for the firewall.
Figure 2 Rear view
(1) Rear cover handle (do not use this handle to lift the chassis) (2) Air filter (optional) (3) Chassis handle (4) Grounding terminal and sign (5) Air vents
Main processing unit (NSQ1MPUA0)
Figure 3 NSQ1MPUA0 front panel
1 2
(1) CF card button (2) CF card slot (3) Captive screw (4) Reset button (RESET) (5) Ejector lever (6) Device-mode USB port 1 (1) (7) Host-mode USB port 0 (0) (8) AUX port (AUX) (9) Console port (CONSOLE) (10) HA port (HA) (11) Management Ethernet port (MANAGEMENT)
Interface modules
The NSQ1GT8C40 provides eight copper ports and four combo interfaces.
Figure 4 NSQ1GT8C40 front panel
(1) Copper ports (GE0 through GE7) (2) Combo interfaces (GE8 through GE11) (3) Captive screw (4) Ejector lever
The NSQ1GT8P40 provides eight fiber ports and four combo interfaces.
Figure 5 NSQ1GT8P40 front panel
1 2
(1) Fiber ports (GE0 through GE7) (2) Combo interfaces (GE8 through GE11) (3) Captive screw (4) Ejector lever
A combo interface comprises a copper port and an SFP port. By default, the copper port of a combo interface is enabled. The two ports cannot work simultaneously. When you enable either port, the other port is automatically disabled. To activate the copper combo port or fiber combo port, use the combo enable { copper | fiber } command in interface view.
The NSQ1XP20 provides two XFP ports and supports the LAN PHY mode only.
Figure 6 NSQ1XP20 front panel
Power supplies
Th e HP A-F5000 can be DC-powered or AC-powered. You can i nstall t wo power supplies i n yo ur firewal l, and they must be the same model.
The A-F5000 firewall uses hot swappable power supplies. You can install one power supply, or for redundancy, two power supplies for your firewall.
AC-input power supply
Figure 7 AC-input power supply front view
(1) AC-input power receptacle (2) Power switch (3) Handle
DC-input power supply
Figure 8 DC-input power supply front view
(1) DC-input terminal block (2) Power switch (3) Handle
Fan trays
Figure 9 Fan tray
(1) Handle (2) Fans
Preparing for installation
This chapter includes these sections:
Safety recommendations
Examining the installation site
Installation tools
Accessories supplied by the firewall
Checklist before installation
Safety recommendations
Safety symbols
When reading this document, note the following symbols:
WARNING means an alert that calls attention to important information that if not understood or
followed can result in personal injury.
CAUTION means an alert that calls attention to important information that if not understood or
followed can result in data loss, data corruption, or damage to hardware or software.
General safety recommendations
Keep the chassis and installation tools away from walk areas.
Make sure that the ground is dry and flat and anti-slip measures are in place.
Unplug all the external cables (including power cords) before moving the chassis.
Safety with electricity
Locate the emergency power-off switch in the room before installation. Shut the power off at once in
case accident occurs.
Make sure that the firewall has been correctly grounded.
Do not open or close the chassis cover when the firewall is powered on.
Use an uninterrupted power supply (UPS).
If there are two power inputs, disconnect the two power inputs to power off the firewall.
Do not work alone when the firewall has power.
Always check that the power has been disconnected.
Safety with laser
Do not stare into the optical port or fiber connector because the laser light emitted from the optical
fiber may hurt your eyes.
Install a dust plug on the transceiver module to avoid damage to the transceiver module.
Safety with firewall moving
When moving an A-F5000 firewall, note the following guidelines:
When moving the firewall, hold the handles at both sides of the chassis.
Use at least two persons to move the firewall.
Move the firewall carefully.
Do not hold the handle of the fan tray or power supply, the handle of the rear cover of the chassis, or the air vents of chassis. Any attempt to carry the firewall with these parts may cause equipment damage or even bodily injury.
Examining the installation site
The A-F5000 firewall can only be used indoors. To ensure that the firewall works properly and to prolong its service lifetime, the installation site must meet the following requirements:
Temperature and humidity
Cooling system
ESD prevention
Lightning protection
Temperature and humidity
You must maintain a proper temperature and humidity in the equipment room. Long-term high humidity may lead to bad insulation, electricity leakage, mechanical property changes, and metal corrosion. However, if the humidity is too low, captive screws may become loose as the result of contraction of insulation washers and static electricity may be produced in a dry environment to jeopardize the circuits on the device. A high temperature is the most undesirable condition, because it accelerates the aging of insulation materials and significantly lowers reliability and service life of the firewall.
Table 1 Temperature requirements
Item Temperature
Operating temperature 0°C to 45°C (32°F to 113°F)
Storage temperature –40°C to 70°C(–40°F to 158°F)
Table 2 Humidity requirements
Item Humidity
Operating humidity 10% to 95%
Storage humidity 5% to 95%
Table 3 Altitude requirements
Item Altitude
Operating altitude –60 m (–196.85 ft) to 4 km (2.49 miles)
Storage altitude –60 m (–196.85 ft) to 4.5km(2.8 miles)
Dust buildup on the chassis may result in electrostatic adsorption, which causes poor contact of metal components and contact points, especially when indoor humidity is low. In the worst case, electrostatic adsorption can cause communication failure.
Table 4 Dust concentration limit in the equipment room
Substance Concentration limit (particles/cu m)
Dust particles
3 x 104
(No visible dust on desk in three days)
Dust particle diameter 5 μm
The equipment room must also meet strict limits on salts, acids, and sulfides to eliminate corrosion and premature aging of components, as shown in Table 5.
Table 5 Harmful gas li
mits in an equipment room
Gas Max. (mg/m
SO2 0.2
H2S 0.006
Cooling system
The A-F5000 firewall adopts left to right airflow for heat dissipation.
Figure 10 A-F5000 airflow
Make sure there is enough space (greater than 10 cm (3.94 in)) around the air intake and outlet
vents on the firewall for good ventilation.
Make sure the installation site has a good cooling system.
ESD prevention
To prevent electrostatic discharge (ESD), note the following guidelines:
Make sure that the firewall and the floor are well grounded.
Take dust-proof measures for the equipment room.
Maintain the humidity and temperature at a proper level.
Always wear an ESD-preventive wrist strap when touching a circuit board or transceiver module.
Place the removed CF card or interface module on an antistatic workbench, with the face upward,
or put it into an antistatic bag.
Touch only the edges, instead of electronic components when observing or moving a removed CF
card or interface module.
To use the ESD-preventive wrist strap, perform the following steps:
1. Wear the wrist strap on your wrist.
2. Lock the wrist strap tight around your wrist to keep good contact with the skin.
3. Insert the ESD-preventive wrist strap into the specially designed hole on the firewall chassis.
4. Make sure that the firewall chassis is well grounded.
Figure 11 Use an ESD-preventive wrist strap
(1) ESD-preventive wrist strap (2) Lock (3) leash
Check the resistance of the ESD-preventive wrist strap for safety. The resistance readin
should be in the
range of 1 to 10 megohm (Mohm) between human body and the ground.
All electromagnetic interference (EMI) sources, from outside or inside of the firewall and application system, adversely affect the firewall in a conduction pattern of capacitance coupling, inductance coupling, electromagnetic wave radiation, or common impedance (including grounding system) coupling. To prevent EMI, note the following guidelines:
Take measures against interference from the power grid.
Do not use the firewall together with the grounding equipment or light-prevention equipment of
power equipment, and keep the firewall far away from them.
Keep the firewall far away from high-power radio launchers, radars, and equipment with high
frequency or high current.
Use electromagnetic shielding when necessary.
Lightning protection
To protect the firewall from lightning better, do as follows:
Make sure the grounding cable of the chassis is well grounded.
Make sure the grounding terminal of the AC power receptacle is well grounded.
Install a lightning arrester at the input end of the power supply to enhance the lightning protection
capability of the power supply.
Before mounting the firewall in a rack, adhere to the following requirements:
Install the firewall to a rack that has rack shelves.
The rack is sturdy enough to support the firewall and its accessories.
Make sure that the size of the rack is appropriate for the firewall, and that there is enough clearance
around the left and right sides of the firewall for heat dissipation.
For heat dissipation and device maintenance, make sure the front and rear of the rack is at least 0.8
m (2.62 ft) away from walls or other devices, and that the headroom in the equipment room is no less than 3 m (9.84 ft).
Installation tools
Flat-blade screwdriver
Phillips screwdriver
Needle-nose pliers
Wire-stripping pliers
Diagonal pliers
RJ45 crimping pliers
Network cable tester
Mark pen
No installation tool is provided with the firewall. Prepare them yourself.
Accessories supplied by the firewall
Console cable Grounding cable
ESD-preventive wrist strap
Cable tie
Mounting brackets
M6 screw Cage nut
Checklist before installation
Table 6 Checklist before installation
Item Requirements Result
There is a minimum clearance of 10 cm (3.94 in)
around the inlet and exhaust vents for heat dissipation of the firewall chassis.
A ventilation system is available at the installation
Operating temperature
0°C to 45°C (32°F to 113°F)
Operating humidity
10% to 95%
Dust concentration 3 × 10
No dust on desk within three days
ESD prevention
The equipment and floor are well grounded.
The equipment room is dust-proof.
The humidity and temperature are at a proper level,
Wear an ESD-preventive wrist strap and uniform
when touching a circuit board.
Place the removed CF card or interface module on an
antistatic workbench, with the face upward, or put it into an antistatic bag.
Touch only the edges, instead of electronic
components when observing or moving a removed CF card or interface module.
EMI prevention
Take effective measures to protect the power system
from the power grid system.
Separate the protection ground of the firewall from
the grounding device or lightning protection grounding device as far as possible.
Keep the firewall far away from radio stations, radar
and high-frequency devices working in high current.
Use electromagnetic shielding when necessary.
Lightning protection
The grounding cable of the chassis is well grounded.
The grounding terminal of the AC power receptacle
is well grounded.
Electricity safety
Equip an uninterrupted power supply (UPS).
In case of emergency du ring operation, switch off the
external power switch.
Installation site
Rack-mounting requirements
The rack is sturdy enough to support the weight of the
firewall and installation accessories.
The size of the rack is appropriate for the firewall.
The front and rear of the rack are at least 0.8 m
(31.50 in) away from walls or other devices.
Item Requirements Result
Safety precautions
The firewall is far away from any moist area and heat source.
The emergency power switch in the equipment room is located.
Installation accessories supplied with the firewall
User supplied tools
Documents shipped with the firewall
Online documents
Installing the firewall
This chapter includes these sections:
Installation flow
Check before installation
Installing the firewall in a 19-inch rack
Grounding the firewall
Installing an MPU
Installing an interface module
Installing a fan tray
Installing a CF card
Installing an air filter (optional)
Installing a power supply
Connecting a power cord
Connecting Ethernet cables
Keep the packages of your firewall and its accessories safely for future use.
Installation flow
Figure 12 HP A-F5000 firewall installation flow
Ground the firewall
Install an MPU/interface module
Connect Ethernet cables
Install the firewall to a 19 inch rack
Install a fan tray
Install a CF card
Connect a power cord
Install a power supply
Check before installation
Follow these steps to prepare for installing an HP A-F5000 firewall:
Make sure that you h ave read “ Preparing for installation
carefully and the installation site meets all
the requirements.
Prepare a 19-inch rack.
Make sure that the rack is sturdy and securely grounded and has enough space for mounting the
Make sure that there is no debris inside or around the rack.
Move the firewall to a place near the rack.
To mount multiple devices in the rack, mount the heavier equipment at a lower position.
Installing the firewall in a 19-inch rack
To install an A-F5000 to a rack, you need mounting brackets and rack shelves.
Installing cage nuts to the rack
Follow these steps to install cage nuts to the rack:
1. Determine where to install the firewall in the rack, and then install a rack shelf to the rack.
2. As shown in Figure 13, mark the positions of cage nuts on the front rack posts by using a front
mounting bracket.
Figure 13 Mark the positions of the cage nuts
3. As shown in Figure 14, install the cage nuts to the marked positions on the rack posts.
Figure 14 Install cage nuts
Installing the cable management brackets
As shown in Figure 15, before installing a mounting bracket to the firewall, install the cable management bracket to the left mounting bracket with screws.
Figure 15 Install the cable management bracket
(1) Left mounting bracket (2) Cable management bracket
Installing the mounting brackets to the firewall
If you have ordered an air filter, install the air filter before installing the mounting brackets. For how to install an air filter, see “Installing an air filter (optional).”
Before installing the firewall to a rack, install the front mounting brackets to the two sides of the firewall.
Figure 16 Install the front mounting brackets to the two sides of the firewall
Installing the firewall to the rack
Follow these steps to install the firewall to the rack:
1. Put the firewall on the rack shelf, slide the firewall, and align the screw holes on the mounting
brackets with the cage nuts on the rack.
2. Fix the firewall horizontally by fastening the mounting brackets to the rack with appropriate pan
head screws. The specifications of pan head screws must satisfy the installation requirements, and rustproof treatment has been made to their surfaces.
Figure 17 Fix the firewall to the rack
Grounding the firewall
Correctly connecting the firewall grounding cable is crucial to lightning protection and EMI protection.
Follow these steps to connect the grounding cable:
1. Remove the grounding screw from the rear panel of the firewall chassis.
2. Attach the grounding screw to the OT terminal of the grounding cable.
3. Use a screwdriver to fasten the grounding screw into the grounding screw hole.
4. Connect the other end of the grounding cable to the grounding strip of the rack.
Figure 18 Connect the grounding cable to the grounding hole of firewall
To guarantee the grounding effect, use the grounding cable provided with the firewall to connect to the grounding strip as long as possible.
Installing an MPU
The A-F5000 supports only one MPU, which must be installed in slot 0.
Typically the firewall does not provide a filler panel for slot 0 when it is shipped because you must install
an MPU to the slot for the firewall to operate.
Follow these steps to install an MPU:
1. Gently push the MPU along the slide rails into the slot and then push the ejector levers inward to
lock the MPU in position.
Figure 19 Insert the MPU into slot
2. Fasten the captive screws on the MPU with a Phillips screwdriver.
3. After the firewall is powered on, the RUN LED flashes fast (at 8 Hz). It flashes slowly (at 1 Hz) after
the application is loaded. This means that the MPU runs properly. For the LED description, see the chapter “Appendix B LEDs.”
Installing an interface module
An interface module can only be installed in slot 1, 2, 3, or 4.
You must install an MPU and at least one interface module for the firewall to operate properly.
Typically the firewall does not provide a filler panel for one of the interface module slots when it is
The procedures for installing interface modules are the same. The following uses an NSQ1GT8C40 as an example.
Follow these steps to install an interface module:
1. Remove the filler panel (if any) from the slot you want to install an interface module: use a Phillips
screwdriver to loosen the captive screws on the filler panel until all spring pressure is released, and then remove the filler panel.
2. Push the interface module along the guide rails into the slot until it touches the slot bottom, and then
push the ejector levers inward to lock the interface module in position.
Figure 20 Insert an interface module
3. Fasten the captive screws on the interface module with a Phillips screwdriver.
4. After the firewall is powered on, the RUN LED flashes once and then flashes fast (at 8 Hz). It flashes
slowly (at 1 Hz) after the application is loaded. This means that the interface module runs properly. For more information of the interface module LEDs, see the chapter “Appendix B LEDs.”
If there is a great resistance when you push an interface module into a slot, first remove the filler
panels above and below the slot, then install the interface module. Install the removed filler panels to prevent dust from entering the chassis.
If slots 1 through 4 of the A-F5000 are all installed with interface modules, the interface modules are
powered on in the sequence of slot 1, slot 2, slot 3, and slot 4, with RUN LEDs lighting up in turn.
Installing a fan tray
Follow these steps to install a fan tray:
1. Gently push the fan tray slowly along the slide rails into the slot until it touches the slot bottom.
Figure 21 Push the fan tray into the slot
2. Use a Phillips screwdriver to fasten the captive screws on the fan tray.
3. After the firewall is powered on, the RUN LED of the fan tray is steady on. This means that the fan
tray runs properly. For the LED description of the fan tray, see the chapter “Appendix B LEDs.”
Installing a CF card
Follow these steps to install a CF card:
1. Push the CF card eject button all the way into the slot, and make sure that the button does not
project from the panel.
2. Insert the CF card into the slot following the direction shown in Figure 22, and make sure it does
not project from the slot.
Figure 22 Insert the CF card into the slot
Installing an air filter (optional)
You must install the air filter before you install the mounting brackets.
The air filter of the A-F5000 is installed at the air intake vents on the left of the chassis (when you face the front panel of the chassis) to prevent dust from entering the chassis.
Follow these steps to install an air filter:
1. Install the upper and lower slide rails to the chassis: use a Phillips screwdriver to fasten the screws
on the slide rails, as shown in Figure 23.
Figure 23 Install the air filter slide rail
2. Push the air filter along the slide rails into the chassis.
Figure 24 Insert the air filter into the slide rails
3. Fasten the captive screws on the air filter with a Phillips screwdriver.
Figure 25 Fasten the captive screws
Installing a power supply
The A-F5000 supports both AC and DC power supplies. You must install either AC or DC power
supplies to the firewall.
The A-F5000 needs only one power supply for the whole system to operate properly.
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