The information in this document is subject to change without notice.
Hewlett-Pac kard makes no warranty of any kind with regard to this manual, including , but
not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular
purpose. Hewlett-Packard shall not be held liable for errors contained herein or direct,
indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing,
performance, or use of this material.
Restricted Rights Legend. Use, duplication or disclosure by the U.S. Government is
subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of the Rights in Technical
Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013 for DOD agencies, and
subparagraphs (c) (1) and (c) (2) of the Commercial Computer Software Restricted Rights
clause at FAR 52.227-19 for other agencies.
The manual printing date and part number indicate its current edition. The printing date
will change when a new edition is printed. Minor changes may be made at reprint without
changing the printing date.
Manual updates may be issued between editions to correct errors or document product
changes. To ensure that you receive the updated or new editions, you should subscribe to
the appropriate product support service. See your HP sales representative for details.
First Edition: ......................................................................... September, 1997
NOTEReader Comments. We welcome your comments about our documentation.
If you have editorial suggestions or recommended improvements for this
document, please write to us. You can reach us through e-mail at: or by sending your letter to: Documentation
Manager M/S 5657, Hewlett-Packard Company, 8000 Foothills Blvd.,
Roseville, CA 95747-6588 USA. Please include the following information in
your message:
• Title of the manual you are referencing.
• Manual part number (from the title page).
• Edition number or publication date (from the title page).
• Your name.
• Your company’s name.
SERIOUS ERRORS, such as technical inaccuracies that may render a
program or a hardware device inoperative, should be reported to your HP
Response Center or directly to a Support Engineer.
This product and related documentation must be reviewed for familiarization with safety
markings and instructions before operation. The following defines the WARNING and the
Caution statements contained in this manual.
WARNINGThe WARNING sign denotes a hazard. It calls attention to a
procedure, practice, of the like, which if not done correctly or
adhered to, could result in injury. Do not proceed beyond a
WARNING sign until the indicated conditions are fully understood
and met.
CAUTIONThe CAUTION sign denotes a hazard. It calls attention to an operating
procedure, practice, of the like, which if not done correctly or adhered to,
could damage or destroy part or all of the product. Do not proceed beyond a
CAUTION sign until the indicated conditions are fully understood and met.
Safety and Regulatory Information
For your protection, this product has been tested for conformance to various national and
international regulations and standards. The scope of this regulatory testing includes
electrical and mechanical safety, electromagnetic emissions, immunity, ESD, acoustics and
hazardous materials.
Where required, certifications are obtained from third party test agencies. Certification
marks appear on the product label. In addition, various regulatory bodies require some
information under the headings noted below.
Acoustics - (Germany)
Laermangabe (Schalldruckpegel LpA) gemessen an Arbeitsplatz bei normalem Betrieb
nach DIN 45635, Teil 19: Acoustic Noise (A-weighted Sound Pressure Level LpA)
measured at operator's position, normal operation, to ISO7779.
A3764A cabinets: 49.8 dB (LpA)
Safety Warnings:
WARNINGThis product has not been evaluated for connection to an IT power
system (an ac distribution system having no direct connection to
earth according to IEC 950).
WARNINGDue to the types of products able to be installed in this product there
is a risk of high leakage current (>3.5 mA). Reliable ground circuit
continuity is vital for safe operation of this product. To reduce the
risk of electric shock, earth connection is essential before connecting
the supply. Never operate product with the ground conductor
For installing cabinets containing switchless Power Distribution
Units (PDU part numbers C2785-63004, C2786-63008, C2786-63009 or
The socket outlet shall be installed near the rack cabinet and shall
be easily accessible, because the plug on the power supply cord is
intended to serve as the disconnect device for this cabinet.
The Total output current rating of the PDU equals the output
current rating of the UPS receptacle to which the PDU is connected
(up to 16 Amps maximum). Check the total input current ratings of
the equipment installed in the cabinet to avoid overloading the UPS.
For installing dual-voltage-range-rated Power Distribution Units
(PDU part numbers C2785-63004 or C2786-63008) for connection to an
Uniterruptable Power Supply (UPS):
The voltage of the PDU receptacles equals the voltage of the UPS
receptacle to which the PDU is connected (200-240V range). CHECK
EUIPMENT TO THE PDU! Failure to check the voltage could lead to
severe equipment damage.
CAUTIONTo reduce the risk of overload, do not load any single PDU with more than a
maximum of 16 Amperes. In addition, do not load a single NEMA 5-15
receptacle with more than 15 Amperes and any single IEC 320 receptacle
with more than 10 Amperes.
CAUTIONThis product has been designed to be used with specific electrical accessories
(i.e. PDU's). The use of any other accessory is not recommended or supported.
This edition of the Cabinet Installation Guide contains technical information about
integrated HP A3764A and HP A3765A rack-mount cabinets. These cabinets are designed
to accept HP 9000 D Class Enterprise servers. At the time of publication, this family of
computers included the following models:
HP 9000 Model:
Inspecting the Shipment
The HP 9000 D2xx and D3xx Class Enterprise servers can be mounted into a cabinet to
consolidate the pieces of the core system. The cabinet is available in a 1.6 meter (63.8
inches) size. The cabinet is offered as a factory integrated cabinet (A3764A) with one to
four D Class computers mounted, or a field integrated (A3765A) cabinet with no computers
mounted by the factory. Both cabinets have a usable depth of 0.905 meter (35.6 inches).
The cabinets have mounting columns that comply with EIA standard 23 inch mounting
Inspecting the Shipment
When the shipment arrives, make sure the cabinet has been received as specified by the
carrier's bill of lading. Inspect the shipping container for evidence of mishandling during
transit. If the container is damaged or water-stained, ask that the carrier's agent be
present when the cabinet is unpacked. Refer to the instructions described in the ClaimsProcedure section. If everything appears to be in satisfactory condition, proceed with the
unpacking instructions.
NOTEDo not discard or destroy the shipping container or the packaging material. If
it becomes necessary to repackage the cabinet, these items will be needed. HP
also suggests that you keep this manual, in case you later have to repackage
the cabinet for shipment.
Claims Procedure
If the shipment is incomplete or if the equipment is damaged or fails to meet specifications,
notify the nearest Hewlett-Packard Sales and Support Office. If damage occurred in
transit, notify the carrier as well. Hewlett-Packard will arrange for replacement or repair
without waiting for settlement of claims against the carrier. If the shipment was damaged
in transit, keep the shipping containers and packaging material for inspection.
Chapter 11-1
Cabinet Configurations
Cabinet Configurations
Although the cabinets are designed to accommodate a variety of components mounted in
just about any configuration, there are some basic rules that apply to mounting a computer
system. These rules allow for weight distribution, accessibility of the components, and
cable management inside the rack-mount cabinet. Figure 1-1 shows the available
Figure 1-1 Cabinet Configuration Examples
1-2Chapter 1
Required Tools
Required Tools
Before beginning the installation process, make sure you have the necessary tools.
1. Standard hand tools (including Torx-drive set and voltmeter).
2. Flat-blade screwdriver, 3/16-inch by 9 inches long.
3. Open-ended 9/16-inch wrench.
Installation Site Requirements
Before proceeding with the installation of the A3764A or A3765A rack mount cabinet,
ensure that all the procedures and requirements listed in the Site Preparation Guide
(A3764-90005) have been completed. If all requirements and procedures have not been
completed, do not proceed with the installation procedures listed in this document.
Refer to the Site Preparation Guide to establish responsibility for the task that needs to be
complete in order to proceed with the installation. Be sure to inform the customer of the
situation to facilitate understanding and completion of the task or requirement.
Chapter 11-3
Installation Site Requirements
1-4Chapter 1
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