HP A3715A User Manual

HP 9000 Series 700, 800
A3715A CD-ROM Drive User’s Guide
© 1997, Hewlett-Packard Company. All rights reserved. Edition 1, May, 1997
This document contains proprietary information, which is protected by copyright. No part of this document may be photocopied, reproduced or translated into another language without the prior written consent of Hewlett-Packard Company . The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice.
Hewlett-Packard Company makes no warranty of any kind with regard to this material, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Hewlett­Packard shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance or use of this material.
Safety Considerations
The product and related documentation must be reviewed for familiarization with safety markings and instructions before installation and operation.
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Safety Symbols
Instruction Manual Symbol. If the product is marked with this symbol, refer to the
manual to protect the product against damage.
WARNING A WARNING denotes a hazard that can cause personal injury.
Caution A Caution denotes a hazard that can damage equipment.
Do not proceed beyond a WARNING or Caution notice until you have understood the hazardous conditions and have taken appropriate steps.
The computer in which this product is installed is a sa fety C lass I product and has a protective earth ing terminal. There must be an uninterruptible safety earth ground from the main power source to the product’s input wiring terminals, power cord or supplied power cord set. Whenever it is likely that the protection has been impaired, disconnect the power cord until the ground has been restored.
Any servicing, adjustment, maintenance or repair must be performed only by authorized service­trained personnel.
If you have any questions about the warranty for this product, contact your dealer or your local Hewlett-Packard sales representative.
Regulatory Statements
FCC Radio Frequency Interference Statement (USA)
Caution This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energ y. If it
is not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, it may cause interference to radio communications. It has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A computing device pursuant to Part 15 of FCC rules, which are designed to provide reasonable protection against interference when operated in a commercial environment. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause interference, in which case the user at his own expense will be required to take whatever measures may be required to correct the interference. If this equipment causes interference to radio reception (which can be determined by turning the eq uipment of f and on) try these measures: Re-orient the receiving antenna. Relocate the computer with respect to the receiver. Move the computer equipment away from the receiver. Plug the computer and the receiver into different branch circuits. Consult your dealer or an experienced technician for additional suggestions.
VCCI Class 1 (Japan)
Laser Safety Statement (USA)
This CD-ROM mass storage system contains a laser system and is classified as a Class 1 Laser Product under a US Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Radiation Performance standard according to the Radiation Control for Health and Safety Act of 1968.
To ensure proper use of this product, please read this instruction manual carefully and retain for future reference. Should the unit ever require maintenance, contact an authorized service location.
WARNING: Use of controls, adjustments or performance procedures other than
those specified herein may result in hazardous radiation exposure. To prevent direct exposure to laser beam, do not try to open the enclosure.
Laser Safety Statement (Finland)
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LUOKAN 1 LASERLAITE KLASS 1 LASER APPARAT HP3000 Series 9xx - ja HP 9000 Model 8xx -tietokoneisiin voidaan asentaa lisvärusteena
laitteensisäinen CD-ROM-lukulaite (9164-0393), joka on laserlaite. Kyseinen CD-ROM-lukulaite on käyttäjän kannalta turvallinen luokan 1 laserlaite. Normaalissa
käytössä lukulaitteen soujakotelo estää laseräteen pääsyn laiteen ulkopuolelle. Laitteen turvallisuusluokka on määritetty standardin EN 60825 (1991) mukaisesti.
Tiedot CD-ROM-lukulaitteessa käytettävän laserdiodin säteilyominaisuuksista:
Aallonpituus 790 nm Teho 0,145 mW Luokan 1 laser
Laser Safety Statement (Germany)
Dieses Geraet ist ein Laser Klasse 1 nach IEC 825. Beachten Sie die Bedienungsanleitung und verwahren Sie diese für spaeteren Gebrauch.
Geraet nicht oeffnen. Lassen Sie Instandhaltungsarbeiten durch Vertragswerkstaetten durchfuehren.
VORSICHT Fuehren Sie Einstellungen und Pruefungen entsprechend den hier
beschriebenen Anleitungen durch, um Gefaehrdungen durch den Laserstrahl zu vermeiden.
IEC Statement (Worldwide)
Note This is a Class A product. In a domestic en vironment, this product ma y cau se
radio interference, in which case the user may be required to take adequate measures.
Herstellerbescheinigung (Germany)
Diese Information steht im Zusammenhang mit den Anforderungen der Maschinenlärm information sverordnung vom 18 Januar 1991.
Schalldruckpegel Lp 70 dB(A)
Am Arbeitsplatz
Normaler Betrieb
Nach ISO 7779:1988/EN 27779:1991 (Typprüfung
EMC Statement (Canada)
This Class A digital apparatus meets all requirements of the Canadian Interference-Causing Equipment Regulations.
Cet appareil numérique de la Classe A respecte toutes les exigences du Réglement sur le matériel brouelleur du Canada.
Declaration of Conformity
According to ISO/IEC Guide 22 and EN 45014
Manufacturer's Name:
Hewlett-Packard Company
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Manufacturer's Address:
8000 Foothills Boulevard Roseville, CA 95747 USA
Declares, that the product
Product Name: Model Number(s): Product Options:
Fast CD-ROM Drive A3715A All
Conforms to the following Product Specifications:
: IEC 950:1991 + A1, A2, A3 / EN 60950:1992 + A1, A2, A3
IEC 825-1:1993 / EN 60825-1:1994, Laser Class 1
: CISPR 22:1993 / EN 55022:1994 - Class A
EN 50082-1:1992, Generic Immunity, including:
IEC 801-2:1991 / prEN 55024-2:1992, 4 kV CD, 8 kV AD IEC 801-3:1984 / prEN 55024-3:1991, 3 V/m, 27-500 Mhz IEC 801-4:1988 / prEN 55024-4:1992, 0.5 kV Signal Lines
1 kV Power Lines
Supplementary Information
The product herewith complies with the requirements of the EMC Directive 89/336/EEC and carries the CE marking accordingly.
1 The Product was tested in a typical configuration with a Hewlett-Packard computer system.
Roseville, February 17, 1997
Dan Blount, Quality Manager
European Contact: Your local Hewlett-Packard Sales and Service Office or Hewlett-Packard GmbH, Department TRE, Herrenberger Straße 130, D-71034 Böblingen (FAX: + 49-7031-14-3143)
In This Book
This book is the user manual for the A3715A CD-ROM Drive. It contains two chapters and an index. Chapter 1, Operation, describes how to operate the CD-ROM drive, including using its front panel
and loading and unloading CD-ROMs. Chapter 2, Service, contains information about diagnosing CD-ROM drive problems and obtaining
service for the drive. It also lists CD-ROM drive specifications.
Tabs on the edges of pages show the chapter titles and assist in the quick location of information.
Print History ........................................................................................................iii
Safety Considerations ..........................................................................................iii
Regulatory Statements .......................................................... ........ ....... ............... iv
In This Book ................................... ........ ....................................... ....................viii
1. Operation ............................................................................................................1-1
Features ............................................................................................................. 1-2
Front panel ........................................................................................................1-3
Operating the CD-ROM drive ............................................... ........ ....................1-4
Power On ....................................................................................................1-4
Drive Status LED .......................................................................................1-4
Loading CDs (horizontal mount) ......................................................................1-5
Loading CDs (vertical mount) ..........................................................................1-6
Unloading CDs ..................................................................................................1-7
Emergency ejection of a CD .............................................................................1-8
Handling and storing compact disks (CDs) ......................................................1-9
Compact Disk Do’s ....................................................................................1-9
Compact Disk Don’ts .................................................................................1-9
2. Service .................................................................................................................2-1
Maintaining the CD-ROM Drive ......................................................................2-2
Environmental limits ..................................................................................2-2
Preventive maintenance ..............................................................................2-2
Troubleshooting ................................................................................................ 2-3
If the drive has a problem which cannot be solved ....................................2-3
Preparing for a service call .........................................................................2-4
Reshipment Guidelines ..............................................................................2-4
Specifications .................................................................................................... 2-5
Setting the SCSI ID ...........................................................................................2-6
+ 22 hidden pages