HP 783xx, 788xx Service manual 2

HP 783Xx Series and HP 788Xx Series
Service Manual Volume 2
Patient Monitors and Neonatal Monitors
HP Part No. 78354-90108
Printed in Germany
Edition 8
The information contained in this docuement is subject to change without notice. Hewlett-Packard makes no warranty of any kind with regard to this material, including, but
not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Hewlett-Packard shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material.
Hewlett-Packard assumes no responsibility for the use or reliability of its software on equipment that is not furnished by Hewlett- Packard.
This document contains proprietary information, which is protected by copyright. All rights are reserved. No part of this document may be photocopied, reproduced or translated to another language without the prior written consent of Hewlett-Packard Company. The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice.
Hewlett-Packard Company Medical Products Group (Europe) Schickardstrasse 4
7030 Boeblingen
Federal Republic of Germany
@ Copyright Hewlett-Packard Company, 1991. All rights reserved.
Printing History
New editions are complete revisions of the manual. Update packages, which are issued between editions, contain additional and replacement pages to be merged into the manual by the customer. The dates on the title page change only when a new edition or a new update is published.
This manual covers the following models:
MODELS 78352A/78352C/78353A/78353B/78354A/78354C PATIENT MONITORS
MODELS 78832A/78833A/78833B/78834A/78834C NEONATAL MONITORS
The contents of this manual (Volume One) apply to HP Models 78352A/C, 78353A, 78353B,
78354A and 78354C series, 78832A, 78833A, 78833B, 78834AfC series, and 78356A with the
following serial numbers prefixed:
MODELS PREFIX 78352A 2640G 78352C
78353B 2612G 78354A 2613G 78354C 78356A 2717G
First 2348G
First Issue
MODEL 78832A 78833A
78833B 788348
PREFIX 2412G 24136 2610G 2611G First Issue
Instruments with higher serial numbers may contain production changes. In such cases refer to the Manual Change sheets and Publication Change Notices enclosed with this manual.
Hewlett-Packard reserves the right to make changes in its products without notice in order to improve design or performance characteristics. Hewlett-Packard products are sold on the basis of the specifications valid on the day of purchase. Hewlett-Packard is not obliged to update instruments which have already been retailed.
This manual contains service information for the Hewlett-Packard 78352/3/4, 78832/3/4 and 78356A monitors. The information is divided into two sections:
w Chapter 1 - Service
Chapter 2 - Schematics
Chapter 3 - Replaceable Parts
Further sections covering Theory of Operation and Maintenance Checks are contained in Volume 1 of the manual (part number 78354-9000A).
Documentation relating to these monitors:
Instrument Document Part Number
Operating Guide 78352-90001 78353B/4A Operating Guide 78354-90001 78352C/4C
Operating Guide 78354-92001 78352A/2C/3B/4A/4C Installation Guide 78354-90011 78833B/4A Operating Guide 78834-91001
78833B/4A/4C 78356A 78356A
78352A 78352C ) monitors are and 78832A 1 monitors are 78353~ 1 referred to 78833A ) referred to 78353~ 1 in text as 783548 ) 783Xx 78354C ) 78334C )
Operating Guide 78834-92001
Installation Guide 78834-90011
Operating Guide 78356-90001
Installation Guide 78356-90011
78833~ ) in text as 788348 ) 788Xx Series
Special Notation
Notes, cautions, and/or warnings may accompany the instructions in this manual. They are defined below:
Notes provide emphasis to information or additional information “off line” from a procedure.
Cautions highlight procedures that must be followed to avoid damage to the recorder.
Warnings highlight procedures that must be followed to avoid hazards to human life or safety.
Service Introduction
Disassembly and General Service Precautions Cleaning Extender Boards Display uP Board Exchange
1-1 1-2 1-3 1-3 1-3
la. Disassembly Procedures
3/4 and Full Modules
Top cover removal
Board Removal (display uP, interpolation or parameter) Power Supply Assembly Removal Power Supply Disassembly Audio Module Removal Front Panel Removal Front Panel Disassembly NIBP Board and Pump Removal Mother Board Removal
lb. Reassembly Procedures
3/4 and Full Modules
Mother Board Installation Board Installation Front Panel Reassembly Front Panel Installation Power Supply Reassembly Power Supply Assembly Installation NIBP Pump and Board Reassembly (78352A/C and 78354A/C)
Cover Installation
1a-1 1a-1 1a-1 1a-2 1a-3 1a-5 1a-6 1a-7 1a-9
1b-1 1b-1 1b-2 1b-3 1b-5 1b-6
1b-9 1b-10 1b-10
1c. Adjustments
CRT Adjustments
Interpolation Board Adjustments
Gain and Offset Adjustments Baseline Width Adjustment
ECG Adjustments
Offset Adjustment
Notch Filter Adjustment Power Supply Adjustments System 780 Annotating Analog Interface (Opt. J11) System 780 Configuration Adjustments
1c-1 1c-2 1c-4 1c-4 1c-4 1c-7 1c-7 1c-7 1c-8
Offset Adjustment ........................
SDN Configuration Adjustments
Instrument Identity ........................
Instrument Data Transmission Errors Instrument Status Word Binary to Hex Conversion Table
1d. Jumpers & Switch Programming
Jumpers & Switch Programming for all Boards
Mother Board: 78353-66501t and 78354-66501
Programming Switch S1
Conditions when switch closed
Programming Switch S2
Condition when switch closed Programming Switch S3 Programming Switch S4
Summary of S1 and S2 switch positions for 78354-66501 Mother Board:
Display uP Board 78353/4-66502, 78354-66602 and 78354-66702
Programming Switch S1 Programming Switch S2 Programming Switch S3 (78354-66502 board only)
Interpolation Board 78353-66503
Programming Switch S1 Programming Switch S2 ( Jumpers
Audio Board 78353-6651 1/12 ECG Board (3-lead) 78832-66522
Programming Switch S 1
ECG Board (Full lead) 78354-66522, 66722 Pressure Board 78353-66532/4
Programming Switch S1 Programming Switch S2 How to change the pressure scaling mode:
NIBP Board 78354-66535 and 78352-66535 CO2/02 Board 78354-66540 and 78356-66540
Programming Switch S1 (78354-66540 only) Programming Switch S1 (78356-66540 only) Programming Switch S2
02 Board 78356-66541
Programming Switch S1 (78356-66541 only)
PAT Board 78354-66552
Programming Switch S1 Programming Switch S3
Temperature Board 78353-66554
Programming Switch S1
Temperature Board 78354-66554
Programming Switch S1 Programming Switch S3
Respiration Board 78832-66562
Programming Switch S1
tcp02/C02 Board 78834-66572
no on Revision C boards and higher) t
1c-9 1c-14 1c-15 1c-16 1c-16 1c-16
1d-1 1d-1 1d-1 1d-1 1d-2 1d-2 1d-3 1d-3 1d-4 1d-6 1d-6 1d-7 1d-7 1d-9 1d-9
1d-9 1d-10 1d-11 1d-12 1d-12 1d-13 1d-15 1d-15 1d-15 1d-16 1d-17 1d-20 1d-20 1d-20 1d-21 1d-21 1d-21 1d-23 1d-23 1d-23 1d-25 1d-25 1d-26 1d-26 1d-26 1d-27 1d-27 1d-28
SpO2 Board 78354-66510 ......................
System Board 78353-66590 ......................
System Board 78353-66592 ......................
RS-232C Interface Board 78354-66598 .................
NIBP Board (78352-66538) ......................
Error Codes and Messages
Introduction .............................
Error Codes .............................
ECG (783XX series) Error Codes: ...................
ECG (788XX series) Error Codes: ...................
Pressure Error Codes: .........................
NIBP Error Codes: .........................
CO2 Error Codes: ..........................
02 Error Codes: ..........................
Temperature (783XX series) Error Codes: ...............
Temperature (788XX series) Error Codes: ...............
Respiration Error Codes: .......................
tcpCO2/O2 Error Codes: ......................
SpO2 Error Codes: .........................
SDN Error Codes: .........................
780 Annotating Interface Error Codes: .................
Error Messages ............................
Defective Components On Display uP And Interpolation Boards ......
1d-29 1d-29 1d-31 1d-32 1d-33
1e-1 1e-1 1e-3 1e-3 1e-3 1e-3 1e-4 1e-4 1e-4 1e-4 1e-5 1e-5 1e-6 1e-6 1e-7 1e-8 1e-8
Introduction ............................. 2-1
Schematic Diagrams
Introduction .............................
Organization of Material in Chapter 2a ................
Board Compatibility Chart ......................
Exchange Board Overview ......................
Connection Boards
Introduction .............................
Replaceable Parts List
Introduction .............................
How to Find a Part ..........................
ORDERING INFORMATION .....................
General Options for all types of Monitors ................
Right angle power cords are ordered under the following part number: ...
Instrument Model Number: 78352A ...................
Model Description: Surgical Monitor
Parameter Option: #A01 (ECG) ...................
Parameter Option: #A11 (ECG, NIBP) ................
Parameter Option: #A13 (ECG, NIBP, 2TEMP) ............
Parameter Option: #A15(SPO2, NIBP)
Parameter Option: #A16 (ECG, SP02, NIBP) .............
2a-1 2a-1 2a-4 2a-6
3-1 3-1 3-2 3-7 3-8 3-9
3-9 3-10 3-11 3-13 3-15 3-16 3-17
Interface Option: #J10 (Limited 780 Interface) Interface Option: #J11 (Annot. Interface)
Interface Option: #J12 (SDN Interface)
Interface Option: #J13 (RS232 Interface)
Instrument Model Number: 78352C
Model Description: Surgical Monitor Parameter Option: #A01 (ECG)
Parameter Option: #A05 (ECG SP02) Parameter Option: #A11 (ECG/NIBP)
Parameter Option: #A13 (ECG/NIBP/2TEMP) Parameter Option: #A16 (ECG/SPO2/NIBP) Interface Option #J10 (Limited 780 Interface)
Interface Option #J11 (Annotating Interface)
Interface Option #J12 (SDN Interface) Interface Option #J13 (RS232 Interface)
Instrument Model Number: 78354A
Model Description: Surgical Monitor Parameter Option: #A01 (ECG)
Parameter Option: #A02 (ECG, PAT) Parameter Option: #A03 (ECG,P1) Parameter Option: #A04 (ECG, P1, PAT)
Parameter Option: #A06 (ECG, P1, P2, T1, T2) Parameter Option: #A08 (ECG, RESP, 2T) Parameter Option: #A09 (ECG, RESP, 1 PRESS) Parameter Option: #A10 (ECG, RESP, P1, P2) Parameter Option: #A11 (ECG, RESP, PAT) Parameter Option: #A12 (ECG, P1, P2, PAT) Parameter Option: #A14 (ECG, SPO2, 2TEMP) Parameter Option: #A17 (ECG, SPO2, 1PRESS) Parameter Option: #A18 (ECG, SPO2, AUX, 1T) Parameter Option: #A21 (ECG, RESP, 2T, 2P)
Parameter Option: #A22 (ECG, P1/2/3, PAT) Parameter Option: #A23 (ECG, T1/2, P1/2/3) Parameter Option: #A24 (ECG, RES, P1/2,PAT) Module Option: #C01 (NIBP) 4/4 Module Option: #CO2 (CO2/O2) 4/4 Module Option: #C03 (C02/NIBP) 4/4 Module Option: #C06 (Dual PRESS)
4/4 Module Option: #C16 (Dual PRESS, NIBP) Parameter Option: #C18 (2PRESS, C02)
Interface Option: #J10 (Limited Analog Interface) Interface Option: #J11 (Annot. Interface) Interface Option: #J12 (SDN Interface) Interface Option: #J13 (RS232 Interface)
Instrument Model Number: 78354C
Model Description: Patient Monitor (Adult) Parameter Option: #A01 (ECG) Parameter Option: #A03 (ECG, P1)
Parameter Option: #A06 ECG,P1,P2,T1,T2 Parameter Option: #A08 ECG RESP 2T
Parameter Option: #A12 ECG P1,P2,PAT
3-19 3-19 3-19 3-20 3-21 3-21 3-22 3-23 3-24 3-26 3-28 3-30 3-30 3-31 3-31 3-32 3-32 3-34 3-35 3-36 3-37 3-38 3-39 3-40 3-41 3-42 3-43 3-44 3-45 3-46 3-47 3-49 3-51 3-53 3-55 3-57 3-59 3-61 3-62 3-64 3-66 3-66 3-66 3-67 3-68 3-68 3-69 3-70 3-71 3-72 3-73
Parameter Option: #A14 ECG SPO2 2TEMP Parameter Option: #A17 ECG SPO2 1PRESS Parameter Option: #A18 ECG SPO2 AUX 1T
Parameter Option: #A19 ECG RESP SPO2 ..............
Parameter Option: #A51 ECG CO2 SP02 Parameter Option: #C01 NIBP Parameter Option: #C02 CO2/O2
Parameter Option: #C03 CO2 / NIBP Parameter Option: #C06 2 PRESS0 Parameter Option: #C16 DUAL PRESS NIBP Parameter Option: #C18 2 PRESS / CO2 Parameter Option: #J10 ANALOG INTF.LIMT Parameter Option: #J11 ANNOT INTERFACE Parameter Option: #J12 SDN INTERFACE Parameter Option: # J13 RS232 INTERFACE
Instrument Model Number: 78834A ...................
Model Description: Patient Monitor (Neonatal) Parameter Option: #A07 (ECG. RESP)
Parameter Option: #A08 (ECG, RESP, 2T) Parameter Option: #A09 (ECG, RESP, P1) Parameter Option: #A10 (ECG, RESP, 2P) Parameter Option: #A21 (ECG, RESP, 2T, 2P) Parameter Option: #A22 (ECG, RESP, 2T, 3P)
Parameter Option: #A35 (E, R, 2T2P, P02C02D) Parameter 4/4 Option: #C31 (INPUT, P02C02, DR) Parameter 4/4 Option: #C32 (INPUT, P02C02, DR) Parameter 4/4 Option: #J10 (Limited Analog Interface) Parameter 4/4 Option: #J11 (Annot. Interface) Parameter 4/4 Option: #J12 (SDN Interface) Parameter 4/4 Option: #J13 (RS232 Interface)
Instrument Model Number: 78834C
Model Description: Patient Monitor (Neonatal) Parameter Option: #A07 (ECG RESP)
Parameter Option: #A08 ECG RESP 2X TEMP Parameter Option: #A09 ECG RESP P1
Parameter Option: #A10 ECG RESP 2P Parameter Option: #A19 ECG RESP SPO2 Parameter Option: #A35 ECG RESP TCP Parameter Option: #C01 NIBP Parameter Option: #C02 CO2/O2 Parameter 4/4 Option: #C06 2 PRESS Parameter 4/4 Option: #C08 3 PRESS
Parameter 4/4 Option: #C20 NIBP/SPO2 Parameter 4/4 Option: #C30 SPO2
Parameter 4/4 Option: #C35 2 PRESS TCP Parameter 4/4 Option: #C36 TCP SPO2
Parameter 4/4 Option: #J10 (Limited Analog Interface) Parameter 4/4 Option: #J11 ANNOT.INTERFACE Parameter 4/4 Option: #J12 SDN INTERFACE
Parameter 4/4 Option: #J13 RS232 INTERFACE
Overall Assembly
3-74 3-75 3-76 3-77 3-78 3-79 3-80 3-81 3-83 3-84 3-86 3-87 3-87 3-88 3-88 3-89
3-91 3-92 3-93 3-94 3-95 3-96 3-98
3-100 3-102 3-104 3-104 3-105 3-105 3-106 3-106 3-107 3-108 3- 109 3-110 3-111 3-112 3-113 3-114
3-115 3-116 3-117 3-119 3-120 3-121 3-122 3-122 3-122 3-123 3-125
Rear Panel Mechanical Parts/Chassis General Internal Parts For Non-Invasive Pressure
A. Ordering Information
Direct Mail Order Program Main Sales and Support Offices
United States of America Other International Areas
............. 3-129
A-1 A-3 A-3 A-4
1c-1. Location of Components for Adjustment and of Centering and Ring Magnets
1c-2. Location of interp. bd adjustment potentiometers (78353 - 66503) .....
1c-3. Service/Test Waveform .......................
1c-4. Location of interpolation board (78352 - 66503) adjustment potiometers and
78352A/C service/test waveform ..................
1c-5. Location of A22R69 and A22R82 ...................
1c-6. Notch Filter Adjustment - Test Equipment ...............
1c-7. Location of R204 and TP1 ......................
1d-1. Location of A1/S1,S2 and A4/S3,S4 ..................
1d-2. Location of A2Ju12, A2/S1, S2, S3 (78354-66502) ............
1d-3. Location of A3/S1, S2 and A3Ju1 - A3Ju8 (pre-Rev. C boards) ......
1d-4. Location of A3/S1 and A3Jul - A3Ju8 (Rev. C boards) .........
ld-5. Location of A22/S1 .........................
1d-6. Location of A34/S1, S2 .......................
1d-7. Location of A35/S1, S2 and A35/Ju1-4 (78354-66535 Rev. A boards) ...
1d-8. Location of A35/S1, S2, S4 and A35/Ju3, Ju4 .............
1d-9. Location of A40/S1, S2 and A40Ju1-Ju7 ...............
1d-10. Location of A41/S1 .........................
1d-11. Location A52/S1, S3 ........................
1d-12. Location of A54/S1 .........................
1d-13. Location of A54/S1, S3 .......................
1d-14. Location of A62/S1, A62Ju5, A62Ju6 .................
1d-15. Location of A72/S1 .........................
1d-16. Location of A90/S1, S2 .......................
1d-17. Location of A92/S1 .........................
1d-18. Location of A98/S1 .........................
2a-1. Board vs EPROM Chart (Revision A) .................
2a-2. Board vs EPROM Chart (Revision C) .................
2a-3. Mother Board ...........................
2a-4. Extender Board ...........................
2a-5. Mother Board Schematic (A1) ....................
2a-6. Display UP Board Schematic (A2) ...................
2a-7. Display UP Board Schematic (A2 continued) ..............
2a-8. Display MP Board Schematic (A2 continued) ..............
2a-9. Display MP Board Schematic (A2 continued) ..............
2a-10. Display MP Board Schematic (A2 continued) ..............
2a-11. Display MP Board Schematic (A2 continued)
2a-12. Interpolation Board Schematic (A3) ..................
2a-13. Interpolation Board Schematic (A3 continued) 2a-14. Power Supply Boards Schematic (A6/A7)
2a-15. SpO2 Board Schematic (A10) .....................
2a-16. SpO2 Board Schematic (A10 continued) ................
1c-3 1c-5 1c-5
1c-6 1c-8 1c-8
1d-8 1d-10 1d-11 1d-12 1d-16 1d-19 1d-19
1d-21 1d-22 1d-24 1d-25 1d-26 1d-27 1d-28 1d-30 1d-31 1d-33
2a-11 2a-15 2a-17 2a-19 2a-21 2a-23 2a-25 2a-27 2a-29 2a-31 2a-33 2a-35 2a-37 2a-39 2a-41
2a-17. SpO2 Board Schematic (A10 continued) 2a-18. Audio Board Schematic (A12) 2a-19. Audio Board Schematic (A12 continued) 2a-20. Battery and Lamp Boards Schematic (A18/A19) 2a-21. SpO2 Board Schematic (A20) 2a-22. SpO2 Board Schematic (A20 continued) 2a-23. SaO2 Board Schematic (A20 continued) 2a-24. ECG Board (Full-lead) Analog Circuits Schematic (A22/A42) 2a-25. ECG Board (Full-lead) Analog Circuits Schematic (A22/A42 continued) . . 2a-26. ECG Board (Full-lead) Analog Circuits Schematic (A22/A42 continued) . . 2a-27. ECG Board (Full-lead) Analog Circuits Schematic (A22/A42 continued) . . 2a-28. ECG Board (Full-lead) Analog Circuits Schematic (A22/A42 continued) . . 2a-29. Pressure Board Analog Circuits and Input Connection Board Schematic
A31/A32 (A33/A34) .......................
2a-30. Pressure Board Digital Circuits Schematic A32 (A34) 2a-31. NIBP Board Analog Circuits Schematic (A35) 2a-32. NIBP Board Analog Circuits Schematic (A35 continued) 2a-33. NIBP Board Digital Circuits Schematic (A38) 2a-34. NIBP Board Analog Circuits Schematic (A38 continued) 2a-35. NIBP Board Schematic (A38 continued) 2a-36. NIBP Board Digital Circuit Schematic (A38 continued) 2a-37. CO2 Board Motor and Temp. Circuits Schematic (A40) 2a-38. CO2 Board Preamplifier and Digital Circuits Schematic (A40 continued) . . 2a-39. O2 Board Schematic (A41) 2a-40. Temp/Pleth/Aux Bd Analog Circuits and Input Conn.Bd Schematic
(A51/A52) ...........................
2a-41. Temp/Pleth/Aux Bd Digital Circuits Schematic (A52) 2a-42. Temp/Pleth/Aux Bd Analog Circuits and Input Conn. Bd Schematic
(A51/A52) ...........................
2a-43. Temp/Pleth/A ux Board Digital Circuits Schematic (A52 continued) 2a-44. Temperature Board Analog Circuits and Input Connection Schematic (A52
continued) ...........................
2a-45. Temperature Board Analog Circuits and Input Connection Board Schematic
(A53/A54) ...........................
2a-46. Temperature Board Digital Circuits Schematic (A54 continued) 2a-47. Temperature Board Analog Circuits and Input Connection Schematic
(A53/A54 continued) .......................
2a-48. Temperature Board Digital Circuits Schematic (A54 continued)
2a-49. Respiration Board Analog Circuits and Input Connection Board Schematic
(A61/A62) ...........................
2a-50. Respiration Board Digital Circuits Schematic (A62 continued) 2a-51. tcpCO2/O2 Board Analog Circuits Schematic (A72) 2a-52. tcpCO2/O2 Board Analog Circuits Schematic (A72 continued) 2a-53. Barometer Board Schematic (A73) 2a-54. System Board Schematic (A90) 2a-55. 780 System Board Analog Circuits Schematic (A92) 2a-56. 780 System Board Digital Circuits Schematic (A92 continued) 2a-57. SDN Board (A95) 2a-58. SDN Board (A95 continued) 2a-59. RS232 Board Schematic (A98) 2a-60. Front View Keyboard
2a-43 2a-45 2a-47 2a-49 2a-51 2a-53 2a-55 2a-57 2a-59 2a-61 2a-63 2a-65
2a-67 2a-69 2a-71 2a-73 2a-75 2a-77 2a-79 2a-81 2a-83 2a-85 2a-87
2a-89 2a-91
2a-93 2a-95
2a-97 2a-99
2a-101 2a-103
2a-105 2a-107
2a-109 2a-111 2a-113 2a-115 2a-117 2a-119 2a-121 2a-123 2a-125 2a-127 2a-128
3-1. Overall Assembly for Revison A,B and C 3-2. Power Supply Assembly
3-3. Rear Panel Mechanical Parts/Chasis
............... 3-125
................. 3-127
3-4. General Internal Parts for Non-Invasive Pressure
............ 3-129
1c-1. System Output Configurations
1e-1. Error Code Key - Fault Diagnosis 2a-1. Index of Schematics contained in Chapter II 2a-2. Board Compatibility Chart
3-1. List of Abbreviations
3-2. Rear Panel Mechanical Parts / Chasis ................. 3-127
3-3. General Internal Parts for Non-Invasive Pressure
.................... 1c-12
................... 1e-2
.............. 2a-2



Chapters la, lb, lc, Id and le provide all the Service information required for the 78XxX Series Patient and Neonatal Monitors. The Service Chapters cover the following:
Chapter la Disassembly Procedures
Top cover removal
o Board removal
(Display UP, Interpolation, Parameter)
Power supply assembly removal
Power supply disassembly
Audio module removal
Front panel removal
Front panel disassembly
NIBP Board and Pump removal 78354A/C monitor..78352A/C monitor
Mother Board removal
Chapter lb Reassembly Procedures
Mother Board installation
Board installation
o Front panel reassembly
Front panel installation
Power supply reassembly o Power supply assembly installation o NIBP reassembly
0 Cover installation
Chapter lc Adjustments
H Chapter Id Jumpers and Switch Programming
Chapter le Error Codes and Messages
Service l-1
Disassembly and General Service Precautions Caution
Read the following precautions thoroughly before performing any of the disassembly procedures. Serious damage to the instrument can result if the precautions are not strictly followed.
The front panel is vulnerable to scratching. Avoid rough handling of the panel.
When the chassis is removed from the case, bare metal edges are exposed which can scratch the work surface. Be careful that the sharp edges and corners of the chassis do not scratch the work area surface.
The input amplifiers have a floating ground section which is isolated from the remainder of the board.
Never handle this section of the board - oil, dirt, dust, etc., deposited on this section can cause leakage paths which can degrade floating circuit isolation and performance.
Handle all circuit boards by the edges; CMOS circuits operate with currents in the nanoampere range and leakage paths caused by skin oils, dirt, dust, etc., can cause
inaccurate circuit performance.
w As all of the screws in the Monitor have been treated with a special varnish they should not
be screwed in and out more than about ten times. After this, replace with new screws.
Generally, the insulation resistance of the oxide layer in MOS IC structures is very high, and the oxide layer is very thin. Because of this, it is possible that the static voltages usually present on clothes and the human body will be enough to generate a potential difference across the insulator, high enough to cause a breakdown of the insulating layer.
The following precautions should be taken while handling these ICs. Particular care should be taken under conditions of low humidity.
1. Store new ICs by inserting them into a urethanepolyester cushion (which is conductive), or wrapping them in aluminium foil, so that all the pins are at the same potential.
(The ICs should be stored in that manner until mounted on the circuit board.)
2. Check the soldering iron for possible power-line leakage current. To do this, connect an ohmmeter to the tip of the soldering iron and the plug. If there is a leakage path, use another soldering iron.
3. Equalize any potential difference between the clothes, the tools in use, the work bench, the set being worked on, and the packaged IC by touching them all in succession with the hands or a conductive wire or tool.
4. When it is necessary to handle the IC with the fingers, do not touch any pin, hold the IC at the ends of its plastic package case.
l-2 Service
The following precautions should be observed prior to beginning disassembly:
1. Turn the instrument off.
2. Remove the power cord and all signal cables from the rear panel.
In Chapter la the disassembly procedures are arranged from top assembly downwards. Chapter lb contains information on reassembly.
If the instrument is to be reconnected and the power turned on with the rear panel removed, low voltage and dangerous high voltage sources would be exposed. Be careful. Do not power up the chassis on a conductive surface such as a bare metal table. Place the chassis on a non-conductive material, such as heavy cardboard.


The instrument should be clean and free of dust and dirt. Clean as required with a lint-free cloth or sponge dampened with warm soapy water or alcohol. The front panel is more sensitive to scratching than the other surfaces of the Monitor. Be careful, especially when cleaning this surface.
Do not allow any liquid to enter the instrument case. Do not pour liquid on the instrument while cleaning. Never use any abrasive material such as steel wool or silver polish, and never use strong solvents as acetone to clean the monitor.

Extender Boards

Four extender boards and one cable are needed for servicing the Monitor:
lx 5061-5640
1 x 5061-5641 Interpolation Board / Display UP Board 1 x 5060-1805 1 x 78353-66589 Power Supply Extender Board (15 pin connector) 1 x 78353-61607 Power Supply Extender Cable
Parameter Board / Display UP Board
System Board

Display UP Board Exchange

After exchanging the Display UP Board, wait at least 20 seconds before switching the instrument back on, otherwise an error message will be generated
Service l-3

Disassembly Procedures

314 and Full Modules

Top cover removal

1. Undo and remove the 4 upper screws on the instrument case.
2. Raise the front of the top cover and lift cover off.
Die beiden oberen Fotos von alter Seite l-5 nebeneinander hier einfiigen

Board Removal (display UP, interpolation or parameter)

1. Lift out the board stabilizer which holds the boards in place.
2. Undo the colored plastic clips at either end of the board.
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Disassembly Procedures 1 a-l
3. Lift the board out.
Das erste Foto von alte Seite l-6 hier einfiigen
For Parameter Boards, to remove the plastic cover pull forward. Be careful with contact spring at reassembly.

Power Supply Assembly Removal

1. Undo the screw holding the power supply assembly in place. This screw has a compression washer underneath which must be re-fitted. On monitors with NIBP, detatch pressure tube
from input connector and NIBP board, also detatch power supply lead from NIBP board.
2. Lift out the power supply assembly, complete with NIBP pump (if fitted).
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la-2 Disassembly Procedures

Power Supply Disassembly

1. Remove the power supply cover by undoing the two screws on the top and the three screws on the side.
Das let&e Foto von alte Seite l-6 hier einfiigen
2. For access to the secondary power supply board A6, unscrew the rear panel assembly (2 screws).
3. Disconnect the transformer and battery connector (not shown).
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4. Loosen the potential equalisation connector with a socket wrench and remove.
5. Slide out rear panel insert. (On later models the label is removed from underneath).
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Disassembly Procedures 1 a-3
6. Undo two screws holding the power inlet in position (required only for access to power inlet).
7. For access to the primary power supply board A7, undo the three screws holding it into position.
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8. Power supply board A7 is now fully accessible.
Das letzte Foto von alte Seite l-8 hier einfiigen
1 a-4 Disassembly Procedures
1. Press the button on the top of the audio module cover, and pull the cover off the module. Later models have a screw in the rear panel to secure the audio cover.
2. Undo the 1 or 2 screws on the inside of the audio module. Later models have only one screw, remove this and slide the complete audio module out after disconnecting audio module cable and battery board cable (optional).
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3. Pull audio module a little away from the rear of the instrument and disconnect the cable
from the battery board. The battery board can now be removed (optional).
4. Disconnect the ribbon cable from X9 (and X19 if applicable) on the mother board and feed
out through the slot in the rear bracket. The audio module can now be removed.
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Disassembly Procedures
1 a-5

Front Panel Removal

1. The parameter boards must be lifted out before the front panel can be removed.
2. Disconnect the CRT socket, the ground wire, the cable to the keyboard assembly, the HV connection and the choke connection.
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3. Undo the screw on the inside of the front panel, next to the CRT, and tilt the front panel assembly forwards.
4. 788Xx series, 78352C, 78354C Disconnect the three lamp board wires from the mother board.
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la-6 Disassembly Procedures
5. 788Xx Series only Undo the one screw on the lamp board and remove as shown (push the lamps from the front of the panel to access the board).
78352C, 78354C and 78834C The LED lamp board is mounted with two screws to the keyboard assembly and can only
be removed with the complete keyboard assembly.
6. Lift front panel assembly out.
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Front Panel Disassembly

1. Unscrew the two CRT holders, one on either side of the tube.
2. Lift out the CRT, the CRT holders, grounding spring (earlier models have a side hook which needs to be unclipped, it is not necessary on later models and cannot be re-ordered).
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Disassembly Procedures la-7
3. Unscrew the parameter connector assemblies (the type and fitting of the connector assemblies varies depending on parameter configuration).
4. The cover can now be lifted off the assembly
shown) and the connector can also be
removed from the front panel.
Some connector boards have spring contact for shield connection. Be careful at reassembly to avoid damaging the spring.
Die beiden oberen Fotos von alter Seite 1-12 nebeneinander hier einfiigen
5. Not applicable to the 78352C, 78354C and 78834C monitors: Undo three screws to remove the keyboard assembly. (The keyboard assembly on the
78352C, 78354C and 78834C monitors is not removable, it is glued to the front panel).
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1 a-8 Disassembly Procedures

NIBP Board and Pump Removal

78354A Monitors with old ac pump:
1. Pull out NIBP parameter board until access to the tube connections are possible.
Das erste Foto von alte Seite 1-13 hier einfiigen
2. Disconnect the tubes from the front panel and the T-piece leading to the pump. Leave tube attached to board.
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Disassembly Procedures la-9
3. Disconnect cables from the pump control board to the parameter board. The board can now be completely removed.
Das letzte Foto von Seite 1-13 hier einfuegen
4. Disconnect power supply to control board and to pump and remove the control board by tilting towards pump to unclip it and then lift out.
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la-10 Disassembly Procedures
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