HP 7750 User Manual

Operating the Cisco ICS 7750
This chapter explains how to operate the Cisco Integrated Communications System 7750 (Cisco ICS 7750) after initial configuration is complete. The chapter is organized as follows:
Accessing the System, page 5-1
Backing Up System Data, page 5-23
Setting Security Privileges, page 5-30
Setting Security Privileges, page 5-30
Shutting Down the System, page 5-31

Accessing the System

This section tells how to access the Cisco ICS 7750 and gives guidelines for best practices when accessing the system:
Accessing the System During Initial Configuration, page 5-2
Accessing the System After Initial Configuration, page 5-2
Accessing ICSConfig, page 5-4
Accessing ICS System Manager, page 5-4
Navigating in ICS System Manager, page 5-5
Using ICS System Manager, page 5-6
Accessing Cisco CallManager, page 5-8
Cisco ICS 7750 Installation and Configuration Guide
Chapter 5 Operating the Cisco ICS 7750
Accessing the System
Accessing SPE310s, page 5-8
Best Practices for Using Microsoft SQL Server, page 5-14
Best Practices for Configuring DHCP, page 5-15
Best Practices for Using the Cisco IOS CLI, page 5-16
Using Peripherals with SPE310s, page 5-19

Accessing the System During Initial Configuration

When configuring the system for the first time, you can use a web browser to perform most tasks. See Chapter 4, “Completing the Cisco ICS 7750 Installation,” for system installation and configuration instructions.

Accessing the System After Initial Configuration

After system installation and configuration, you have many ways to access the system:
Cisco browser-based software interfaces:
ICSConfig—The Cisco ICS System Manager initial configuration program (ICSConfig) enables you to specify key system parameters during initial configuration and to change those parameters at any time after initial configuration. For additional information, see the “Accessing
ICSConfig” section on page 5-4.
ICS System Manager—ICS System Manager is preinstalled on the Cisco System Processing Engine 310 (SPE310) running System Manager, in chassis slot 6. You can use ICS System Manager to access, configure, monitor, and manage the chassis, its cards, and the interconnected Catalyst switches. For additional information, see the
“Accessing ICS System Manager” section on page 5-4.
Cisco CallManager—You can install Cisco CallManager on SPE310s and use the software to configure call admission control, route plans, voice gateways (typically multiservice route processors [MRPs] or analog station interfaces [ASIs]), Cisco IP Phones, and other features
Cisco ICS 7750 Installation and Configuration Guide
Chapter 5 Operating the Cisco ICS 7750
associated with transmitting voice traffic over an IP network. For additional information, see the “Accessing Cisco CallManager” section
on page 5-8.
Cisco IOS software command-line interface (CLI)—You can use Cisco IOS
software to configure ASIs, MRPs, and SSPs. For additional information, see the “Accessing the Cisco IOS CLI on ASIs, MRPs, and the SSP Through
Telnet” section on page 5-11.
Microsoft Windows software interfaces:
Terminal Services Client—You can use Terminal Services Client to access the SPE310 desktop and perform standard Windows file management operations on the SPE310. For additional information, see the “Accessing SPE310s” section on page 5-8.
Terminal Services Client is packaged with Windows 2000. Terminal Services Client is also available for downloading and installing on to other Windows operating systems. See the “Installing Microsoft
Terminal Services Client” section on page 2-19 for installation
Terminal emulation interfaces—You can use native tools such as Telnet and HyperTerminal to configure system cards. You can also connect directly to the system alarm processor (SAP) through a console or modem connection and troubleshoot system cards. For additional information, see the “Accessing Processor Cards Through the SAP”
section on page 5-12.
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)–based Management
Information Base (MIB)—You can use the SNMP MIB to manage the Cisco ICS 7750 with software such as CiscoWorks2000 and HP OpenView. (For additional information, see the “Using Network Management Solutions
with the Cisco ICS 7750” section on page 6-146.)
Accessing the System
Cisco ICS 7750 Installation and Configuration Guide
Accessing the System

Accessing ICSConfig

Follow these steps to access ICSConfig.
Note This section describes ICSConfig functionality after initial configuration is
complete. For a description of ICSConfig functionality during initial configuration, see Chapter 4, “Completing the Cisco ICS 7750 Installation.”
Step 1 On a PC, open Netscape Communicator or Microsoft Internet Explorer.
Step 2 In the Location or Address field, enter the following URL, replacing IP address
with the IP address of the SPE310 running System Manager:
http://IP address/icsconfig
Step 3 Log in as an administrator (user ID administrator), and enter your password (the
default is changeme).
Step 4 Click OK.
The system discovers the cards that are currently installed in the chassis. After the discovery process is complete, the ICS 7700 System Configuration page displays.
Step 5 Click ICS 7700 System Setup.
Chapter 5 Operating the Cisco ICS 7750
Step 6 Make any desired changes to the system parameters, and submit your changes.
It will take up to 20 minutes for the system to process your changes. When the STATUS LEDs on the SPE310s change to solid green, the submit process is complete.

Accessing ICS System Manager

You can use ICS System Manager to access, configure, monitor, and manage the chassis and its cards.
Cisco ICS 7750 Installation and Configuration Guide
Chapter 5 Operating the Cisco ICS 7750
When you have installed and configured your system as described in Chapter 4,
“Completing the Cisco ICS 7750 Installation,” follow these steps to access
ICS System Manager:
Step 1 On a PC, open Netscape Communicator or Microsoft Internet Explorer.
Step 2 In the Location or Address field, enter the following URL, replacing IP address
with the IP address of the SPE310 running System Manager:
http://IP address/ics
Note If you do not know the IP address of the SPE310, see the “Determining
the IP Address of an SPE310” section on page 5-22.
Step 3 Log in as the super administrator (user ID is admin), and enter your password
(the default is admin).
Step 4 Click Login.
Accessing the System

Navigating in ICS System Manager

To navigate in ICS System Manager, click the tabs that are visible at the top of every ICS System Manager page:
Home—Displays a page in which you can toggle between a short summary
(Summary View) and a detailed list (Detailed View) of information about system cards.
Configure—Displays a page in which you can choose any of the following
SSP Manager—Enables you to configure the system switch processor (SSP) and to perform LAN management tasks, such as administering workgroup changes and using link statistics to troubleshoot problems.
System Setup—Enables you to view system parameters and provides instructions for changing the parameters.
Cisco ICS 7750 Installation and Configuration Guide
Accessing the System
Chapter 5 Operating the Cisco ICS 7750
Fan Manager—Enables you to view and update information related to the planned replacement of the fan tray.
COM Port Manager—Enables you to view and change system port assignments (other than the SAP console port).
Applications—Provides one or more links to applications such as Cisco CallManager.
Monitor—Displays a page that shows current data about your system, such as
the number of bytes transferred over an Ethernet port or the amount of disk space used on an SPE310.
Event Manager—Displays a page in which you can set preferences for
logging and event notifications, define rules for the reporting of system events, set up event reports, and view system events.
Software Upgrade—Displays a page from which you can upload and install
Cisco IOS software images for ASIs, MRPs, and SSPs, and firmware for the SAP. For additional information, see the Cisco ICS 7750 Release Notes for the release to which you are upgrading.
Security—Displays a page for assigning users to groups with different
security levels.
System Maintenance—Displays a page for scheduling and running backups
of system software data and viewing instructions on restoring system software data.

Using ICS System Manager

This section tells how to use ICS System Manager to perform the following routine tasks:
Determining the ICS System Manager Version
Determining the Cisco IOS Software Release Running on the SSP
Note For additional information about how to use ICS System Manager, refer to the
ICS System Manager online help.
Cisco ICS 7750 Installation and Configuration Guide
Chapter 5 Operating the Cisco ICS 7750

Determining the ICS System Manager Version

The ICS System Manager bundle version number is displayed on the System Manager home page, in a box just under the graphic representation of the system chassis.
For example:
Software Bundle:
V<version number>
Running since:
<date and time ICS System Manager was last restarted>
The ICS System Manager home page also lists the cards currently running in the system chassis, as well as their assigned IP addresses and the software running on each. You can switch between a summary view and a detailed view of the hardware and software installed on the cards in the system.

Determining the Cisco IOS Software Release Running on the SSP

You can use ICS System Manager to determine the Cisco IOS software release that is running on the SSP, as well as other information about the SSP, as follows:
Accessing the System
Step 1 Click the Configure tab on the ICS System Manager home page.
Step 2 Click SSP Manager.
Step 3 If prompted, log in as an administrator (user ID administrator), and enter your
password (the default is changeme).
Step 4 Click show tech-support.
The system invokes the show version command on the SSP. The following is sample output from this command:
Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software IOS (tm) C2900XL Software (C2900XL-C3H2S-M), Version 12.0(5.2)XU, MAINTENANCE INTERIM SOFTWARE Copyright (c) 1986-2000 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Additional output lines from the show version command include information such as the processor revision numbers and the amount of available memory.
Cisco ICS 7750 Installation and Configuration Guide
Accessing the System

Accessing Cisco CallManager

You can install Cisco CallManager on SPE310s and use the software to configure call admission control, route plans, voice gateways (such as MRPs or ASIs with installed voice interface cards [VICs] or voice WAN interface cards [VWICs]), Cisco IP Phones, and other features associated with transmitting voice traffic over an IP network.
To access Cisco CallManager on the Cisco ICS 7750, follow these steps:
Step 1 Click the Configure tab on the ICS System Manager home page.
Step 2 Click Applications.
The page refreshes, displaying a table that contains information about the SPE310s and the applications that are running on them.
Step 3 Click the desired CallManager Administration: IP address/CCMAdmin link
(where IP address is the IP address of the target SPE310 running Cisco CallManager).
Step 4 Log in to CallManager as an administrator.
Chapter 5 Operating the Cisco ICS 7750
Note You can also access Cisco CallManager on the Cisco ICS 7750 by entering the
following URL, replacing IP address with the IP address of an SPE310 running Cisco CallManager: http://IP address/CCMAdmin.

Accessing SPE310s

You can use Terminal Services Client to access the SPE310 desktop, as described in the following topics:
Accessing the SPE310 Windows Interface Through Terminal Services Client,
page 5-9
Accessing the SPE310 Windows Interface Through Directly Connected
Peripherals, page 5-9
Accessing SPE310s Through Telnet, page 5-11
Cisco ICS 7750 Installation and Configuration Guide
Chapter 5 Operating the Cisco ICS 7750
Accessing the System
Accessing the Cisco IOS CLI on ASIs, MRPs, and the SSP Through Telnet,
page 5-11
Accessing Processor Cards Through the SAP, page 5-12

Accessing the SPE310 Windows Interface Through Terminal Services Client

To access the SPE310 Windows interface through Terminal Services Client, follow these steps:
Step 1 On the PC that you use to administer the Cisco ICS 7750, choose Start >
Programs > Terminal Services Client > Client Connection Manager.
Step 2 Use the Client Connection Manager to open a Terminal Services connection with
the target SPE310:
If you already have a Terminal Services Client connection defined for the
target SPE310, choose it, and choose File > Connect.
If you do not have a Terminal Services Client connection defined for the
target SPE310, choose File > New Connection. Follow the instructions in the wizard. Then choose File > Connect.
The Terminal Services Client window opens. You can use Terminal Services Client to access standard Windows utilities on the SPE310, such as Windows Explorer and the Control Panel.

Accessing the SPE310 Windows Interface Through Directly Connected Peripherals

You can connect a monitor, keyboard, and mouse directly to the SPE310 to access the Windows user interface, as follows.
Note For a summary of the issues related to the connection of peripherals to SPE310s,
as well as best practices for using peripherals with SPE310s, see the “Using
Peripherals with SPE310s” section on page 5-19.
Cisco ICS 7750 Installation and Configuration Guide
Accessing the System
Note For a list of USB peripherals that have been tested on the Cisco ICS 7750, see the
Step 1 Connect the monitor cable to the video port on the SPE310, and power on the
Step 2 Do one of the following, based on the type of peripherals that you are using:
Chapter 5 Operating the Cisco ICS 7750
“Using Peripherals with SPE310s” section on page 5-19.
USB—Connect a USB keyboard to one SPE310 USB port, and connect a
USB mouse to the other SPE310 USB port.
PS/2—Connect the “Y” splitter cable for your keyboard and mouse to the
keyboard/mouse port on the target SPE310. Then connect your keyboard and mouse to the available ends of the “Y” splitter cable.
Note If you are using the “Y” splitter cable to connect a PS/2 mouse and a
keyboard to the SPE310, the keyboard and mouse must be connected at or before the time that the SPE310 is rebooted in order to be recognized by the operating system. A USB keyboard and mouse are usually recognized without rebooting the operating system.
Step 3 Use the keyboard, mouse, and monitor to access standard Windows utilities on
the SPE310, such as Windows Explorer and the Control Panel.
Cisco ICS 7750 Installation and Configuration Guide
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