HP 3D600/700/710 Fusing and Detailing
Summary of Regulatory Compliance and Environmental
HP 3D600/700/710 Fusing and Detailing Agents are water-based formulations designed by HP to
meet worldwide regulatory requirements.
Regulatory Summary
Chemical Inventory Status
The following countries have chemical inventory requirements and HP 3D600/700/710 Fusing
and Detailing Agents can be imported without restriction:
• Australia (AICS)
• Canada (DSL, NDSL)
• Providence of Ontario
• China (IECSC)
• Japan (ISHL)
• Japan (CSCL/ENCS)
• Korea (KECI, K-REACH))
• New Zealand (NZIoC)
• Philippines (PICCS)
• Switzerland (ChemO)
• Taiwan (ECSI)
• United States (TSCA)
For EU REACH, HP has completed all necessary pre-registrations/registrations to import the HP
3D600/700/710 Fusing and Detailing Agents.
Regulated Materials
HP 3D600/700/710 Fusing and Detailing Agents DO NOT contain the following regulated
• Arsenic, antimony, soluble barium, cadmium, chromium, cobalt, mercury, lead, nickel,
copper, and selenium as intentionally added ingredients
• Restricted azo colorants1
• Substances regulated as drugs and drug precursors or those requiring special permits
for use
• Substances currently regulated under Annex XIV of EU REACH (authorisations) or
substances currently restricted under Annex XVII of EU REACH (restrictions)
• Halogenated organics
Health and Environmental Performance
HP 3D600/700/710 Fusing and Detailing Agents do not contain Hazardous Air Pollutants
Volatile Organic Content (VOC) content for HP 3D600/700/710 Fusing and Detailing Agents is
<300 gram/liter (by EPA Method 24). Additional emissions data is available upon request.
EU Directive 2002/61/EC, additionally referenced as Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006: REACH, Annex XVI (article 67),
restricts the use of azo colorants that break down to aromatic amines known to cause cancer.
HP 3D600/700/710 Fusing and Detailing Agents were tested for Hazardous Air Pollutants, as defined in the Clean Air
Act, per U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Method 311 (testing conducted in 2013) and none were detected.

Cleaning and maintenance procedures are designed for minimal VOC emissions and comply with
regulations in the United States.
2-pyrrolidone (2P) (CAS No. 616-45-5) is present in the 3D600/3D700 Fusing and Detailing
Agents at <20% and 5% by weight, respectively. 2P is a Category 1B reproductive toxin
according to the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS,
as implemented by the EU Classification, Labeling and Packing Regulation No1272/2008/EC
(CLP)), US HazCom 2012, and other country-specific GHS regulations. To ensure users are
safe during printing operation, indicative testing3 of HP Jet Fusion 3D printers was performed
using the HP 3D600/700/710 agents. Results showed that relevant emissions were below
applicable limits and guidelines4 as detailed below.
Human and Ecological Health
HP 3D600/700/710 Fusing and Detailing Agents do not contain intentionally added components
in the following categories:
• California Proposition 65 listed chemicals at concentrations requiring labeling;
• Substances identified as endocrine disruptors;
• Substances considered very toxic or toxic;
• Substances classified as respiratory sensitizers;
• Substances identified as "very high concern" (SVHC) according to EU REACH criteria;
• Substances identified as “very persistent and/or very bioaccumulative” (VPVB) according
to EU REACH criteria.
2-pyrrolidone (2P) (CAS No. 616-45-5) is present in the 3D600/3D700 Fusing and Detailing
Agents at <20% and 5% by weight, respectively. 2P is a Category 1B reproductive toxin
according to the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS,
as implemented by the EU Classification, Labeling and Packing Regulation No1272/2008/EC
(CLP)), US HazCom 2012, and other country-specific GHS regulations and therefore the HP
3D600/700/710 Fusing and Detailing Agents are classified as Category 1B H360: May damage
fertility or the unborn child. 2P may be present in the final printed part.
2-Methyl-2H-isothiazol-3-one (MIT) (CAS No. 2682-20-4) is present in the 3D600/3D700 Fusing
and Detailing Agents at <0.1% by weight in these formulations. MIT is a Category 1 skin
sensitizer according to the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of
Chemicals (GHS, as implemented by the EU Classification, Labeling and Packing Regulation
No1272/2008/EC (CLP)), US HazCom 2012, and other country-specific GHS regulations and
therefore the HP 3D600/700/710 Fusing and Detailing Agents are classified as Category 1A
H317: May cause an allergic skin reaction. MIT may be present in the final printed part.
HP 3D600/700/710 Fusing and Detailing Agents are non-flammable, non-combustible5, and do
not require special handling, storage, or transportation-related conditions. These formulations are
HP commissioned indicative testing of HP Jet Fusion 3D 3200 and 4200 printers operated with HP 3D PA12 material,
carried out by the Fraunhofer Wilhelm-Klauditz-Institute (WKI), Braunschweig, Germany, 2016/2017 following the
recommendations of the respective user manual.
Permissible Exposure Limits (PELs-TWA), 29 CFR 1910.1000 Z-1, Z-2 and Z-3, U.S. Occupational Safety and Health
Administration (OSHA), accessed November 2019. Permissible Exposure Limits, Table AC-1, California Division of
Occupational Safety and Health, accessed November 2019. Workplace limits (AGW), TRGS 900, German Ordinance of
Hazardous Substances (GefStoffV), German Committee on Hazardous Substances (AGS), 2006 (as
amended). Workplace Exposure Standards for Airborne Contaminants (WES), Safe Work Australia, 2018. Permissible
exposure levels of toxic substances, in: Workplace Safety and Health (General Provisions) Regulations (G.N. No. S
134/2006), Singapore Government, Revised Ed. 2007. National standard of the People’s Republic of China, Indoor Air
Quality Standard, 2003. Basic criteria for award of the German Blue Angel environmental label for Office Equipment with
Printing Function, DE-UZ 205, RAL gGmbH. Derived No-Effect Level (DNEL) Values as introduced by the REACH
regulation, appendix 1, no. 1.0.1., 1 July 2007. Values are taken from the GESTIS DNEL List of the DGUV website,
accessed November 2019. Recommended Exposure Limits, NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards, National
Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, 2007. Threshold Limit Values (TLVs®), American Conference of
Governmental Industrial Hygienists, 2018.
HP 3D600/700/710 Fusing and Detailing Agents are not classified as flammable or combustible liquids under the
USDOT or international transportation regulations. Testing per the Pensky-Martins Closed Cup method demonstrated
flash point greater than 110° C.