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Hewlett-Packard Company
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The ninth edition of the MPE/iX Commands Reference Manual is one volume with
command descriptions alphabetically from A through X. This manual is written for all
users of the HP 3000 MPE/iX Computers. MPE/iX, Multiprogramming Executive with
Integrated POSIX, is the latest in a series of forward-compatible operating systems for the
HP 3000 line of computers.
In HP documentation and in talking with HP 3000 users, you will encounter references to
MPE XL, the direct predecessor of MPE/iX. MPE/iX is a superset of MPE XL. All programs
written for MPE XL will run without change unde MPE/iX. You can continue to use MPE
XL system documentation, although it may not refer to features added to the operating
system to support POSIX (for example, hierarchical directories).
Finally, you may encounter references to MPE V, which is the operating system for HP
3000s, not based on the P A-RISC architecture . MPE V software can be run on the PA-RISC
(Series 900) HP 3000s in what is known as compatibility mode.
The MPE/iX Commands Reference Manual is organized into eight chapters. A description
of each chapter follows:
Chapters 2 thru 8 of this manual, explains the purpose, syntax, parameters, and operation
(including examples) for each MPE/iX command. If you know which command to use for
the task you wish to perform, turn directly to that command definition in chapter 2. For
your convenience, commands are organized alphabetically. If you don't know which
command to use, Chapter 1, which contains a listing of commands by task, is a good place
to start. After reading the brief description, turn to the appropriate command definition.
For supplemental information on command syntax and use, refer to the MPE/iX GeneralUser's Reference Manual.
Chapter 1Commands by Task provides an introduction to all MPE/iX commands
and their functions, categorized by the task they perform.
Chapters 2-8 Command Definitions provides documentation on each MPE/iX
command alphabetically for your ease of use.
The following conventions are used throughout this manual.
italicsIn a syntax statement or an example, a word in intalics represents a
parameter or argument that you must replace with the actual value. In
the following example, you must replace filename with the name of the file:
COMMAND filename
{ }In a syntax statement, braces enclose required elements. When several
elements are included within braces, you must select one. In the following
example, you must select either
[ ]In a syntax statement, brackets enclose optional elements. In the following
OPTION can be omitted:
When several elements are enclosed within brackets, you canm select one
or none of the elements. In following example, you can select OPTION or
parameter or neither. The elements cannot be repeated.
COMMAND filename [OPTION | parameter]
[ ... ]In a syntax statement, horizontal ellipses enclosed in brackets indicate
that you can repeatedly select the element(s) that appear within the
immediately preceding pair of brackets or braces. In the example below,
you can select parameter zero or more times. Each instance of parameter
must be preceded by a comma:
In the example below, you can only use the commas as a delimiter if
papameter is repeated; no comma is used before the first occurrence of
[parameter][ ,... ]
| ... |In a syntax statement, horizontal ellipses enclosed in vertical bars indicate
that you can select more that one element within the immediately
prededing pair of brackets or braces. However, each particular element can
only be selected once. In the followig example you must select A, AB, BA,
or B. The elements cannot be repeated.
[A | B] |...|
Commands by Task
1Commands by Task
Commands are used to communicate with the MPE/iX operating system. They request
MPE/iX to perform a specific task or provide specific information.
Chapter 113
Commands by Task
Task-Related Commands
Task-Related Commands
This chapter is an introduction to MPE/iX commands and their functions, categorized by
the task they perform.
The categories of tasks identified for MPE/iX commands are:
• Accessing Subsystems and Utilities.
• Command Interpreter Programming Tools.
• Communicating with Other Users.
• Executing User Programs.
• Managing Accounts, Groups, and Users.
• Managing Devices.
• Managing Files.
• Managing Jobs and Sessions.
• Managing Spooler Operations.
• Managing System Resources.
• Managing User/System Logging.
• Managing Variables and Job Control Words.
• Managing Volumes (Disk Drives).
• Using Command Files and User-Defined Commands.
• Using Computer Language Programs.
To use this chapter, first determine what task you want to perform, for example, create a
new account. Check the list above to find an appropriate category, which in this case would
be "Managing Accounts, Groups, and Users". Turn to that category and you will find a list
of MPE/iX commands that perform tasks related to managing accounts and a description
of the particular function for each command.
14Chapter 1
Commands by Task
Task-Related Commands
Check that list to find an appropriate functional description, which in this case is "Creates
a new account". Then check the lefthand column for the name of the command that
performs that function, which in this case is NEWACCT.
When you have located the command that most closely performs the task you want to
accomplish, turn to chapter 2 of this manual for complete information about the syntax,
parameters, operation, use, and examples for that command. For your convenience, the
commands in chapter 2 are listed in alphabetical order.
Accessing Subsystems and Utilities
DEBUGInstructs MPE/iX to enter the system debugger.
EDITORStarts the EDIT/3000 subsystem.
FCOPYRuns the FCOPY subsystem
HELPAccesses the help subsystem.
RESETDUMPDisarms the debug facility call that is made during abnormal process
SEGMENTERStarts the MPE segmenter.
SETDUMPArms the system debug facility for a process abort.
SHUDC that executes SH.HPBIN.SYS, the POSIX shell
SYSGENStarts configuration dialog and/or installation tape creation.
VOLUTILManaging user volume sets
Command Interpreter Programming
CALC or #Evaluates an expression
COMMENTInserts a comment into a job stream or user command.
CONTINUEOverrides a job error so that the job or user command continues executing.
ECHODisplays a message on the terminal for a session or the printer for a job.
ELSEProvides an alternate execution sequence within an IF statement.
ELSEIFProvides an alternate execution sequence within an IF statement.
ENDIFTerminates an IF block.
ENDWHILETerminates a WHILE block.
ESCAPEAllows the CI programmer to simulate all aspects of CI error handling.
IFUsed to control the execution sequence of a job, UDC, or command file.
INPUTAllows you to interactively assign a value to any variable that can be set
with the SETVAR command.
Chapter 115
Commands by Task
Task-Related Commands
RETURNCauses execution to return from the current user command (UDC or
command file) to the calling environment
SETVARCreates or modifies a CI variable.
WHILEUsed to control execution in a job, session, UDC, or command file.
Communicating with Other Users
TELLSends a message to another active session.
TELLOPSends a message to the system console.
WARNSends an urgent message to jobs/sessions.
WELCOMEUsed to create the system welcome message.
Executing User Programs
LINKCreates an executable program file.
OCTCOMPConverts a compiled MPE V/E program into native mode code for the HP
3000 Series 900.
PREPPrepares a compatibility mode program from a user subprogram library
onto a program file.
PREPRUNPrepares and executes a compiled compatibility mode program.
FILENAMEExecutes a program. Note the filename may be qualified using the
HPPATH CI variable
RUNExecutes a prepared or linked program.
Managing Accounts, Groups, and Users
ALTACCTChanges the attributes of an existing account.
ALTGROUPChanges the attributes of an existing group.
ALTUSERChanges the attributes of an existing user.
LISTACCTDisplays information about a specified account(s).
LISTGROUPDisplays information about a specified group(s).
LISTUSERDisplays information about a specified user(s).
NEWACCTCreates a new account.
NEWGROUPCreates a new group.
NEWUSERCreates a new user.
PURGEACCTRemoves an account from the system.
PURGEGROUPRemoves a group from the system.
16Chapter 1
Commands by Task
Task-Related Commands
PURGEUSERRemoves a user from an account.
REPORTDisplays accounting information about the logon account and group.
Managing Devices
=ABORTIOAborts a single pending I/O request for a device.
ASSOCIATEGives a user operator control of a device.
DEVCNTRLScript that ejects a tape an/or sets a tape device online.
DISASSOCIATE Removes control of a device from a user.
DOWNRemoves a device from normal system use.
DOWNLOADDownloads format information to a line printer.
HEADOFFStops header/trailer output to a device.
HEADONResumes header/trailer output to a device.
SETSets terminal and $STDLIST configuration.
SETMSGEnables/disables receipt of user or operator messages on the terminal.
SHOWDEVReports the status of input/output devices.
SHOWINReports the status of input device files.
SHOWOUTDisplays the status of output device files.
SPEEDSets the input/output speed for a terminal.
STREAMSEnables/disables the STREAMS device allowing users to submit job/data
streams to a designated device.
UPReturns a device (except disk drives) stopped with a DOWN command to
normal function on the system.
Managing Files
ALTFILEChanges a file’s owner or group ID
ALTSECChanges a file's security provisions.
BUILDCreates and allocates a new empty file on disk.
CHDIRChanges the current working directory.
COPYCopies one file to another file.
DATAEnters data into the system from a device file.
FILEDeclares file attributes for a file when it is opened.
LISTEQDisplays all active file equations for a job or session.
LISTFDisplays information about permanent files.
Chapter 117
Commands by Task
Task-Related Commands
LISTFILELists file information using native mode scanning/parsing that can be
easily expanded.
LISTFTEMPDisplays information about temporary files.
NEWDIRCreates a directory
NEWLINKCreates a symbolic link
PRINTPrints the contents of a file.
PURGEDeletes a file from the system.
PURGEDIRDeletes a directory.
PURGELINKDeletes a symbolic link, empty directory, or a regular file.
RELEASERemoves all security provisions for a file.
RENAMEChanges the name of a file.
RESETCancels file equations.
RESTOREReturns files stored on tape to the system.
SAVESaves a file in the permanent system file domain.
SECURERestores security provisions for a file.
STORECopies disk files onto magnetic tape for storage.
VSTOREVerifies data on native mode backup media and reports errors incurred by
STORE when writing the tape.
Managing Jobs and Sessions
ABORTAborts the current program or operation.
ABORTJOB =ABORTJOB Aborts a job or session.
ACCEPTPermits a designated device to accept jobs/sessions and/or data.
ALTJOBAlters the attributes of waiting or scheduled jobs.
BREAKJOBSuspends an executing job.
BYEEnds an interactive session.
CHDIRChanges the current working directory.
CHGROUPSwitches user from current group to another group within the logon
DOUsed to reexecute commands in the command line history stack.
:EODDenotes end-of-data on the input stream from a job file or terminates data
initialized by the DATA command.
EOJEnds a batch job.
EXITTerminates the command interpreter.
18Chapter 1
Commands by Task
Task-Related Commands
HELLOInitiates an interactive session.
JOBDefines a job to be activated in conjunction with the STREAM command to
run in batch mode.
JOBFENCEDefines the minimum input priority a job or session must have in order to
JOBPRISets or changes the default and/or maximum execution priority for batch
JOBSECURITY Designates what level of user may request resources and control the
execution of jobs.
LIMITLimits the number of concurrently running jobs/sessions for the entire
system or for individual job queues.
LISTJOBQLists a job queue
LISTREDODisplays the contents of the command line history stack.
=LOGOFFAborts all executing jobs/sessions and prevents any further logons.
=LOGONEnables job/session processing following a =LOGOFF command.
NEWJOBQCreates a new job queue
PAUSESleep for a specified number of seconds or until a job(s) terminates.
PURGEJOBQDeletes a job queue
REDOUsed to edit/reexecute commands in the command line history stack.
REFUSEDisables jobs/sessions and/or data on a designated device.
RESUMEResumes execution of a suspended operation.
RESUMEJOBResumes a suspended job.
SHOWJOBDisplays status information about jobs/sessions.
SHOWMEReports job/session status.
SHOWTIMEDisplays the current time and date.
STARTSESSCreates a session on the specified device for a user with programmatic
sessions (PS) capability.
STREAMSpools batch jobs or data from a session or job.
Managing Spooler Operations
ALTSPOOLFILE Alters the characteristics of an output spoolfile.
DELETESPOOLFILE Deletes a spoolfile from disk.
LISTSPFProduces a listing of spooled files, both input and output.
OPENQOpens the spool queue for a specified logical device or device class.
Chapter 119
Commands by Task
Task-Related Commands
OUTFENCEDefines the minimum priority an output spoolfile needs in order to be
RESUMESPOOL Resumes suspended spooler output to a spooled device.
STARTSPOOLInitiates the spooler process for a device.
SHUTQCloses the spool queue for a specified logical device or device class.
SPOOLERControls spooler processes.
SPOOLFAllows a qualified user to alter, print, or delete output spoolfiles.
STOPSPOOLTerminates spooling to a specified device or device class.
SUSPENDSPOOL Suspends output to a spooled device.
Managing System Resources
ALLOCATELoads a compatibility mode program or procedure into main memory.
ALLOWGrants a user access to a specific operator command.
ALTPROCChanges the priority for the specified processes.
CONSOLEChanges the system console from its current device to another
job-accepting terminal.
DEALLOCATEDeallocates a program or procedure previously loaded into memory with
the ALLOCATE command.
DISALLOWProhibits access to a specific operator command.
DISCRPSEnables/disables rotational position sensing on a specified logical device.
ERRDUMPDumps a process or system error stack.
FREERINReleases a global resource identification number (RIN).
GETRINAcquires and assigns a password to a global resource identification
number (RIN).
PAUSESuspends current activity for a specified number of seconds.
RECALL =RECALL Displays all pending console REPLY messages.
REPLY=REPLY Replies to pending resource request messages that require a response.
RESETACCTResets the system counters for CPU-time or connect-time, used by an
account and its groups, to zero.
SETCLOCKSets the system clock.
SETCOUNTERSets the next value of a resource counter.
SHOWALLOWDisplays allowed operator commands.
SHOWCLOCKDisplays information about the system date and time.
SHOWPROCDisplays information about one or more processes.
20Chapter 1
Commands by Task
Task-Related Commands
SHOWQDisplays process scheduling data and the contents of each subqueue.
=SHUTDOWNInitiates a shutdown of MPE/iX.
TUNEAlters the dispatcher subqueues which determine when processes must
relinquish the CPU.
Managing User/System Logging
ALTLOGAlters the attributes of an existing user logging identifier.
CHANGELOGChanges the user logging file without stopping or interrupting the logging
GETLOGEstablishes a logging identifier on the system.
LISTLOGLists active logging identifiers and whether automatic log file changing
has been enabled.
LOGStarts, restarts, or stops user logging.
RELLOGRemoves a user logging identifier from the system.
RESUMELOGResumes system logging following suspension caused by an error.
SHOWLOGDisplays the number of the system's current log file and the percentage of
disk space used.
SHOWLOGSTATUSDisplays status information about opened user logging files assigned to a
logging identifier.
SWITCHLOGCloses the current system log file, then creates and opens a new one.
Managing Variables and Job Control Words
DELETEVARDeletes one or more MPE/iX variables.
ERRCLEARZeros out all HP predefined error-related variables.
INPUTAllows you to interactively assign a value to any variable that can be set
with the SETVAR command.
SETJCWCreates or assigns a value to a job control word (JCW) variable.
SETVARAssigns values to MPE/iX variables.
SHOWJCWDisplays the current status of job control word variables.
SHOWVARDisplays current values for specific variables.
Managing Volumes (Disk Drives)
DSTATDisplays current status of system disk drives.
DISMOUNTCauses a volume set that was explicitly reserved by a user to be released.
Chapter 121
Commands by Task
Task-Related Commands
LDISMOUNTCauses a volume set that was reserved system-wide by the user to be
LMOUNTReserves a volume set system-wide.
MOUNTReserves an online volume set.
VMOUNTEnables/disables the MPE/iX movable volume facility.
VOLTILDefragment diskspace, general user volume management
VSCLOSECloses a specified volume set and takes it offline.
VSOPENReopens a volume set closed with VSCLOSE.
VSRELEASEReleases a volume set that was explicitly reserved by the user with
VSRELEASESYS Cancels a previously issued VSRESERVESYS command for a specified
volume set.
VSRESERVEReserves a particular volume set online.
VSRESERVESYS Reserves a volume set online system-wide.
VSUSERLists all users of a currently reserved, mountable volume set.
Using Command Files and User-Defined Commands
ANYPARMDefine a parameter that accepts all characters without the need for quotes.
ESCAPEAllows the CI programmer to simulate all aspects of CI error handling.
OPTIONModifies the environment of user-defined commands and command files.
PARMDefines a parameter for a UDL or command file.
RETURNUsed in user command files to return execution to the calling environment.
SETCATALOGSpecifies a file containing user-defined commands.
SHOWCATALOG Displays information about user-defined commands (UDCs).
XEQExecutes a program or command file.
Using Computer Language Programs
BASICInterprets a compatibility mode BASIC/V program.
BASICGOCompiles, prepares, and executes a compatibility mode BASIC/V program.
BASICOMPCompiles a compatibility mode BASIC/V program.
BASICPREPCompiles and prepares a compatibility mode BASIC/V program.
BBASICStarts execution of the HP Business BASIC/V interpreter in compatibility
BBASICGOCompiles, prepares, and executes an HP Business BASIC/V program in
compatibility mode.
22Chapter 1
Commands by Task
Task-Related Commands
BBASICOMPCompiles an HP Business BASIC/V program in compatibility mode.
BBASICPREPCompiles and prepares an HP Business BASIC/V program in compatibility
BBXLInitiates execution of the HP Business BASIC/XL interpreter.
BBXLCOMPCompiles an HP Business BASIC/XL program.
BBXLGOCompiles, links, and executes an HP Business BASIC/XL program.
BBXLLKCompiles and links an HP Business BASIC/XL program.
CCXLCompiles an HP C/iX program.
CCXLGOCompiles, links, and executes an HP C/iX program.
CCXLLKCompiles and links an HP C/iX program.
COB74XLCompiles an HP COBOL II/XL program using the 1974 ANSI standard
entry point and creates an object file.
COB74XLGCompiles, links, and executes an HP COBOL II/XL program using the
ANSI 1974 standard entry point.
COB74XLKCompiles and links an HP COBOL II/XL program using the 1974 ANSI
standard entry point.
COB85XLCompiles an HP COBOL II/XL program using the 1985 ANSI standard
entry point and creates an object file.
COB85XLGCompiles, links, and executes an HP COBOL II/XL program using the
ANSI 1985 standard entry point.
COB85XLKCompiles and links an HP COBOL II/XL program using the 1985 ANSI
standard entry point.
COBOLIICompiles a compatibility mode COBOLII program on the COBOL 74
COBOLIIGOCompiles, prepares, and executes a compatibility mode COBOLII program
on the COBOL 74 compiler.
COBOLIIPREP Compiles and prepares a compatibility mode COBOLII program on the
COBOL 74 compiler.
FORTGOCompiles, prepares, and executes a compatibility mode FORTRAN 66/V
FORTPREPCompiles and prepares a compatibility mode FORTRAN 66/V program.
FORTRANCompiles a compatibility mode FORTRAN 66/V program.
FTNCompiles a compatibility mode HP FORTRAN 77/V program.
FTNGOCompiles, prepares, and executes a compatibility mode HP FORTRAN
77/V program.
FTNPREPCompiles and prepares a compatibility mode HP FORTRAN 77/V
Chapter 123
Commands by Task
Task-Related Commands
FTNXLCompiles an HP FORTRAN 77/iX program.
FTNXLGOCompiles, links, and executes an HP FORTRAN 77/iX program.
FTNXLLKCompiles and links an HP FORTRAN 77/iX program.
PASCALCompiles a compatibility mode Pascal/V program.
PASCALGOCompiles, prepares, and executes a compatibility mode Pascal/V program.
PASCALPREPCompiles and prepares a compatibility mode Pascal/V program.
PASXLCompiles an HP Pascal/iX program.
PASXLGOCompiles, links, and executes an HP Pascal/iX program.
PASXLLKCompiles and links an HP Pascal/iX program.
RPGCompiles an RPG/V program in compatibility mode.
RPGGOCompiles, prepares, and executes an RPG/V program in compatibility
RPGPREPCompiles and prepares an RPG/V program in compatibility mode.
RPGXLCompiles an RPG/XL program.
RPGXLGOCompiles, links, and executes an RPG/XL program.
RPGXLLKCompiles and links an RPG/XL program.
SPLCompiles a compatibility mode SPL/V program.
SPLGOCompiles, prepares, and executes a compatibility mode SPL/V program.
SPLPREPCompiles and prepares a compatibility mode SPL/V program.
24Chapter 1
Command Definitions A-B
2Command Definitions A-B
This chapter provides information on MPE/iX commands. For your convenience, they are
arranged in alphabetical order. Each command specification contains the following
Command Name Provides the command name at the top of each page followed by a brief
definition of its function.
SyntaxProvides information in diagram format defining how to enter the
command and its parameters.
ParametersProvides an explanation of each parameter and its function, limitations,
and defaults.
Operation Notes Provides an explanation of the operation of the command and notes on
any special considerations.
UseProvides information on the conditions within which the command can be
used such as a session, job, program, or in BREAK. This entry also
indicates whether the command can be interrupted with the
and, if appropriate, lists any special capabilities required to use it. Refer to
the NEWACCT command for a list of special capabilities.
ExamplesProvides examples of how to use the command.
Related Information Provides pointers to other commands or manuals that might
contain additional information.
Break key
Chapter 225
Command Definitions A-B
26Chapter 2
Command Definitions A-B
Commands and Parameters
Commands and Parameters
MPE/iX commands tell the computer to perform a specific function. The parameters you
enter for each command tell the computer to perform the function in a specific way.
MPE/iX uses four classifications of parameters:
• Required parameters.
• Optional parameters.
• Keyword parameters.
• Positional parameters.
These four classifications of parameters are briefly defined below. To understand the
command syntax diagrams, refer to the Conventions pages in the front of this manual.
Required Parameters
If a command has any required parameters, they must be entered or MPE/iX displays an
error message. In the syntax diagrams for each command in this chapter, required
parameters are either surrounded by no other marks or by braces { }. In the following
example, since myfile is not surrounded by any marks, it is a required parameter:
BUILD myfile
In some cases, you must select one parameter from a list of two or more parameters. In the
following example, you must provide either a job number or a session number since these
parameters are surrounded by braces:
ALTJOB [#Jnnn | #Snnn]
Optional Parameters
If a command has any optional parameters, you can either specify or ignore them,
depending upon how you want the command to execute. In the syntax diagrams for each
command in this chapter, optional parameters are surrounded by brackets [ ]. If you
ignore optional parameters, MPE/iX uses the system-defined default values for each
parameter. In the following example, [;PASS] is an optional parameter since it is
surrounded by brackets:
NEWGROUP groupname [;PASS=[password]]
Chapter 227
Command Definitions A-B
Commands and Parameters
Positional Parameters
The meaning of a positional parameter depends upon its position (location) in the
parameter list. In the syntax diagrams for each command in this chapter, positional
parameters are separated from each other by a comma (,). If you omit a positional
parameter from the list, you must provide the comma placeholder that would normally
precede that parameter. In the following example, the subparameters of the REC
parameter of the BUILD command can be treated as positional parameters:
BUILD filename;REC=128,1,F,ASCII
If you choose to use the system-defined default value F, you need not specify it, but you
must hold the position with a comma:
BUILD filename;REC=128,1,,ASCII
Keyword Parameters
A keyword parameter denotes the meaning or value of a given parameter. In the syntax
diagrams for each command in this chapter, keyword parameters appear in uppercase
(CAPITAL) letters (although you may enter them in either uppercase or lowercase) and are
preceded by a semicolon (;). In the following example, REC is a keyword parameter:
BUILD filename;REC=128,1,F,ASCII
Refer to the section "Combining Positional/Keyword Parameters," below, for additional
28Chapter 2
Command Definitions A-B
Commands and Parameters
Chapter 229
Command Definitions A-B
Native Mode Command Structure
Native Mode Command Structure
Many commands in this chapter have the designation Native Mode at the end of their
definition. This means that the command is parsed by the Native Mode Command
Parser. If Native Mode is not specified, the command is parsed by the Compatibility
Mode Command Parser. (A command parser separates command parameters.) There is
no relationship between the parser a command uses and the function(s) the command
performs. Also, just because a command is parsed by the Compatibility Mode parser
does not mean it functions in the same way it did in the Classic HP3000 environment.
All new commands for MPE/iX use the NM parser. Some commands used on MPE V/E
which have been changed for MPE/iX use the NM parser and some do not. MPE V/E
commands which have not been changed for MPE/iX generally use the CM parser.
The important thing to remember is that the Native Mode parser accepts several different
formats for commands that you enter at the colon prompt (:). You may enter these
NM-parsed commands in one of the following ways:
• By using the formal command specification shown in the syntax diagram for each
command in this chapter.
• By using positional parameter specifications to enter keyword parameter values.
• By combining positional and keyword specification
Another difference between the NM parser and the CM parser is that the CM parser
restricts a single comand parameter value to be <=255 characters. On the NM side, the
value is limited by the size of the CI’s command buffer.
Formal Command Specification
You may enter an NM-parsed command as shown in the syntax diagram for each
command, for example:
Positional Parameter Specification
Y ou ma y also enter an NM-parsed command by omitting the keyword parameter name and
only entering the values as positional parameters, for example:
If you omit the keyword specifications and enter the values as positional parameters, the
values must be treated as such, and all rules for positional parameters must be followed.
For example, if you only specify A and C, you must use the positional place holder (,) as
shown in the following example:
30Chapter 2
+ 744 hidden pages
You need points to download manuals.
1 point = 1 manual.
You can buy points or you can get point for every manual you upload.