HP 241 Protein
Sequencer (N+C)
TFA Bottle Cap Remover
Technical Note
Both the HP 241 Protein Sequencing
System and the HP G1004B Protein
Chemistry Station require the use
of the highly corrosive acid trifluoroacetic acid (TFA). The reagent
bottles containing this acid must
be fitted with a special TFA bottle
cap (and gasket) when used in the
above instruments. The removal of
both the original bottle cap (prior
to installation in the instrument)
and the TFA bottle cap (when
changing a bottle) afford the potential hazard of accidental contact
with TFA. This problem is circumvented by the use of the HP G100020155 TFA bottle cap remover, a
tool designed for safe removal of
caps from TFA bottles.
Use the following procedure whenever you are
an original
cap or a TFA bottle cap from a TFA
reagent bottle.
1 Wear safety glasses and gloves.
2 Place the TFA bottle on a flat,
level surface and hold it firmly
with one hand.
3 Place the TFA bottle cap
remover over the top of the cap.
4 Rotate the tool counterclock-
wise until the cap is free of the
bottle top.
Do not use the TFA bottle cap
remover to
the TFA bottle
cap prior to placing the reagent
bottle in the sequencer. This could
lead to excessive tightening of the
cap and subsequent difficulty in
removing it.
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Copyright © 1997
Hewlett-Packard Company
All rights reserved. Reproduction and
adaptation is prohibited.
Printed in the U.S.A. November 1997