Make sure all cookware
/Ise(l ill VO/IF I/lit t'(lW_lVe
()veil is s/fitable lot
inicrowa_ing. Most glass
casseroles, cooking dishes,
measuring cups, custard
cups, potter} or china
dillnerware which does no[
have metallic trim or glaze
with a metallic sheen can
be/lsed. Nellie _ookware
is labeled "suitable for
How tO test for a microwave
safe dish
O HVOH ;_l'e lie| StlFe 11
., dish is lUiCri)waxe-sutb.
IIN( Ihis IeSl; Pl_I('I _ il Illl
o\en |/(/_h lhe dlsh \.ol
are testlilg and a _-lass
iueaeurillg cup lilled with
1 (ttlli)fwaler sellhe
i/leUStlril/g Cttll eit]lel"
iu in" new to |he dish.
Microwave 30-45 seconds
at high. If the dish heals.
il sJ/otlld IlIH lie tteeet ]_of
If the dish reinains cool
and only the water in the
(up heats, 01en the dish
is microwa_ e-sale.
* If you use a meat
thernlonleter while
(ookhlg, make sure it is
salt' J()l" /lee ill i/lici'owave
eve lie.
* Do not use recycled
paper products. Recycled
paper towels, napkhls
and waxed pallet call
contain metal flecks
which ram. cause arcing
or ignite. Paper l)roducts
containing iivlon or
nylon lilaments should
be avoided, as thev ma}
also ignite.
* Sortie st}.roJbam trays
(like those that meat is
packaged on) llm,e a thin
strip of metal enlbedded
in tile bottoHl. When
microwa_ed, tile llletal ca_l
1)[1171/tile floor of tile ()veil
or ignite a paper towel.
. Do not use the microwave
to e/l-},newspapers.
. Not all plastic wrap is
suitable tot use ill
microwave ovens.
Check the llackage
tot llroper rise.
®Paper towels, waxed
llaper and plastic wrap
can be used to cover
dishes in order to retain
inoisture and i)revent
spauering. Be stn:e to
vent plastic wrap so steam
Call escape.
®Cookware ill_l\. [)ecoii/e
hot because of heat
translbrre d fl:oin the
heated Iood. Pot holders
ina}' be needed to handle
the cookware.
" "goilable" cooking
pouches and tightly
closed plastic bags should
be slit, llierced or xemed
as directed by package.
If they are not, plastic
co/fld burst d/n'ing or
immediateh, alter
cooking, possibly res/flting
in iqi/n" }. Also, plastic
storage containers sho/fld
be at least partially
/recovered because they
Ibrm a tight seal. When
cooking with containers
tightly covered with
plastic wrap, renlove
covering carefully and
diree t steai/i awa}' ]iX)Ill
hands and lhce.