Model: RVM1625
CountersaverPlus Microwave Oven
Important Safety Information
Preoaodo_ to Avoid Po_;ibM Fxpos_e
t_ EXC_ss_rv_ Microwave £_e_gy
S_od_ No_esAbo_ Miorowavmg
Helpful Information
If SomethingGoes Wrong
Before Yo_Caf_For Sorvme 34
Ho_poi#_Serv]oe _omber_ 38
B_ok Covey
www.Hotpoin_ corn
02-04 JR

For your satkqy dm infbrmafion in /his manual
mus/be tbllowed to mininlize/he risk of fire
or explosion or/o prevent properly damage,
personal injurv or loss of lite.
Oe Not Attempt Do Not Operate _lle oven
/o operate/his o'veil
with tim door open
since open<leer
opermlon ('an resull
in hannfld exposure
_o IHicl°OWaVe eller_jw.
MICROWAVE It is JlnpOl'lktll[ IlO/ tO
delem or tamper wi/h
llle saf_qv interlocks.
Do Not Place any obiec_
belweeH lhe OVeIl [I'on/
tact and the door or
allow soil or cleaner
residue to accumulale properly qualified
itll is damaged. It is
particularly important
/hat lhe OVell door close
properly and that there
is no dalnage to/he:
I door (ben_l
2 hinges al:d lmches
,bx_ken or loosened}
3 door seals and sealing
The Oven Should Not
be adjusted or repaired
by altVOlle excep_

believeill dependable
You'll see it ill this
easv-t o-use manual
and you'll hear it in
the/i'iendlv voices of
O/IF COllStllIler service
Start Here!... Before using your Microwave
Best of all, you'll
experience these vahles
each time you use your
microwave. That's
imt)ortant, because your
new microwave will be
part of your tiunilv tor
a long time.
Belore you call tor service,
there are a/bw things you
can (to [o hel t) /IS serve
vo[i better.
Read this manual.
It contains instructions to
hel t ) you use and maintain
yore: microwave t/rot)erly.
Write down the model
and serial numbers here.
The_ are (m a label inside
the 0_, ('I/.
Model nmnber
Serial number
Date of purehase
ff you received a damaged
oven...imn/ediatelv (onta(t
the dealer (or builder)
that sold you tile oven.
Save time and money.
(]he(k the se(tiOll titled
"If Something (',oes
Wrong" tie/ore calling.
This section helps you
solve COIIllIlOll problelllS
that might occm:
Staple your receipt to the
inside back cover of this
manual. You will need it
to obtain service under
If you do need service,
you can relax knowing
helt/is only a t)hone call
awm. A list of toll-flee
customer service mmfl)ers
is included in the back
of this book.

This microwave oven is
intended for household
use and is ULlisted for
installation over electric
and gas ranges.
This microwave oven is
not approved or tested
for marine use,
• Read and lbllow the
specific "Precamions to
A\oid Possible Exposure
_o Excessive Microwave
Energ)" on 1)_ge 2.
• This _ppli_m(e must be
gromM_ d. C(mnect only
to properly gr(mnded
omle_. See (;r(mnding
Ins|rll(|ions se(tlon on
p_ge 10.
• 1)o not momH this
_q)pliam e over _ sink.
• Install or lo(_te this
_l)plian(e only in
_wcordame with the
provided Installation
hls{ru( lions.
• This ove_=the-range oven
was designed/or use
over ranges no wider
than 36." It may be
installed over both gas
_md ele(u:ic (()()king
• Do not cover or block
any openings on the
• Do not operate this
appliance it it has a
damaged t)ower cord or
plug, if it is not working
properl}, or if it has been
damaged or dropped.
I! the power (ord is
damaged, it must be
replaced by General
Ele(tric service or an
m_thorized service agent
using a power cord
available fi'om (;eneral
• Llse this appliance only
/i)r its intended use as
described in this gtfide.
1)0 llOt rise corrosive
chemicals or vapors in
this appliance. This
microwave oven is
spe(ifi_ ally designed to
he_L dry or cook/i)od,
and is not intended
]()r ][-ib()r_t[()rv OF
industrial use.

• Do not store this
appliance outdoors.
Do not use this product
near wate_--/br example,
in a wet basement, near
a swimming pool, near
a sink or in similar
• Kee t) power cord away
fi'om heated surlk_ces.
• Do not immerse power
cord or plug in water.
• To reduce tl/e risk of fire
in tl/e oven cavity:
-- 1)o not overtook tood.
Carefilllv auend
al)l)liance when paper,
plastic or other
combustible materials
are placed inside file
oven while cooking.
-- Remove wire twisHies
and metal handles
fi'om pal)er or plasti_
containers heft)re
placing them in
the o_en.
-- Do not use the oven
tbr storage purposes.
I)o not Heave paper
products, cooking
utensils or tood in the
oven when not in use.
-- If materials inside oven
ignite, keep the oven
door closed, turn the
OVell Off and diseolllleCt
the 1)ower cord, or shut
off power at the fuse or
circuit breaker panel.
If the door is opened,
the fire may spread.
• See door sur/ace
cleaning instructions in
the Care and Cleaning
section(s) of this guide.
• This appliance must onh'
be setMced by qualified
sevvice personnel.
Contact nearest
authorized service thcilitv
/i)r examination, repair
or adjustment.
• As with any appliance,
close supervision is
necessary when used
by children.
• I)o not store anything
directly on top of the
mk rowave oven surthce
when the microwave oven
is in operation.

,\r(ing is the n/ieFowa'_e
term tor sparks ill the
the CLEAR/OFFpad and o'_en. Ar(ing is (aused t)v:
correct the problem.
• Metal or foil tou(hing
the side ol the oxen.
• Foil not molded to tood
(Ul)mrned edges a(t like
• Do not pop popcorn in
your microwave oven
unless in a special
microwave t)ot)corn
accessory or unless you
use l)Otlcorn labeled tor
use in microwave ovens.
• S/)me tlroducts such as
whole eggs and sealed
conlaineFs t()F examl)le,
ch)sed jars--are able to
exlllode and should not
be heated in this
microwave o_en. Such use
of the microwave oven
could resuh in il_jury.
• Do not boil eggs in a
microwave oven. Pressure
will kmild utl inside egg
yolk and will cause it to
burst, t)ossibly resulting
in il*jury.
• Metal, su€h as twist-ties,
tlouhry pins, or gold-
rimmed dishes, in the
• Recycled 1)aper towels
containing small metal
pieces being used in the
• Operating the microwave
with no tood inside tor
more than a minute or
tx_r()l/lay ca/lse (lal/lage tO
tile oven and could start a
fire. It increases the heal
around the magnetron
and can shorten the lilt
of the o_en.
• Foods with unbroken
011teF "skill" S/l(h _tS
tlotatoes, hot dog.',,
sausages, tOiilatOeS,
alltlles, chicken li_ers
and other giblets, and
egg yolks should be
pierced to allow steam
to escape during

Liquids,suchas water,
coffee ortea, are able to
he overheatedbeyond
the boilingpoint without
appearingtohe boiling.
whenthe containeris
removedfromthe microwave
ovenisnot always present.
To redme the risk o! i_jury
-- Do not o_erheat tile
-- Stir the liquid both
be/ore and hal/b,'av
through heatillg it.
-- Do not use straight-
sided containers with
I/arrow llecks,
-- ,\lier heating, allow
the c()nl_.iller Io stand
ill the l//icrow_l\e OVell
lot a short tinle be[ore
removing tile COl/tailler.
-- Use extrelile care whell
il/serlil/g a SpOOl/ or
other utensil illtO the
• A\old heating baby food
inglass jars, even with
the lid o{t. Make sm:e all
in/hnt tbod is dloroughly
(ooked. Stil? ]()od to
distribuw the heat evenly.
Be careful to prevent
scalding when warming
tbrnmla or breast milk.
The container mm/eel
cooler t]lal/ the milk
really is. Always test the
milk be/ore tbeding
die baby.
• Don't de[_'os{[_'ozeH
bever_lges ill I/arrow-
llecked bottles (espe(ially
carbonated beverages).
Even if tile (omainer is
opelle(|_ press/Ire C_lll
build up. This (all (ause
the container to burst,
possibly resulting in
in juv}.
•t]ot foods and steam
call cause burns. Be
careflll when opening
any containers of hot
{ood, including popcorn
bag.s, cooking pouches
and boxes. To prevent
possible il{jm:y, direct
smam awm/ram hands
• Do not overcook
potatoes. They could
dehydrate and cat(h
fire, (ausing damage
to your men.
• Cook meat and poultv}
thoroughl}--meat to
at least all INTERNAI_
temperature of 160°F
al/d potlltry to at least ml
INTERNAI, temperature
of 180°E Cooking to
these temperatures
usually protects against
/bodborne illness.

Make sure all cookware
used in your microwave
oven is suitable tbr
microwaving. Most glass
casseroles, cooking dishes,
l//easllril/g ('llt)S , cus|mxt
cups, pottel) or china
dimlerware which does not
have metafii_ u:im or glaze
widl a metafii( sheen (an
be /Ised. Sol//e cookl_are
is labeled "suitable lot
Howto test for a mtcrowave-
safe dish.
• If you are not sure if a
dish is microwave-sale,
use dfis test: Place in die
oven bodl tile dish you
are testing and a glass
measm:ing cup filled with
1 cup of water--set the
measm:ing cup either
in or next to the dish.
Mi(rowave 30-45 seconds
at high. If die dish heats,
it should not be used/or
ff the dish remains cool
and only the water in the
(up heats, then the dish
is microwa\ e-sate.
• I/ "_X)[I /ISC _1 lIleat
d/ermometer while
cooking, make sure
it is sate tbr use in
microwave o_ ens.
• Do not use recycled paper
products. I),ecvcled paper
towels, napkins and waxed
paper Call COlltail/ l//etal
fie(ks whi(h may cause
arcing or ignite. Paper
products containing nylon
or nylon filaments shouM
be axoided, as tl/ev may
also ignite.
• SOl//C stvro/();-ii// tr;-rvs
(like those dmt meat is
packaged on) haxe a thin
strip of metal embedded
in the bottom. When
lilicrl)wt-i_,_'d, the metal Call
burn tile floor of tile overt
or ignite a paper towel.
• Do Hot use tile microl_a\e
10 (]F_' llewspapers.
• Not all plasti( wrap is
suitable/or use in
microwave ovens.
Check die package
tbr proper use.
• Paper towels, waxed paper
and plastic wrap can be
used to cover dishes in
order to retain moisture
and prevem spauering.
Be sure to vent plastic
wrap so steal// Call escape.
• Cookware l//;-r_ becoI//e
hot bec;-mse of heat
trans/(qTed fl:om the
heated tbod. Pot holders
n/m be lleeded to hmldle
the cookware.
• "Boilable" cooking
pouches and tightly closed
plastic t)ags should be slit,
pierced or vetoed as
directed by package.
If tl/ev are not, plastic
couM burst during or
immediately after cooking,
possibl_ resulting in i_/jury.
Also, plasti( storage
(ontainer.s should be at
least pardally mwovered
be(ause tile?," tbrm a tight
seal. When cooking witl/
containers tightly covered
with plastic wrap, remove
covering (are/iflly and
direct steam awa_ ]i'Olll
hands and lace.

• Use/oil only as directed
in this guide. TV dinners
lllWv' be llli(row_tve(I in
toil u:ays less than 3/4"
high; remove the top/oil
cover and return the trav
to tile box. When using
toil in tile mi(rowave
oven, keep tile toil
_t least 1" awa_/i'om
the sides of the oven.
The/ml will ot)erate
automatically under
certain (onditions (see
Automatic Fan ti'ature).
"I_ke care to prevent the
starting and spreading of
accidental cooking fires
while the vent tml is in use.
• Clean the mlderside of
the microwave often. I)o
not allow grease to build
up on tile mi(row_ve or
the/m/ filters.
• Plastic cookware--Plasti(
cookware designed tbr
mi(row_lve cooking is
vev} usetill, but should
be used c_lreIilllv. E\en
mi( row_we-sa/i' 1)l_sti(
may not be as toh'rant of
over(ooking conditions
_lS _lre gl_lsS or (er_llili(
lilaterials and l//W_' soIten
or char if sut)iected
to short periods of
overcooking, hi longer
exposm:es to overcooking,
ttle tood and cookware
could ignite.
• hi the event of a grease
fire on the surthce milts
below the microwave
oven, smother a fl_mling
t)_lll 011 the s/lrt[lce ttllit
by (overing the pan
(omt>letely with a lid, a
cookie sheet or a tlat trav.
• Use care when cleaning
the vent/hn filters.
Corrosive cleaning
agents, such as lve-based
OVell cleaners, i//_l}
damage the tihers.
Follow these guidelines:
I Use microwa\e-sa/t'
plasti(s only m_d use
them in su'i(t (Oml)lilm(e
with the (ookw_we
l//_ln/lt_t( |/lrer_s
2 [)o not II/icrow_ve el/It) W
conrail lel's.
3 I)o not peru/it children
to use plastic cookware
withom ( on/plete
• When t)reparing
flaming toods raider
the lIli(l?OW_lVe, ttlrll
tile vent t_lll on.
• Never leave surthce units
beneafll your microwave
oven unattended at high
l/eat settings. Boilovers
cause smoking and greas}
sl)illovers that ma} ignite
and spread if the
H/icrow_ve vetlt /_tl/ is
operating. To minimize
a/ltOlIlatic t_lll operation,
use adequate sized
cook_,are and use high
heat on surth(e milts
only when he( essavv.

Ensure proper ground
exists before use.
hnproper use of the
grounding plug can result
in a risk of electric shock.
This al_plianee nlust be
gromtded. In |tie event of
an electrical short circuit,
gromtding reduces the risk
of electric shock bv
providing an escape wire
lot the electric era:rent.
This appliance is equit_t_ed
with a t)ower (ord having a
grom)ding wire with a
gromMing plug. The plug
n/us| be plugged imo an
outlet |hat is properly
installed and gromMed.
Consuh a qualified
electrician or service
mclmician if the
gromMing instructions
are not eoml)letely
mMerstood, or if doul)t
exists as to whether the
appliance is properly
If the outlet is a standard
2-prong wall outlet, it is
your t>ersonal rest>onsibility
and obligation to haxe it
replaced with a prot>erly
grounded 3-prong wall
Do not under any
circumstances cut or
remove ttte third
(ground) prong/i'om
the power cord.
Do not /Ise an adal)ter
t_lug with this appliance.
I)o not use m/ extension
cord witlt this appliance.
If rite power cord is too
short, ha_e a qualified
electrician or service
technician install an outlet
near tile appliance.
For best ol)eration, plug
this at_pliance into its own
electrical outlet to t)revent
flickering of lights, blowing
of fuse or tril)l)ing of
circuit breaker.
Filler Panel Kits
When replacing a 36"
range hood, fillet" panel
kits fill in the additional
width to provide a custom
built-in appearance.
For installation between
cal)inets only; not fl)r
end-ot:cabinet installation.
Each kit contains two
3"-wide filler panels.
Filter Kits
Charcoal Filter Kit
Filter kits are used when
tile microwave ovell c;4nnot
be _ented to tile outside.
A\ailable at extra cost/i'om
your t]ott)oint sut_pliet:

1 Door Handle. Pull to
open the ,_|oo;_: The
door must 1)e securely
latched/i)r the
microwave to o])erate.
2 Door Latches.
3 Window with Metal
Shield, Scr_,en allows
cooking to b(' Vi('+x+¢('d
while keeping
microwaves confined
ill the oven.
# Touch Control Panel
5 CooktopLights.
6 GreaseFilters.
7 Removable Turntable.
Turlltable and supt)ort
must 1)e in ])lace
whel) using the oven.
The turntable may 1)e
removed t_)r cleaning.
8 Convenience Guide,
NOTE: Rati_)g ])h_.te, oven
vent(s) all(! oven light are
located on the illside walls
ot th(' mi(rowa_e oven.

The ControLs on Your Microwave Oven
(Tlnvugt_oul this ma_u_d, f_aluru._m_d a]_]_earancema) vm3 ./J_mz3our model.)
You Call
microwave by
timeor with the
A TimeFeatures
Press Enter
TIME COOKI & II (Press onceortwice) Amount o_cookillg ti_'.
DEFROSTAUTO/TIME(Presstwice) ,\mount o[ (|('Ji'osth_g thai('.
MINUTE COOK Starts imm_,(|iat_,lv!
POWERLEVEL Po_'r l_'vN l-I O.