Hotpoint PH 941MSTV GH/HA EE User Manual

Használati útmutató
Használati útmutató,1 Figyelmeztetések,3 Szerviz,4 A készülék leírása,6 Beszerelés,21 Bekapcsolás és használat,25 Óvintézkedések és tanácsok,26 Karbantartás és ápolás,26 Hibaelhárítás,27
Operating Instructions
Operating Instructions,1 Warnings,2 Assistance,4 Description of the appliance,5 Installation,7 Start-up and use,11 Precautions and tips,12 Maintenance and care,12 Troubleshooting,13
Instrukcja obsługi
Spis treści
Instrukcja obsługi,1
Ostrzezenia,2 Serwis Techniczny,4
Opis urządzenia,5
Uruchomienie i użytkowanie,18 Zalecenia i środki ostrożności,19 Konserwacja i utrzymanie,19 Anomalie i środki zaradcze,20
WARNING: The appliance and its accessible parts become hot during use. Care should be taken to avoid touching
heating elements. Children less than 8
years of age shall be kept away unless continuously supervised. This appliance
can be used by children aged from 8 years
and above and persons with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities or lack of experience and knowledge if they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance in a safe way and understand the hazards involved. Children shall not play with the appliance. Cleaning and user maintenance shall not be made by children without supervision.
WARNING: Unattended cooking on a hob with fat or oil can be dangerous and may
result in re. NEVER try to extinguish a re with water, but switch off the appliance and then cover ame e.g. with a lid or a re blanket.
CAUTION: the use of inappropriate hob guards can cause accidents.
UWAGA: To urządzenie oraz jego dostępne części silnie się rozgrzewają podczas użytkowania. Należy uważać, aby nie dotknąć elementów grzejnych. Nie pozwalać, aby dzieci poniżej 8 roku życia zbliżały się do urządzenia, jeśli nie są pod stałym nadzorem dorosłych. Z niniejszego urządzenia mogą korzystać dzieci powyżej 8 roku życia i osoby o ograniczonych zdolnościach zycznych, zmysłowych bądź umysłowych, jak również osoby nieposiadające doświadczenia lub znajomości urządzenia, jeśli znajdują się one pod nadzorem innych osób lub jeśli zostały pouczone na temat bezpiecznego sposobu użycia urządzenia oraz zdają sobie sprawę ze związanych z nim zagrożeń. Dzieci nie powinny bawić się urządzeniem. Prace związane z czyszczeniem i konserwacją nie mogą być wykonywane przez dzieci, jeśli nie są one nadzorowane.
WARNING: Danger of re: do not store
items on the cooking surfaces.
WARNING: If the surface in glass-ceramic is cracked, switch off the appliance to avoid the possibility of electric shock.
Never use steam cleaners or pressure cleaners on the appliance.
Remove any liquid from the lid before opening it. Do not close the glass cover (if present) when the gas burners or electric hotplates are still hot.
The appliance is not intended to be operated by means of an external timer or separate remote control system.
UWAGA: Pozostawienie bez nadzoru na
kuchence tłuszczów i olejów może być niebezpieczne i może spowodować pożar. Nie należy NIGDY próbować ugasić płomieni/pożaru wodą; należy wyłączyć urządzenie i przykryć płomień np. pokrywką lub ognioodpornym kocem.
UWAGA: Ryzyko pożaru: nie pozostawiać
przedmiotów na powierzchniach grzejnych.
UWAGA: Jeżeli powierzchnia ze szkła ceramicznego jest pęknięta, należy wyłączyć urządzenie, aby uniknąć niebezpieczeństwa porażenia prądem
Nie stosować nigdy oczyszczaczy parowych lub ciśnieniowych do czyszczenia urządzenia.
hanem kapcsolja le a készüléket, majd
takarja le a lángot pl. egy fedővel vagy tűzálló kendővel.
Usunąć ewentualne płyny na pokrywie przed jej otwarciem. Nie zamykać szklanej pokrywy (jeśli jest częścią wyposażenia), jeśli palniki gazowe lub płyta elektryczna są jeszcze rozgrzane.
Urządzenie nie jest przeznaczone do włączania przy użyciu zewnętrznego przekaźnika czasowego lub zdalnego
systemu sterowania.
UWAGA: użycie niewłaściwych zabezpieczeń płyty może być przyczyną
FIGYELMEZTETÉS: A készülék és a hozzáférhető részei felforrósodnak
a használat során. Ügyeljen rá, hogy
ne érjen a fűtőelemekhez. A 8 évnél atalabb gyermekeket távol kell tartani,
ha nincsenek folyamatos felügyelet
alatt. Ezt a berendezést használhatják 8 évnél idősebb gyermekek és csökkent zikai, szenzoros vagy mentális képességű, illetve tapasztalattal és tudással nem rendelkező személyek, ha felügyelet alatt álnak, vagy ha megfelelő
útmutatást kaptak a készülék biztonságos
működtetéséről, valamint megértették a
fennálló veszélyeket. A gyermekek nem játszhatnak a készülékkel. A tisztítást
és a felhasználó által elvégezhető
karbantartást nem végezhetik felügyelet nélküli gyermekek.
FIGYELMEZTETÉS: Tűzveszély: ne tároljon semmit a főzőfelületen
FIGYELMEZTETÉS: Ha a kerámiaüveg
felület repedt, kapcsolja le a készüléket, hogy elkerülje a lehetséges áramütést.
A készülék tisztításához soha ne
használjon gőztisztítót vagy nagynyomású
Mielőtt felemeli a tetőt, törölje le róla a rajta lévő esetleges nedvességet. Ne csukja le az üvegfedőt, (ha van ilyen), ha a gázégők meg vannak gyújtva vagy
még melegek.
A készüléket nem külső időzítő vagy külön távirányító berendezéssel együtt történő használatra tervezték.
VIGYÁZAT: a nem megfelelő főzőlap védők használata balesetet okozhat.
FIGYELMEZTETÉS: Veszélyes lehet, ha a bekapcsolt főzőlapon őrizetlenül hagyja
a zsírt vagy az olajat, mert tüzet okozhat. SOHA ne próbálja vízzel eloltani a tüzet,
• type of trouble
• appliance model (Mod.)
• serial number (S/N)
This information is found on the data plate located on the
appliance and/or on the packaging.
Serwis Techniczny
Należy podać:
• rodzaj anomalii
• model urządzenia (Mod.)
• numer seryjny (S/N) Te dane znajdują się na tabliczce znamionowej w lodówce, po lewej stronie w dolnj jej części.
• A típusú hiba
• A készülék típusa (Mod.)
• A készülék sorozatszáma (S/N) Ezek az adatok a készüléken és/vagy a csomagoláson
elhelyezett adattáblán található meg.
Description of the appliance
Opis urządzenia
Overall view
1. Support Grid for COOKWARE
3. Control Knobs for CERAMIC GLASS MODULE
4. Control Knobs for GAS BURNERS
7. Ignition for GAS BURNERS
switches on whenever the selector knob is moved from the ‘off’ position.
• Control Knobs for GAS BURNERS and CERAMIC GLASS MODULE adjust the power or the size of the
GAS BURNERS differ in size and power. Use the
diameter of the cookware to choose the most appropriate burner to cook with.
GAS BURNER IGNITION enables a specic burner to
be lit automatically.
SAFETY DEVICE stops the gas ow if the ame is
accidentally extinguished.
Widok ogólny
1 Ruszty do ustawiania NACZYŃ DO GOTOWANIA 2 PALNIKI GAZOWE 3 Pokrętła sterujące PŁYTY CERAMICZNEJ 4 Pokrętła sterujące PALNIKÓW GAZOWYCH
5. Kontrolka działania PŁYTY CERAMICZNEJ
• Kontrolka działania PŁYTY CERAMICZNEJ zapala
się dla każdej pozycji pokrętła z wyjątkiem pozycji wyłączenia
• Pokrętła sterowania palnikami gazowymi oraz PŁYTĄ CERAMICZĄ do regulowania płomienia lub mocy.
PALNIKI GAZOWE posiadają różne wymiary i moce. Należy wybrać ten palnik, który jest najbardziej odpowiedni dla średnicy używanego naczynia.
• Świeca zapłonowa PALNIKÓW GAZOWYCH umożliwia
automatyczne zapalenie wybranego palnika.
URZĄDZENIE ZABEZPIECZAJĄCE w razie przypadkowego zgaśnięcia płomienia przerywa dopływ
A készülék leírása
A készülék áttekintése
3. A ÜVEGKERÁMIA MODUL szabályzógombjai
4. A GÁZÉGŐK szabályzógombjai
7. Gyújtó a GÁZÉGŐKHÖZ
világítani kezd, ha a választókapcsolót elmozdítja „off” (ki) állásból.
szabályzógombjaival állíthatja be a teljesítményt vagy a láng nagyságát.
• A GÁZÉGŐK mérete és teljesítménye eltérő. A
főzőedény átmérője alapján válassza ki a főzéshez leginkább megfelelő gázégőt
• A GÁZÉGŐ GYÚJTÓJA segítségével egy adott égőt
gyújthat be automatikusan.
• A BIZTONSÁGI ESZKÖZ megállítja a gáz áramlását, ha
a láng véletlenül kialszik.
! Before operating your new appliance please read this instruction booklet carefully. It contains important information for safe use, installation and care of the appliance.
! Please keep these operating instructions for future reference. Pass them on to possible new owners of the appliance.
! Keep packaging material out of the reach of children. It can become a choking or suffocation hazard (see Precautions and tips).
! The appliance must be installed by a qualied professional
according to the instructions provided. Incorrect installation may cause harm to people and animals or may damage property.
the event of a leak. As a result LPG cylinders, whether
partially or completely full, must not be installed or stored in rooms or storage areas that are below ground level (cellars, etc.). It is advisable to keep only the cylinder being used in the room, positioned so that it is not subject
to heat produced by external sources (ovens, replaces,
stoves, etc. ) which could raise the temperature of the
cylinder above 50°C.
Fitting the appliance
The following precautions must be taken when installing the hob:
• Kitchen cabinets adjacent to the appliance and taller than the top of the hob must be at least 600 mm from the edge
of the hob.
• Hoods must be installed according to their relative
installation instruction manuals and at a minimum
distance of 650 mm from the hob (see gure).
! This unit may be installed and used only in permanently ventilated rooms in accordance with current national regulations. The following requirements must be observed:
• The room must be equipped with an air extraction system
that expels any combustion fumes. This may consist of a hood or an electric fan that automatically starts each time the appliance is switched on.
In a chimney stack or branched flue. (exclusively for cooking appliances)
Directly to the Outside
• The room must also allow proper air circulation, as air is needed for combustion to occur normally. The ow of air
must not be less than 2 m3/h per kW of installed power.
The air circulation system may take air directly from the outside by means of a pipe with an inner
cross section of at least 100 cm2;
Examples of ventilation holes for comburant air.
the opening must not be vulnerable to any type of blockages.
• Place the wall cabinets adjacent to the hood at a minimum height of 420 mm from the hob (see gure).
If the hob is installed beneath a wall cabinet, the latter must be situated
600mm min.
650mm min.
at a minimum of 700 mm above
the hob.
420mm min.
• The installation cavity should have the dimensions indicated in the gure.
Fastening hooks are provided, allowing you to fasten
the hob to tops that are between 20 and 40 mm thick.
To ensure the hob is securely fastened to the top, we recommend you use all the hooks provided.
min. 55 mm.
475 mm.
835 mm.
Hook fastening diagram
Adjacent Room
Room to be Vented
The system can also provide the air needed for combustion indirectly,
i.e. from adjacent rooms tted with
air circulation tubes as described above. However, these rooms must not be communal rooms, bedrooms
Enlarging the ventilation slot between window and floor.
or rooms that may present a re
• Liquid petroleum gas sinks to the oor as it is heavier than air. Therefore, rooms containing LPG cylinders must
also be equipped with vents to allow gas to escape in
Hooking position Hooking position for top H=20mm for top H=30mm
opening of 3 mm installed between the appliance and the mains. The circuit-breaker must be suitable for the charge indicated and must comply with current electrical regulations (the earthing wire must not be interrupted by the circuit­breaker). The supply cable must not come into contact with
surfaces with temperatures higher than 50°C.
Hooking position Back for top H=40mm
! Use the hooks contained in the “accessory pack”.
• Where the hob is not installed over a built-in oven, a
wooden panel must be installed as insulation. This must
be placed at a minimum distance of 20 mm from the lower
part of the hob.
To ensure adequate ventilation, the back panel of the cabinet must be removed. It is advisable to install the oven so that it
rests on two strips of wood, or on a completely at surface with an opening of at least 45 x 560 mm (see diagrams).
45 mm.
560 mm.
Where a hob is installed above an oven without a forced ventilation cooling system, adequate ventilation must be provided inside the cabinet by means of air holes through
which air can pass (see gure).
Electrical connection
Hobs equipped with a three-pole power supply cable are designed to operate with alternating current at the voltage and frequency indicated on the data plate (this is located on the lower part of the appliance). The earth wire in the cable has a green and yellow cover. If the appliance is to be installed above a built-in electric oven, the electrical connection of the hob and the oven must be carried out separately, both for electrical safety purposes and to make extracting the oven easier.
Connecting the supply cable to the mains
Install a standardised plug corresponding to the load indicated on the data plate. The appliance must be directly connected to the mains using an omnipolar circuit-breaker with a minimum contact
! The installer must ensure that the correct electrical connection has been made and that it is compliant with safety regulations. Before connecting to the power supply, make sure that:
• The appliance is earthed and the plug is compliant with
the law.
• The socket can withstand the maximum power of the
appliance, which is indicated on the data plate.
• The voltage is in the range between the values indicated
on the data plate.
• The socket is compatible with the plug of the appliance.
If the socket is incompatible with the plug, ask an authorised technician to replace it. Do not use extension cords or multiple sockets.
! Once the appliance has been installed, the power supply cable and the electrical socket must be easily accessible.
! The cable must not be bent or compressed.
! The cable must be checked regularly and replaced by
authorised technicians only (see Assistance).
! The manufacturer declines any liability should these safety measures not be observed.
Gas connection
The appliance should be connected to the main gas supply or to a gas cylinder in compliance with current national regulations. Before carrying out the connection, make sure the cooker is compatible with the gas supply you wish to use. If this is not the case, follow the instructions indicated in the paragraph “Adapting to different types of gas.” When using liquid gas from a cylinder, install a pressure regulator which complies with current national regulations.
! Check that the pressure of the gas supply is consistent with the
values indicated in Table 1 (“Burner and nozzle specications”).
This will ensure the safe operation and longevity of your
appliance while maintaining efcient energy consumption.
Connection with a rigid pipe (copper or steel)
! Connection to the gas system must be carried out in such a way as not to place any strain of any kind on the appliance.
There is an adjustable L-shaped pipe tting on the appliance supply ramp and this is tted with a seal in order to prevent
leaks. The seal must always be replaced after rotating the
pipe tting (seal provided with appliance). The gas supply pipe tting is a threaded 1/2 gas cylindrical male attachment.
Connecting a exible jointless stainless steel pipe to a threaded attachment
The gas supply pipe tting is a threaded 1/2 gas cylindrical
male attachment. These pipes must be installed so that they are never longer
than 2000 mm when fully extended. Once connection has been carried out, make sure that the exible metal pipe
does not touch any moving parts and is not compressed.
! Only use pipes and seals that comply with current national regulations.
Checking the tightness of the connection
! When the installation process is complete, check the pipe
ttings for leaks using a soapy solution. Never use a ame.
Adapting to different types of gas
To adapt the hob to a different type of gas other than default type (indicated on the rating plate at the base of the hob or on the packaging), the burner nozzles should be replaced as follows:
1. Remove the hob grids and slide the burners off their seats.
2. Unscrew the nozzles using a 7 mm socket spanner, and replace them with nozzles for the new type of gas (see table 1 “Burner and nozzle characteristics”).
3. Reassemble the parts following the above procedure in the reverse order.
4. Once this procedure is nished, replace the old rating
sticker with one indicating the new type of gas used. Sticker are available from any of our Service Centres.
Replacing the Triple ring burner nozzles
1. Remove the pan supports and lift the burners out of their housing. The burner consists of two separate parts (see pictures).
2. Unscrew the nozzles using a 7 mm socket spanner.
Replace the nozzles with models that are congured
for use with the new type of gas (see Table 1). The two nozzles have the same hole diameter.
3. Replace all the components by completing the above operations in reverse order.
• Setting the burners to minimum
1. Turn the tap to the low ame position;
2. Remove the knob and adjust the adjustment screw, which is positioned in or next to the tap pin,
until the ame is small but steady.
3. Having adjusted the ame to the required low setting,
while the burner is alight, quickly change the position of the knob from minimum to maximum and vice versa
several times, checking that the ame does not go out.
4. Some appliances have a safety device (thermocouple)
tted. If the device fails to work when the burners are set to the low ame setting, increase this low ame setting
using the adjusting screw.
5. Once the adjustment has been made, replace the seals on the by-passes using sealing wax or a similar substance.
! If the appliance is connected to liquid gas, the regulation screw must be fastened as tightly as possible.
! Once this procedure is nished, replace the old rating
sticker with one indicating the new type of gas used. Stickers are available from any of our Service Centres.
! Should the gas pressure used be different (or vary slightly) from the recommended pressure, a suitable pressure
regulator must be tted to the inlet pipe (in order to comply
with current national regulations).
DATA PLATE Electrical
see data plate
• Adjusting the burners’ primary air
Does not require adjusting.
This appliance conforms to the following European Economic Community directives:
- 2006/95/EEC dated 12/12/06 (Low Voltage) and subsequent amendments
- 2004/108/EEC dated 15/12/04 (Electromagnetic Compatibility) and subsequent amendments
- 93/68/EEC dated 22/07/93 and subsequent amendments.
- 2009/142/EEC dated 30/11/09 (Gas) and subsequent amendments.
- 2012/19/EC and subsequent amendments.
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