Safety Instru_tions .......... 2-4
Operating Instruotions
Additional Features ............ 9
Automatic Icemaker . ......... ] 0
Controls ..................... 5
Crispers and Pans ........... 8, 9
Shelves and Bins ............ 6, 7
Care and Cleaning ....... 11, 12
Replacing the Light Buibs ...... 12
Installation Imtructions
Preparing to Install
tile Refligerator .............. 13
Reversing the Door Swing . . .18-22
_\ater Line Installation ..... 14-17
Models 182u19
Note to Installer -
Be sure to leave these
inst_ uctions with the
Co nsum e r.
Note to Consumer -
Keep these instructions fl)r
flltm'e reterence.
Troubleshooting Tips ...... 23-26
Normal Operating Sounds ..... 23
Consumer Support
Consumer Support .... Back Cover
Product Registration ....... 27, 28
V\,uranty ................... 31
Write the model and serial numbers here:
Model #
Serial #
Find these numbers on tile gray label
on tile le_t side, near tile top of tile
refrigerator compartment.
16206747P008 39-80395 11-05Jfl

Use this appliance only for its intended purpose as described in this Owner's Manual
When using electrical appliances, basic safety precautions should be followed, including the following:
i)_:This reflJgerator must be properly installed
and located in accordance with the Installation
Instructions before it is used.
Do not allow children m climb, stand or hang
on the shelves in the refrigeratm: They could
damage the refrigerator and seriously iqiure
::_ Do not touch the cold surfilces in the fl'eezer
compartment when hands are damp or wet.
Skin may stick to these extremely cold sm'ti_ces.
_'_Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable
wq)o_s and liquids in the vicinity of this or anv
other appliance.
i)::In reliigeratoi_ with automatic icemake_,
avoid contact with the moving parts ot the
ejector mechanism, or with the heating element
located on the bottom of the icemake_; Do
not place finge_s or hands on the automatic
icemaking mechanism while the refl_igerator
is plugged in.
i):: Keep finge_ out of the "pinch point" areas;
clearances between the dom_ and between
the doors and cabinet are necessarily small.
Be careflfl closing (loois when children are
in the area.
i)::Unplug the reti_igerator betin'e cleaning and
making repairs.
NOTE: Westrongly recommendthatanyservicingbe
performedby aquafified individual
k:'_Setdng either or both controls (some models
only have one control) to the 0 (off) position
does not remove power to the light circuit.
i)::Do not refl'eeze fl'ozen toods which have
thawed completel>

Child entrapment and suffocation are not
problen_s of the past, Junked or abandoned
refrigeratols are still dangerous ... even if they will
sit fin" "just a few days." If you are getting rid of
your old refi_igerato_; please follow the instructions
below to help prevent accidents.
_dl refrigeration products contain refligerants,
which under federal law must be removed prior
to product disposal. If you are getting rid of an
old reli_igeration product, check with the company
handling the disposal about what to do.
Before YouThrowAway YourOld
::Ji::Take off the doo_.
!i_:I,eave the shelves in place so that children
may not easil_ climb inside.
Because of potential safety hazards under certa& conditions, we strongly recommend against the
use of an extension cord.
However; if you must use an extension cord, it is absolutely necessa_ T that it be a UiAisted (in the United
States) or a CSA-listed (in Canada), 3-wire grounding type appliance extension cord having a grounding
type plug and outlet and that the electrical rating of the cord be 15 amperes (minimum) and 120 w_lts.

Do not, under anv circumstances, cut or remove the third (ground) prong from the power cord.
For personal safe_ this appliance must be properly grounded.
The power cord of this appliance is equipped with
a 3-prong (g_xmnding) plug which inates with
a standard 3-prong (gromMing) wall outlet to
minimize the possibilit}, of electric shock hazard
from this appliance.
Have the wall outlet and circuit checked by
a qualified electrician to make sm'e the outlet
is properly gromMed.
Where a standard 2-prong wall outlet is
encotmtered, it is yore" personal responsibility
and obligation to have it replaced with a i)roperly
gromMed 3-prong wall outlet.
The refl_igerator should always be plugged into its
own individual electrical outlet which has a voltage
rating that matches the rating plate.
This provides the best pe_timnance and also
I_rexents oxerloading, house wiring circuits which
could cause a fire hazard fl'om oxerheated wires.
Never tmphlg yore" refrigerator by pulling on the
power cord. Mways grip pltlg firnfly and pull
straight out fl'onl the outlet.
Repair or replace immediately all power cords that
have become fl'ayed or otherwise damaged. Do not
use a cord that shows cracks or abrasion damage
along its length or at either end.
\._q_en moving the refligerator away fl'om the
wall, be careflfl not to roll over or damage the
power cord.

Aboutthe controlsonthe refrigerator, w Hot.oi,t.com
Thecontrols on your refrigerator will look like one of the following:
Initially, set the control(s) at 5 (some models have only one control). Allow 24 hours for the
temperature to stabilize.
Several adjustments may be required. Adjust the control(s) one increment at a time and
aflow 12hours after each adjustment for the refrigerator to reach the temperature you
have set.
Setting the refrigerator control to 0 stops cooling in both the freezer and refrigerator
compartments but does not shut off electrical power to the refrigerator. The freezer
control (on some models) has no effect on electrical power to the refrigerator.
Controlsettings will vary based on personal preferences, usage and operating conditions,
and may require more than one adjustment. Factors that affect temperature include the
amount of food in the refrigerator or freezer, the frequency of door opening and the
temperature of food when it is placed in the refrigerator.

Not all features are on all models.
Rearranging the Shelves
Shel;es in the refrigerator and h'eezer ('On_l)arm_ents are a(!iustable.
Refrigerator Compartment
To remove:
0 Tilt the shelf up at the fl'ont.
0 I,ifl the shelf up at the back and bring
Some models have wire shelves that
can be adjusted in thesame mamTer.
il '"
the shelf ()tit.
0 _'_hile tilting the shelf Ul), insert the top
hook at the back of the shelf in a slot
on the track.
@ I,ower the fl'ont of the shelf until the
bottom of the shelf locks into place.
Freezer Compartment
To remove:
I,ifl up the left side ot the shelf and
slide it left into the center of the shelf
0 Rotam the right side _ff the shelf up and
out of the shelf SUl)l)orts.
0 Holding the shelf diagonall}; insert the
left end of the shelf into the center of
the shelf sui)ports on the side wall.
@ Insert the right end of the shelf into the
shell supports on the side wall. Rest
each end of the shelf on the bottom of
the shelf supports.

Spillproof Shelves (onsomemodels)
Spillproof shel',es ha'_e spedal edges to
help pre_ent spills fl'om dripping to lower
shelves. To remme or replace the shelves,
Slide-Out Spillproof Sheff (onsomemodels)
The slide-out spillproof shelf all(m:s )_)u
to reach items stored behind othe_, The
spedal edges are designed to hel I) prevent
spills fl'om dripping to lower shelves,
NOTE."Theshelves are shipped with tape on
the back. Remove this tape before attempting
to remove the shelf.
O Remoxe all items fl'om sheff.
Slide the shelf out tmfil it stops.
Lift the fl'ont edge of the shelf tmfil the
robs are abo_e the shelt fl'ame,
Confimle I)ullim*_ the shelf fi)rward tmtil
it can be lifted out and remoxed,
@ Place the rear of the shelf on the shelf
fl'amejust behind the fl'ont bat:
Slide the shelf back tmfil the tabs are
above the openings,
@ I,ower the shelf so that the tabs go into
the openings; then slide the shelf all the
W;IV in,
and doesn't move free/y from side to side.
Make sure you pushthe shelves aft the way in
before you dose the door
Adjustable Bins on the Door (onsomemodels)
A(!justnble bins can easily be carried fl'om
reflJgerator to work area,
I,ifl bin straight up; then pull out.
To replace or relocate:
Engage the bin in the molded supi_orts
of the door and push down, Bin will lock
in place.
doorsaredifferentsizesandare not
Non-Adjustable Shelves on the Door
Detnchable shelves deepen and enclose
fixed door shelves, providing more storage
room and greater storage flexibility:
I,ifl the shelf straight up; then pull out.
Engage the shelf extender in the molded
suI_ports on the door and push down.
It will lock in place.

Aboutthe crispersandpans.
Not all features are on all models.
Fruit and Vegetable Crispers
Excess water that may ac(umulate in the
bottom of the (h'awe_ or under the (h'awe_
should be wiped dry:,
Adjustable Humidity Crisper (onsomemodels)
Slide the control all the wa} to the Slide the control all the wa_ to the LOW
HlGHsetfing to proxide high humicli b setting, to I)r°xide lower lmmi(lit_ lexels
recommended fi)r most ",egetables. recommended fi)r most fl'uits.
Snack Pan (onsomemodels)
This pan can be nloved to the inost tlsettll
location fi)r your thmilv's needs.
Toremove, slide the pan out to the stop
position, lift the pan up and past the stop
position, and lilt ()tit.

Aboutcrisperremoval w eetpoi,tcom
Not all features are on all models.
Crisper Removal
Unload the bottom shelf before attempting to
remove the storage drawers.
i,ifl the (h'awe_3 up slightly while pulling
theln past the stop location.
If the door prevents you from taking out
the (h'awe_, fi_t try to remove the door
bins. If this does not offer enough
clearance, the refi-igerator will need to
be rolled fin'ward tmfil the door opens
enough to slide the (h'awe_ out. In some
cases, when you roll the refl_igerator out,
you will need m move the refl_igerator
to the lett or right as you roll it out.
Toremove the glass cover:
Remove the glass, then the fl'ame. _._]_en
replacing the glass, push the fl'ont edge
fimflv into the fl'ame.
0 Push up the glass cover at the rein:
Slide the glass cover backwards tmtil the
fl'ont edge conies otlt of the fl'anle.
Removing the glass cover
Removing the frame
Rotate the side ot the glass cover up.
Remove the glass cove_:
Toremove the frame:
0 I,itt up the tixmt el the ti'ame using
both hands.
@ Slide the fl'ame fin'ward.
0 Rotate the side of the ti'ame up.
@ Reinove the fl'ame.
Abouttheadditional features.
Not all features are on all models.
ShelfSaver rMRack
This slide-out rack holds twelve cans ot soda
or two wine/water bottles (lengthwise).
Can be removed fin" cleaning.
Toremove, slide the rack out to the stop
position, lilt the rack up and past the stop,
and lilt Otlt.

A newly-installed refrigerator may take 12-24 hours to begin making ice.
Automatic Icemaker (onsomemodels)
There are 2 types of icemakers:
._ Icernaker
PowerLight eeler rm
Power switch model
FeelerArm in (up)positian
Feeler arm model
The icemaker will produce al)proxhnately
3 to 3½ lbs. otice in a 24-hour period,
depending on the fl'eezer compartment
tellll)ei'attli'e , i'ooi11 tellll)ei'attli'e , nHIl/beF
at door openings and other rise conditions.
There are two types el icemake_: power
switch models and teeler am_ models.
If tile refl_igerator is operated beffn'e tile
water cmmection is made to tile icemaker,
set tile power switch to 0 (Of.[}or move tile
feeler am/ to tile STOP(up) position.
_Al/en tile reti_igerator has been com_ecmd
to tile water suppl> set tile power switch to
tile I (On)position or move tile teeler am_ to
the ON (down) position. On power switch
models, the green light will come on.
Tile icemaker will fill with water when it
cools to 15°E A newl>installed refl_igerator
may take 12 to 24 hom_ to begin making
ice cubes.
Once tile icemaker starts to make ice,
it may take up to 48 hom_ to fill tile bin,
depending on the temperatm'e ,setfimm_,
[llld ntlIl/beF of door ol)enings.
34_uwill hear a buzzing SOtlnd each time
the icemaker fills with water:
Throw awm tile first few batches of ice
to allow tile water line to clea_:
Be sm'e nothing interferes xdth tile sweep
of the teeler am/.
\._]/en tile bin fills to tile level of tile fl_eler
am/, the icemaker will stop producing ice.
It is natural fin" several cubes to be joined
If ice is not used fl'equentl> old ice cubes
will become cloudy, taste stale, shrink or
fiBe together:
On power switch models, tile green power
light will blink if ice cubes get stuck in the
icemake_: To con'ect this, set tile power
switch to 0 (eel) and remove tile cubes.
Set tile power switch to I (on)to restart tile
icemake_: _Mter tile icemaker has been
turned on again, there will be a delay of
about 45 minutes befi_re tile icemaker
I'eStllI/es ol)ei'ation.
NOTE:In homeswith lower-than-averagewater
pressure,you mayhear the 12emakercycle multiple
times when making onebatch of ice.
Icemaker Accessory Kit
If yam" refl_igerator did not ah'ea(h come
equil)ped with an automatic icemake_;
an icemaker accessory kit is ax filable at
extra cost.
, WaterFilterAccessory
Tile water filter is an option at extra cost
and is a\_filable fl'om your deale_: Specit)'
WR97X0214. It has complete installation
instructions and installs on 1/4 ( .D.
COl)per water line or plastic tubing that
is included in a (;E Sma_t()mnect _'
Reli_igerator Tubing kit. \._]/en using tile
plastic tubing, an additional piece at plastic
tubing (_._X08X10002) must also be
ordered since the plastic tubing should
not be cut.
tr )
Check tile back of tile refligerator fin" tile
specific icemaker kit needed fin" yam" model.
suppliedin GESmartConnect_ Refn_?eratorTubing
becausethelineis underpressureatafttimes.