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What I Need Guide
When working with air horns or even air applicaons, they all need an Air Source Unit.
• An Air Source Unit autonomously will maintain a proper pressure rang for your air applicaons.
• Consisng of:
1. Air Tank (material: steel) with at least 5 ports (Minimum) to fit the components listed
below into the tank.
2. Air Compressor: Builds air pressure into the air tank to specified Psi which is maintained
by the pressure switch.
3. Pressure Switch: Maintains specified pressure
Switches on/off the circuit to the air compressor when pressure is low/high.
4. Safety Blow Off Valve: Emergency release of pressure when pressure switch has failed.
Usually set at 175 or 235 Psi.
5. Drain Cock: Unscrew to drain the air tank (once per week) from moister build up with in
the tank.
Electric drain kit is also available for draining at a push a buon!
6. One open Port: This port will be for your air applicaon. It is important to know what
size this port is for your air applicaon purchase.
± 10% (Usually 150 Psi)
You want the drain cock at the most gravitaonal point (where water would collect) and the pressure
switch AWAY from seling water. This will prevent any rusng that may occur, damaging the
Hornblasters, Inc.
39440 Pattie Road
Zephyrhills, FL 33540-3158
Phone: +1 (877) 209-8179
Fax: +1 (813) 783-2407
email: support@hornblasters.com