HornBlasters N-A User Manual

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What I Need Guide
When working with air horns or even air applicaons, they all need an Air Source Unit.
An Air Source Unit autonomously will maintain a proper pressure rang for your air applicaons.
Consisng of:
1. Air Tank (material: steel) with at least 5 ports (Minimum) to t the components listed below into the tank.
2. Air Compressor: Builds air pressure into the air tank to specified Psi which is maintained by the pressure switch.
3. Pressure Switch: Maintains specified pressure
Switches on/o the circuit to the air compressor when pressure is low/high.
4. Safety Blow Off Valve: Emergency release of pressure when pressure switch has failed.
Usually set at 175 or 235 Psi.
5. Drain Cock: Unscrew to drain the air tank (once per week) from moister build up with in the tank.
Electric drain kit is also available for draining at a push a buon!
6. One open Port: This port will be for your air applicaon. It is important to know what size this port is for your air applicaon purchase.
± 10% (Usually 150 Psi)
You want the drain cock at the most gravitaonal point (where water would collect) and the pressure switch AWAY from seling water. This will prevent any rusng that may occur, damaging the components.
Hornblasters, Inc. 39440 Pattie Road Zephyrhills, FL 33540-3158
Phone: +1 (877) 209-8179 Fax: +1 (813) 783-2407 email: support@hornblasters.com