Horizon FCJJ-27 User guide

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science education set
Experiment manual
Made in China
User Manual & Experiment Guide
WARNING: To avoid the risk of property damage, serious injury or death:
This set is intended for use only by person 12 years old and up, and only under the supervision of adults who have read and understood the safety and operating instructions contained in the set’s manual. Keep children under the age of 12 away as the set contains small parts that can be swallowed. Some configurations in the set generate gases that are very easily ignited. Do not use the set or any of its components for any other purposes than instructed in this manual. Read the instructions carefully before use and have them ready for reference.
1.Safety instructions: please read carefully before starting.......................................
2. Introducing the renewable energy opportunity......................................................
3. About the renewable energy education set...........................................................
4. Discovering solar photovoltaic energy..................................................................
5. Hydrogen: the “renewable” fuel of the future........................................................
6. Using the fuel cell to convert hydrogen to electricity.............................................
7. Discovering wind energy.......................................................................................
8. Advice for optimal operation.................................................................................
9. Troubleshooting ...................................................................................................
P01 P02 P05 P07 P16 P26 P37 P57 P58
Part 1. Safety Instructions: please read carefully before starting
Part 2. Introducing the Renewable Energy Opportunity
Renewable energy is unlimited clean energy
To avoid the risk of property damage, serious injury or death:
1. Read carefully and fully understand the instructions before starting the assembly of this set.
2. This set is intended only for use by persons 12 years old and up, and only under the supervi­sion of adults who have read and understood the instructions in this user manual.
3. When assembling this kit, tools may be used. Extra care should be taken to avoid personal injury.
4. Some parts are small and fragile: please be careful when handling and connecting parts to avoid break­age. Handle all parts and components with care.
5. Do not attempt to use any part, item or component provided in this set for any other purpose than what is instructed in this user manual.
6. Keep your hands and your body away from the turbine blades when it is rotating to avoid injury.
7. This product contains small parts. It is not suitable for children under 12 years old.
8. Please read carefully the battery pack operation instructions on page 60 before using the battery pack.
The International Energy Agency projects that the world's electrical power generating capacity will increase to nearly 5.8 million megawatts by the year 2020, up from about
3.3 million in 2000. However, the world's supply of fossil fuels - our current main source of electricity - will start to run out from the years 2020 to 2060, according to the petroleum industry's best analysts.
Unlike fossil fuels, renewable energy sources will never run out. In one day, the sunlight which reaches the earth produces enough energy to meet the world's current power require­ments for eight years.
On a global average, each square meter of land is exposed to enough sunlight to produce 1,700 kWh of power every year. The average output is between 850 kWh/m2 in Northern Europe, 1,200 kWh/m2 in Central Europe and 1,200-2,000 kWh/m2 in Southern Europe and the Mediterranean.
Nature offers a variety of options for producing renewable energy. It is mainly a question of how to convert sunlight, wind, biomass or water into electricity, heat or power as efficiently, environmentally friendly, and cost-effectively as possible.
Positive impact for our environment
Renewable energy technologies, which include wind, solar, hydro, geothermal and organic bioenergy, are a lot friendlier to the environment than conventional energy technologies, which rely on fossil fuels.
Fossil fuels contribute significantly to many environmental problems - greenhouse gases, air pollution, and water and soil contamination - while renewable energy sources contribute very little or not at all. Greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, hydrocarbons, and chlorofluorocarbons) surround the Earth's atmosphere like a clear thermal blanket, allowing the sun's warming rays in and trapping the heat close to the Earth's surface. This natural greenhouse effect keeps the Earth's average surface temperature at about 33°C (60°F).
Scientists believe the increased use of fossil fuels has significantly increased greenhouse gas emissions, particularly carbon dioxide, creating an enhanced greenhouse effect known as global warming. Both pollution and global warming pose major health risks to humans, as this contributes to lung disease, including asthma, lung cancer and respiratory infections.
Securing our energy
Oil dependence has resurfaced as a concern that carries significant political and economic risks. This conventional energy source is vulnerable to political instabilities, trade disputes, embargoes and other disruptions.
Because renewable supplies are predictable and abundant, they can also help stabilize energy costs and free consumers from the volatile price swings in the natural gas and oil markets due to supply and demand. Also, technological improvements and federal production incentives have made the cost of electricity from some renewable, more cost-competitive compared to generating power from conventional sources. In fact, technological improvements and market growth are making renewable sources are becoming more cost competitive.
A positive impact for local economies
Some countries are using renewable energy as one way to encourage economic development and stimulate local economies. In many instances, money spent on energy leaves a community, going to outside utilities or energy suppliers.
A significant global effort in clean energy technology research is developing to collect, store and deliver energy efficiently without harming our planet.
By developing renewable energy sources, which often employ native resources and local produc­tion, energy money is spent in the local economy, helping to generate wealth locally.
Part 3. About the Renewable Energy Science Education Set
The Renewable Energy Science Education Set is a modular experiment tool designed to dem­onstrate the workings of clean energy technologies on a miniature scale. With this set, an entire miniature renewable energy system can be constructed. The set is modular so that users can learn the system step by step, configure the system in different ways, and visualize the complete system from start to finish. Users can learn about direct renewable power generation using solar pho­tovoltaic technology, experiment with electrolysis to generate and store hydrogen, and discover how hydrogen can be used as a renewable “energy carrier” that can power many applications via fuel cell technology.
This set provides an excellent opportunity to learn about the exciting prospects of renewable energy, as well basic physics and chemistry principles. It shows how renewable energy can be har­nessed, stored, and re-used in all kind of applications and how hydrogen can be the unique link between natural sources of power and power consuming devices - using fuel cell technology.
Enjoy this exciting science education kit, and start building your own hydrogen powered world!
List of parts:
A. Prop eller bla de B. Doub le headed b anan a plug cabl e C. Elec trolyze r D. Hydr ogen tank E. Oxyg en tank
F. Gas cont ainers G. Rubb er tubes H. Scre ws and post s ecur e pin I. Batt ery pack J. Red & bl ack pin K. Syri nge L. Moto r & fan modul e fram e M. Blad e head asse mbly N. Main b ody O. Supp ort base P. Wind tu rbin e blades Q. Wind t urbine mo unt R. Fuel c ell S. Smal l car wheel T. Fuel cel l base U. Elec trolyze r base V. Water t ank ba se W. LED bas e X. Circ uit board m odul e base Y. Solar p anel Z. Adapt ors, clin cher & p urging va lve
1. Sc re wd ri ve r an d sc is so r ar e no t provi de d in t hi s se t.
2. Alkal in e AA bat te ri es r eq ui re d wh en i nclud ed b at te ry p ow er p ac k is u se d.
3. Dist il le d or p ur if ie d wa te r (H 2O) not i ncluded
Part 4. Discovering Solar Photovoltaic Energy
Creating electricity from sunlight:
The Renewable Energy Education Set contains a solar photovoltaic cell that will be used in most of our experiments as a way to capture renewable energy from the sun.
The word “photovoltaic” is a marriage of two words: “photo”, meaning light, and “voltaic”, refering to Volts of electricity. So photovoltaic (pv) technology, involves the generation of electricity from light. The secret to this process is the use of a semiconductor material which can be adapted to release electrons, the negatively charged particles that form the basis of electricity.
The most common semiconductor material used in photovoltaic cells is silicon, an element most commonly found in sand. All pv cells have at least two layers of such semiconductors, one positively charged and one negatively charged.
When light shines on the semiconductor, the electric field across the junction between these two layers causes electricity to flow, generating DC current. The greater the intensity of the light, the greater the flow of electricity.
Solar pv is quite different from a solar thermal system where the sun's rays are used to gen­erate heat, usually for hot water in a house or swimming pools.
Costs for solar photovoltaic power generation are still high, but have decreased over the past 20 years. New generations of solar pv technologies are emerging as a result of new materials research.
In the next years, we may see inexpensive solar pv materials printed like newspapers on rolls of flexible film. Flexible solar pv materials are already being “rolled-out” on the rooftops of ware­houses, and some of these warehouses are now able to supply energy back into the local power grid during energy demand peaks.
Experiment 1: Use a solar photovoltaic cell to power flashing lights
Experiment 2: Use a solar panel to power a small fan and a small car wheel
Find parts B, X, Y, W.
Assembly of a small electric powered fan:
Find one of the round adaptors (Z 1) and the electric motor module (L), connect the adaptor to the
Use the red and black cables (B) to connect the solar photovoltaic module (Y) to the multi-connection circuit board module (X). Use the red cable for the red input jacks, and the black cable for the black
motor axis and press onto the axis. Make sure the adaptor is inserted all the way to the base of the motor axis and that the axis can rotate freely (see pictures A & B).
input jacks.
Z 1
Z 2
Hold the propeller blade (A) and press it into the adaptor (Z 1). Make sure the propeller and motor axis are connected tightly and the blade can rotate freely (see picture C & D).
Connect the flashing lights module (W) to the circuit board module (X) using the red and black cables (B). Use the red cable for the red input jacks, and the black cable for the black input jacks.
Place the solar cell (Y) in direct, strong sunlight.
If you are in direct sunlight, you will see the lights start to flash as soon as you connect the last cable between the flashing lights module and the circuit board module. The lights will continue flashing as long as the solar cell is exposed to sunlight. It will stop working as soon as light weakens or disappears
and start working when sunlight is back.
Assembly of a small electric powered car wheel:
Disconnect the propeller blade from the motor module. Hold the one of the adaptors (Z 2), which is the two step body connector. Point the big hole to the motor axis and press it onto the axis. Make sure the adaptor is inserted all the way to the base of the motor axis, and the axis can rotate freely (see picture A below).
Hold the small car wheel (S) and press it onto the adaptor. Make sure the wheel and the motor axis are connected tightly and the wheel can rotate freely (see picture B & C below).
Use the red and black cables (B) to connect the solar photovoltaic module (Y) to the multi-connection circuit board module (X). Use the red cable for the red input jacks, and the black cable for the black input jacks.
Connect the assembled blade or wheel module to the circuit board module (X) using the red and black cables (B). Use the red cable for the red input jacks, and the black cable for the black input jacks.
No te: The fan and wheel module needs more power to function; therefo re it will only work if the solar panel is exposed to very strong sunlight.
If the solar panel is exposed to strong sunlight, the propeller blade or wheel will start moving immediately. The fan may need some assistance to get started: when connected, just flick the blade downwards with your finger and the propeller blade should continue to move on its own. The fan will continue working as long as there is sufficient sunlight.
Direct solar power works as long as you have sunlight and goo d w e a th e r. This fo r m s t h e b a si s for one of the fun d am ental constra i nt s facing the wide s pr ead use of renewa b le e ne rgy power systems : the interm ittent na t ure of rene w able ener g y resourc e s. Th e solution t o this constr a in t is to store the en e rgy generate d b y these inexha u stible, yet in t er mittent sources of energy.
In the past various storage solutions have been employed, including batteries, flywheels, ultracapaci­tors, pumped-storage hydroelectric, and superconducting magnets. These solutions have had vary­ing degrees of success, but all have significant disadvantages, such as self-discharge, high cost, and the use of toxic materials in their construction. There is an emerging, better, and more complete energy storage option: hydrogen.
In our next section, we will see that hydrogen can be produced using solar pv cells as a way to “store” solar power, and can be used later as a fuel in a fuel cell to create electricity for a variety of ap­plications. Indeed, hydrogen can “store” and “deliver” the energy from the sun for use at any time and at any place - not necessarily at the fixed location of the solar pv system. Hydrogen can be stored in small canisters and bottles, and bigger storage tank solutions are now being developed for automobiles.
Renewable Energy Systems
Part 5. Hydrogen: the “Renewable” Fuel of the Future
In the past, the limiting factors of renewable energy have been the storage and transport of that energy. With the combined use of an electrolyzer, a method of storing and transporting hydrogen gas, and a fuel cell, electrical power from renewable energy sources can be delivered where and when required.
Hydrogen can be produced sustainably from renewable energy systems with no carbon dioxide emis­sions. An example of such a system is the use of a solar panel, a wind turbine or a micro-hydro gen­erator to convert the radiant energy of sunlight into electrical power, which drives an electrolyzer. The electrolyzer breaks apart water producing hydrogen and oxygen gases. The hydrogen is stored for use by the fuel cell and the oxygen is released into the atmosphere. Thus when the sun shines, the wind blows or the water flows, the electrolyzer can produce hydrogen.
A power system incorporating hydrogen from renewable sources and a fuel cell is a closed system, as none of the products or reactants (water, hydrogen and oxygen) are lost to the outside environment.
The water consumed by the electrolyzer is converted to gases. The gases are converted back to water. The electrical energy produced by the solar panel is transferred to chemical energy in the form of gases. The gases can be stored and transported, to be reconverted back to electricity.
These systems are truly sustainable, for as long as there is sunlight there can be electrical power, available where and when required.
Hydrogen is the most abundant element in our universe and carries the most energy per unit of weight. This carbon-free fuel can be produced either using traditional or renewable power sources such as solar or wind power. Once captured and stored, hydrogen can be converted back to usable energy in numerous applications, including cars. This means our every day fuel can be produced locally, and in unlimited quantities. Hydrogen is an outstanding energy carrier.
When it is consumed in the fuel cell, the result is electricity and water. This water can then used to produce hydrogen and oxygen, making the cycle is continuous and natural, with zero emissions. There are many challenges to making this a reality of course and cost barriers need to be broken for renewable energy technologies, but these costs have been decreasing steadily over the years, and are projected to decrease much further - it's only a matter of time and further innovations.
Around the world, several “Hydrogen Highway” projects are being developed and over 200 hydrogen refueling stations have already been built to service the first fuel cell cars.
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