of Nutrient
Concentrations in Soil
Solution and Tomato
pH and
in Coconut Coir
Coconut coir testing involves
extracting a sample solution with
distilled water and measuring the
pH and conductivity of the extract.
The acceptable conductivity
ranges for 1:2 (v/v) dilution and
pour thru sampling methods are
0.26-0.75 mS/cm
and 1.0-2.6 mS/
cm, respectively.
The ideal pH range
is 5.4-6.2 for both
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Plant Sap
Fertigation management requires
rapid and accurate methods to
determine nutrient concentrations
in soil solution and plant sap.
Folegatti et al (2005) found that the
concentrations of NO
in soil solution and tomato plant
sap determined by LAQUAtwin
ion pocket meters showed good
correlations with those obtained
in soil solution and in leaf dr y
matter, respectively, determined
by standard methods in laboratory,
and concluded that
LAQUAtwin ion
pocket meters are
useful low-cost
tools in fertigation
, K+, and Na+
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Pocket Ion, pH, and Conductivity Meters
Measurement of pH
in Plant Tissue
An optimal pH value of 6.4 in plant
tissue will encourage healthy
growth and prevent insects and
diseases attacking the plant. To
measure pH, squeeze the sap
of mature leaves
with garlic press
and place the sap
onto the sensor
of LAQUAtwin pH
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Conductivity and
Elephant’s Foot
Elephant’s foot is a physiological
disorder in sweet pepper
(Capsicum annuum L.), where the
base of the plant’s stem becomes
swollen below the cotyledon level
and wounds develop at the base
of the stem’s epidermis because
of salt accumulation. LAQUAtwin
conductivity meter can be
used to measure
conductivity of soil
and help farmers
choose the best
land to grow sweet
pepper crops.
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Soil pH and Nutrient
The desirable soil pH range for
optimum plant growth varies
among crops. Generally, soil pH
6.0-7.5 is acceptable for most
plants as most nutrients become
available in this pH range. Soil pH
can be determined
by mixing soil
sample with water
and then measuring
the resulting
aqueous solution.
| 01
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Soil Nitrate
Measurement for
Determination of
Nitrate concentration in soil is a
good indicator of available nitrogen
to plants. The required soil nitratenitrogen (NO3-N) for
specific crops varies
from crop to crop
but in general, a
concentration range
of 10-50 mg/kg is
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Soil Salinity
Measurement in
Almond Orchard
Crops have different levels of
tolerance to salinity. Testing soil
salinity is the best way to check
soil condition in the orchard before
salt damage occurs. The EC
is used to estimate
soil salinity (ECe).
The soil salinity
threshold value for
almond is 1.5 mS/
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Impact of Soil
Salinity on Sugar
Cane Yield
Soil salinity adversely affects the
growth of sugar cane crops. To
help optimize sugar cane yield,
check the sodium content in soil
by mixing it with
water in 1:5 ratio
and measuring the
resulting solution
with L AQUAtwin
sodium ion meter.
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Measurement of
Calcium in Soil
Calcium is one of the essential
nutrients taken up by plants from
soil for cell wall development. To
measure calcium concentration in
soil, ex traction with 1M ammonium
acetate and filtration
should be performed
prior to placing
the filtrate onto
the flat sensor of
LAQUAtwin calcium
ion me ter.
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Determination in
Measurement of
Potassium in Soil
In laboratories, potassium in soil
is extracted with 1M ammonium
acetate and analyzed with Atomic
Absorption (A A) or Inductivity
Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission
Spectrometry (ICP-OES).
LAQUAtwin potassium ion meter
showed values higher than those
of ICP-OES. However, with 0.01M
ammonium acetate extraction,
good correlation
(r=0.981, r2=0.962)
was obtained
between ICP-OES
and LAQUAtwin
potassium ion
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Plant Tissue
Comparison of LAQUAtwin
Potassium Ion Meter and ICP
Spectrometry Trials revealed
close significant correlation (r
values were 0.80 and 0.93 for first
and second trials, respectively)
between the L AQUAtwin potassium
ion meter readings and ICP results
obtained from plant’s fresh petiole
sap and dried tissue, respectively.
This suggested that LAQUAtwin
potassium ion meter could be
an appealing
field method
substitute for rapid
of potassium
concentration in
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Measurement of
Potassium in Rice
Potassium is one of the essential
plant nutrients supplied via fertilizer
in most irrigated rice fields.
Extracting sap from the lower
stem of plant rice and analysing it
with L AQUAtwin potassium meter
provide indication
of the current
potassium status
and help farmers
adjust the fertilizer
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Rapid In-Field
Determination of
Nitrogen in Onions
Fresh root sap analysis with
LAQUAtwin nitrate ion meter offers
cost-effective, rapid, and easy
solution to determine nitrogen
status in onion plants. The nitratenitrogen (NO3-N) concentrations
in onion vary at different growth
stages. The
acceptable root sap
NO3-N concentration
range for 0.5 to 1.5inch onion bulbs is
350 to 500 ppm.
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Nitrate Measurement
in Turf Grass
Nitrate concentration in grasses
can be used as an indicator of soil
nitrogen (N) availability for their
growth. Research at the University
of Connecticut
suggests verdure
sap nitrate-N
concentrations at
200-300 ppm as the
optimum level.
Quick Nutrient
Analysis in Strawberry
Regula r monitor ing of nut rient le vels
such as nitrate (NO
(K+) and calcium (Ca2+) in plant
petioles, soil solution, irrigation
water, and drain water produces
not only good yield and fruit qualit y,
but also reduces fertilizer cost and
mitigates environmental hazards.
The LAQUAtwin pocket meters
are the perfect tools for testing
as they directly measure samples
and provide results
in just few seconds
allowing growers
to identify and
correct any nutrient
deficiency or excess
imm ediately.
), potassium
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pH and Conductivity
for Testing Acrylic
Paint Films and
Paper Supports
and Formulating
Aqueous Cleaning
Isotonic aqueous cleaning solutions
that match the pH and conductivity
readings of acrylic paint films and
paper supports obtained from
agarose gel pellets have been
shown to be effective in reducing
or removing
dirt, dust, active
mold growth and
associated stains,
tide line stains, and
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02 |
Aquarium Water
Testing aquarium water such as
freshwater and saltwater (either
natural or artificial seawater) with
reliable instruments is necessary to
create a clean and safe environment
for your aquatic species. The
LAQUAtwin pocket
meters require only
few drops of water
and deliver the
results in just few
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pH Measurement in
the Acidification of
Fermented Sausages
Lowering pH or increasing acidity
of meat has become main hurdle
against pathogenic bacteria in
sausage making. pH is used
in the course of
fermentation process
in order to produce
stable product that
has a pH value of 5.3
or less.
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pH of Brine for
Canned Food Testing
For brine of canned acid foods,
the equilibrium pH value must
be 4.6 or below to
inhibit the growth
of Clostridium
botulinum, the most
heat resistant of
the food pathogen
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pH Measurement to
Determine Freshness
of Meat Products
Fresh meat must have a pH value
in the range of 5.5 to 6.2 before
selling to consumers. LAQUAtwin
pH meter provides
a simple and cost
effective way to
check the freshness
of meat in the local
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pH Measurement
to Determine
Acidification of
Sushi Rice
The rice used for sushi must be
acidified with acetic acid (vinegar)
to pH less than 4.6 to inhibit the
growth of pathogenic bacteria. To
measure pH, simply
place a sample of
rice mixture onto
the flat sensor of
LAQUAtwin pH
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pH Measurement of
Pickled Fruits and
Pickling is a process of preserving
fruits and vegetables in brine, oil,
water or vinegar. The Australia
New Zealand Food
Standard Code
2.3.1 requires the
preserved fruits and
vegetables to have
a pH not greater
than 4.6 to prevent
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Determination of
Sodium Content in
Food Samples
Foods contain varying amounts of
salt (NaCl), which has 40% sodium.
Determining the sodium content
in foods accurately reduces the
health risks associated with it.
The American Heart Association
recommends consumption of less
than 1500 mg/day
sodium for most
American adults,
which is the level
with the greatest
effect on blood
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Sodium Value Check
for Canned Food
There is a growing concern on
canned foods with large sodium
content as excessive intake of
sodium can cause high blood
pressure and hypertension. To
check the sodium content in canned
food, dilute a sample
with DI water in 1:5
ratio, then place the
resulting solution
onto the LAQUAtwin
sodium ion meter.
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