15: Compliance Information ...........................................................................15-1
Declaration of Conformity ............................................................................................................... 15-1
Supplementary Information ............................................................................................................ 15-1
16: Index ..................................................................................................16-1
FluoroMax®-4 & FluoroMax®-4P with USB rev. D (30 Jul 2012)
FluoroMax®-4 & FluoroMax®-4P with USB rev. D (30 Jul 2012) Introduction
Keep this and the other reference manuals near the system.
0: Introduction
About the FluoroMax®-4 and FluoroMax®4P
Both the FluoroMax®-4 and FluoroMax®-4P are self-contained, fully automated
spectrofluorometer systems. Data output is viewed on a PC, while printouts may be obtained via an optional plotter or printer. All FluoroMax®-4 and FluoroMax®-4P functions are under the control of FluorEssence™ spectroscopy software. The main parts of
the FluoroMax®-4 and FluoroMax®-4P spectrofluorometer systems are:
State-of-the-art optical components A personal computer FluorEssence™ for Windows®, the driving software.
The difference between the FluoroMax®-4 and FluoroMax®-4P is that the FluoroMax®4P contains a phosphorimeter for phosphorescence measurements. This manual explains how to operate and maintain a FluoroMax®-4 and FluoroMax®-4P
spectrofluorometer. The manual also describes measurements and tests essential to obtain accurate data. For a complete discussion of the almost limitless power provided by
FluorEssence™, refer to the FluorEssence™ User’s Guide (especially regarding soft-
ware installation) and the on-line help for Origin® and FluorEssence™, which accompany the system.
FluoroMax®-4 & FluoroMax®-4P with USB rev. D (30 Jul 2012) Introduction
1: Requirements & Installation
Power and environmental requirements; select the best spot
for the instrument.
2: System Description
How the FluoroMax®-4 and -4P work.
3: System Operation
Operation of the spectrofluorometer system, and calibration
4: Data Acquisition
How to use the special FluorEssence™ buttons to acquire
and plot data; how to determine peaks in an unknown sample.
5: Optimizing Data
Hints for improving the signal-to-noise ratio, instructions
for obtaining corrected data, and other information useful
for optimizing data and ensuring reproducibility.
6: Maintenance
Routine maintenance procedures such as replacing the lamp.
7: Troubleshooting
Potential sources of problems, their most probable causes,
and possible solutions.
8: Producing Correction Factors
How to correct for variation in the system’s sensitivity
across the spectral range.
9: FluoroMax®-4P
Phosphorimeter Operation
Theory, operation, applications, and troubleshooting of the
phosphorimeter, available only on the FluoroMax®-4P system.
10: Automated Polarizers
Installation, operation, and troubleshooting of the optional
automated polarizers.
11: Technical Specifications
Instrument specifications and computer requirements.
12: Components & Accessories
Accessories available for the FluoroMax®-4, and how to use
13: Glossary
Some useful technical terms related to fluorescence spectroscopy.
14: Bibliography
Other important sources of information.
15: Declaration of Conformity
16: Index
Chapter overview
FluoroMax®-4 & FluoroMax®-4P with USB rev. D (30 Jul 2012) Introduction
By setting up or starting to use any HORIBA Instruments Incorporated product, you are
accepting the following terms:
You are responsible for understanding the information contained in this document. You
should not rely on this information as absolute or all-encompassing; there may be local
issues (in your environment) not addressed in this document that you may need to address, and there may be issues or procedures discussed that may not apply to your situation.
If you do not follow the instructions or procedures contained in this document, you are
responsible for yourself and your actions and all resulting consequences. If you rely on
the information contained in this document, you are responsible for:
Adhering to safety procedures Following all precautions Referring to additional safety documentation, such as Material Safety Data Sheets
(MSDS), when advised
As a condition of purchase, you agree to use safe operating procedures in the use of all
products supplied by HORIBA Instruments Incorporated, including those specified in
the MSDS provided with any chemicals and all warning and cautionary notices, and to
use all safety devices and guards when operating equipment. You agree to indemnify
and hold HORIBA Instruments Incorporated harmless from any liability or obligation
arising from your use or misuse of any such products, including, without limitation, to
persons injured directly or indirectly in connection with your use or operation of the
products. The foregoing indemnification shall in no event be deemed to have expanded
HORIBA Instruments Incorporated’s liability for the products.
HORIBA Instruments Incorporated products are not intended for any general cosmetic,
drug, food, or household application, but may be used for analytical measurements or
research in these fields. A condition of HORIBA Instruments Incorporated’s acceptance of a purchase order is that only qualified individuals, trained and familiar with
procedures suitable for the products ordered, will handle them. Training and maintenance procedures may be purchased from HORIBA Instruments Incorporated at an additional cost. HORIBA Instruments Incorporated cannot be held responsible for actions
your employer or contractor may take without proper training.
Due to HORIBA Instruments Incorporated’s efforts to continuously improve our products, all specifications, dimensions, internal workings, and operating procedures are
subject to change without notice. All specifications and measurements are approximate,
based on a standard configuration; results may vary with the application and environment. Any software manufactured by HORIBA Instruments Incorporated is also under
constant development and subject to change without notice.
Any warranties and remedies with respect to our products are limited to those provided
in writing as to a particular product. In no event shall HORIBA Instruments Incorpo-
FluoroMax®-4 & FluoroMax®-4P with USB rev. D (30 Jul 2012) Introduction
rated be held liable for any special, incidental, indirect or consequential damages of any
kind, or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, loss of data, or loss of
profits, arising out of or in connection with our products or the use or possession thereof. HORIBA Instruments Incorporated is also in no event liable for damages on any
theory of liability arising out of, or in connection with, the use or performance of our
hardware or software, regardless of whether you have been advised of the possibility of
FluoroMax®-4 & FluoroMax®-4P with USB rev. D (30 Jul 2012) Introduction
A WARNING notice denotes a hazard. It calls attention to an operating procedure, practice, or similar that, if incorrectly performed or adhered to,
could result in personal injury or death. Do not
proceed beyond a WARNING notice until the indicated conditions are fully understood and met.
HORIBA Instruments Incorporated is not responsible for damage arising out of improper use of the
A CAUTION notice denotes a hazard. It calls attention to an operating procedure, practice, or similar that, if incorrectly performed or adhered to,
could result in damage to the product. Do not proceed beyond a CAUTION notice until the indicated conditions are fully understood and met.
HORIBA Instruments Incorporated is not responsible for damage arising out of improper use of the
Ultraviolet light! Wear protective goggles, fullface shield, skin-protection clothing, and UVblocking gloves. Do not stare into light.
Intense ultraviolet, visible, or infrared light! Wear
light-protective goggles, full-face shield, skinprotection clothing, and light-blocking gloves. Do
not stare into light.
Extreme cold! Cryogenic materials must always be
handled with care. Wear protective goggles, fullface shield, skin-protection clothing, and insulated
The following general safety precautions must be observed during all phases of operation of this instrument. Failure to comply with these precautions or with specific warnings elsewhere in this manual violates safety standards of design, manufacture and intended use of instrument. HORIBA Instruments Incorporated assumes no liability for
the customer’s failure to comply with these requirements. Certain symbols are used
throughout the text for special conditions when operating the instruments:
FluoroMax®-4 & FluoroMax®-4P with USB rev. D (30 Jul 2012) Introduction
Risk of electric shock! This symbol warns the user
that un-insulated voltage within the unit may have
sufficient magnitude to cause electric shock.
Danger to fingers! This symbol warns the user that
the equipment is heavy, and can crush or injure the
hand if precautions are not taken.
This symbol cautions the user that excessive humidity, if present, can damage certain equipment.
Hot! This symbol warns the user that hot equipment may be present, and could create a risk of
fire or burns.
Read this manual before using or servicing the instrument.
Wear protective gloves.
Wear appropriate safety goggles to protect the
Wear an appropriate face-shield to protect the
General information is given concerning operation
of the equipment.
FluoroMax®-4 & FluoroMax®-4P with USB rev. D (30 Jul 2012) Introduction
This instrument is used in conjunction with ultraviolet light. Exposure to these radiations, even reflected
or diffused, can result in serious, and sometimes irreversible, eye and skin injuries.
Overexposure to ultraviolet rays threatens human health
by causing:
Do not aim the UV light at anyone.
Do not look directly into the light.
Always wear protective goggles, full-face shield and skin protection
clothing and gloves when using the light source.
Light is subdivided into visible light, ranging from 400 nm (violet) to 700 nm (red);
longer infrared, “above red” or > 700nm, also called heat; and shorter ultraviolet
radiation (UVR), “below violet” or < 400nm. UVR is further subdivided into UV-A
or near-UV (320–400 nm), also called black (invisible) light; UV-B or mid-UV
(290–320 nm), which is more skin penetrating; and UV-C or far-UV (< 290 nm).
Health effects of exposure to UV light are familiar to anyone who has had sunburn.
However, the UV light level around some UV equipment greatly exceeds the level
found in nature. Acute (short-term) effects include redness or ulceration of the skin.
At high levels of exposure, these burns can be serious. For chronic exposures, there
is also a cumulative risk of harm. This risk depends upon the amount of exposure
during your lifetime. The long-term risks for large cumulative exposure include
premature aging of the skin, wrinkles and, most seriously, skin cancer and cataract.
Damage to vision is likely following exposure to high-intensity UV radiation. In
adults, more than 99% of UV radiation is absorbed by the anterior structures of the
eye. UVR can contribute to the development of age-related cataract, pterygium,
photodermatitis, and cancer of the skin around the eye. It may also contribute to
age-related macular degeneration. Like the skin, the covering of the eye or the cornea, is epithelial tissue. The danger to the eye is enhanced by the fact that light can
enter from all angles around the eye and not only in the direction of vision. This is
especially true while working in a dark environment, as the pupil is wide open. The
FluoroMax®-4 & FluoroMax®-4P with USB rev. D (30 Jul 2012) Introduction
UV exposures are not immediately felt. The user may not realize the hazard until it is too late and the
damage is done.
lens can also be damaged, but because the cornea acts as a filter, the chances are reduced. This should not lessen the concern over lens damage however, because cataracts are the direct result of lens damage.
Burns to the eyes are usually more painful and serious than a burn to the skin. Make
sure your eye protection is appropriate for this work. NORMAL EYEGLASSES OR
For the use of UV sources, new users must be trained by another member of the laboratory who, in the opinion of the member of staff in charge of the department, is sufficiently competent to give instruction on the correct procedure. Newly trained users
should be overseen for some time by a competent person.
FluoroMax®-4 & FluoroMax®-4P with USB rev. D (30 Jul 2012) Introduction
Xenon lamps
are dangerous.
Please read the following precautions.
Additional risks of xenon lamps
Among the dangers associated with xenon lamps
Burns caused by contact with a hot xenon lamp. Fire ignited by hot xenon lamp. Interaction of other nearby chemicals with intense ultraviolet, visible, or infrared
Damage caused to apparatus placed close to the xenon lamp. Explosion or mechanical failure of the xenon lamp.
Visible radiation
Any very bright visible light source will cause a human aversion response: we either
blink or turn our head away. Although we may see a retinal afterimage (which can last
for several minutes), the aversion response time (about 0.25 seconds) normally protects
our vision. This aversion response should be trusted and obeyed. NEVER STARE AT
aversion response by forcing yourself to look at a bright light-source may result in permanent injury to the retina. This type of injury can occur during a single prolonged exposure. Excessive exposure to visible light can result in skin and eye damage.
Visible light sources that are not bright enough to cause retinal burns are not necessarily safe to view for an extended period. In fact, any sufficiently bright visible light
source viewed for an extended period will eventually cause degradation of both night
and color vision. Appropriate protective filters are needed for any light source that
causes viewing discomfort when viewed for an extended period of time. For these reasons, prolonged viewing of bright light sources should be limited by the use of appropriate filters.
The blue-light wavelengths (400–500 nm) present a unique hazard to the retina by
causing photochemical effects similar to those found in UV-radiation exposure.
Infrared radiation
Infrared (or heat) radiation is defined as having a wavelength between 780 nm and 1
mm. Specific biological effectiveness “bands” have been defined by the CIE (Commission Internationale de l’Eclairage or International Commission on Illumination) as follows:
• IR-A (near IR) (780–1400 nm)
• IR-B (mid IR) (1400–3000 nm)
• IR-C (far IR) (3000 nm–1 mm)
FluoroMax®-4 & FluoroMax®-4P with USB rev. D (30 Jul 2012) Introduction
The skin and eyes absorb infrared radiation (IR) as heat. Workers normally notice excessive exposure through heat sensation and pain. Infrared radiation in the IR-A that
enters the human eye will reach (and can be focused upon) the sensitive cells of the retina. For high irradiance sources in the IR-A, the retina is the part of the eye that is at
risk. For sources in the IR-B and IR-C, both the skin and the cornea may be at risk from
“flash burns.” In addition, the heat deposited in the cornea may be conducted to the lens
of the eye. This heating of the lens is believed to be the cause of so called “glassblowers’ ” cataracts because the heat transfer may cause clouding of the lens.
Retinal IR Hazards (780 to 1400 nm): possible retinal lesions from acute high irra-
diance exposures to small dimension sources.
Lens IR Hazards (1400 to 1900 nm): possible cataract induction from chronic lower
irradiance exposures.
Corneal IR Hazards (1900 nm to 1 mm): possible flashburns from acute high irradi-
ance exposures.
Who is likely to be injured? The user and anyone exposed to the radiation or xenon
lamp shards as a result of faulty procedures. Injuries may be slight to severe.
FluoroMax®-4 & FluoroMax®-4P with USB rev. D (30 Jul 2012) Introduction
CE compliance statement
The FluoroMax®-4 spectrofluorometer is tested for compliance with both the EMC Directive 89/336/EEC and the Low Voltage Directive for Safety 73/23/EEC, and bears
the international CE mark as indication of this compliance. HORIBA Instruments Incorporated guarantees the product line’s CE compliance only when original HORIBA
Instruments Incorporated supplied parts are used. Chapter 15 herein provides a table of
all CE Compliance tests and standards used to qualify this product.
FluoroMax®-4 & FluoroMax®-4P with USB rev. D (30 Jul 2012) Introduction
FluoroMax®-4 & FluoroMax®-4P with USB rev. D (30 Jul 2012) Requirements & Installation
1: Requirements & Installation
Safety-training requirements
Every user of the FluoroMax®-4 and FluoroMax®-4P must know general and specific
safety procedures before operating the instrument. For example, proper training includes (but is not limited to):
Understanding the risks of exposure to ultraviolet, visible, and infrared light, and
how to avoid unsafe exposures to these types of radiation
Handling xenon-lamp bulbs, and their dangers Safe handling for all chemicals and other samples used in the instrument
Safety-training may be purchased from HORIBA Scientific. Contact your Sales Representative or the Service Department for details.
FluoroMax®-4 & FluoroMax®-4P with USB rev. D (30 Jul 2012) Requirements & Installation
Surface requirements
A sturdy table- or bench-top
Surface must hold 90 kg (200 lbs.).
Surface should be about 27″ × 72″ (69 cm × 183 cm) to hold spectrofluorometer, com-
puter, and accessories comfortably.
Overhead clearance should be at least 36" (91 cm).
FluoroMax®-4 & FluoroMax®-4P with USB rev. D (30 Jul 2012) Requirements & Installation
For adequate cooling, do not cover, block,
or obstruct the vents on the left side and underside
of the instrument.
Excessive humidity can damage the optics.
Environmental requirements
Temperature 59–86°F (15–30°C) Maximum temperature fluctuation ± 2°C Ambient relative humidity < 75%
Low dust levels No special ventilation
FluoroMax®-4 & FluoroMax®-4P with USB rev. D (30 Jul 2012) Requirements & Installation
HORIBA Scientific is not liable for damage
from line surges and voltage fluctuations. A surge
protector is strongly recommended for minor power fluctuations. For more severe voltage variations, use a generator or uninterruptible power
supply. Improper line voltages can damage the
equipment severely.
The FluoroMax®-4 is equipped with a
three-conductor power cord that is connected to
the system frame (earth) ground. This ground
provides a return path for fault current from
equipment malfunction or external faults. For all
instruments, ground continuity is required for safe
operation. Any discontinuity in the ground line can
make the instrument unsafe for use. Do not op-
erate this system from an ungrounded source.
HORIBA Scientific recommends connecting the host computer, monitor, and printer to a single surge-protector, to make
start-up more convenient, and to conserve AC outlets. Connect
the FluoroMax®-4 to a separate line, if possible, to isolate the
xenon-lamp power supply inside the FluoroMax®-4.
Electrical requirements
The FluoroMax®-4 operates from universal AC single-phase input power over the
range of 85 to 250 V AC with a line frequency of 50 to 60 Hz. This AC input power is
applied to a two-pole fusing power entry module located on the side of the instrument.
This module incorporates two 5 × 20 mm IEC approved, 4.0 A, 250 V, Time Delay
fuses (Cooper Bussman part number GDC-4A or equivalent) to protect against line disturbances or anomalies outside the system’s normal operating range.
Have enough outlets available for:
Host computer (PC) Monitor Optional printer FluoroMax®-4
Each of certain accessories, such the MicroMax, temperature bath, etc.
FluoroMax®-4 & FluoroMax®-4P with USB rev. D (30 Jul 2012) Requirements & Installation
The spectrofluorometer system is a delicate
instrument. Mishandling may seriously damage its
Part number
1 USB cable
FluoroMax®-4 Operation Manual
Set of Allen wrenches (Allen keys)
Single-cell sample-holder
Power cord (110 V)
(220 V)
FluorEssence™ software package
Many public carriers will not recognize a claim for concealed
damage if it is reported later than 15 days after delivery. In case of a
claim, inspection by an agent of the carrier is required. For this reason, the original packing material should be retained as evidence of
alleged mishandling or abuse. While HORIBA Jobin Yvon Inc. assumes no responsibility for damage occurring during transit, the company will make every effort to aid and advise.
Unpacking and installation
The FluoroMax®-4 spectrofluorometer system is delivered in a single packing carton. If
a host computer (PC) is ordered as a part of the system, the PC is delivered in a few
clearly labeled boxes. All accessories, cables, software, and manuals ordered with the
system are included with the delivery.
Examine the shipping boxes carefully. Any evidence of damage should be noted on the
delivery receipt and signed by representatives of the receiving and carrier companies.
Once a location has been chosen, unpack and assemble the equipment as described below. To avoid excessive moving and handling, the equipment should be unpacked as
close as possible to the selected location.
FluoroMax®-4 carton contents
FluoroMax®-4 & FluoroMax®-4P with USB rev. D (30 Jul 2012) Requirements & Installation
Watch your fingers!
1 Unpack and set up the FluoroMax
a Carefully open the FluoroMax
b Remove the foam-injected top piece and any other shipping restraints in
the carton.
c With assistance, carefully lift the instrument from the carton, and rest it
on the side of the laboratory bench where the system will stay.
d Place the instrument in its permanent location.
e Level the spectrofluorometer.
Adjust the four leveling feet on the bottom of the instrument.
f Inspect for previously hidden damage.
Notify the carrier and HORIBA Scientific if any is found.
g Check the packing list to verify that all components and accessories are
-4 shipping carton.
h Plug one end of the power cord into the proper receptacle on the right
side (while facing the unit) of the spectrofluorometer.
i Plug one end of the USB cable
into the USB receptacle.
j With an optional trigger
accessory, plug one end of the
trigger cable into the TRIGGER
connector on the FluoroMax®-4.
Allow the unconnected ends of
the cables to dangle freely; they
will be connected in later steps.
2 Set up the computer.
The information gathered by the
spectrofluorometer system is displayed
and controlled through the host PC via
FluorEssence™ software. The host PC
FluoroMax®-4 & FluoroMax®-4P with USB rev. D (30 Jul 2012) Requirements & Installation
Be sure to agree to the terms of the software license before using the software.
A USB dongle is supplied with FluorEssence™. This dongle
(license) must be connected to the host PC before
FluorEssence™ will operate.
may be purchased from HORIBA Scientific or another supplier.
a Set up the host PC reasonably close to the FluoroMax
limitation is the length of the USB cable. The recommended location for
the PC is just to the right of the spectrofluorometer, but other positions
are possible.
-4 system. The
b Follow the instructions for the host PC to set up the computer system,
including the CPU, monitor, keyboard, mouse, speakers, printers, etc.
3 Connect the FluoroMax
to the computer.
a Attach the free end of the USB cable to a USB receptacle on the host
b With all devices OFF, plug the power cords from the monitor, computer,
FluoroMax®, and the printer into properly grounded (earthed)
c Install any accessories that arrived with the system, using the
instructions that accompany the accessories.
See Chapter 12 for a detailed list of accessories.
4 Install the FluorEssence™ software.
The spectrofluorometer system is controlled by FluorEssence™ spectroscopy
software operating within the Windows® environment. If the computer and
software were purchased from HORIBA Scientific, the software installation is
complete. If the computer is not from HORIBA Scientific, perform the installation. Contact a HORIBA Scientific Sales Representative for recommended
specifications for a suitable host computer.
Before the FluorEssence™ software can be installed, however, Windows® must
be installed already and operating properly. Refer to the Windows® manual that
came with the computer for installation instructions.
The FluorEssence™ software is supplied on one CD-ROM. Follow the
FluorEssence™User’s Guide for details on installation.
Users outside of the USA:
Users outside of the USA receive a softkey device that connects to the printer port of
the host computer for software security. The softkey should be left in place on the host
computer at all times.
FluoroMax®-4 & FluoroMax®-4P with USB rev. D (30 Jul 2012) Requirements & Installation
Copying, disassembly, or removal of the softkey is illegal.
FluoroMax®-4 & FluoroMax®-4P with USB rev. D (30 Jul 2012) Requirements & Installation
Be sure the FluorEssence™ USB key is inserted into a
free USB port on the host computer. Without the key,
FluorEssence™ will not run properly, even in emulation mode.
Software emulation
Emulating the FluorEssence™ software means letting the computer act as though the
FluoroMax® is properly connected, even if it isn’t.
1 Disconnect the communications cable from the
host computer to the FluoroMax®.
2 Double-click the FluorEssence icon to
start FluorEssence™.
The main FluorEssence window opens:
3 Click the Experiment Menu button to open a
hardware configuration.
FluoroMax®-4 & FluoroMax®-4P with USB rev. D (30 Jul 2012) Requirements & Installation
The Select Hardware Configuration window opens.
4 Choose the desired in-
strument you wish to
5 Click the OK button.
The System Initialization Process window
Under the Status
column, warning
symbols appear for
the hardware devices, noting that they
were Not Found.
chooses the Emu-late radio button as
the default action
for each device.
6 Click the
Next>> button.
The Fluorescence Main Experiment
Menu appears. FluorEssence™ is now
emulating the instrument.
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