Congratulations on the purchase of your new BrakeBuddy®! The BrakeBuddy® was designed and built as an
auxiliary braking system to operate in conjunction with the existing braking system in your towed vehicle.
Use of the BrakeBuddy® in a manner inconsistent with these instructions may result in damage to your
vehicle, serious injury or death. You must read and understand these instructions prior to the use of this
If you have any questions after reading these instructions, please call BrakeBuddy® customer service at 1 800-470-2287.
The Break-Away is an important part of the
BrakeBuddy system and is required
by law in most states. Do not operate
your BrakeBuddy without a properly
functioning Break-Away.
Phone (800) 470-2287
FIG. 2
Installing Junction Box
1. Find a convenient, sturdy place on the
front of your towed vehicle to mount
the junction box (B). This should be
installed on the driver’s side of the
vehicle if possible.
2. Clean the mounting surface and
attach the velcro patch (J) (Fig. 2).
3. Attach the junction box (B) to the
velcro patch (J) so the pin with the
ring faces forward and the wiring
harness feeds back into the engine
4. Place the mounting bracket (C) over
the junction box (B) and mark the hole
locations to be drilled and tapped.
5. Remove bracket (C) and junction box (B). Drill
marked holes with a1/8” metal drill bit.
NOTE: For thin sheet metal or plastic, it may be
necessary to reinforce the plastic or thin metal to
ensure the bracket will not separate from the
when the break-away pin is pulled. If you are going
to drill through thicker metal, use hex socket head
capscrews (D). You will need to drill a hole using a
#25 drill bit and tap the hole using a 10-24 tap.
FIG. 3
FIG. 4
6. Replace the junction box (B) and attach the
bracket (C) using hex socket head capscrews
(D) or sheet metal screws (G) provided (Fig. 3).
7. Locate a place in the firewall that will allow the
wiring harness to be fed through into the drivers’
side compartment of the towed vehicle. Use of
an existing hole would be most convenient.
8. If there is no existing hole, drill a 15/32”
diameter hole through the firewall (Fig. 4 /
K). Be careful not to drill into any functional
components of the vehicle.
9. Starting from the junction box (Fig. 4 / B),
route the black electrical wire up to the firewall
keeping it away from hot or moving engine
components. Secure using the nylon ties (I)
provided (Fig. 4 / M).
10. Feed the black wire through the hole in the
firewall and into the passenger compartment
(Fig. 5).
11. Place the split rubber grommet provided (H)
over the black electrical wire (Fig. 6) and
slide it into the 15/32” hole and fasten it into
place (Fig. 7).
NOTE: Failure to properly install the 15/32”
rubber grommet may result in harmful fumes
entering the vehicle, or damage to the wires.
Using the Break-Away System
After attaching your towed vehicle to your coach
and all hook-ups are complete, you will need to
attach the break-away cable (A) from the junction
box (B) to the motorhome. On the motorhome
end attach to a permanent location. The
frame of the vehicle is recommended.
DO NOT attach or wrap the cable around the
tow bar, hitch or bumper.
1. Attach the small clip on the cable (A) to the
loop on the pull pin of the junction box (Fig.
8 / O), and then attach the large clip to the
motorhome (Fig. 8 / P). The coiled breakaway cable fits all applications and needs no
FIG. 8
FIG. 7
FIG. 5
FIG. 6
2. Setup the BrakeBuddy in your towed vehicle
and plug the junction box wire harness into
the receptacles on top of the BrakeBuddy (Fig.
9 / Q).
3. Before the start of every trip, pull the break-
away pin to test that the break-away system
activates the Brake Buddy.
4. When the use of the towed vehicle is needed,
simply unhook the small clip from the loop
on the pull pin of the junction box (B).
Unplug the junction box wire harness from
the BrakeBuddy and coil the wire under the
dashboard or under your floor mat (Fig. 10).