(*Certain Models Only)
Emptying t he Dust Con tainer
Press th e bin rele ase button downward a nd remove the dust bin from the clean er. 1. [7]
Hold the contai ner usin g the b in handle and pre ss the bi n emptyi ng latch. The 2.
dustcont ainer door w ill autom atically open. [8 ]
Once e mpty, gent ly tap or shake the c ontainer to release any excess dust.3.
ll ab ove the max level ma rk shown on the bin .
Cleaning the w ters
The cl ea wi aintain optimum cle aning
perf ormance, reg gains t t he side of the bin to release
The pre-mo tor
ld be w ashed every 5 c ontainer empties or when the ter has
excess ive dust level.
IMPORTANT: All bagless cl eaners re quire reg ular
ter cl eaning. Fa ilure to c lean your
rs may resu lt in air block age, overheati ng and product failure. This may invali date
your g uarantee.
IMPORTANT: Regularl y check a nd maintain th lters.
IMPORTANT: Always ensur lter pack is fully dry before use .
To access the Pre -Mot
1. Press th e bin releas e button d ownward an d remove t he dust b in from the cl eaner.
Rotate the upper s ection of the bin to r emove from the dust container. 2. [9]
Remove t
lter pack.3. [10]
Gentl y tap and wa sh
er, 4. do not u se hot water or detergent s. [1 1] Re move
excess water and l eave to dr y fully befo re re-us ing. [12]
Reass emble the pre-mo tor
lter pack o nce fully dr y and r t t o the cle aner.5.
Cleaning the d ust bin / s eparation unit
1. Place the bin o at sur face and re move th lters.
Remove the sep aration syst em by lif ting fro m the dust co ntainer.2. [13]
Use a cloth to remove exc essive dust f rom the sep aration uni t surfa ce.3.
the s eparation unit int o the dust bi n and r lters in posit ion.4.
R the d ust bin to the clea ner.5.
IMPORTANT - For opti mum p erforman ce, we recom mend that Air volution syst em is
inspe cted aft er each e mpty.
Removing a blockag e
Check if the dust co ntainer i s full. I f so refer to ‘Emptyin g the dust container ’.1.
If the dust co ntainer i s empty b ut suction is still low :2.
D lters need clean ing? If so refer to ‘Cleanin g the was habl lters’.A.
Check the bin inlet by re moving th e bin and c hecking inside th e bin in let.B.
Check if pre- mot
lter is t ted and lter door is clo sed.C.
IMPOR TANT - Switc h the clean
and remove th e plug from the electric ity supply
before checkin g cleaner.
Should you h ave a problem with th e produc t, comp lete th is simpl e user check list befo re
calli ng your l ocal Hoove r servi ce.
Is the re a workin g electrici ty supply to the cleane r? Please c heck with another e lectrica l •
appli ance.
Is the dust con tainer over
lled? P lease refe r to ‘Cleaner Mainten ance’.•
ter b locked? Ple ase refer to ‘Cleaner M aintenance’.•
Has the cleaner over heated? If so, it will take ap proximately 30 minutes to aut omatically •
Hoover s pares and Consuma bles
Always replace parts with genui ne Hoover spares. These are avai lable from your local Hoover
deale r or dire ct from H oover. When ordering p arts alw ays quote your mode l number.
Consum ables:
Filter rotom erP S106 3560 1198•
Polish er PO1 3560094 3•
Spares :
Carpe t and Floo r Nozzle G136 3560120 8•
Hard Floor Nozzle G137PC 35601209•
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