Alwa-UP with internal
Alwa-UP-KFR with
soldering connections
The Alwa-UP consists of:
• Straight pattern valve housing with internal threads, soldering
• Valve insert with spindle extension
•Protection tube
• Handwheel with cover cap (to be ordered separately)
• Red bronze housing
•Valve insert made of red bronze and brass
• O-rings and soft seals made of EPDM
• EPDM seat sealing
• Handwheel made of acrylic glass or chromium-plated plastic
• Cover cap made of sheet steel, chromium-plated
V4600, V4700
Underwall shutoff valve
Product specification sheet
The Alwa-UP is used as underwall shut-off valve in potable water
installations. The downstream installation is isolated by shutting
off the valve with the handwheel.
A pre-setting allows throttling of the flow when the valve is fully
Alwa-UP-KFR valves also have a backflow preventer integrated
into the valve insert. Alwa-UP is also available without insert for on
wall installation of water meters.
The Alwa-UP in standard version is suitable for installation depths
of 60 to 100 mm, with special extension kit up to 220 mm
Alwa-valves are low noise to DVGW and noise protection regulations.
Special Features
• All parts with contact to the flow made of corrosion-resistant
red bronze
• Permanent easy operation due to isolated spindle
• Maintenance-free spindle sealing with additional back sealing
• Pre-settable and cavity-free valve insert
• No shortening necessary for 60 to 100 mm installation depth
• Installation depth up to 220 mm
• No shortening necessary for 60 to 100 mm installation depth
• Various handwheels available (to be ordered sepa-rately)
• EPDM seat sealing
• Also available with additional backflow preventer or without
valve insert for installation of water meters
• Available with internal threads or soldering connec-tions or
with fitted Mapress or Sanpress press fittings
Technical Data
Medium Water
Operating temperature max. 130°C (266°F)
Operating pressure max. 16 bar (232 p.s.i.)
Opening pressure ≤ 10 mbar (only Alwa-UP-KFR)
kv(cv)-value DN15 3.35
DN20 4.60
DN25 8.00
DN32 14.80
EN0H-1808GE23 R0607 • Subject to change
www.honeywell.com 1

V4600, V4700 Alwa-UP
All dimensions in mm unless stated otherwise.
DN 15 20 25 32
D1 Rp 1/2"Rp 3/4" Rp 1" Rp 1 1/4"
D2 47 47 47 47
D3 72 72 72 90
D4 15/18 22 28 35
T1 35.5 35.5 45.5 54.5
T2 45-100 (220)
T3 65-80
L1 100 100 120 150
L2 15.0 16.3 19.1 21.4
L3 100 100 120 150
L4 12/14 17 20 23.5
L5 162 170 196 236
L6 178 186 212 254
Fig. 1 Alwa-UP Table 1 Alwa-UP
L5 = Overall length with fitted Sanpress fittings
L6 = Overall length with fitted Mapress fittings
Order information
Table 2 Ordering information and OS-Nos. (OS = ordering system)
Ordering text OS-No. DN 15 20 25 32
mm 15 18 22 28 35
Alwa-UP with internal threads V4600Y0... 015 020 025 032
- with fitted stainless steel Mapress-fittings V4606Y0... 015 018 020 025 032
- with fitted red bronze Sanpress-fittings V4607Y0... 015 018 020 025 032
Alwa-UP with soldering connections V4600S0... 015 018 020 025 032
Alwa-UP-KFR with internal threads V4700Y0... 015 020
- with fitted stainless steel Mapress-fittings V4706Y0... 015 018 020
- with fitted red bronze Sanpress-fittings V4707Y0... 015 018 020
Alwa-UP-KFR with soldering connections V4700S0... 015 018 020
Alwa-UP with internal threads, for installation of
V4605Y0... 015 020 025 032
water meter
Alwa-UP with soldering connections, for instal-
V4605S0... 015 018 020 025 032
lation of water meter
/4" 1" 11/4"
2 www.honeywell.com
EN0H-1808GE23 R0607 • Subject to change