Sampling valve for chemical and microbiological parameters
The sampling valve consists of:
• Red bronze housing
• Red bronze body
• Dezincification resistant brass nut
• Dezincification resistant brass sleeve nut
• Stainless steel outlet pipe
•EPDM gaskets
• Red bronze piston
EN0H-1804GE23 R0307 • Subject to change
Alwa Sampling Valve
Product specification sheet
Sampling valve for chemical and microbiological parameters in
drinking, bathing and swimming pool water.
Suppliers of drinking water for public use have to commission an
annual investigations of water to prevent Legionella occurrence
according German regulations TrinwV §§4, 14 (6) and 19 (7) and
Appendix 4.
There are defined sampling locations for the determination of
drinking water system contamination by Legionella.
Special Features
• May be retrofitted to any Alwa F/KFR/R fittings from DN15 to
• Valve body and outlet bend may be rotated through 360° and
hence may be aligned in any direction
• Outlet volume may be regulated and the valve may be shut off
by means of an allen key
• Certificate regarding suitability for sampling in accordance
with VDI 6023 and German water regulations
• Correct sampling procedure possible
• A sampling valve for all types of sampling
• All parameters to be determined may be taken at one point
• Horizontal and vertical mounting possible
• Sampling equipment is simple to operate and may be flame
• Stable, long, stainless steel outlet bend generates a straight
water jet
• Valve body and parts in contact with the medium in red
• High quality, hygienic EPDM seat seal with German health
ministry plastics and water approval
Range of Application
Medium The sampling valve was developed for usage in cold
or hot drinking water systems, swimming pools and
bathing water systems.
The sampling valve should be used for investigation of Legionella
contamination at determined locations in potable water systems.
Technical Data
Operating temperature maximum 90 °C
Pressure rating (PN) 16 bar
www.honeywell.de/haustechnik 1

V4250 Alwa Sampling Valve
Method of Operation
Operators who supply drinking water to the public must commission tests for legionella once a year.
There are often no suitable sampling valves in the drinking water
system, so that sampling takes an unnecessarily long time and
cannot always be carried out correctly.
The sampling valve may be fitted horizontally or vertically on any
Alwa F/KFR/R fitting with a drain plug.
A flame is applied around the fitting to disinfect the stainless steel
outlet pipe. The sampling valve can be regulated and the flow
volume regulated with an allen spanner.
The sample is taken beneath the installation. Splashing is minimised by the form of the outlet pipe.
The stainless steel outlet tube can be swung out of the operating
area to either side.
V4250A008 Sampling valve with connection size G1/4 for buil-
ding valves up to DN25
V4250A010 Sampling valve with connection size G3/8 for buil-
ding valves from DN32 to DN80
Connection size DN 6 DN 10
Dimensions mm
L 153.5 153.5
l44 44
H81.3 81.3
h69.8 69.8
Installation Guidelines
• Positioning of the sampling location must be determined by
the person carrying out sampling. The defined positions must
be identified in the plan for sampling locations in drinking
water systems.
• The sampling valve can be installed horizontally or vertically
to any valve with testing lobes.
• Insure the piping system is pressure-free before installing the
sampling valve
• The valve housing is only tightened at closed position due to
possibility to align valve to right position during installation.
• Please check for closed condition after installing.
Automation and Control Solutions
Honeywell GmbH
D-74821 Mosbach
Phone: (49) 6261 810
Fax: (49) 6261 81309
Manufactured for and on behalf of the
Environmental and Combustion Controls Division
of Honeywell Technologies Sàrl, Ecublens, Route
du Bois 37, Switzerland by its Authorised Representative Honeywell GmbH
EN0H-1804GE23 R0307
Subject to change
© 2007 Honeywell GmbH