BW Clip Real Time
BW Clip Real Time is a portable, single-gas detector manufactured by BW Technologies by
Honeywell (BW). BW Clip Real Time continuously displays the concentration of a specic
gas in the ambient environment, and activates an alarm when concentrations exceed alarm
setpoints. It is your responsibility to respond appropriately to the alarms.
BW Clip Real Time is a member of the GasAlert family of products. It is compatible with
IntelliDoX and MicroDock II automatic test and calibration stations, as well as Fleet Manager
II software version 4.2 or higher. For more information, visit the product website at www.
Safety Information: Read First
1. Substitution of components may impair Intrinsic Safety.
2. BW recommends performing a bump test prior to each day’s use to conrm sensor
response and alarm activation by exposing the detector to a concentration of target
gas that exceeds the low alarm set point. BW also recommends performing a bump
test if the detector has been subjected to physical impact, liquid immersion, an Over
Limit alarm event, custody changes, or anytime the detectors performance is in doubt.
Calibrate the detector after a failed bump test. Always bump test and calibrate in a fresh
air environment.
3. Detectors in hibernation mode are not functional.
1. Activate the detector before the activation date on the package.
2. This product is a gas detector, not a measurement device.
3. Ensure that the sensor grill is free of dirt, debris, and is not obstructed.
4. Clean the exterior with a soft, damp cloth.
5. For optimal performance, periodically zero the sensor in a normal atmosphere (20.9%
) that is free of hazardous gas.
v/v O
6. Portable safety gas detectors are life safety devices. Accuracy of ambient gas
reading(s) is dependent upon factors such as accuracy of the calibration gas standard
used for calibration and frequency of calibration. BW recommends performing a
calibration at least once every 180 days (6 months).
Informations de sécurité – À lire au préalable
1. Le remplacement d’un composant de l’appareil peut compromettre la sécurité
intrinsèque du détecteur.
2. Avant chaque utilisation quotidienne, BW recommande d’effectuer un test fonctionnel
an de vérier la réaction du capteur et l’activation de l’alarme, en exposant le détecteur
à une concentration de gaz cible supérieure au seuil d’alarme basse. BW recommande
également d’effectuer un test fonctionnel si le détecteur a été soumis à un impact
physique, à une immersion dans du liquide, à un événement d’alarme Dépassement
de la limite, à des changements d’utilisateur ou chaque fois que les performances
du détecteur sont mises en doute. Étalonnez le détecteur après l’échec d’un test
fonctionnel. Effectuez toujours un test fonctionnel et étalonnez dans un environnement
avec de l’air frais.
3. Détecteurs en mode veille prolongée ne sont pas fonctionnels.
1. Activez le détecteur avant la date d’activation sur l’emballage.
2. Ce produit est un détecteur de gaz, pas un dispositif de mesure.
3. Veillez à assurer que la grille du capteur est exempt de saleté, les débris, et ne soit pas
4. Nettoyez l’extérieur de l’appareil à l’aide d’un chiffon doux et humide.
5. Pour des performances optimales, zéro périodiquement le capteur dans une
atmosphère normale (20,9% v/v O
6. Les détecteurs portables de gaz de sécurité sont des dispositifs de sécurité des
personnes. La précision des valeurs de gaz ambiant dépend de divers facteurs,
tels que la précision de la norme de gaz d’étalonnage utilisée pour l’étalonnage et la
fréquence d’étalonnage. BW recommande d’effectuer un étalonnage au moins une fois
tous les 180 jours (6 mois).
) qui est exempte de gaz dangereux.
Part Number 50115903-101 | OM-EN-BWCRT-A6 | BW Clip Real Time Operator Manual
Getting Started
visual alarms
visual alarms
Bubble label
Bubble label
with product name
with product name
and gas type
and gas type
Sensor and
Sensor and
sensor grill
sensor grill
Infrared port
Product label
LCD and Symbols
Pushbutton prompt. When this symbol is displayed, press and hold
the pushbutton until the symbol disappears.
BW Clip Real Time O2 models only. Oxygen concentration is
measured as percent by volume.
BW Clip Real Time H2S, CO and SO2 models only. Toxic gas
concentration is measured in parts per million.
Low alarm and high alarm. These symbols are displayed when a
gas concentration that exceeds alarm setpoints is detected.
Non-compliance warning. This symbol is displayed when a
diagnostic or compliance test fails; when the operating life
countdown reaches 24 hours or less; and for up to 30 days after
operating life expiry. It is also displayed when certain notications
are enabled through Fleet Manager II via an IntelliDoX station.
Real-time clock. This symbol is displayed when real-time clock is
enabled through Fleet Manager II via an IntelliDoX station.
End of operating life warning. This symbol is displayed when the
operating life countdown reaches 24 hours or less.
Peak reading. This symbol is displayed when a maximum gas
exposure event has occurred within the past 24 hours.
Bump test reminder. If the detector is congured to display a bump
test reminder, this symbol is displayed when a bump test is due.
indicates a failed bump test.
This symbol is displayed when more than 24 hours have elapsed
since the last successful zero procedure was performed (O
models) or indicates a sensor calibration is due (H2S, CO and SO2
indicates a failed calibration (H2S, CO and SO2 models) or a
failed zero procedure (O
Operating life remaining in months (MM) or days (DD).

BW Clip Real Time
Activate a New Detector
1. Move to a normal atmosphere (20.9% v/v O2) that is free of hazardous gas.
2. Press and hold the pushbutton until a 5 second countdown is displayed, and then
continue to hold until the countdown is complete.
3. When the countdown is complete, the LCD and LEDs turn on and then turn off. The
detector performs an internal diagnostic test.
4. When the diagnostic test is successful, the alarm setpoints are displayed and the LEDs
5. The sensor stabilization countdown is displayed. During the countdown, the detector
vibrates continuously for 20 seconds. The time required to stabilize varies depending
on sensor type. When the countdown reaches 0, the LEDs ash and the audible alarm
6. The detector is in normal operating mode when the gas type and concentration are
Normal Operating Mode
When the detector is in normal operating mode, the type of gas
detected is permanently displayed. The detected concentration of the
gas is displayed until it is disrupted by a pushbutton action, gas alarm,
or error event.
Operating Life
When the detector is activated for the rst time, the operating life
countdown is displayed. Press the pushbutton to display remaining
operating life.
90 Days or Less Remaining
When the operating life countdown reaches 90 days or less before
expiry, the countdown display changes to days. The countdown
displays the remaining operating life in days until the countdown
reaches 24 hours or less before expiry.
24 Hours or Less Remaining
When the operating life countdown reaches 24 hours or less before
expiry, the countdown display changes to hours, and the EXPIRY!
warning and non-compliance symbol are displayed.
End of Operating Life
When the operating life countdown ends, the detector deactivates and
detector safety functions are disabled. It is possible to retrieve event
logs for a limited time after expiry. The EXPIRY! warning and
non-compliance symbol are displayed for up to 30 days after expiry.
Internal Diagnostic Tests
Activated detectors automatically perform one internal diagnostic test every 24 hours. If the
internal diagnostic test fails, the diagnostic fail-safe begins.
Diagnostic Fail-Safe
1. The EXPIRY! warning and non-compliance symbol are displayed.
2. The detector beeps and vibrates.
3. The LEDs ash 2 times per second for 15 seconds.
4. OFF or an error code is displayed. The detector is deactivated.
It is possible to retrieve the event logs for a limited time after expiry. If you are unable to
retrieve the event logs, contact BW.
Alarms and Warnings
An alarm is initiated when the sensor is exposed to a gas concentration that exceeds alarm
setpoints. The alarm persists until the alarm gas concentration returns to an acceptable
range. Battery life decreases rapidly when the detector is in alarm condition.
Low Alarm
Audible: 1 beep per second
Visual: 1 flash per second
Vibration: 1 vibration per second
High Alarm
Audible: 2 beeps per second
Visual: 2 ashes per second
Vibration: 2 vibrations per second
Over-Limit and Under-Limit Alarms
If the gas concentration is beyond the sensor range, OL (over-limit) or
-OL (under-limit) is displayed.
Audible: 2 beeps per second
Visual: 2 ashes per second
Vibration: 2 vibrations per second
Automatic Zero Reminder for O2 Models
For O2 models only, the Automatic Zero Reminder is displayed when
more than 24 hours have elapsed since the last successful zero
procedure was performed.
Peak Readings
The peak readings symbol is displayed when the sensor is exposed to
a gas concentration that exceeds the alarm setpoints. It is no longer
displayed when more than 24 hours have passed since the last alarm,
or when a successful bump test is performed via an IntelliDoX or
MicroDock II station.
Non-compliance Symbol and LED Indicators
The non-compliance warning symbol is displayed when:
• an internal diagnostic test fails;
• a bump test, calibration or zero procedure fails;
• a bump test or calibration is due, if enabled;
• the sensor is exposed to a gas concentration that exceeds alarm setpoints, if enabled.
The non-compliance warning symbol is no longer displayed when more than 24 hours have
passed since the last alarm, or when a successful bump test or calibration is performed
(manual calibration or via an IntelliDoX or MicroDock II station). The non-compliance
warning symbol is permanently displayed when the service-life countdown reaches 24 hours
or less before expiry, and for up to 30 days after expiry.
When Non-compliance after gas exposure is enabled through Fleet Manager II via
an IntelliDoX station, the LEDs ash in an alternating pattern when the non-compliance
warning symbol is displayed. When the symbol is rst displayed, the top LEDs ash. After
30 seconds, the side LEDs ash. After 30 seconds, the pattern repeats until the non-
compliance warning symbol is no longer displayed.
NOTE: When the detector is bump tested via a MicroDock II station, an abnormal test
result may occur if non-compliance LEDs are ashing. To suspend the ashing for up to 10
minutes, press and release the pushbutton. When the ashing stops, insert the detector and
perform the test. If the bump test fails, the LEDs resume ashing.
Recall Events and Settings
When the detector is in normal operating mode, press the pushbutton at any time to scroll
through events and settings that are not empty or disabled through Fleet Manager II via an
IntelliDoX station. BW Clip Real Time ashes, vibrates and beeps.
While an event or setting is displayed, press the pushbutton to scroll to the next available
event or setting. If you do not press the pushbutton, or if you have reached the last available
event or setting, the detector returns to normal operation. Events and settings are displayed
in this order:
1. Peak Reading, if available, and when a maximum gas exposure event has occurred
within the past 24 hours.
2. Time of Peak Reading, if Real-time Clock display is enabled.
3. Operating Life, the remaining operating life of the detector in months, days or hours.
4. Low Alarm Setpoint
5. High Alarm Setpoint
6. Real-time Clock, if enabled.
7. Firmware Version
8. Next Bump Due, if enabled.
9. Next Calibration Due, if enabled.
10. Hibernation, for 2-year H
S and CO models only.