35 and 70 lb-in. Non-Spring Return
ISO 9001
The 35 and 70 lb-in. Non-Spring Return Direct Coupled
Actuators (DCA) are control motors that provide floating or
proportioning control for valves and dampers. The proportioning
motors accept a current or voltage signal from a controller to
position the damper or valve at any chosen point between fully
open and fully closed.
Electrical Ratings:
Power Input: 24 Vac ±20%, 50/60 Hz.
Model Power Consumption
q ML6161A,B,C,D 1.8 VA
q ML7161A 4.8 VA
q ML6174A,B 2.4 VA
q ML7174A 5.4 VA
Auxiliary Switch Ratings:
q Electrical selective NO or NC, not simultaneous.
q Pilot Duty: 50 VA, 24 Vac.
q Switch Differential: Three angular degree maximum.
Direct Coupled Actuators
ML6161, ML7161
ML6174, ML7174
•45°, 60°, and 90° selectable stroke in either clockwise
(cw) or counterclockwise (ccw) directions.
• Magnetic coupling eliminates the need for mechanical
• Two field-addable auxiliary switches.
• Auxiliary feedback potentiometer field-addable on
select models.
° to 30° minimum position adjustment (cw or ccw
direction) on all models.
• Manual declutch on select models.
• W7620 Terminal Unit Controller compatibility.
• Commercial Zone Damper in W7600 Commercial Zone
System compatibility.
Actuator Timing for 90
q 90 Second Models 108 sec 90 sec
q Three-Minute Models 216 sec 180 sec
q Seven-Minute Models 504 sec 420 sec
° Stroke:
At 50 Hz At 60 Hz
Torque Ratings (at Rated Voltages):
35 lb-in. DCA 70 lb-in. DCA
lb-in. (Nm)
q Running 35 (4) 70 (8)
q Breakaway 35 (4) 70 (8)
q Stall Minimum 45 (5) 70 (8)
q Stall Maximum 70 (8) 130 (14)
Actuator Stroke:
q Selectable: 45°, 60°, and 90°.
q Rotation: Clockwise (CW) and counter clockwise (CCW).
Device Weight:
q 1.3 lb (0.58 kg).
Environmental Protection Ratings:
q NEMA1.
q IP54 (ML6161E, ML7161E, ML6174E, ML7174E only).
® U.S. Registered Trademark
Copyright © 1998 Honeywell Inc., Mpls. MN • All Rights Reserved
q Mounts directly on 3/8 in. to 1/2 in. (10 to 13 mm) round or
square shaft.
q Minimum Shaft Length Required: 1-3/4 in. (45 mm).
q Actuator can be mounted with shaft in any position.
q Secured Using: Two 1/4 in. (6 mm) 28 NF Allen screws.
Actuator Minimum Design Life:
35 lb-in. DCA 70 lb-in. DCA
q Cycles 50,000 40,000
q Repositions 1,500,000 1,500,000
Temperature Ratings:
q Ambient: 20°to 125°F (-18° to 50°C).
q Derated Timing to: -20°F (-29°C).
q Shipping and Storage: -20° to 130°F (-29° to 54°C).
Humidity Ratings:
q 5% to 95% RH noncondensing.
Noise Output:
q 45 dBA at 1 meter maximum.

ML Motor Linkage
q 61
q 71
Floating Control
4-20 mA/2-10 Vdc Control
q 61
q 71
35 lb-in. (4 Nm), Non-Spring Return
70 lb-in. (8 Nm), Non-Spring Return
q A
Includes output for feedback
q B
Standard (includes minimum
position setscrews)
q C
Includes output for feedback
potentiometer and cover w/
conduit connections.
q D
Includes cover w/ conduit
q E
Standard with European
q 1
q 2
Includes declutch
ML XXX Varies by Model
Non-spring return actuator shall be direct coupled type
that requires neither crankarm nor linkage and be capable
of direct mounting to a 3/8 inch or 1/2 inch diameter
jackshaft. The actuator shall connect to the shaft using
set screws. The actuator must provide floating or
proportional control.
The actuator design must be for use in either clockwise
or counterclockwise operation.
Actuators shall use a true synchronous ac stepper motor
to drive the output hub. Run time shall be constant and
independent of load, temperature and supply voltage
(within product-family specifications). Overload
protection shall be provided at all angles of rotation by a
magnetic clutch mechanism that provides an absolute
limit to the output torque without a physical link between
the motor and the gear train.
Actuators shall have a minimum performance of 40,000
full-stroke powered cycles, and 1,500,000 repositions
documented in the product data literature. Actuators shall
be UL and CSA listed, manufactured under ISO 9001
International Quality Control Standards.
Feedback Potentiometer Ratings:
q Electrical Rating (200976A,C Potentiometer): 24 Vac,
50/60 Hz, 2.25W.
q Resistance Output (Resistance Linear as Measured
Between Terminals R-B):
q 0 ohms (at 0°, cw stroke).
q 250 ohms (at 45°, cw stroke).
q 333 ohms (at 60°, cw stroke).
q 500 ohms (at 90°, cw stroke).
q Underwriter’s Laboratories Inc. Component Recognized:
File No. E4436; Guide No. XAPX2.
q Meets UL94-5V plenum requirements.
q Canadian Standards Association Certified (includes
auxiliary switch).
q 200976A Auxiliary Potentiometer (0 to 500 ohm).
q 200976C Auxiliary Potentiometer (0 to 2000 ohm).
q 201052A Auxiliary Switch (one).
q 201052B Auxiliary Switch (two).
q 4074ENJ Bag Assembly—includes stop pin, shaft adapter,
and two minimum position screws.
q 4074ENY Bag Assembly—includes stop pin and shaft
q 4074EVK Short Shaft Extender.
q 7640QW Metal Enclosure—for attaching conduit to
q T641 Floating Thermostat—for use with seven-minute
3-3/8 (86)
By using this Honeywell literature, you agree that Honeywell will have no liability for any damages arising out of your
use or modification to, the literature. You will defend and indemnify Honeywell, its affiliates and subsidiaries, from and
against any liability, cost, or damages, including attorneys’ fees, arising out of, or resulting from, any modification to
the literature by you.
q T6984 Floating Thermostat—for use with 90-second and
seven-minute models.
q T7984 Modulating Thermostat—for use with ML7174.
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paper containing at least 10%
post-consumer paper fibers.