Midas® LonWorks® Interface Module
Connects a Midas®
gas transmitter to
LonWorks® network

Midas® LonWorks®
Interface Module
• Compatible with existing life safety
LonWorks® communication networks
• Small foot print module for ease of
installation and DIN rail mounting capable
• Flexible connections to hook power and
connections within a LonWorks® loop
• Broad range of diagnostics, data fields and
real time readings
• Remote control of 3 programmable on
board relays for lower cost control and
annunciation options
• Gas transmitter can be replaced without
further need for re-binding the detector
neuron ID
• Service button to broadcast the neuron ID
for ease of set up
An optional module that connects a Midas®
gas transmitter to a new or an existing
LonWorks® life safety network.
A single connection point provides power and communications to both the LonWorks® module
and the Midas® gas transmitter. A single easy access connection point provides power and
communications to both the LonWorks® module and the Midas® gas transmitter. The Midas®
LonWorks® Interface Module also enables a Midas® transmitter and pyrolyzer combination to be
powered and connected to the LonWorks® network. Remote reset, local or remote relay activation
and a complete set of diagnostic outputs are standard features.
Module Dimensions Midas® LonWorks® Interface Module
Size (without Midas® unit) 120 x 100 x 35mm (H x W x D)
Weight (without Midas® unit) 1.0kg
Power Requirements
Operating Voltage 24VDC Nominal + / - 15%
Output to Midas Transmitter 48VDC via proprietary Power over Ethernet (PoE) connection
Power Consumption
LonWorks Module ~ 3.0W
Module with Midas ~ 8.0W
Module with Midas & Pyrolyzer
Digital Communications LonWorks® digital communication within a 78kbps FTT sub-loop system
Relays Local activation of three (3) on board Midas® relays for fault and alarm or remote
Service Test Mode Button Broadcasts the LonWorks® neuron ID
Certification & Specification
RFI EMC CE marked: meets EN 5022:1998 Ammendment A2 and EN 5024 (24V supply)
Operating Temperature
Module with Midas Unit 0°C (32°F) to 40°C (104°F)
Wiring Requirement
Power 16 AWG Maximum 1.5mm
LonWorks® Transceiver FT-10
Module 1 year
Ordering Information
Midas® LonWorks® Interface Module MIDAS-T-LON
~ 15.0W
LED indicates network status
activation of 3 relays using LonWorks