Honeywell Midas Installation Manual

Protocol for Testing Toxic Gas
1998-0219 Rev 5 August 2012
Technical Note


This protocol provides a method to evaluate the performance of toxic gas detectors. A worksheet is included; this is a useful guide in recording the performance of gas detection sensors. It is also useful as part of a maintenance log for complete gas detection systems.
To understand the merits of specific gas detection equipment, several parameters must be tested. These factors include response time, environmental conditions, affects of temperature, accuracy and sensitivity to potential interfering substances, recovery time, failure indication, stability (drift) and repeatability over time. Test conditions must simulate the real world; therefore the test conditions must simulate the working environment (temperature and humidity). Supplies and materials must be selected accordingly.
The gases utilized may be very toxic. It is therefore essential that a thoroughly trained safety engineer or industrial hygienist be responsible for the generation of these gases and that the gas is generated in a well-ventilated area and exhausted safely.

Equipment and Test Gas

1. Zero Air for zero calibration
In applications where the ambient air is normally containing a low level of target gas, some sensors may require zero calibration with “clean air”.
a. Compressed air
(Filtered through activated charcoal to remove most of unwanted gases and water vapor)
b. Zero Air in Lecture bottle
2. Span Gas for Bump Test and Calibration
To achieve the best accuracy, a mixture of the target gas balanced in the background environmental air is the best calibration gas. However, it usually requires that the operators be more skilled, with precise equipment and reference standard method to analyze the gas concentration. The following are recommended methods of gas setup for bump and calibration.
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a. Disposable Calibration Gas Bottle
(Low pressure, premixed with Air or Nitrogen) This method with fixed flow or demand flow regulator is easiest and practical way to
bump test EC sensors (both extractive system and passive sensor wit h calibration cap or flow housing).
For extractive sampling systems when the concentration of gas lecture bottle is higher than the detection range, test gas can be diluted with fixed flow rate regulator and T fitting in sample line. Use fixed flow regulator having lower flow rate than extracting sample flow rate and attached clean air bag at T fitting. (ex. Using 0.25 L/min regulator with clean air at T fitting, the sample test gas concentration for a MIDAS with ~0.5 L/min flow is approximately half of the concentration of bottle.)
A zero air lecture bottle with fixed flow regulator can be used for dilution (and use another T fitting to vent overflow with extractive systems). This method would also work with passive detection systems.
The lecture bottle dilution method is suitable only for bump testing as the gas mixture accuracy depends on the flow rate precision.
The type and concentration of calibration gas, sample tubing, flow regulators and calibration adapters are key links in the calibration chain. The instrument can only be as accurate as the gas used to calibrate it.
As concentration stability and shelf life is dependent on the mixture of gas and bottle type, do not use uncertified and/or expired gas cylinders. Most highly reactive chemicals are mixed with nitrogen.
Check that all gas wet materials including regulator and tubing are preconditioned with the gas sample before applying gas to sensor.
Some sensors may need moisture to get a proper reading. A humidifier, such as a “Nafion®” humidifier, can be added in sample line. Check the compatibility of the humidifier with the target gas before use.
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b. Sampling Bag (Tedlar or Teflon)
This method is good for both extractive systems and non-reactive gases fill i ng fr om a gas cylinder, diluted gas, or permeation device. Some gas bag materials are permeable and have gas adsorption characteristics.
c. Permeation/Diffusion Device
A permeation device has some advantages over a calibration standard cylinder; providing precise concentrations and a wide range of concentrations easily generated by varying the dilution flow rate and or the set point of oven temperature.
At a known rate of permeation and a given temperature, a constant flow rate of air mixed with the permeated chemicals forms a constant stream of calibration gas. A calibrator with constant temperature and flow regulation is needed. Portable permeation devices are commercially available.
Prior to use, permeation devices should be conditioned at the calibration temperature and carrier flow to bring the rate to its equilibrium value. Most devices require 30 minutes to 3 hours to reach equilibrium. Heavy wall tubes, low vapor pressure compounds, and halogenated compounds typically take longer. The best procedure is to set up the calibration system the day before it is needed, allowing the system to equilibrate overnight. Conduct repeated tests over a period of time to ensure that equilibrium has been achieved. Test gas can be filled in a sample gas bag, or feed sample gas to passive sensor, or extract test gas directly connecting at T fitting in Span with Overflow (Vent) output mode.
There may be an activated charcoal scrubber for carrier/dilution air before the permeation chamber in commercially available portable permeation gas generator; the generated test gas will be dryer than ambient air, requiring additional humidification (such as Nafion® humidifier) for some gases and sensors.
d. High Pressure Gas Cylinder
High-Pressure Cylinders are designed for hazardous chemicals and for high concentration mixture which is much stable than above mentioned methods.
d-1. High Pressure Gas Cylinder - Single Stage Dilution Method
This method is good for both passive or extractive system, and Gas Bag filling for remote test. Schematics of the recommended gas generation and dilution system are provided in Figures 1 and 2.
Figure 1 shows a typical single stage dilution gas generation rig. This is best utilized when diluting c once nt rat e d cyli nd er s at rati os bel ow 10 00-to-1.
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d-2. High Pressure Gas Cylinder - Double Stage Dilution Method
This method is good for both passive or extractive system, and Gas Bag filling for remote test.
Figure 2 shows a typical double stage dilution rig. This is utilized for diluting cylinders at ratios greater than 1000-to-1. Double stage dilution is the best method when generating low level concentrations is required.
The concentration of calibration gas can be calculated as follows: Concentration (ppm) =
Cylinder Flow (cc/min) * Cylinder Concentration (ppm)
Total Flow [Cylinder +Dilution F low] (cc/min)
Multiply gas concentration in ppm units by 1000 to obtain concentration in ppb units.
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