HEAT CONSUMERS........................................................................................................................................................... 3
HEATING CIRCUIT CONTROL........................................................................................................................................... 5
Time program ........................................................................................................... 3
Outside temperature controlled cut-off ..................................................................... 3
Room temperature controlled cut-off........................................................................ 4
Optimization.............................................................................................................. 4
Outside temperature controlled flow temperature control......................................... 5
Heating characteristic .......................................................................................... 5
Automatic adaptation of the heating characteristic .............................................. 7
Room temperature control......................................................................................13
Limitation of the heating up speed.....................................................................14
Maximum limitation of the room temperature..................................................... 14
Minimum limitation of the room temperature...................................................... 14
Overtime compensation with TF 26 ................................................................... 14
Overtime compensation via room sensor input.................................................. 15
Statistics................................................................................................................. 15
Determining the number of degree days............................................................ 15
Counter for operating hours ............................................................................... 15
External temperature demand ................................................................................ 16
Overlapping mixing circuit functions, sensors, device connections ................... 17
Passing on the outside temperature sensor value through the C bus ............... 17
Signal: Hot water priority switching and system overheating,
corrosion protection .............................................................................. 17
Janitor function, heating limits ................................................................................ 18
Flow temperature control........................................................................................ 19
Setpoint ramp (flow temperature)....................................................................... 19
Limitations, special functions.................................................................................. 20
Limitation of the heating flow temperature - minimum and maximum................ 20
Pump logic ......................................................................................................... 20
Boiler excess...................................................................................................... 20
Screed drying heating function according to DIN 4725/T4................................. 20
Protective functions................................................................................................ 21
Frost protection.................................................................................................. 21
Pump actuation.................................................................................................. 21
Mixing valve and pump forced operation ........................................................... 21
Domestic hot water control ..................................................................................... 22
Standard control................................................................................................. 22
Domestic hot water priority settings ................................................................... 22
Domestic hot water charging pump.................................................................... 22
Pump forced operation....................................................................................... 23
BOILER / BOILER SEQUENCE CONTROL ..................................................................................................................... 24
(EN\2R\EN2R1120.DOC) 01.04.98
Setpoint setting....................................................................................................... 24
1. Flow temperature demand from other MCR 200 controllers
through the LC or C bus................................................................................. 24
2. Flow temperature demand through analog voltage signal
(only for MCR 200-71).................................................................................... 24
3. Flow temperature demand by floating normally open contact
(only for MCR 200-71).................................................................................... 25
4. Minimum demand (only MCR 200-71) ........................................................... 27
5. Flow demand by EXCEL 5000 system.......................................................... 27
6. Flow demand by an internal heating circuit program HKZ ............................ 27
Setpoint formation .................................................................................................. 28
Excess................................................................................................................ 28
Limitations.......................................................................................................... 28
Minimum limitation / Boiler corrosion protection ................................................ 28
Maximum limitation / Boiler overheating (for single boiler)................................. 28
Boiler overheating for boiler sequence (MCR 200-71 only ................................ 28
Return temperature limitation control ..................................................................... 29
Minimum switch-on time of the burner (Code 706 / 806) ................................... 29
Minimum switch-off time of the burner (Code 707 / 807) ................................... 29
1 EN 2R-1120

Total shutdown of the boiler (Code 703 / 802) ................................................... 29
Boiler sequence exchange (only MCR 200-71).................................................. 29
Leading boiler .................................................................................................... 30
Parallel / sequential boiler sequence ................................................................. 30
Outside temperature blockage of the 2nd boiler................................................ 30
Strategy function (only MCR 200-71) ..................................................................... 31
Heating up time (Code 921)............................................................................... 31
Gradient waiting time (Code 708 / 808) ............................................................. 31
Overheating of strategy temperature ................................................................. 31
Control range strategy (Code 914)..................................................................... 32
PID method (only MCR 200-71) ............................................................................. 34
Starting circuit for modulating burner (MCR 200-71/22)......................................... 34
Boiler control for single-boiler systems:.................................................................. 35
Boiler sensor / Sensor detection:....................................................................... 35
Outside sensor:.................................................................................................. 35
Pump run-on time (only MCR 200-71) ............................................................... 35
Using a heating controller as boiler return temperature controller ..................... 35
Alarms / Faults........................................................................................................ 36
Burner fault ........................................................................................................ 36
Boiler pump fault ................................................................................................ 36
Status displays in the.............................................................................................. 36
operating sequence................................................................................................ 36
WE (total heat generator / strategy) only for MCR 200-71................................. 36
WE1 / WE2 ........................................................................................................ 36
DISTRICT HEATING CONTROLLER...................................................................................................... .......................... 37
Return temperature limitation ................................................................................. 37
Return interval flushing........................................................................................... 38
100 % function........................................................................................................ 38
Control parameters for district heating valve.......................................................... 39
Unmixed domestic hot water storage tank control.................................................. 39
Manuelle Warmwasserladung............................................................................ 39
Switch on conditions for the secondary loading pump....................................... 39
Sollwertbegrenzung Warmwasserladung........................................................... 39
Protection against calcification........................................................................... 40
Boiler or flow temperature requirement of the hot water control ....................... 40
Minimum valve lift for incidental amount suppression........................................ 40
Heat meter connection ........................................................................................... 41
Electrical connection.......................................................................................... 41
Computing the heat power and the volume flow.................................................... 42
AIR CONDITION CONTROL........................................................................................................................................................ 43
HARDWARE ................................................................................................................................................................................ 44
CONTROLLER TO CONTROLLER SIGNALS .................................................................................................................. 45
MCR 200 Fax Controller...................................................................................... 46
MCR 200 Voice Controller................................................................................... 47
MCR 200 EXCEL................................................................................................. 47
C-Bus................................................................................................................. 47
Outside temperature indications............................................................................. 48
INSTALLATION CHECKLIST ...................................................................................................................................................... 49
CODE TABLES............................................................................................................................................................................ 50
EN 2R-1120 2
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Heat consumers
Time program
Different room temperatures can be selected in the time program of the MCR 200.
According to setting, one refers to heating operation (normal operation), tempera-
ture reduction (reduced operation) or cut-off. MCR 200 has time programs for every
mixing circuit for the switching points of which an individual setpoint can be set.
gymnastics hour in a multipurpose building (heating operation). In school sports
events on the other hand, a setpoint of 18 °C can be set. The heating is then oper-
ated reduced.
The corresponding time program looks like the following:
09:00 Setpoint 21 °C
10:00 Setpoint 18 °C
The heating can also be switched off with the time program for optimizing the en-
ergy consumption. The heating circuit pump is switched off and the mixing valve
closed for this purpose. If the heating is switched off, only frost protection functions
which prevent the heating system freezing are active.
So that the heating is switched off, the optimization for heating up must be switched
on in the time program.
09:00 Setpoint 21 °C Opt: yes
10:00 Setpoint 18 °C Opt: no
12:00 Setpoint 15 °C Opt: yes
According to the temperature sensors present, the controller switches off outside
temperature controlled or room temperature controlled.
A room temperature of 21 °C should be guaranteed in the senior citizens
after the school sports, the heating is switched off completely.
optimized heating up,
so that 21°C are reached
by 9.00 am
only reducing the room
setpoint to 18 °C
early cut-off
Outside temperature controlled cut-off
(EN\2R\EN2R1120.DOC) 01.04.98
So that the residual heat of the building is utilized optimally, the heating switches on
or off already before the switching points. Naturally the time period for optimization
with room temperature sensor is calculated depending upon the momentary tem-
peratures. In the case of optimization without room temperature sensor, the time
period is calculated only depending upon the outside temperature.
The outside temperature controlled cut-off function is activated if no room tempera-
ture sensor is present and "
If the outside temperature drops below the frost protection limit of 2 °C, for in-
stance, the heating circuit pump is switched on. The flow temperature is controlled
so that the heating system does not freeze.
3 EN 2R-1120
Opt: yes
" is selected.

Room temperature controlled cut-off
The room temperature controlled cut-off function is activated automatically if a
room temperature sensor is connected to the corresponding heating circuit and
If the time program switches the heating off, the control is switched over to room
temperature control. In this way the heating is switched off in the night until the
temperature has dropped to the corresponding setpoint. To avoid the room cooling
down too much, the pump is switched on and the mixing valve opened.
If the outside temperature drops below the frost protection limit of 0 °C, for in-
stance, the heating circuit pump is switched on continuously.
The switching times of the time program can be shifted corresponding to the tem-
peratures to opimize the energy consumption. Since there can be heating circuits
without room temperature sensors, a distinction is made between optimization with
room temperature sensor and optimization without room temperature sensor.
CODE - 133 - 233 - 333 - 433
Room temperature sensor for optimization
is selected. (The
Optimization with room temperature sensor
Optimization without room temperature sensor
Code No. 133, 233, 333, 433
must also stand at 1).
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Heating circuit control
Outside temperature controlled
flow temperature control
The heating circuits serve for temperature control with a mixing valve. The following
controls can be implemented by setting code values:
CODE 117 - 217 - 317 - 417
Type of control
The MCR 200 control units are set in the factory as outside temperature controlled
flow temperature control, i.e. a certain flow temperature is assigned to each outside
temperature by the heating characteristic. If a room temperature sensor is con-
nected in addition, then the controller can automatically set (adapt) its heating
characteristic. The room temperature can be set for different requirements with a
time program. The night cut-off and optimizing the switching times enables energy
to be utilized optimally.
Outside temperature controlled flow temperature control
Room temperature control
Constant flow temperature control,
internal 0...10 V signal
External requirement with switching contact, outside
temperature controlled
External requirement with switching contact, independent of
outside temperature
Heating characteristic
In addition, the maximum room temperature can be limited by connecting a room
temperature sensor. This adjustable limiting function ensures that heating energy is
not consumed unnecessarily.
The outside temperature controlled flow temperature controller requires a heating
characteristic according to which it can provide the correct flow temperature for the
mixing circuit concerned corresponding to the outside temperature.
The heating characteristic shows the relationship between the outside temperature
and the associated flow temperature.
(EN\2R\EN2R1120.DOC) 01.04.98
Heating characteristic
Basic setting for heating circuit 1
Slope 1.6, curvature 1.33
5 EN 2R-1120

Basic setting
Setting recommendation
After start-up, the controller works initially with a basic setting made in the factory.
The slope of this characteristics is 1.6.
The curvature of this characteristic is 1.33 and applies for DIN radiators.
The selected room temperature of this heating characteristic is 20 °C
Both the slope and the curvature can be changed in the settings menu with the in-
dex key.
The room temperature can be changed in the time program or through the external
remote control.
The basic factory setting must be changed for a part of the system
which is designed as floor heating. Otherwise damage due to too high
flow temperatures could arise at low outside temperatures. We there-
fore basically recommend a limiting thermostat which switches off the
mixing valve at too high flow temperatures.
Heating characteristic
for floor heating approx. 1.1
DIN radiators or plate heaters approx. 1.3
Convectors approx. 1.5
Setting recommendation for floor heating:
Slope of the heating characteristic: 0.8
Curvature of the heating characteristic: 1.1
Maximum limitation of the flow temperature to design value, e.g. 50 °C.
This maximum limitation does not replace any safety measures such as the
safety temperature limiter required for floor heating systems
(CODE No. 102, 202, 302 and 402)
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Automatic adaptation of the heating characteristic
The basic setting does not have to be changed for all other types of system in
which higher flow temperatures are permitted. The controller corrects the heating
characteristic by the adaptation automatically.
The curvature depends exclusively upon the type of heating system or upon the
type of the radiators. The larger the numerical value, the more is the heating char-
acteristic curved.
CODE 102 - 202 - 302 - 402
Maximum limitation [°C]
The ability of the controller to adapt the default heating characteristic (heating
curve) step by step automatically to the building heating characteristic is called ad-
aptation. The mean values of the room temperature, of the outside and flow tem-
perature are the working variables for the adaptation.
Adaptation with room temperature sensor
If a room temperature sensor is connected, then the adaptation for the control loop
concerned is automatic. The temperature is measured during the entire daily opera-
The correction of the heating characteristic by adaptation is not made until the 3rd
day. If the basic setting (1.6) is too high, it can be that too high flow temperatures
occur in the first days. If the adaptation has already been running over a longer pe-
riod, a well adapted heating characteristic has become established.
No thermostatic valve may be effective in the room (test room) in which the room
sensor is installed. The radiator in the test room must always be fully opened, oth-
erwise the automatic adaptation cannot work or leads to faulty interpretations.
Open fire places, tile stoves and too frequent airing in the initial phase after starting
the application can lead to faulty interpretations.
Prerequisites for each mixing circuit are:
A room sensor must be connected.
The room temperature setpoint must be higher than 18 °C and the heating circuit
pump running time must be at least 6 hours per day.
The outside temperature averaged during the heating circuit pump running time
must be below 15 °C.
The adaptation must be allowed
(CODE No. 131, 231, 331, 431)
If these conditions are fulfilled, then automatic adaptation takes place.
Adaptation must have taken place at least three times before the basic setting of
the heating characteristic can be changed.
The controller corrects the heating characteristic around midnight. In this case the
corrections for each following adaptation day are always weaker.
The curvature can be changed only manually through the operating
unit and is preallocated with 1.33 for all heating circuits
(DIN radiators).
The curvature depends exclusively upon the type of the heating system or upon the
type of the radiators. The larger the numerical value, the more is the heating char-
acteristic curved.
(EN\2R\EN2R1120.DOC) 01.04.98
CODE 131 - 231 - 331 - 431
Allow / prevent adaptation
Adaptation not allowed
Adaptation allowed
New start of the adaptation
7 EN 2R-1120

Optimization without room sensor (floor heating, ...)
(Code 133 = 0)
Heating up
The controller works in the heating up process with a fixed adjustable room tem-
perature excess (CODE No. 136, 236, 336, 436) and varies the heating up time
with the outside temperature.
The heating time at 0 °C outside temperature (Fig. on the left) can be set in the
Code Table (CODE No. 137, 237, 337, 437).
CODE 136 - 236 - 336 - 436
Room temperature excess [°C]
CODE 137 - 237 - 337 - 437
Heating up time at 0 °C [min]
The flow temperature for heating up is established according to the heating charac-
teristic plus the set room temperature excess. The settings of the time constants
and dead times are not relevant for this heating up optimization. If the target time is
reached (as in the example diagram 8.00 am), then the controller switches back to
normal control.
This type of optimization is recommended for floor heating systems, for instance.
Large dead times, as are customary in floor heating systems, have no influence on
the switch-on time in this method.
On cut-off, the outside temperature influences the cut-off time. Thus all relation-
ships are determined by the diagram without it being possible to take account of
the room temperature. The maximum early cut-off is 2 hours. The switching point
must always be set at the latest possible cut-off.
The limiting value of the outside temperature, t
can be used for the early cut-off
a min
in the Code Table (CODE No. 138, 238, 338, 438).
This means that the controller cuts off the heating earlier between this limiting value
and the current room setpoint.
CODE 138 - 238 - 338 - 438
Minimum outside temperature for early cut-off [°C]
If the outside temperature is below the set limiting value, there is no early cut-off.
The heating is switched off during the set back period (pump off, mixing valve
closed). A minimum limitation which may be set (CODE No. 101, 201, 301, 401)
has higher priority on the other hand and remains valid during the cut-off.
The controller switches the pumps on and the control circuit works with the current
night setpoint from the time program (supporting mode) only if the temperature
drops below the frost protection limit (CODE No. 109, 209, 309, 409).
CODE 109 - 209 - 309 - 409
Frost protection limit [°C]
EN 2R-1120 8
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Optimization with room sensor
(Code 133 = 1)
It is possible to record the residual heat in a building only if a room sensor is instal-
Thus the controller can determine the heating up time with the additional informa-
tion of dead time and time constant and the values of outside temperature, maxi-
mum flow temperature and room temperature. There are two possibilities of heating
up the system optimally in heating up optimization with room sensor.
Temperature-variable heating up
The heating up time is constant in this case (CODE No. 134, 234, 334, 434).
The flow temperature is calculated depending upon the required energy.
CODE 134 - 234 - 334 - 434
Heating up time [min]
Time-variable heating up
If the maximum flow temperature is required for heating up, then with growing heat
demand the controller can only shift the heating up time towards earlier times. This
transition is influenced by a setting in the Code Table (CODE No. 134, 234, 334,
434 and 135, 235, 335, 435).
Here the minimum heating up time and the maximum flow temperature available
are determined for heating up. The heating up process starts at the calculated time
with the maximum flow temperature for heating up (CODE No. 135, 235, 335, 435).
CODE 134 - 234 - 334 - 434
Heating up time [min]
CODE 135 - 235 - 335 - 435
max. flow temperature for heating up [°C]
The heating system is switched off before heating up (pump off, mixing valve
closed). A minimum limitation which may be set (CODE No. 101, 201, 301, 401)
has on the other hand higher priority and remains valid during the cut-off. If the
room temperature drops below the set night setpoint during the temperature reduc-
tion time, then the controller switches automatically over to room temperature con-
If the room temperature reaches the setpoint before the target time, then the sys-
tem switches over to room control.
If the target time is reached, the controller works basically for a further 30 minutes
as room temperature controller. It then switches back to outside temperature con-
CODE 101 - 201 - 301 - 401
Minimum limitation [°C]
(EN\2R\EN2R1120.DOC) 01.04.98
9 EN 2R-1120

Cut-off with room sensor
In the cut-off with room sensor, the current room temperature is included in the
calculation of the early cut-off.
If the room temperature tRis equal to the setpoint tRS, then the early cut-off
If the room temperature tRis greater than the setpoint tRS(solar radiation, per-
sonal heat, then the set characteristic becomes steeper, i.e. the heating
switches off earlier (max. 2 hours).
as in the case without room sensor.
Identification of time constant and dead time
In the code Table, the limiting value of the outer temperature t
early cut-off (CODE No. 138, 238, 338, 438).
This means that at this limiting value, the controller cuts off the heating earlier. If
the outside temperature is below the set limiting value, then there is no early cut-
CODE 138 - 238 - 338 - 438
Minimum outside temperature for early cut-off [°C]
The program identifies the necessary time constants and dead times for heating up
optimization with room sensor.
Two parameter set are identified:
Dead time 1 (CODE No. 140, 240, 340, 440) and time constant 1
(CODE No. 141, 241, 341, 441) of the room model for short temperature reduc-
(shorter than 24 hours).
CODE 140 - 240 - 340 - 440
Dead time for short temperature reduction [min]
If the room temperature t
characteristic becomes flatter. The heating remains switched on lon-
ger, as a maximum up to the programmed cut-off point.
is smaller than the setpoint tRS, then the set
can be set via the
a min
CODE 141 - 241 - 341 - 441
Time constant for short temperature reduction [min]
Dead time 2 (CODE No. 142, 242, 342, 442) and time constant 2 (CODE No.
143, 243, 343, 443) for temperature reductions lasting longer than 24 hours.
CODE 142 - 242 - 342 - 442
Dead time for long temperature reduction [min]
CODE 143 - 243 - 343 - 443
Time constant for long temperature reduction [min]
Dead times and time constants are determined in the heating up process. Proceed-
ing from the basic settings, the parameters are corrected automatically in each
heating up process.
After the end of the dead time, the room temperature is measured every 15 min-
utes and the new time constant is estimated.
The identification is completed when the room temperature controller starts. Before
the newly determined parameter set is made use of, there is a plausibility check.
The value present in the memory is then replaced by a mean value formed from the
old and new value.
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Solar compensation
Depending upon the cut-off time of the heating system, the controller uses in each
case the first or second parameter set for calculating the heating up time.
The parameters can be identified only if the following conditions are fulfilled:
The identification is not disabled (CODE No. 132, 232, 332, 432).
CODE 132 - 232 - 332 - 432
The basic setting values for the two parameter sets (dead time, time constant) rep-
resent the starting point of the identification.
The solar radiation influences the value of the damped outside temperature through
the SAF20. A radiation power of 500 W/m2has around the same effects as an out-
side temperature which is 20 K warmer.
The influence of the compensation can be adjusted between 0 and -1 for all heating
circuits (CODE No. 116, 216, 316, 416).
A room sensor is connected.
The temperature difference between room temperature on switching on the
heating and room temperature setpoint at the target time is greater than 2 K.
The outside temperature is less than 10 °C.
New start
CODE 116 - 216 - 316 - 416
Solar compensation
(EN\2R\EN2R1120.DOC) 01.04.98
11 EN 2R-1120

Wind compensation
The wind compensation acts exactly in the opposite way as the solar compensa-
tion. At maximum wind loading (15 m/sec.), the value of the outside temperature is
reduced by max. 20 K.
The influence of the wind compensation can be set between 0 and +1 for all three
heating circuits (CODE No. 116, 216, 316, 416).
CODE 116 - 216 - 316 - 416
Wind compensation
Dynamic outside temperature adaptation
To take account of residual heat in the building, the outside temperature control
does not work with the current outside temperature, but with a delayed outside
The effect of this is that the delayed outside temperature passes on fast outside
temperature changes later and also weaker to the controller, just as in the case of
the wind influence.
The building parameter T (CODE No. 112, 212, 312, 412) is a direct measure for
the delay.
CODE 113 - 213 - 313 - 413
Building parameter T [h]
Typical values:
very light construction approx. 0.5 h
light construction approx. 2 h
medium heavy construction approx. 5 h
heavy construction approx. 10 h
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Room temperature control
If wanted, the controller can also work as room temperature controller.
Set the CODE No. 117, 217, 317, 417 to "1" for this purpose.
In room temperature control, the controller decides by reference to the actual room
temperature and the room temperature set point the flow temperature which the
mixing valve must set. If room temperature control is wanted, no thermostatic valve
may be attached to the radiator in the room in which the room sensor is installed.
All radiator valves must be fully opened.
The room temperature controller is designed as cascade controller, whereby the
main controller is the room temperature controller and the auxiliary controller is the
flow temperature controller.
The sensitivity of the room temperature controller is set with the proportional band.
The proportional band changes the flow temperature setpoint immediately if the
room temperature changes.
A change of the room temperature by 1 K results (at P band X
= 5 K; CODE No.
122, 222, 322, 422) in a change of the flow setpoint by 20 K.
At Xp= 2 K, the flow setpoint changes by 50 K.
It applies that: 1 / XPx100K=∆t
The working point of the room temperature controller is determined by the heating
characteristic (heating curve).
An outside temperature sensor is also required for the room temperature
The integral action time (CODE No. 123, 223, 323, 423) states the time after which,
with unchanging system deviation, the controller increases the flow setpoint by the
same amount as it reaches due to the P component. The control circuit works as
pure P controller with integral action times < 15 s.
In most cases, the P controller is sufficient for the room temperature control, since
the working point is determined by the heating characteristic and thus a low P de-
viation can be expected.
So that not too high setpoint temperature requirements are placed on the boiler
during the morning heating up, the P controller is set as basic setting for the room
A response threshold (CODE No. 124, 224, 324, 424) prevents continuous inter-
vention for small changes.
(EN\2R\EN2R1120.DOC) 01.04.98
CODE 122 - 222 - 322 - 422
Proportional band of the room temperature control [K/K]
CODE 123 - 223 - 323 - 423
Integral action time [sec]
CODE 124 - 224 - 324 - 424
Response threshold [K]
13 EN 2R-1120

Limitation of the heating up speed
Maximum limitation of the room temperature
The user can reduce the heating up speed for special applications. By setting a
room temperature setpoint ramp (CODE No. 106, 206, 306,406) it is possible to let
the room setpoint rise slowly. The cooling down speed is limited correspondingly.
The room equipment and building are conserved by limiting the heating up speed
(application e.g. in church buildings, museums etc.).
The switching point is always the starting point of the ramp.
CODE 106 - 206 - 306 - 406
Room temperature setpoint ramp [K/h]
This function requires a room sensor!
With connected room sensor and if an adjustable room temperature limitation is
exceeded, the flow temperature setpoint is lowered.
Room temperature setpoint 20 °C, maximum limitation of the room temperature to
22 °C. It results from this that starting from a room temperature of 22 °C, the flow
temperature of the heating circuit constantly starts to decrease. The maximum
permissible room limitation setpoint must be set under the CODE No. 105, 205,
305, 405. If the room temperature (actual value) exceeds the room limitation set-
point, then the heating flow temperature setpoint is decreased via the shift factor
(CODE No. 122, 222, 322, 422) and the momentary deviation (actual value of the
room temperature - room limitation setpoint).
Minimum limitation of the room temperature
Overtime compensation with TF 26
CODE 105 - 205 - 305 - 405
Maximum limitation of the room temperature [°C]
CODE 122 - 222 - 322 - 422
Proportional band of the room temperature control [K/K]
If the flow temperature does not reach the room setpoint with connected room sen-
sor and if this is below the set room temperature limit, the flow temperature setpoint
is set to 0 °C.
CODE 104 - 204 - 304 - 404
Minimum limitation of the room temperature [°C]
The set overtime setpoint (CODE No. 107, 207, 307, 407) is active if the TF 26 be-
longing to the mixing circuit stands at the "Sun" symbol. "TW day" then appears on
the operating unit, since the timer no longer has any influence. The night setpoint
(CODE No. 108, 208, 308, 408) is used if the TF 26 stands at "NIGHT".
The maximum permissible room temperature always has priority, i.e.
overtime setpoints which are larger than the max. permissible room
temperature (CODE No. 105, 205, 305, 405) cannot be maintained.
The minimum limitation of the room temperature has the same functi-
on. The minimum room temperature is set in CODE 104, 204, 304, 404.
CODE 107 - 207 - 307 - 407
Overtime setpoint for TW intervention
CODE 108 - 208 - 308 - 408
CODE 104 - 204 - 304 - 404
CODE 105 - 205 - 305 - 405
Night setpoint for TW intervention
Minimum room temperature
Maximum room temperature
EN 2R-1120 14
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Overtime compensation via room sensor input
Determining the number of degree days
In order to start the overtime function, the room sensor input of the control circuit
has to be short circuited for at least 10 seconds. This will start a timer, starts coun-
ting back to zero from the time set under
CODE 129 - 229 - 329 - 429
time for overtime function
During this period of time the overtime setpoint under Code 107 - 207 - 307 - 407 is
The number of degree days is required for determining the energy consumption of
an appliance for a heating period. The MCR200 controllers can determine the real,
system-specific number of degree days. The number of degree days is the product
of the heating days of a heating period and the temperature difference between the
fixed room setpoint of 18 °C and the mean outside temperature (the base tempera-
ture is adjustable, Code 1650).
The calculations required for this are performed by the controller. The correspond-
ing information can be called up in the text field of the operating unit. For this pur-
pose the computer measures the outside temperature every five minutes and aver-
ages these measurements at the end of the day.
Counter for operating hours
These measurements are made in the time window from September 1 to May 31,
provided the outside temperature is below +15 °C (time window according to VDI
2067 BL 1).
In code 1650 the basic outdoor temperature for the degree day calculation can be
CODE 1650
degree day calculation: basic temperature [°C]
One counter each is available in the MCR200 for recording the operating hours of
the individual control circuits. The counter registers all times in which the pumps or
burners are in operation.
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15 EN 2R-1120

External temperature demand
The heating circuit control system also offers the possibility of reacting to external
setpoint demand. This external setpoint demand can be triggered by different func-
1. by a temperature selector
2. by a 0...10 V signal
3. by a switching contact (e.g. of a ventilation device)
The settings for the relevant function must be made in Code 117.
External room setpoint
(Code 117, 217, 317, 417=1or2)
The room setpoint setting of the time program can be overwritten by a temperature
selector (TF 26).
The TF 26 has a selector switch with the following functions:
auto automatic operation according to time program
Day constant day setpoint (overtime)
Night constant night setpoint
The setpoints for "Day" and "Night" can be set in the Code Table. The setpoint of
the time program and the overtime setpoint can be changed in 1 °C steps with the
setting knob of the TF 26.
The TF 26 can be used only for room controlled and outside temperature controlled
External temperature demand by 0...10V signal
(Code 117, 217, 317, 417 = 3)
The MCR 200 can be used as pre-control for arbitrary heat consumers. For this
purpose a flow setpoint is calculated from a 0...10 V signal (117, 217, 317, 417 = 3)
or queried by a contact (117, 217, 317, 417 = 4).
It applies for this that the flow setpoint varies between min. and max. limitation ac-
cording to the level of the input signal. There is a switch-on threshold of 0.3V.
The switching program is not in operation here.
On connection of the 0...10 V signal, the voltage signal of 0.3 to 10 V is converted
to minimum flow temperature (101, 201, 301, 401) up to maximum flow tempera-
ture (102, 202, 302, 402) (see adjacent Fig.).
The heating circuit pump always runs if the flow setpoint is > 20°C.
The janitor function is in operation.
External switching contact mode 1
(Code 117, 217, 317, 417 = 4)
On connection of a contact, the setpoint is calculated by a heating characteristic.
With a closed contact, the heating characteristic is calculated according to 107,
207, 307, 407 according to the room setpoint. The temperature limitations 101,
201, 301, 401 and 102, 202, 302, 402 always apply.
The external switching contact has the following meaning:
Closed contact The controller works without switching program with the
setpoint from Code No. 107, 207, 307, 407
as outside temperature controlled controller
Open contact The controller works without switching program with the
setpoint from Code 108 , 208, 308, 408
as outside temperature controlled controller.
External switching contact mode 2
(Code 117, 217, 317, 417 = 5)
The external switching contact has the following meaning:
Closed contact The controller works without switching program
Open contact The controller works without switching program
EN 2R-1120 16
with the setpoint from Code No. 102
with the setpoint from Code 101
01.04.98 (EN\2R\EN2R1120.DOC)