LANSRLU1 Honeywell Access Systems
4 7-101002-00
The UDS100 device uses LEDs to
indicate the following conditions:
• 10 Mbps Link/Activity (green)
• 100 Mbps Link/Activity (green)
• Collisions
• Diagnostics (red)
• Status (yellow)
Assigning the IP Address
LEDs Definition
10 Mbps Link/Activity steady (green). Valid 10 Mbps network connection.
10 Mbps Link/Activity blinking (green). Network packets transmitting and receiving.
100 Mbps Link/Activity steady (green). Valiid 100 Mbps network connection.
100 Mbps Link/Activity blinking (green). Network packets transmitting and receiving.
Collisions blinking red. Network collisions.
Diagnostics steady red and status
blinking green.
1 blink = EPROM checksum error.
2 blinks = RAM error.
4 blinks = EEPROM checksum error.
5 blinks = Duplicate IP address on networ.k
Diagnostics blinking red and status
blinking green.
4 blinks = Faulty network connection.
5 blinks = No DHCP response.
Status steady green. Serial port not connected to network.
Status blinking green. Serial port connected to network.
Method Description
DeviceInstaller User manually assigns the IP address using a GUI.
The UDS unit must be attached to the network.
ARP and Telnet User manually assigns the IP address and other net-
work settings at a command prompt using UNIX ro a
Windows based system. The user must be logged
onto the configuration port (9999).
Serial Port Login Configure the unit through a serial connection.
Note: The UDS device is shipped with a default IP address of