Honeywell HPF24S6, HPF24S8, HPF24S6E, HPF24S8E, HPF24S6C User Manual

HPF24S6 & HPF24S8, HPF24S6E & HPF24S8E, HPF24S6C & HPF24S8C
P/N 52751:E1 • ECN 11-237 • 4/14/2011
Fire Alarm System Limitations
An automatic fire alarm system—typically made up of smoke detectors, heat detectors, manual pull stations, audible warning devices, and a fire alarm control panel with remote notification capability—can provide early warning of a develop­ing fire. Such a system, however, does not assure protection against property damage or loss of life resulting from a fire.
The Manufacturer recommends that smoke and/or heat detec­tors be located throughout a protected premise following the recommendations of the National Fire Protection Association Standard 72 (NFPA 72), manufacturer's recommendations, State and local codes, and the recommendations contained in the Guides for Proper Use of System Smoke Detectors, which are made available at no charge to all installing dealers. These documents can be found at http://www.systemsen­ A study by the Federal Emer­gency Management Agency (an agency of the United States government) indicated that smoke detectors may not go off in as many as 35% of all fires. While fire alarm systems are designed to provide early warning against fire, they do not guarantee warning or protection against fire. A fire alarm sys­tem may not provide timely or adequate warning, or simply may not function, for a variety of reasons:
Smoke detectors may not sense fire where smoke cannot reach the detectors such as in chimneys, in or behind walls, on roofs, or on the other side of closed doors. Smoke detectors also may not sense a fire on another level or floor of a building. A second-floor detector, for example, may not sense a first­floor or basement fire.
Particles of combustion or “smoke” from a developing fire may not reach the sensing chambers of smoke detectors because:
• Barriers such as closed or partially closed doors, walls, or chimneys may inhibit particle or smoke flow.
• Smoke particles may become “cold,” stratify, and not reach the ceiling or upper walls where detectors are located.
• Smoke particles may be blown away from detectors by air outlets.
• Smoke particles may be drawn into air returns before reaching the detector.
The amount of “smoke” present may be insufficient to alarm smoke detectors. Smoke detectors are designed to alarm at various levels of smoke density. If such density levels are not created by a developing fire at the location of detectors, the detectors will not go into alarm.
Smoke detectors, even when working properly, have sensing limitations. Detectors that have photoelectronic sensing chambers tend to detect smoldering fires better than flaming fires, which have little visible smoke. Detectors that have ion­izing-type sensing chambers tend to detect fast-flaming fires better than smoldering fires. Because fires develop in different ways and are often unpredictable in their growth, neither type of detector is necessarily best and a given type of detector may not provide adequate warning of a fire.
Smoke detectors cannot be expected to provide adequate warning of fires caused by arson, children playing with matches (especially in bedrooms), smoking in bed, and violent explosions (caused by escaping gas, improper storage of flammable materials, etc.).
Heat detectors do not sense particles of combustion and alarm only when heat on their sensors increases at a predeter­mined rate or reaches a predetermined level. Rate-of-rise heat detectors may be subject to reduced sensitivity over time. For this reason, the rate-of-rise feature of each detector should be tested at least once per year by a qualified fire pro­tection specialist. Heat detectors are designed to protect property, not life.
IMPORTANT! Smoke detectors must be installed in the same room as the control panel and in rooms used by the sys­tem for the connection of alarm transmission wiring, communi­cations, signaling, and/or power. If detectors are not so located, a developing fire may damage the alarm system, crip­pling its ability to report a fire.
Audible warning devices such as bells may not alert people if these devices are located on the other side of closed or partly open doors or are located on another floor of a building. Any warning device may fail to alert people with a disability or those who have recently consumed drugs, alcohol or medica­tion. Please note that:
• Strobes can, under certain circumstances, cause seizures in people with conditions such as epilepsy.
• Studies have shown that certain people, even when they hear a fire alarm signal, do not respond or comprehend the meaning of the signal. It is the property owner's responsi­bility to conduct fire drills and other training exercise to make people aware of fire alarm signals and instruct them on the proper reaction to alarm signals.
• In rare instances, the sounding of a warning device can cause temporary or permanent hearing loss.
A fire alarm system will not operate without any electrical power. If AC power fails, the system will operate from standby batteries only for a specified time and only if the batteries have been properly maintained and replaced regularly.
Equipment used in the system may not be technically com­patible with the control panel. It is essential to use only equip­ment listed for service with your control panel.
Telephone lines needed to transmit alarm signals from a premise to a central monitoring station may be out of service or temporarily disabled. For added protection against tele­phone line failure, backup radio transmission systems are rec­ommended.
The most common cause of fire alarm malfunction is inade­quate maintenance. To keep the entire fire alarm system in excellent working order, ongoing maintenance is required per the manufacturer's recommendations, and UL and NFPA stan­dards. At a minimum, the requirements of NFPA 72 shall be followed. Environments with large amounts of dust, dirt or high air velocity require more frequent maintenance. A main­tenance agreement should be arranged through the local man­ufacturer's representative. Maintenance should be scheduled monthly or as required by National and/or local fire codes and should be performed by authorized professional fire alarm installers only. Adequate written records of all inspections should be kept.
2 HPF24S Series Power Supplies — P/N 52751:E1 4/14/2011
Installation Precautions
Adherence to the following will aid in problem-free installation with long-term reliability:
WARNING - Several different sources of power can be connected to the fire alarm control panel. Disconnect all
sources of power before servicing. Control unit and associ­ated equipment may be damaged by removing and/or insert­ing cards, modules, or interconnecting cables while the unit is energized. Do not attempt to install, service, or operate this unit until manuals are read and understood.
CAUTION - System Re-acceptance Test after Software Changes: To ensure proper system operation, this product
must be tested in accordance with NFPA 72 after any pro­gramming operation or change in site-specific software. Re­acceptance testing is required after any change, addition or deletion of system components, or after any modification, repair or adjustment to system hardware or wiring. All compo­nents, circuits, system operations, or software functions known to be affected by a change must be 100% tested. In addition, to ensure that other operations are not inadvertently affected, at least 10% of initiating devices that are not directly affected by the change, up to a maximum of 50 devices, must also be tested and proper system operation verified.
This system meets NFPA requirements for operation at 0-49º C/32-120º F and at a relative humidity 93% ± 2% RH (non­condensing) at 32°C ± 2°C (90°F ± 3°F). However, the useful life of the system's standby batteries and the electronic com­ponents may be adversely affected by extreme temperature ranges and humidity. Therefore, it is recommended that this system and its peripherals be installed in an environment with a normal room temperature of 15-27º C/60-80º F.
Verify that wire sizes are adequate for all initiating and indi­cating device loops. Most devices cannot tolerate more than a 10% I.R. drop from the specified device voltage.
Like all solid state electronic devices, this system may operate erratically or can be damaged when subjected to light­ning induced transients. Although no system is completely immune from lightning transients and interference, proper grounding will reduce susceptibility. Overhead or outside aerial wiring is not recommended, due to an increased susceptibility to nearby lightning strikes. Consult with the Technical Ser­vices Department if any problems are anticipated or encoun­tered.
Disconnect AC power and batteries prior to removing or inserting circuit boards. Failure to do so can damage circuits.
Remove all electronic assemblies prior to any drilling, filing, reaming, or punching of the enclosure. When possible, make all cable entries from the sides or rear. Before making modifi­cations, verify that they will not interfere with battery, trans­former, or printed circuit board location.
Do not tighten screw terminals more than 9 in-lbs. Over­tightening may damage threads, resulting in reduced terminal contact pressure and difficulty with screw terminal removal.
This system contains static-sensitive components. Always ground yourself with a proper wrist strap before han­dling any circuits so that static charges are removed from the body. Use static suppressive packaging to protect electronic assemblies removed from the unit.
Follow the instructions in the installation, operating, and pro­gramming manuals. These instructions must be followed to avoid damage to the control panel and associated equipment. FACP operation and reliability depend upon proper installation.
FCC Warning
WARNING: This equipment generates, uses, and can
radiate radio frequency energy and if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual may cause interference to radio communications. It has been tested and found to comply with the limits for class A computing devices pursuant to Subpart B of Part 15 of FCC Rules, which is designed to provide reasonable protection against such interference when devices are operated in a commercial environment. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause interfer­ence, in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his or her own expense.
Canadian Requirements
This digital apparatus does not exceed the Class A limits for radiation noise emissions from digital apparatus set out in the Radio Interference Regulations of the Cana­dian Department of Communications.
Le present appareil numerique n'emet pas de bruits radioelectriques depassant les limites applicables aux appareils numeriques de la classe A prescrites dans le Reglement sur le brouillage radioelectrique edicte par le ministere des Communications du Canada.
HARSH™, NIS™, and NOTI•FIRE•NET™ are all trademarks; and Acclimate® Plus™, FlashScan®, NION®, NOTIFIER®, ONYX®, ONYXWorks®, UniNet®, VeriFire®, and VIEW® are all registered trademarks of Honeywell International Inc. Echelon® is a registered trademark and LonWorks™ is a
trademark of Echelon Corporation. ARCNET® is a registered trademark of Datapoint Corporation. Microsoft® and Windows® are registered trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation.
©2011 by Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use of this document is strictly prohibited.
HPF24S Series Power Supplies — P/N 52751:E1 4/14/2011 3
Software Downloads
In order to supply the latest features and functionality in fire alarm and life safety technology to our customers, we make frequent upgrades to the embedded software in our products. To ensure that you are installing and programming the latest features, we strongly recommend that you download the most current version of software for each product prior to commissioning any system. Contact Technical Support with any questions about software and the appropriate version for a specific application.
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4 HPF24S Series Power Supplies — P/N 52751:E1 4/14/2011

Table of Contents

Section 1: System Overview....................................................................................................8
1.1: General...........................................................................................................................................................8
1.2: Features..........................................................................................................................................................8
1.3: Start-up Procedure .........................................................................................................................................9
1.4: Jumpers ..........................................................................................................................................................9
1.4.1: Jumper JP1 - Ground Fault Detection .................................................................................................9
1.4.2: Jumpers JP2 and JP3: Coded/Noncoded Input Selection ..................................................................10
1.5: LED Indicators.............................................................................................................................................10
1.6: Specifications...............................................................................................................................................10
1.7: General.........................................................................................................................................................13
Section 2: Installation.............................................................................................................14
2.1: Backbox Mounting ......................................................................................................................................14
2.2: NAC Circuit Wiring.....................................................................................................................................16
2.2.1: Style Y (Class B) ...............................................................................................................................16
2.2.2: ZNAC-4 Class A Option Module......................................................................................................16
2.3: Addressable Module Mounting ...................................................................................................................17
2.4: NEC Power-limited Wiring Requirements ..................................................................................................18
Section 3: Programming Options.......................................................................................... 19
3.1: DIP Switch Settings.....................................................................................................................................20
3.2: Programmable Features Description............................................................................................................21
3.2.1: Synchronization Type Selection........................................................................................................21
Maximum Number of Strobes for Synchronization .............................................................................21
3.2.2: Synchronization Mode - Master/Slave ..............................................................................................21
3.2.3: AC Fail Delay/Aux. Trouble Relay Function....................................................................................22
3.2.4: Input/Output Function .......................................................................................................................22
Auxiliary Power Control ......................................................................................................................23
3.2.5: Charger Enable/Disable.....................................................................................................................23
3.2.6: Door Closers......................................................................................................................................23
Section 4: Trouble Supervision............................................................................................. 25
4.1: Supervision via FACP Notification Appliance Circuit................................................................................25
4.1.1: Supervision of FACP to HPF24S wiring...........................................................................................25
4.1.2: Supervision of HPF24S Faults ..........................................................................................................25
4.1.3: Aux. Trouble Relay/AC Fail Relay ...................................................................................................25
4.2: AC Loss Reporting Delay............................................................................................................................26
Section 5: Applications .......................................................................................................... 27
5.1: Controlling Four NACs With One Input and Selective Silence ..................................................................27
5.2: Controlling Three NACs and One Door Holder With One Input................................................................29
5.3: Split Temporal Mode of Operation..............................................................................................................31
5.4: Remote Supply With Resettable and Nonresettable Power.........................................................................33
5.5: Master FACP with Slave HPF24S Power Supply .......................................................................................35
5.6: Master HPF24S Power Supply Connected to FACP ...................................................................................36
5.7: Canadian Applications.................................................................................................................................36
Section 6: Power Supply Requirements............................................................................... 38
6.1: Overview......................................................................................................................................................38
6.2: Calculating the AC Branch Circuit..............................................................................................................38
6.3: Calculating the System Current Draw .........................................................................................................39
6.3.1: Overview ...........................................................................................................................................39
6.3.2: How to Calculate System Current Draw ...........................................................................................39
6.4: Calculating the Battery Size ........................................................................................................................41
6.4.1: NFPA Battery Requirements .............................................................................................................41
6.4.2: Selecting and Locating Batteries .......................................................................................................41
HPF24S Series Power Supplies — P/N 52751:E1 4/14/2011 5
Table of Contents
Appendix A: Wire Requirements........................................................................................... 43
Index ........................................................................................................................................ 44
6 HPF24S Series Power Supplies — P/N 52751:E1 4/14/2011
It is imperative that the installer understand the requirements of the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) and be familiar with the standards set forth by the following regulatory agencies:
Underwriters Laboratories Standards
NFPA 72 National Fire Alarm Code
Before proceeding, the installer should be familiar with the following documents.
NFPA Standards
NFPA 72 National Fire Alarm Code NFPA 70 National Electrical Code
Underwriters Laboratories Documents:
UL 464 Audible Signaling Appliances UL 864 Standard for Control Units for Fire Protective Signaling Systems UL 1638 Visual Signaling Appliances UL 1971 Signaling Devices for Hearing Impaired
CAN/ULC - S524-01 Standard for Installation of Fire Alarm Systems CAN/ULC-S527-99 Standard for Control Units for Fire Alarm Systems
NEC Article 250 Grounding NEC Article 300 Wiring Methods NEC Article 760 Fire Protective Signaling Systems Applicable Local and State Building Codes Requirements of the Local Authority Having Jurisdiction (LAHJ) Canadian Electrical Code, Part 1
Other HPP Documents:
Device Compatibility Document Document #54399
This product has been certified to comply with the requirements in the Standard for Control Units and Accessories for Fire Alarm Systems, UL 864, 9th Edition. Operation of this product with prod­ucts not tested for UL 864, 9th Edition has not been evaluated. Such operation requires the approval of the local Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ).
HPF24S Series Power Supplies — P/N 52751:E1 4/14/2011 7
The HPF24S6 is a 6 amp power supply and the HPF24S8 is an 8 amp power supply. Each HPF24S power supply is a compact, cost-effective, remote power supply and battery charger which provides ADA compatible strobe synchronization. Each remote power supply consists of a filtered 24 VDC output that can be configured to drive four Style Y (Class B) NACs (Notification Appliance Cir­cuits). The four circuits can be configured for Style Z (Class A) with the optional ZNAC-4 Class A converter module. Alternatively, the four output circuits may be configured as 24 VDC resettable or nonresettable power outputs. The input circuits, which control the power supply operation, are triggered by the reverse polarity of an NAC or by a 12 VDC or 24 VDC power source. The power supplies are compatible with 12 VDC and 24 VDC control panels.
The HPF24S6E and HPF24S8E offer the same features as the HPF24S6 and HPF24S8 respectively but allow connection to 220/240 VAC. Unless otherwise specified, the information in this manual applies to both the 110/120 VAC versions and the 220/240 VAC versions of the power supplies.
The HPF24S6C and HPF24S8C are the Canadian versions which offer the same features as the HPF24S6 and HPF24S8 respectively. Unless otherwise specified, the information in this manual also applies to the Canadian versions of the power supplies.

1.1 General

The HPF24S power supplies can be used as remotely mounted power supplies and battery chargers to power four noncoded or coded NACs. The Main FACP (Fire Alarm Control Panel) NAC(s) is connected to the remote power supply input circuit(s). When the control input circuit activates due to reverse polarity of the NAC from the FACP, the power supply will activate its Notification Appliance Circuits.

Section 1: System Overview

During the inactive or nonalarm state, the power supply supervises its NAC field wiring for short and open conditions. AC fail, battery, charger and ground fault troubles will also be monitored by the power supply. If an NAC or power supply fault is detected, the power supply Normally-Closed Trouble contact will open.
If an alarm condition occurs and the NAC is activated, the supervision is disabled and the Notifica­tion Appliance Circuit is no longer supervised (except for shorts). Supervision of other power sup­ply faults such as low battery, AC loss, ground fault and battery charger trouble will continue and may be monitored via the Trouble relay contacts.

1.2 Features

Self-contained in a lockable cabinet
24 VDC remote power supply
Outputs are completely power-limited
Two optically-isolated input/control circuits, compatible with 12 VDC and 24 VDC control
Four output circuits:
NAC Trouble LED - blinks to indicate the number of the circuit in trouble
Maximum current available for any one output circuit: 3.0 amps
Maximum total continuous current available:
panel NACs
– Fully filtered power
– Four 24 VDC Style Y (Class B) NACs (special application)
– Optional ZNAC-4 Class A converter module for conversion to Style Z NACs
– Alternatively, all four circuits may be configured as 24 VDC special application power
– Output circuits may be configured as resettable or nonresettable
8 HPF24S Series Power Supplies — P/N 52751:E1 4/14/2011
Start-up Procedure System Overview
– 4.0 amps for HPF24S6
– 6.0 amps for HPF24S8
Maximum total short term current (one hour maximum):
– 6.0 amps for HPF24S6
– 8.0 amps for HPF24S8
Integral supervised battery charger for lead acid batteries only
Capable of charging 7.0 AH to 18.0 AH (Amp Hour) batteries
Fully supervised power supply, battery and NACs
Selectable Strobe Synchronization for NACs (System Sensor, Gentex and Wheelock)
Coded signal synchronization
Fixed terminal blocks for field wiring capable of accepting 12 - 22 AWG wire
Selectable Ground Fault detection by jumper JP1
Power supply trouble Form-C relay contacts (fail-safe)
Optional delay of AC loss reporting for 2 hours
Auxiliary Special Application Power Output for SLC modules (500 mA maximum) with optional reset for 4-wire smoke detectors
Mounting location for optional addressable control module

1.3 Start-up Procedure

1. Configure the power supply jumpers as described in “Jumpers” on page 9.
2. Install the power supply as described in“Installation” on page 14.
3. Program the power supply as described in “Programming Options” on page 19.
4. Wire the power supply circuits, referring to the options described in“Trouble Supervision” on page 25 and the application examples in“Applications” on page 27.
5. Connect primary power source wiring while observing the following:
– Make certain that the AC mains circuit breaker is off before making any wiring connections
between the mains and the power supply.
– Make certain primary power source is 120 VAC, 60 Hz, 3.2 amps.
– Run a pair of wires (with ground conductor) from the protected premises main breaker box
to TB1 of the power supply main circuit board.
– Use 14 AWG (1.6 mm O.D.) or heavier gauge wire with 600V insulation.
6. Apply power to the power supply using the following procedure:
– Apply AC power by turning on the AC mains circuit breaker connected to the power supply.
– Connect a properly charged battery to connector JP4 on the power supply main circuit

1.4 Jumpers


1.4.1 Jumper JP1 - Ground Fault Detection

The Ground Detection circuit monitors for zero impedance between the power supply and ground. Jumper JP1 is located in the top right section of the power supply circuit board. Cutting JP1 will disable ground fault detection by the power supply. This should only be done if ground faults are being monitored by a panel connected to the HPF24S power supply.
HPF24S Series Power Supplies — P/N 52751:E1 4/14/2011 9
System Overview LED Indicators
Jumper positions shown
for noncoded (steady)
source voltage

1.4.2 Jumpers JP2 and JP3: Coded/Noncoded Input Selection

Jumpers JP2 and JP3 are located in the top right section of the power supply circuit board. JP2 is used for Control Input Circuit #1 and JP3 is used for Control Input Circuit #2. The position of these jump­ers will depend on the type of signal being fed to the input circuits:
If the source voltage to the input circuit is a noncoded (steady voltage) input signal, the jumper for the corresponding input circuit should be in the default position which jumpers the bottom two pins (as illustrated in drawing at left).
If the source voltage to the input circuit is coded (variable voltage), the jumper for the corresponding input circuit should be moved to jumper the top two pins.

1.5 LED Indicators

AC Power on (green) LED - indicates AC power is present
Ground Fault (yellow) LED - indicates a ground fault condition (zero impedance to ground)
Battery Trouble (yellow) LED - indicates low or no battery
NAC Trouble (yellow) LED - indicates a Notification Appliance Circuit trouble (blinks once for Circuit 1 trouble, twice for Circuit 2 trouble, three times for Circuit 3 trouble and four times for Circuit 4 trouble. Note that multiple circuits in trouble will cause the LED to blink the number of the circuit with the highest number)
ChargerTrouble/AC Loss (yellow) LED - indicates a charger fault or loss of AC power:
– If AC is applied to the power supply without a battery connected, both the Charger
Trouble/AC Loss LED and Battery Trouble LED will turn on simultaneously, indicating that a battery is not connected.
– When a battery is connected and the power supply is in Normal Mode, if the battery voltage
drops too low or the battery is disconnected, only the Battery Trouble LED will turn on.
– When a battery is connected and the charger develops a problem, only the Charger
Trouble/AC Loss LED will turn on.

1.6 Specifications

10 HPF24S Series Power Supplies — P/N 52751:E1 4/14/2011
Refer to Figure 1.1 on page 12 for terminal locations.
Primary AC Power - TB1
HPF24S6(C) & HPF24S8(C): 120 VAC, 60 Hz, 3.2 amps maximum
HPF24S6E & HPF24S8E: 240 VAC, 50 Hz, 1.6 amps maximum
Wire size: minimum #14 AWG with 600V insulation
Control Input Circuits - TB4, Terminals 3 (+) & 4 (-) and 7 (+) & 8 (-)
Trigger Input Voltage: 9 to 32 VDC
Input Current Draw in Alarm Polarity:
– 16 to 32 volts, 2.0 mA maximum per input
– 9 to 16 volts, 1.0 mA maximum per input
NAC/Output Circuits - TB2, Terminals 1 (+) & 2 (-), 3 (+) & 4 (-), 5 (+) & 6 (-) and 7 (+) & 8 (-) alarm polarity
Supervised, Special Application and power-limited
Voltage Rating: 24 VDC filtered
Specifications System Overview
– Maximum for any one circuit - 3.0 amps
– Maximum total continuous
current for all output: HPF24S6 - 4.0 amps HPF24S8 - 6.0 amps
– Maximum total short term
current (one hour maximum) for all outputs: HPF24S6 - 6.0 amps HPF24S8 - 8.0 amps
Output Circuit Types:
– Four Style Y NACs (require 4.7 KEnd-of-Line Resistors) or
Style Z NACs using the optional ZNAC-4 Class A converter module OR
– Four resettable or nonresettable 24 VDC power outputs
Refer to the HPP Device Compatibility Document #54399 for listed compatible devices.
For wiring requirements, refer to “Wire Requirements” on page 43.
Trouble Relay Contact Rating - TB5
Fail-safe Form-C relay (normally energized, transfers with loss of power)
5.0 amps @ 24 VDC or 5.0 amps @ 30 VAC
Secondary Power (battery) Charging Circuit - JP4
Supervised, nonpower-limited
Supports lead acid type batteries only
Float Charge Voltage: 27.6 VDC
Maximum Charge Current: 1.5 A
Battery fuse (F1) 15A, 32V (Canadian version is nonreplaceable 12A, 32V)
Maximum Battery Capacity: 18.0 AH
Minimum Battery Capacity: 7.0 AH
Power supply draws maximum standby current of 65 mA from batteries
Auxiliary Special Application Power Output - TB4 Terminals 9 (+) & 10 (-)
Special application power
Power-limited, nonsupervised
Voltage Rating: 24 VDC
– 170 mA maximum with internal 7.0 Amp Hour batteries
HPF24S Series Power Supplies — P/N 52751:E1 4/14/2011 11
System Overview Specifications
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
- +
- NAC4 +
- NAC3 +
- NAC2 +
- NAC1 +
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
3 2 1
Figure 1.1 HPF24S Board Layout
- Aux. Common
+ Aux. 24 VDC*
- Control Input 2
+ Control Input 2
- Out Common
+ Out/Trouble Contact
- Control Input 1
+ Control Input 1
- Sync Input
+ Sync Input
NAC/Out 1 +
NAC/Out 1 -
NAC/Out 2 +
NAC/Out 2 -
NAC/Out 3 +
NAC/Out 3 -
NAC/Out 4 +
NAC/Out 4 -
Supervised, Nonpower-limited
Earth AC Neutral AC Hot
Trouble Relay Form-C Fail-safe Nonsupervised (shown energized)
Normally Open Normally Closed Common
JP1 Ground Fault Detection (cut to disable)
see Note at bottom of the page.
JP2 & JP3
Coded/Noncoded Input Selection
JP4 Supervised + Battery
- Battery 18 AH, 24 VDC
Charger Trouble/AC Loss (yellow)
NAC Trouble (yellow)
Battery Trouble (yellow)
Ground Fault (yellow)
AC Power (green)
Programming DIP Switches
(change switch settings only when all power (AC & DC) is removed)
F1 Battery Fuse 15A, 32V (Canadian version is nonreplaceable 12 A, 32V)
To Transformer #1 To Transformer #2
Auxiliary Output 500 mA Special Application Power*
ZNAC-4 Connector
*Note: Auxiliary Power Output is power-limited but not supervised
Power-limited, Supervised,
Special Application
in NAC Mode
– 500 mA maximum with external 18.0 Amp Hour batteries
NOTE: Cutting Ground Fault jumper JP1 voids UL/NFPA Style/Class identifications for circuits unless Ground Faults are being monitored by an FACP connected to the power supply. Cut
jumper JP1 only if a panel connected to the power supply is monitoring for Ground Faults or with the approval of AHJ (Authority Having Jurisdiction).
12 HPF24S Series Power Supplies — P/N 52751:E1 4/14/2011
General System Overview
Style Y NAC
or Door
Holder Power
Output #4
AC Power
Figure 1.2 Simplified HPF24S Block Diagram
Battery Charger
Style Y NAC
Output #3
Style Y NAC
Output #2
Style Y NAC
Output #1
Note: All NAC outputs can be converted to Style Z with a ZNAC-4 option module
FCPS Trouble
Contact Output
24 VDC Specific Application Power
NAC Control Input #2 (from FACP)
NAC Control Input #1 (from FACP)
Sync. Input
Input/Output Functions are Programmable
by SW1 DIP Switch Settings

1.7 General

The HPF24S may be used in a number of different applications. It may be used as a remotely­mounted power supply and battery charger where it can provide up to four coded or noncoded, syn­chronized or nonsynchronized NACs (Notification Appliance Circuits). Alternatively, output #4 can be used as a door holder circuit which will provide a steady 24 VDC output until an alarm con­dition or AC fail condition causes it to drop to 0 VDC following a 10 second delay. All four out­puts can also provide power.
One possible application for the HPF24S remote power supply utilizes the NAC repeater feature. In this application, one or two NACs are connected from the main FACP to the remote power sup­ply control input circuits. When the control input circuits are activated by the reverse polarity of the NACs, the power supply will activate its corresponding output circuits as programmed by SW1 DIP switch configuration (refer to Table 3.1 on page 20).
During the inactive state, the remote power supply supervises its NAC field wiring for short and open conditions. If a fault is detected, the power supply will enter a trouble condition and illumi­nate the NAC Trouble LED. When the NACs are activated, the supervision is disabled and the cir­cuits are no longer supervised (except for short circuit conditions). Supervision of other power supply faults such as low battery, battery charger trouble, ground fault and AC loss will continue and may be monitored via the power supply trouble relay.
If an application requires that all four outputs activate at the same time, only one NAC is required from the FACP. For this application, the NAC is connected to control input circuit #1 and SW1 DIP switch is set for this operation.
HPF24S Series Power Supplies — P/N 52751:E1 4/14/2011 13

Section 2: Installation

Ground Stud
Grounding Strap
Earth Terminal on TB1 (AC Terminal Block)
Mounting Plate
Figure 2.1 Grounding Strap
Carefully unpack the system and check for shipping damage. Select a location for the cabinet that is in a clean, dry, vibration-free area where extreme temperatures are not encountered. The area should be readily accessible with sufficient room to easily install and maintain the power supply. Locate the top of the cabinet approximately five feet above the floor with the hinge mounting on the left. Determine the number of conductors required for the devices to be installed and determine the appropriate knockouts. All wiring must be in accordance with the National and/or Local codes for fire alarm systems and power supplies.

2.1 Backbox Mounting

1. Remove the PC board and transformers from the backbox before installing backbox. Set the board and transformers aside in a safe, clean place. Avoid static discharge which may damage
static sensitive components on the board.
2. Mark and predrill holes for the top two keyhole mounting bolts.
3. Install two upper fasteners in the wall with the screw heads protruding approximately ¼”.
4. Using the upper keyholes, mount the backbox over the two screws.
5. Mark the lower two holes, remove the backbox from the wall and drill the mounting holes.
6. Mount the backbox, install the remaining fasteners and tighten all screws.
7. When the location is dry and free of construction dust, reinstall the PC board and transformers and continue with the installation.
8. IMPORTANT! Make certain to connect the supplied grounding strap between the Earth terminal on TB1 (AC Terminal Block) of the main circuit board and the chassis ground stud as illustrated in Figure 2.1:
14 HPF24S Series Power Supplies — P/N 52751:E1 4/14/2011
Backbox Mounting Installation
Figure 2.2 Backbox Mounting Dimensions
(38.10 cm)
(26.99 cm)
(1.9 cm)
2.875” (7.3 cm)
Backbox = 14.5”
(36.8 cm)
Depth = 3.050”
(7.75 cm)
9.1” (23.1 cm)
1.125” (2.868 cm)
Mounting Plate Pem Studs
Backbox Mounting Holes
Ground Stud
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