Honeywell Fire Sentry SS4-AUV, Fire Sentry SS4-AUV2 Installation Manual And Operating Manual

Model SS4-AUV/-AUV2 Ultraviolet (UV) Digital E lec tr o-Optical Fire Detector Installation Guide and Operating Manual MAN0927_V3_1510-005_Rev H_06-13
Installation Guide and Operating Manual
Fire Sentry Model SS4-AUV/-AUV2
Ultraviolet (UV) Digital Electro-Optical Fire Detectors STAND-ALONE RELAY MODE or 4-20 mA Output Option
Model SS4-AUV/-AUV2 Ultraviolet (UV) Digital E lec tr o-Optical Fire Detector Installation Guide and Operating Manual MAN0927_V3_1510-005_Rev H_06-13
APPROVALS ................................................................................................................................................................... 1
SECTION 1 TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION.......................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Features and Specifications ................................................................................................................................ 1
1.1.1 General D escription ....................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1.2 Applications ................................................................................................................................................... 2
1.1.3 Detector Locations ......................................................................................................................................... 3
1.2 Stand-Alone Operation ........................................................................................................................................ 3
1.3 FS2000 System Operation ................................................................................................................................... 3
1.4 Overview .............................................................................................................................................................. 4
1.4.1 Model SS4-AUV/-AUV2 Detector .................................................................................................................... 4
1.4.2 Detection Range and Field-of View ................................................................................................................. 4
1.5 Configuration Settings ........................................................................................................................................ 4
1.6 Testing ................................................................................................................................................................. 5
1.6.1 Special Conditions for Testing ........................................................................................................................ 5
1.6.2 Automatic Testing .......................................................................................................................................... 5
1.6.3 Manual Testing .............................................................................................................................................. 5
SECTION 2 INSTALLATION............................................................................................................................................. 6
2.1 Installation Instructions ....................................................................................................................................... 6
2.1.1 Installation Precautions .................................................................................................................................. 6
2.1.2 Conduit Installation......................................................................................................................................... 6
2.1.3 Wiring Recommendat ions............................................................................................................................... 6
2.1.4 Power Supply Considerations ......................................................................................................................... 6
2.2 Installation Procedure ......................................................................................................................................... 6
2.2.1 Configuring and Wiring Detectors ................................................................................................................... 6
2.2.2 Removing Detector from its Enclosure. .......................................................................................................... 7
2.2.3 Configuring the Det ector Module.................................................................................................................... 7
2.2.4 Wiring the Detector Module. ............................................................................................................................ 7
2.2.5 Wiring the SS4-AUV/-AUV2 Detector for 4 or 20 mA Current Mode Operation (Optional) .................................. 8
2.2.6 Wiring the Detect or Relays ............................................................................................................................. 9
2.2.7 Replacing the Detector Module in the Enclosure. ............................................................................................ 9
2.3 Enclosure Installation (optional) ......................................................................................................................... 9
SECTION 3 TROUBLESHOOTING AND MAINTENANCE .............................................................................................. 12
3.1 Model SS4-AUV/-AUV2 Detector Faults............................................................................................................. 12
3.2 Cleaning Windowed Enclosures and Detectors ................................................................................................ 12
3.3 Personnel Training ............................................................................................................................................ 12
3.4 Detector Repair .................................................................................................................................................. 13
DETECTOR PINOUT DATA ........................................................................................................................................... 14
Verification Time...................................................................................................................................................... 15
Latching .................................................................................................................................................................. 15
Test Cycle ............................................................................................................................................................... 15
Fire Range .............................................................................................................................................................. 15
SECTION 4 OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES ....................................................................................................................... 16
4.1 Air Shield for Applications in Contami nated Environment (Part No. DASA1-P) ............................................... 16
4.2 PC Software Kit (2029-INTERFACE-KIT) ........................................................................................................... 16
4.3 4-20 mA Option (MA420-4) ................................................................................................................................. 16
4.4 Detector Mounts (SM2 or SM4) .......................................................................................................................... 16
4.5 Test Lamp (Part No. FT2045) ............................................................................................................................. 16
INDEX ............................................................................................................................................................................ 17
Model SS4-AUV/-AUV2 Ultraviolet (UV) Digital E lec tr o-Optical Fire Detector Installation Guide and Operating Manual MAN0927_V3_1510-005_Rev H_06-13
The Model SS4-AUV/-AUV2 Ultraviolet Fire Detectors have been manufactured in compliance with the requirements of the ISO-9002 standard and have been approved by:
F ac tory Mutual (FM) for the United States
CSA for Canada
1.1 Features and Specifications
1.1.1 General Descriptio n
The Model SS4-AUV/-AUV2 Ultraviolet Fire/Flame Detectors are fast-r eacting (within 5 seconds), digi tal, configurable, computerized, “sm ar t” units. They are capable of solar-blind flame detecti on in the ultra-violet spectral range (185 to 260 nanometers) utilizing long-life twin ruggederized UV sensors. They are equipped with SRL-BIT (Built In Test) for optical “through the lens” of both the sensors and lens. The Model SS4-AUV/-AUV2 Ultraviolet Fire Detect or has sensitivity to Type A, B, and C flaming fires, false alarm immunity, and an alarm range between 15 and 60 ft. to a one square foot gasoline pan fi re, with a
120-degree (± 60 degrees from the axis) conical field of view. Their microprocessor-based algorithms (FirePic, SnapS hot, and Tri-Mode Plot) assure tim e programmable alarm verification, Fi re Signature Analysis, and compatibility with standard approved fire alarm panels. The Detector also has the flexibilit y to be re-configured i n the f iel d. It s i nstall ation i s sim ple, and operati on straightforward due to the built-in self-testing feature. Therefore, the maintenance consists mainly in keeping the Detec tor window lens clean, and performing periodi c testing requi red by the manufacturer of the Fire Control and Suppression System . The SS4-AUV/ SS4-AUV2 are UV only det ectors and are f or indoor applications where UV noise sources, such as weldi ng, are not present.
1.1.2 Detector Technical Specifications Mechanical Specif ications
Enclosure Material: Copper Free Aluminum 316 Stainless Steel
Physical Dimensi ons: Assembly 4.35 in. (
110.49 mm) Height X 4.81 in. (122.24 mm) Diameter
Mounting Holes ¼ in. (
6.35 mm) Diameter, 5.50 in. (139.70 mm) Center to
Center Conduit Entri es Two (2) ¾ in. NPT or Two (2) 25 mm
Weight: Aluminum 3 lbs. 11 oz. (
1.7 kg) approx imately
Stainless Steel 7 lbs. 7 oz. (
3.4 kg) approx imately
Enclosure Rati ng: IP66 / NEMA 4X Vibration: Meets or exceeds Mil Spec 810C,
Method 514. 2, Curve AW Electrical Specifications
Input Voltage Range: 18 VDC to 32 VDC Normal Operation Cur r ent: 60 mA (
nominal) 205 mA (nominal with heaterP
Maximum Fire Alarm Curr ent: 85 mA (
maximum) 235 mA (maximum wit h h eaterP
) Relay Contact Rating: 1 Amp @ 24 VDC resistiv e Analog Current Output: 0 to 20 mA (
Source or Sink, User Selectable)
400 Ohms M ax L oad) 0.0 mA (<0.6 mA) = Fault
2.0 mA (
±0.6 mA) = Dirty Window Lens
4.0 mA (
±0.6 mA) = Normal, Saf e ( no Fault, no Fire)
20.0 mA (
±0.6 mA) = Verified Fire Alarm
Screw Terminal Wire Sizes: 12 AWG to 22 AWG (2.50 mm to 0.7 6 2 mm)
Use str anded c onduc tors (
UnotU solid core)
Model SS4-AUV/-AUV2 Ultraviolet (UV) Digital E lec tr o-Optical Fire Detector Installation Guide and Operating Manual MAN0927_V3_1510-005_Rev H_06-13
2 Environmental Specifications
Operating Temperature Standard: -40° F to +185° F (-40° C to +85° C) Operating Humi dity Range: 5 to 98% RH non-condensing Storage Temperature: -67° F to +221° F (-55° C to +105° C) Performance Sp ecifications
Field of Vi ew: 120° Horizontal and Vertical (conical) Sensitivity One (1) sq. ft. heptane reference fir e at 60 feet Speed of Response: 2 to 5 seconds (typical) High Speed Response: Less than 0.5 seconds to “fireball” type fires
(if selected)
Spectral Sensitivity 0.4 to 3.5 micron wavelengths, TriBand Dual IR Plus Hazardous Area Classif ications
North America, ATEX, IECEx:
I, Divisi on 1, Groups A, B, C & D Class I, Zone 1,
II, Divi si on 1 Groups E, F & G AEx d IIC xx, II 2 G Ex d IIC xx
III II 2 D Ex tD A21 IP66 T135°C
T4: Ta = -40°C to +110°C3 xx= T4: Ta = -40°C to +110°C3 T5: Ta = -40°C to +75°C
T5: Ta = -40°C to +75°C3
T6: Ta = -40°C to +60°C T6: Ta = -40°C to +60°C
Ex d IIC xx Gb xx= T4: Ta = -60°C to +110°C3 T5: Ta = -60°C to +90°C
T6: Ta = -60°C to +75°C Additional Certifications
FM verified and approv ed to meet FM 3260 Radiated Energy-Sensing Fire Detectors for Automatic Fire Alarming Signals.
Heater circuit turns ON only when temperature drops below zero degrees Fahrenheit (-17° C)P
Se e Sectio n 1.4 for Additional Performance Specifications
The supply connection wiring shall be rated at least 10°C above the rated service temperature (120°C for T4 applications and 85°C
for T5 applications) Other Specifications: LED Vis ua l Indicators: Powered Detector: Dual LEDs blink every 10 seconds
Fault Declar ed: One LED turns ON solid until the fault is cured Re-calibrate when: Both LEDs flash ON and OFF rapidly Fire Declared: Both LEDs ON solid (one LED blinks during first few seconds)
Relay Contact:
Rating: 0.5 Amp at 120 Volt AC or 1 A at 24 V DC resistive
Fire relay: N.O. and N.C. contacts (Latching/ Non-Latching, switch selected) Verification relay: N.O. and N.C. contacts (Adjustable time from 0 to 30 seconds) Fault relay: N.O. and N.C. contacts
1.1.3 Applications
Applications of the Model SS4-AUV/-AUV2 Detector s include warehou ses, ai rc raft hangars, pet rochemi cal facilities, Gas turbines, and Power plants, among others.
Model SS4-AUV/-AUV2 Ultraviolet (UV) Digital E lec tr o-Optical Fire Detector Installation Guide and Operating Manual MAN0927_V3_1510-005_Rev H_06-13
1.1.4 Detector Location s
For unobstructed perf ormance, considering Det ector locations in application ar eas, avoid sources, other than fire, which may cause fal se alarm s, such as oper ati ons uti li zing weldi ng or gas torch eq ui pm ent, hi gh power sources of EMI or RFI , or artifici al lighting poi nted directly at the Detector . Locations experi encing strong mechani cal or acoustical vibrations should al so be avoided. For optimum performance, l ocate the Detector(s) as close as possi ble to the potenti al fire source, preferabl y, along the axis of the vision cone. Install enough Detectors to completely eclipse the fire hazardous area. Assure accessibility for the Detector lens cleaning, as well as best possible protection and/or cleaning from fog, rain, ice, dust, hazardous atmospheres, an d other adv erse elem ents. If necessary, uti lize t he Steel Swivel Mount (Model SM2) or 316 Stai nless Steel Swivel Mount (Model SM4) for gr eater flexibility in m ounting locations (See Figures 4 and 5).
1.2 Stand-Alone Operation
For Stand-Alone operation, the Model SS4-A/-A2 Detector may be connected to a suitably approved transmitt er or control system/panel . T he Detector operat ed in the Stand-Alone mode, uses the Fire, Fault , and Verify ( optional) relays or opti onal 4 to 20 mA c urrent source (FSC Model M A420-4 Module, ref er to Section 4. 3) to interface to F M A ppr ov ed or UL listed Fire /S ec uri ty Panels. For Stand-A lone operation, the Detector's Fault relay is automatically configured by its on-board microprocessor. The input c ur r ent of the Model SS4-AUV/-AUV2 Detector is about 15 m A higher in the Stand-Alone mode c om pared to FS2000 System operati on.
NOTE: The Fault relay is not available when the Detector is wired to the FS2000 System.
1.3 FS2000 System Operation
For FS2000 System operat ion, the Model SS4-AUV/-AUV2 Fire and Fault signal s are sent digitally to the FS2000 System Contr oller using the four wire FS2000 FireBus. The Fi reBus pr ovides 24 Volt DC power for the Detector and RS-485 digital communication (Refer to Fire Sentry document MN0003: "FS2000 FIRE EARLY WARNING SYSTEM - INSTALLATION and OPERATIONS G UIDE"). For special rem ot e alarm applic ations, users may also connect directly to the Detec tor’s Fire alarm relay.
NOTE: When the Model SS4-AUV/-AUV2 Detector is connected t o the FS2000 System using FireBus communicati on, t he Controller automatically disables the Detector’s Fault relay.
Model SS4-AUV/-AUV2 Ultraviolet (UV) Digital E lec tr o-Optical Fire Detector Installation Guide and Operating Manual MAN0927_V3_1510-005_Rev H_06-13
1.4 Overview
1.4.1 Model SS4-AUV/-AUV2 Detector Version SS 4-AUV: There are two (2) LED s o n the Mo del SS4-A UV Detec tor t hat i ndicat e the stat e of the
Detector. During normal operati on both LEDs will blink every 10 seconds. If the Detector alarms to a fire, it energizes the Fire relay and turns on both LEDs in the following
sequence. One LED i s turned on immediately and the second LED wil l rapidly blink f or several seconds indicating that the Detector's FirePic spectra is being permanently stored in the Detector's solid-state memory (FirePi c is the several seconds of Det ector spectral data which precedes an alarm event). Once the FirePi c data is stored, the second LED will remain on. For this version, the fire alarm LEDs turn on and remain on until power to t he unit is cycled (turned off and on again).
If the Detector has a Fault, it de-energizes the Fault r elay and tur ns one (1) LE D on ( the LED will not light if the Fault is a “No Power Faul t”). If the Fault condition, such as a “Low Volt age Fault”, is eliminated the Detector will autom atically return to Normal Operation.
NOTE: Faults caused by excessive i nput voltage or due to temperatur es outsi de the operating temper ature range require factory re-certifi c ation. Re-certification is required if a Fault is indic ated by both LEDs rapidl y blinking (with frequency about 2 Hz.).
Version SS4-AUV2: The operation of this unit is identical to the S S 4-A UV, ex c ept the fire alarm LEDs tur n off once the fire threat is eliminated, without power cycling of t he device.
1.4.2 Detection Rang e and Field-of View
The SS4-AUV/-AUV2 det ection range is f ield adjustabl e between 15 and 60 f t. in 15 f t. increment s to an industry standard one square foot gasoline pan fire within 5 seconds.
The Detector incorporates a 120-degree conical F ield of View. The fire emissions received by the Det ec tor diminish at ex treme range and edge s of the fi eld-of-view. It is recommended t hat the Det ector be point ed at the fire thr eat area for the f astest response tim es to the sm allest size fi re. When multipl e Detectors are used to cover large areas, the F i eld-of-Views should ov erlap to insure com pl et e coverage of the fire t hreat area. The Fi eld-of-View is not, howev er, lim ited t o 120 degree s. Larger f i res outsi de the 120 degre e Fi el d­of-View may c ause the SS4-AUV/-AUV2 to al arm. T his is based on t he Inv ersed Square L a w for r adiat ed energy, a larger size fi re outside t he Detecti on Range and fi eld-of-view may cause the Detec tor to al arm. Refer to Figure 1.
120 Degrees
Figure 1: Field of View, Horizontal, and Vertical.
Sensitivity to 1 Sq. Ft. Gasoline Pan Fire
1.5 Configuration Settings
The SS4-AUV/-AUV2 Detector may be reconfigured in the fiel d and thus optimized for speci al applications. The configuration of the Detector is set using DIP switches located on the middle circuit board of the Detector Module. The DI P switch sett ings for each configuration are listed in Table 2.
These configurable options include:
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