Economizer Sensors
C7400A,C Enthalpy Sensor
The C7400A Enthalpy Sensor is used with the economizer logic
modules with the A,B,C, and D performance curves; the C7400C
sensor is used with the logic modules with the A,B,C,D, and E
performance curves. The sensors combined with the economizer
logic modules permit the use of outdoor air as the first stage of
cooling in heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC)
Application: Enthalpy economizing
Dimensions, Approximate: 4.25 in high x 2.17 in wide x .81 in deep
(108 mm high by 55mm wide x 20.5 mm deep)
Sensor Type: 4-20 mA output
Color: Gray
Mounting: Mounted in any position where it is exposed to freely circulating air.
Product Number Application Type
C7400A2001/U A solid state enthalpy sensor designed to sense
temperature and humidity with 5% accuracy
C7400C2007/U A solid state enthalpy sensor designed to sense
temperature and humidity with 5% accuracy
• Senses and combines temperature and humidity of outdoor air.
• As enthalpy of outdoor air increases, the outdoor air damper closes
to a preset minimum position.
• As enthalpy of outdoor air becomes low, the outdoor air damper
opens to reduce the mechanical cooling load in the building.
• Maximum economizer savings is achieved when two C7400
Enthalpy Sensors are used for differential enthalpy changeover
• Compact size and lightweight construction allows easy mounting in
HVAC rooftop unit. A duct mounting
• Sensors are enclosed in a rugged, corrosion-resistant glass-fiber
reinforced plastic duct-mount case.
• Provides a 4 to 20 mA output signal to Economizer Logic Module;
setpoint is located on the logic module.
Operating Temperature Range:
Operating Humidity Range (% RH): 11 to 89% RH
Electrical Connections: Two 1/4 in. quick-connect terminals
Underwriters Laboratories, Inc: Component Recognized
Tem peratur e
Description Used With(F) (C)
150 F 66 C Solid State Enthalpy
150 F 66 C Solid State Enthalpy
kit is available.
-40 F to 150 F (-40 C to 66 C)
W7210, W7212A, W7213, W7214,
W7215, W7459, W7460
W7210, W7212A, W7213, W7214,
W7215, W7459, W7460
C7400S Enthalpy Sensor
A separate controller such as the JADE™ Economizer System
(Model W7220) provides power and communications on the Sylk
Bus for the C7400S Sylk Bus sensor.
• This unit mounted C7400S enthalpy sensor includes solid state
temperature and humidity sensors.
• Outputs a digital communicating signal on a two-wire Sylkbus
communications link, reporting the temperature and humidity
separately to the controller.
• The controller determines the enthalpy (total heat), enabling
economizer modes of operation when outside air enthalpy is suitable
for free cooling.
The C7400S Sylk Bus sensor is a combination temperature and
humidity sensor, which is intended to be used in commercial roof
top units for sensing air. The sensor is powered by and
communicates on the Sylk Bus. The C7400S communicates
temperature and humidity separately digitally on the Sylk Bus
Communication Protocol.
Application: Provides Honeywell SYLK Bus signal in relation
to enthalpy - 5% accuracy
Dimensions, Approximate: 4.25 in high x 2.17 in wide x .81 in deep
(108 mm high by 55mm wide x 20.5 mm deep)
Sensor Type: 7-21Vdc
Color: Gray
Operating Temperature Range:
Product Number Application Type
C7400S1000/U A solid state enthalpy sensor designed to sense temperature and
Mounted in any position where it is exposed to freely circulating air.
humidity with 5% accuracy. Use with W7220 economizer control,
for use in outdoor air intakes of HVAC rooftop
-40 F to 150 F (-40 C to 66 C)
• Enthalpy sensors are compatible with Honeywell economizer
• When used with an economizer, the enthalpy boundary curve is
programmed via the controller. When the temperature and humidity
are determined to be suitable based on the relationship to the
boundary, the controller allows outside air for economizing.
• Dual enthalpy sensors in outside air and return switches the
controllers to economizer mode of operation anytime the outside
enthalpy is less than the return air enthalpy.
Operating Humidity Range (% RH): 11 to 89% RH
Electrical Connections: 2-pin header-pin style or 2-pin card edge
removable terminal blocks
Underwriters Laboratories, Inc: Component Recognized Guide info
Maximum Ambient
Description Used With(F) (C)
150 F 65 C Solid State
Enthalpy Sensor
410 customer.honeywell.com 70-6910