Fig. 4-11 (1) Inside diameter of cam follower
(2) Out side diameter of shaft
3. Check the camshaft for bend.'
Standard value: O.Olmm (O.OOO4-in.) max.
Service limit: O.O5mm (O.OO2-in.)
4. Measure the inside diameter of the camshaft bearing in the
cylinder head.
Standard value: 22.0-22.021mm (O.8661-0.8669-in.)
Service limit: 22.05mm (O.8681-in.)
S. Measure the inside diameter of the caro follower.
Standard value: lO.20-10.218mm(O.4016-0.4023-in.)
Service limit: lO.28mm (O.4047-in.)
6. Check the caro follower shaft for wear.
Standard value: lO.166-10.184mm(O.3992-0.4009-in.)
Service limit: lO.lOmm (O.3976-in.)
7. Measure the inside diameter of the valve guide.
Standard value Service limit
lntake: 7.0-7.01mm 7.05mm
(O.2756-0.2760-in.) (O.2776-in.)
Exhaust: 7.0-7.01mm 7.05mm
(O.2756-0.2760-in.) (O.2776-in.)
Valve guide replacement:
a. Loosen off the bolt and remove the valve guide stopper
and stem seal.
b. Drive out the guide from the cylinder head using
"Valve Guide Remover" (Tool No.07942-2830000).
c. Use "Valve Guide Driver" (Tool No. 07942.1180100)
when driving a new oversize valve guide. After driving,
ream to size with "Valve Guide Reamer" (Tool No.
07984-5900000) .
Fig. 4-12 (1) Valve guide remover
(2) Valve guide stopper
(3) Stem seal
8. Measure the outside diameter of the valve sterno
Standard value Service limit
lntake: 6.974-6.988mm O.96mm
(O.2746-0.2751-in.) (O.2740-in.)
Exhaust: 6.968-6.982mm 6.95mm
(O.2743-0.2749-in.) (O.2736-in.)
9. Measure the valve stem for bend.
Service limit: O.O2mm (O.OOO8-in.)
lO. Measure the valve seat width.
Coat the valve seat with Prussian blue; then seat the valve in
pIace. Rotate the valve one turo with light pressure.
Check and measure the valve seat width.
Standard width: 1.0-1.3mm (O.O394-0.0512-in.)
Service limit: 2.0mm (O.O787-in.)
If the Purssian blue shows a band of uniform width ali the
way around both seat and valve, the valve contact is
If contact is improper, lightly lap the valve with a finest
grade lapping compound. Remove ali the compound after
lapping operation. If stili defective, reface the valve seat
with a valve seat grinder, Model GVS-27 A, recommended
When using a valve seat grinder, be sure to follow the
instructions given by the valve seat grender manufacturer.
Fig. 4-14 (1) Valve seat grinder