HoMedics SC-535 Instruction Manual

Instruction Manual
Know exactly what you’re made of.
How are Body Fat (BF), Total Body Water (TBW), and Muscle Mass (MM) % Estimated?
Why is Measuring Your Body Fat % Important?
The goal in proper weight loss is to increase lean muscle mass (which is the shape and contour of your body) and to decrease body fat for a higher burning metabolism.
There are two basic types of body fat: essential fat and storage fat.
Essential Fat is needed for normal, everyday physiological functions within the human body. It is located in and around muscle tissues, nerve cells, bone marrow, intestines, liver and lungs. Without essential fats, normal body functions begin to degrade and ultimately shut down.
Storage Fat is found and stored just below the skin’s surface and around major organs. Storage fat acts as an insulator for the body
, provides energy for metabolism and is a cushion against trauma. Men tend to have storage fat around the waistline and women tend to carry storage fat in the hips and upper thighs. Though some storage fat is necessary for normal body functions, excessive amounts can be detrimental to your health and overall quality of life.
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Traditionally, total body weight determined whether or not a person was obese. However, weight changes can be affected by both muscle and fat gain/loss. A change in weight alone does not tell you whether it was a gain/loss of muscle or fat. In weight management, you want to maintain muscle mass while body fat is lost. Monitoring BF% is an important step toward successful weight management and body health.
This instrument is a personal monitor and should be used in a consistent manner for the most accurate reading. While readings might vary between this analyzer and other methods of measure­ment (hydro-densitometry or hand held calipers), your
changes in body fat percentage shown by
this instrument will be reflected accurately.
The optimal Body Fat % of an individual varies according to age and gender. Use the table below as a guide:
Why is Measuring Your Total Body Water Percentage Important?
Monitoring your level of body water can be a useful tool for health maintenance. The more lean muscle you gain as you exercise and get in shape, the lower your body fat and the higher your body water will be.
Water is an essential body component and is one of the body’s overall health indicators. It makes up approximately 50-70% of the body’s weight and is present proportionally more in lean tissue as compared to fat tissue.
For example: 73% of lean muscle tissue is water 80% of blood is water 25% of fat is water
Additionally, water is a medium for biochemical reactions that regulate body functions
• Removes waste products from cells for excretion in urine and sweat
• Provides form to cells which helps maintain body temperature
• Provides moisture to skin, mucous membranes and cushions vital organs
• Lubricates joints and is a component of many body fluids
• Helps flush fat (triglycerides) out of your system
• Helps you feel full and reduces your appetite
• Aids in proper digestion and helps prevent constipation
• Helps reduce the chances of developing kidney stones
The normal TBW% of an individual varies according to BF% and gender. The table below may be used as a guide:
Your TBW% may vary according to your hydration level. For better accuracy, avoid changes in hydration level before taking a measurement. The accuracy in estimating TBW% will also decrease for individuals suffering from illnesses where water tends to accumulate in the body. Please remember that the scale represents only a good approximation of your total body water.
Why Should I Know My Muscle Mass %?
According to the American College of Sports Medicine (ASCM), lean muscle mass may decrease by nearly 50 percent between the ages of 20 and 90. If you don't do anything to replace that loss, you're losing muscle and increasing fat. It is also important to know your muscle mass % during weight reduction. At rest, the body burns approximately 50 additional calories for each pound of muscle gained. Some advantages of gaining muscle mass include:
• Reversing the decline in strength, bone density and muscle mass that accompanies age
• Maintenance of flexible joints
• Guide weight reduction when combined with a healthy diet
The normal muscle mass for men is greater than 40%. For women, normal muscle mass is greater than 34%.
What is BMR?
Your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) is the energy (measured in calories) expended by the body, at rest, to maintain normal body functions. This continual work makes up about 60-70% of the calories the body uses, and includes the beating of your heart, respiration, and the maintenance of body temperature. Your BMR is influenced by a number of factors, including age, weight, height, gender, dieting and exercise habits.
Why Should I Know My BMR?
If you know how many calories your body needs to function, you can calculate exercise and calorie consumption into your diet and weight loss program to ensure that you are eating and exercising at your proper level.
<13 14-20 21-23
<14 15-21 22-24
<16 17-23 24-26
<17 18-24 25-27
<18 19-25 26-28
<19 20-28 29-31
<20 21-29 30-32
<21 22-30 31-33
<22 23-31 32-33
<23 24-32 33-35
† Source: University of Illinois Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition. Body Fat Percentage Calculator. www.ag.uiuc.edu/~food-lab /ai/bfc.html
F % Range Optimal TBW % Range
to 14% 15 to 21% 22 to 24% 25 and over 4 to 20% 21 to 29% 30 to 32% 33 and over
0 to 63% 63 to 57% 57 to 55% 55 to 37% 70 to 58% 58 to 52% 52 to 49% 49 to 37%
†† Source: Derived from Wang & Deurenberg: “Hydration of fat-free body mass”. American Journal Clin Nutr 1999; 69 833-841.
You can boost your BMR by building muscle and reducing body fat. This increases the body's ability to burn more calories while the body is at rest. When you raise your BMR, your body is less likely to store fat. The amount of increase in BMR varies from person to person, but even a modest increase in activity should cancel out the body's tendency to decrease BMR when you cut calories in your diet.
Note: Ideal body fat content, total body water, muscle mass, BMR and exercise guidelines are not the same for all people. Age, sex, heredity and overall health are variables in this measurement. Always consult your physician to determine what is most ideal for you.
Fitness Levels
This HealthStation has three fitness levels for more precise readings.
Fitness Level 1
• Normal mode
• Use at the beginning of an exercise/diet program
• Person with relatively low level of activity
• Physical activity: less than 2 times per week, less than 20 minutes per session
Fitness Level 2
• Use as you progress through an exercise/diet program when benefits of overall fitness are achieved.
• Physical activity: moderate daily exercise; 5 times per week, at least 20 minutes per session
Fitness Level 3
• Highly active individual with high endurance and strength
• Physical activity: 5 times per week, at least 60 minutes per session
When Should I Use the Body Fat, Body Water and Muscle Mass Functions?
For maximum accuracy and repeatability, it is recommended that the body fat, body water and muscle mass functions be used at approximately the same time of day, under the same circum- stances, e.g. before breakfast in the morning. It is also a good practice to avoid swings in the body’s hydration level prior to taking the measurement. By establishing the pattern of your body’s fluctuation over a period of one month, you can determine your average level of body fat, body water and muscle mass %. Women will have more fluctuation in water content than men and need to monitor their reading over a longer time period to establish a personal average. You must determine this as a reference point before measuring progress in a health program.
You must wait several hours before taking a reading when
: drinking coffee or alcohol, taking diuretic medications or exercising. These all affect your level of hydration and the accuracy of this analyzer.
The condition of the skin on the bottom of your feet can also affect the reading. The natural effects of aging or activity can mak
e this skin hard. Take the reading with clean, slightly moist feet
for best accuracy.
BIA method determines your body fat, body water and muscle mass % by sending a harmless signal through the body. Do not use this product if you have a
pacemaker, artificial limbs, contraceptive devices, metal plates/screws or other internal medical devices. When in doubt, contact your physician.
This HealthStation will give accurate body fat, body water, and muscle mass % plus BMR for a majority of people, but it is not intended for use by the following groups:
Children: Anyone under 10 years of age Pregnant Women
Battery Information
Your unit has a lithium battery installed that will provide a long life of operation when used in a typical household. Under heavy usage, the battery may eventually need to be replaced. Remove the battery if the product is not used for a long time.
Prior to Use
Remove red tab on bottom of unit to activate battery. This can be done without opening battery compartment.
Getting Started
Select pounds (Lb/in), kilograms (Kg/cm) or stones (St/in) using the slide switch on the bottom of the unit.
Weight Measurement Only
You can use this function anytime-with shoes or without- by stepping on the HealthStation.
Place the analyzer on a firm, flat surface to achieve best accuracy.
Step onto the analyzer and stand still while your weight is calculated. Your weight will be displayed on the LCD screen as shown below
The unit will turn off by itself after use.
Programming Personal Data into Memory
NOTE: In Personal Data mode, the unit returns to standby mode if no button is pressed within
30 seconds.
Press 'Set' button; the number P-01 will appear and flash. Use the ( ) or ( ) button to select a user number between P
-01 and P-10. Press
'Set' to confirm.
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