HoMedics SC-512 Instruction Manual

Know exactly what you’re made of.
Body Composition Scanner
with KnowledgeBook
limited warranty
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. Set Normal or Athlete. Press the / BUTTON to select your activity level. After
you choose, press the SET BUTTON.
NOTE: See definition of an Athlete on page 6. The Athlete Mode is available only for those 15-50 years of age.
7. All personal information stored to memory will be displayed. The display will show “00” and then shut off.
Your data is saved into memory. Remember your memory location (1 or 2). You will need it each time you measure your body composition.
Repeat steps 1-6 to set other pre-programmed memory locations.
To Measure Weight and Body Composition
1. Place the scale on a flat, hard surface. Carpeted or uneven floors may affect accuracy.
2. You must be bare foot to take this reading.
NOTE: You must wait several hours before taking a reading when
drinking coffee or alcohol, taking diuretic medications or exercising.
3. Press the POWER BUTTON to turn the scale on. The memory digit will flash.
Press the / BUTTON to choose your MEMORY LOCATION.
5. Wait for “0.0” to show on the screen.
6. Step on the scale, positioning your feet evenly on the scale platform with feet centered on electrodes (Figure 2). Use caution so scale will not tip. Be careful that the floor is not wet, or the scale may move. Stand still while the scale measures your weight, body fat % and body water %.
Your readings and Body Fat Health Status are shown (Figure 3). See reference charts on page 6.
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Thank you for your HoMedics HealthStation Body Composition Scanner purchase. This, like the entire HoMedics product line, is built with high-quality craftsmanship to provide years of dependable service. We hope you will find it to be the finest product of its kind.
First Time Setup
1. This scale operates on 2 CR2032 lithium batteries (included). Open the battery cover and install the batteries according to the polarity as shown inside the battery compartment.
2. Some models have a static cling label on the lens to prevent scratching. Remove before use.
3. Set the “LB/KG/ST” unit of measure switch located on the back of the scale for pounds, kilograms or stones.
NOTE: The switch is pre-set to pounds.
4. The scale needs to be initialized before first use or after battery installation. Step lightly on the scale platform disregarding the reading and step off. Wait for the scale to automatically turn off. The scale is now ready for use.
NOTE: The scale may need to be initialized if it is moved or
Getting Started – Enter P
ersonal Data into Memory
You have approximately 30 seconds to complete each programming step below or the scale will turn off to conserve battery power. If this happens, repeat the programming steps. Before beginning, decide which memory location you would like (1 or 2).
1. Press the POWER BUTTON (Figure 1).
2. Set Memory. Press the / BUTTON to select your desired memory location (1 or 2). After you choose, press the SET BUTTON.
3. Set Height. Press the / BUTTON to find your height. When your HEIGHT is correct, press the SET BUT
4. Set Age. Press the / BUTTON to find your age. When your AGE is correct, press the SET BUTTON.
Set Gender. Press the / BUTTON to select male or female. When GENDER is correct, press the SET BUT
Figure 1
Figure 2
Power Button
Set Button
Up Button
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