HoMedics SC-372, SC-373 Instruction Manual

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©2012 Taylor Precision Products y sus compañías afiliadas, todos los derechos reservados. HoMedics® es una marca comercial registrada de HoMedics, Inc., y Progress Tracker™ es una marca registrada de HoMedics, Inc. y sus compañías afiliadas.
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Fabricado en China. No es legal para uso comercial.
Distribuido por Taylor Precision Products, Inc. Oak Brook, IL 60523, U.S.A.
Instruction Manual and Warranty Information
El manual en español empieza a la página 9
Digital Scale
Year Limited Warranty
Thank you for your HoMedics Digital Scale purchase.This, like the entire HoMedics product line, is built with high-quality craftsmanship to provide years of dependable service. We hope you will find it to be the finest product of its kind.
First Time Setup
1. This scale operates on four AA batteries (included). Install batteries before proceeding. Be sure to observe proper +/- polarities as marked inside the battery compartment.
2. Some models have a static cling label on the lens to prevent scratching. Remove before use.
3. Set the “LB/KG/ST” unit of measure switch located on the back of the scale for pounds, kilograms or stones.
NOTE: The switch is pre-set to pounds.
4. The scale needs to be initialized before first use or after battery installation. Step lightly on the scale platform disregarding the reading and step off. Wait for the scale to automatically turn off. The scale is now ready for use.
NOTE: The scale may need to be initialized if it is moved or bumped.
Helpful Hints:
It is normal for your weight to fluctuate during the day and from one day to another. Slight changes in your weight are normal. For best results:
1. Weigh yourself without clothing whenever possible. Clothes can vary in weight.
2. Weigh yourself at the same time of day under the same conditions.
3. Allow for weight fluctuations due to food or drink in your system.
Getting Started - Setting “Starting Weight”
Place the scale on a flat, hard surface. Carpeted or uneven floors may affect accuracy. Decide what MEMORY Location you would like (1-4).
1. With scale off, press the SET BUTTON and use the
or BUTTON to select MEMORY
2. Press and hold SET button until 0.0 appears in the top display window.
3. Step on the scale. Use caution, so it does not tip. Be careful that the floor is not wet, or the scale may move. Place feet evenly on platform (Figure 1). Stand still while the scale measures CURRENT weight. Both CURRENT weight and LAST weight are displayed.
NOTE: 0.0 will show in LAST weight display window.
4. Scale turns off automatically.
5. Repeat steps 1-4 above to set the Starting Weight for other users.
To prevent accidentally deleting a Starting Weight, you can not set the Starting Weight if a user MEMORY location is already taken. Use a different MEMORY location or refer to the
Delete Starting Weight From Memory section, on page 3.
Using the Scale – ProgressTracker Mode
1. With scale off, press the SET BUTTON.
2. Use the
or BUTTON to find your personal Starting Weight MEMORY Location (1-4).
3. Press and hold SET button until 0.0 appears in the top display window.
4. Step on the scale.
5. CURRENT Weight and LAST Weight will show for 4 seconds (Figure 4).
6. Next, Pounds Lost Since LAST Weight and % of Pounds Lost Since LAST Weight will show for 4 seconds (Figure 5).
7. Finally, TOTAL Pounds Lost Since Starting Weight and TOTAL % of Pounds Lost Since Starting Weight will show for 4 seconds (Figure 6).
Figure 1
NOTE: This step will only appear if you have weighed yourself at least twice since setting
your Starting Weight.
8. Scale turns off automatically.
NOTE: Pounds lost and % of pounds lost will show as a negative number under the symbol. Pounds gained and % of pounds gained will show as a positive number under the
As the scale is used for an extended period of time, changes in weight will be displayed on three consecutive screens. See Example 1 on Page 4.
Using the Scale – Weight-Only Mode
1. Step on the scale and stand still.
2. Weight will lock in, flash, and display for 10 seconds.
3. Scale turns off automatically.
Using the Scale – Delete Starting Weight From Memory
1. With scale off, press the SET,
and BUTTONS at the same time until
dE + USER 1 appears in the top display window (Figure 2).
2. To delete USER 1, press and hold the SET BUTTON until PASS appears in the display window (Figure 3).
3. If you do NOT want to delete USER 1, wait for the display to cycle through each MEMORY Location. When the MEMORY Location you want is shown on the display, press and hold the SET BUTTON until PASS shows on the display. PASS confirms the MEMORY location data has been deleted. Scale will turn off automatically once all MEMORY locations have cycled through.
4. To set a new Starting Weight, see Getting Started – Setting “Starting Weight”.
Figure 2
Figure 3
EXAMPLE 1: Three months ago, USER 3 had a Starting Weight of 145.6 lbs. She last weighed herself one week ago and weighed 131.4 lbs. Today, she weighs 127.2 lbs.
1. First, her CURRENT and LAST weight, in pounds, are shown on the screen (Figure 4).
2. Next, the amount of weight she has lost (indicated by the
symbol) since she last weighed herself one week ago, is shown on the screen, as both pounds and percentage of weight lost (Figure 5).
3. Finally, the TOTAL amount of weight she has lost since Day 1, is shown on the screen, as both TOTAL pounds lost and TOTAL percentage of weight lost (Figure 6).
Figure 4
Figure 5
Figure 6
User 3
145.6 lbs
(Starting Weight)
User 3:
131.4 lbs
(Last Weight)
User 3:
127.2 lbs
(Current Weight)
Day 1
1 Week Ago
Current Weight
Last Weight
Pounds Lost
% Weight Lost
Total Pounds Lost
Total % Weight Lost
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