Holtek Semiconductor Inc HT9480 Datasheet


Operating voltage: 2.2V ~3.5V
Low power crystal oscillator control
Decodes CCI R Radio-paging Code No.1 (POCSAG Code)
2-bit random and optional 4-bit burst error correction
Improved synchronization algorithm
Supports up to 6 independently program­mable user addresses and 6 user frames
Three RF power on timing control pins
Single crystal for all available baud rate (76.8kHz crystal)
Battery low indication (external detector)
Battery fail interrupt and data ready interrupt
8K×16 program ROM
416×8 data RAM

General Description

The HT9480 is a high performance pager con­troller. The built-in single cycle instructions (16-bit wide) and two-stage pipeline architec­ture of the HT9480 account for its high perform-
Pager Controller
35×4 LCD display
7 input lines and 10 bidirectional I/O lines
8-bit programmable timer for R TC interrupt
8-bit programmable timer/event counter and overflow interrupt
8-bit programmable tone generator with buzzer output
Watchdog timer
Halt function and wa ke-up feature reduce power consumption
63 powerful instructions, most instructions in one machine cycle
Eight-level subroutine nesting
Table read instruction
Inverted or non-inverted input signal selection for decoder input
80-pin LQFP package
ance. The controller contains a full function pager decoder (POCSAG code) at 512, 1200, or 2400 bits per second data rate and an LCD display driver with a 35
×4 dot output.
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Pin Assignment

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Block Diagram

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Pin Description

Pin No Pin Name I/O Function
43~49 PA0~PA6 I
54~61 PB0~PB7 I/O
62~63 PC0~PC1 I/O
1, 42, 52, 64
76 77
40 41
53 68 50 TMR1 I Schmitt trigger input for timer/event counter 2, 39, 51
65 BZ O
3~34 78~80
35~38 COM3~COM0 O Outputs for LCD panel common connections 66 75
69 BAL I
70 DI I 71 BS1 O Pager receiver power control enable output, CMOS output
72 BS2 O RF dc level adjustment pin, CMOS output 73 BS3 O PLL control pin, CMOS output
VSS Negative power supply (GND) X1
RES I Schmitt trigger reset input, active low BAF I Battery fail interrupt with debounce circuit input
VDD Positive power supply
TSC I TS I Decoder test mode input pin, active low with a pull-high resistor
7-bit input ports, with pull-high resistors Each bit can be configured as a wake-up input by mask option.
Bidirectional 8-bit input/output ports, pull-high mask option The output structures, whether tri-state or CMOS, are determined by software instructions.
Bidirectional 2-bit input/output ports, pull-high mask option The output structures, whether tri-state or CMOS, are determined by software instructions.
IOX1 and X2 are connected to an external crystal to form an
internal low power oscillator clock. OSC1 and OSC2 are connected to an RC network or a crystal
(determined by mask option) to form the system clock oscillator.
For RC operation , OSC2 is the output terminal of the system clock.
Buzzer non-inverting BZ output The BZ pin outputs “high” at buzzer off (by setting the value 00H of 1DH)
O LCD driver outputs for LCD panel segments
µC test mode input pin, active low with pull-high resistor
Battery low indication input, active high without pull-high resistor
POCSAG cod e input serial da ta (inverting o r non-inve rting as determined by SPF32). CMOS input without pull-high resistor
Frequency reference output pin The FOUT output pin produces a 76.8kHz/153.6kHz signal with a 1/2 duty cycle reference frequency if a 76.8kHz crystal is used.
4 23th Feb ’98

Absolute Maximum Ratings*

Supply Voltage.......... ................ ....–0.3V to 5.5V
Input Voltage..................V
–0.3V to VDD+0.3V
*Note: Stresses above those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent
damage to the device. The se are stress ratings on ly. Functional opera tion of this device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied and exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.
Storage Temperature.................–50
Operating Temperature...............–25
°C to 125°C
°C to 85°C

D.C. Characteristics

Symbol Parameter
Operating Voltage 3V application 2.2 3.0 3.5 V Operating Current 3V
Standby Current 1 3V
Standby Current 2 3V Input Low Voltage for
Input Port and I/O Port Input High Voltage for
Input Port and I/O Port Input Low Voltage
Input High Voltage (
RES,TMR1,BAL) Input Low Voltage (BAF) 3V 0 0.9 V Input High Voltage (BAF) 3V 1.3 3 V I/O Port Sink Current 3V VOL=0.3V 1.7 3.4 mA I/O Port Source Current 3V VOH=2.7V –1 –1.9 mA Segment 0-34 Output
Sink Current Segment 0-34 Output
Source Current BZ, Sink Current 3V VOL=0.3V 1 2.5 mA BZ, Source Current 3V VOH=2.7V –1 –2 mA
Test Conditions
No load, fsys=153.6kHz
No load, System HALT (Watchdog ON)
No load, System HALT (Watchdog OFF)
Min. Typ. Max. Unit
—— 1
3V 0 1 V
3V 2.2 3 V
3V 0 1 V
3V 2.2 3 V
3V V
3V V
=0.3V 20 44
=2.7V –20 –38
5 23th Feb ’98
Symbol Parameter
PC0~PC1 Sink C urrent 3V VOL=0.3V 1.7 3.4 mA PC0~PC1 Source Current
if Pull-High Mask Option BS1, BS2, BS3, FOUT Sink
Current BS1, BS2, BS3, FOUT
Source Current Pull-High I/O Port

A.C. Characteristics

Symbol Parameter
System Clock (RC OSC) 3V 76.8 256 1000 kHz System Clock (Crystal OSC) 3V 76.8 256 1000 kHz Pager Subsystem Clock
(Crystal OSC) Timer I/P Frequency (TMR1) 3V 0 1000 kHz External Reset Low Pulse Width 1 — Interrupt Pulse Width 1
Test Conditions
3V V
3V V
3V V
=0.3V 350
=2.7V –1 –1.9 mA
=2.7V –0.9 mA
Min. Typ. Max. Unit
3V 100 200 500
Test Conditions
Min. Typ. Max. Unit
3V 32.768 76.8 153.6 kHz
µs µs
* Note: t
6 23th Feb ’98

System Architecture

Execution flow
The HT9480 system clock can be derived from either a crystal or an RC o scillator. It is inter­nally divided into four non-overlapping clocks denoted by P1, P2, P3, and P4. Each instruction cycle consists of T1 to T4.
Instruction fetching and execution are pipe­lined in such a way that a fetch takes an in­struction cycle while decoding and execution take the next instru ction cycle. The p ipelining
Execution flow
Initial reset 0000000000000 Data ready interrupt and
battery fail interrupt Programmable timer
interrupt Timer/event Counter
interrupt Skip PC+2 Loading PCL *12 *11 *10 *9 *8 @7 @6 @5 @4 @3 @2 @1 @0 Jump, call branch #12#11#10#9#8#7#6#5#4#3#2#1#0 Return from subroutine S12 S11 S10 S9 S8 S7 S6 S5 S4 S3 S2 S1 S0
*12 *11 *10 *9 *8 *7 *6 *5 *4 *3 *2 *1 *0
0 000000000100
0 000000001000
0 000000001100
scheme causes each instruction to effectively execute within a cycle. If an instruction changes the content of the progra m counter two cycles are required to complete the instruction.
Program counter – P C
The program cou nter (PC) is 13-bit wide and controls the program ROM instruction se­quence executi on. The contents of th e PC can specify a of maximum 8192 addresses.
Program Counter
Notes: *12~*0: Program counter bits
#12~#0: Instruction code bits
Program counter
S12~S0: Stack register bits @7~@0: PCL bits
7 23th Feb ’98
The PC value is incremented by one after a program memory word is accessed in order to fetch an instruction code. The PC then points to a memory word with the next instruction code.
The PC loads the address corresponding to each instruction and then manipulates program transfer while executing a jump instruction, conditional skip execution, loading a PCL, a register, a subroutine call, an i nitial reset, an internal interrupt, an external interrupt, or re­turning from a subroutine.
The conditional skip is activated by instruc­tions. Once the condi tion is satisfied, the next instruction, fetched duri ng the current instruc­tion execution, is discarded, and a dummy cycle is replaced to get a proper instruction. Oth er­wise it proceeds with the following instruction.
The low byte of the PC (PCL) is a readable and writable register (06H). Moving data into the PCL performs a sho rt ju mp. Th e des tin ation i s within 256 locations.
If a control transfer takes pla ce, an additional dummy cycle is required.
Program memory – ROM
The program memory (ROM) is used to store the program instructions that are to be exe­cuted. It consists of data, table(s), and interrupt entries, and is organized into 8192
×16 bits,
which are addressed by the PC and table pointer. Certain location s in the ROM are reserved for
specific usage:
Location 0000H Location 0000H is reserved for program in-
itialization. The progra m always begins exe­cution at this lo cation each time the chip is reset.
Location 0004H Location 0004H is reserved for the data ready
interrupt and battery fail interrupt service programs. If an interrupt results from a pager decoder inte rrupt request or from a battery fail interrupt request, and the interrupt is enabled, and the stack is not full, the program begins exe cution at location 0004 H. The oc­currence of a data ready interrupt or a battery
Program memory
fail interrupt is detected by checking the bat­tery fail interrupt bit (1EH-bit 4, the data ready inte rrupt bit (1EH-bit 7, flag). The interrupt shou ld be carefu lly proc­essed if both interrupt bits are active.
Location 0008H Location 0008H is reserved fo r the program-
mable timer interru pt service program. If a n interrupt results from a programmable timer interrupt request (its source is from 256Hz divided by N, where the value of N ranges from 1 to 256.), and the in terrupt is enab led, and the stack is no t full, the program begins execution at location 0008H.
Location 000CH Location 000CH is reserved for the timer/event
counter interrupt service program. If a timer interrupt results from a timer/event counter overflow, and the interrupt is enabled, and the stack is not full, the program begins execution at location 000CH.
Look-up tables XX00H~XXFFH The ROM is composed of 32 groups (each
group contains 256 con tinuous words) whi ch can be used as look–up tables. The instruc­tions “TABRDC [m]” (the current table) and “TABRDL [m]” (the last table) transfer the contents of the low-order byte to the specified data memory , and the contents of the high-or­der byte to TBLH (Table High-order Byte Reg-
BF flag) and
8 23th Feb ’98
ister) (08H). Only the destination of the low­order byte in the table is well-defined, the other bits of the table word are all transferred to the low portion of TBLH. TBLH is read only while the table pointer (TBLP) is a read­able/writable register (0 7H) used to indicate the table location. Befo re accessing the tab le, the location should be placed in TBLP. All of the table related instructions require 2 cycles to complete the operation. This feature is effi­cient only for the movement of the blocks, which may functio n as look-u p tables o r as a normal program memory depending upon the requirements.
Stack register – STACK
The stack register is a special memory port used to save the contents of the PC. It is divided into 8 levels. The stack register is neither part of the data nor part of the program, and is neither readable nor writable. The activated level of the stack register is indexe d by the stack pointer (SP), and is neither readable nor writable. At the commen cement of a subroutine ca ll or an interrupt acknowledge, the contents of the PC is pushed onto the stack. At the end of the subrou­tine or the interrupt routine , as signaled by a return instruction (RET or RETI), the content s of the PC is restored to its previo us value from the stack. After a chip reset, the SP will point to the top of the stack.
If the stack is fu ll and a non-m aske d interrupt occurs, the interrupt request flag is recorded but acknowledging is inhibited unti l the value of the SP is decremented (by RET or RETI), allowing that interrupt to b e serviced. As this feature can prevent a stack overflow, the use of the structure becomes much easier. In a similar
case, if the stack is full, and a “CALL” is sub­sequently executed, a stack overflow occurs and the first entry is lost (only the most recent eight return addresses are stored).
Data memory – RAM
The data memory (RAM) is designed in three banks, i.e., bank 0, bank 1, and bank 27, and comprised of four functional groups, namely special function regis ters (of 22 1
×2 bit in bank0), data memory (of 416×8 bits;
×8 in bank 0; 19 2×8 in bank 1), LCD dis play
mapping memory (of 35 configuration RAM mapping m emory (of 21 bits). Most of the these groups are readable/wri­table but some are read only.
Of the four functional grou ps, the special func­tion registers of ba nk 0 consist of an indirect addressing registers (IAR0;00H, IAR1;02H), memory pointer registers (MP0;01H, MP1;03H), a memory bank pointer register (BP;04H), an accumulator (ACC;05H), a pro­gram counter low byte register (PCL;06H), a table pointer (TBLP;07H), a table high-order part register (TBLH;08H), a watchdog timer option setting register (WDTS;09H), a status register (STATUS;0AH), an interrupt control register (INTC;0BH), a programmable timer counter (TMR0;0DH), a programmable timer counter control register (TMRC0;0EH), a timer/event counter (TMR1;10H), a timer/event counter control register (TMRC1;11H), an input port, two I/O ports (PA;12H, PB;14H, PC;16H), two I/O control register (PBC;15H, PCC;17H), a tone control register (1DH), a pager control reg­ister (1EH), and a page r data register (1FH). The special fu nction regi sters are located from 00H to 1FH where as the 32 global data regi s-
×8 bits; 1×4 bit;
×4 bits), and decoder
Table Location
TABRDC [m] P12 P11 P10 P9 P8 @7 @6 @5 @4 @3 @2 @1 @0 TABRDL [m] 11111@7@6@5@4@3@2@1@0
Notes: *12~*0: Table location bits
@7~@0: Table pointer bits
P12~P8: Current p rogram counter bits
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RAM mapping
10 23th Feb ’98
ters are from 20H to 3FH, where each bank points to the same location. The other spaces , namely 0CH, 0FH, 13H, the high n ibble of 16H, 17H, and 18H~1CH, are all reserved for futu re expansion usage; reading these locations will get an “00H” value.
On the other hand, the general purpose data memory, divi ded into thr ee banks (bank 0, bank 1, and bank 27), is used for data, control infor­mation, and LCD display control under instruc­tion commands. The banks in the RAM are all addressed from 40H to FFH, and are selected by setting the value (“00H”: bank 0; “01H” : bank 1; “1BH”: bank 27) of the bank pointer (BP;04H). The bank27 memory is used for LCD display mapping and the decoder configuration RAM mapping. The spaces from 4FH to BFH and from E3H to FFH, and the high nibble part from C0H to E2H in bank 27 are all reserved for future expansion usage; reading these locations will derive “00H”.
The special regis ters, glob al data registe rs and general data memory can directly perform arithmetic, logic, increment, decrement, and ro­tate operations. Each bit in the RAM can be set and reset by “SET [m].i” and “CLR [m].i”, and can also be indirectly accessible through the memory pointer registers (MP0;01H, MP1;03H).
Of the speci al a d dres se s, 1 DH an d 1F H ca nn ot directly do all these operations, because they are not read and write accessible addresses. 1DH is a write-only a ddress, 1FH a read-only address, but these two a ddresses nam ely, 1DH and 1FH can only perfo rm operatio ns by using the “MOV” instruction.
Indirect addressing register
IARx (IAR0;00H, IAR1;02H) are indirect ad­dress registers that are not physically imple­mented. Any re ad/write operation of the IARx accesses the data memory pointed to by MPx (MP0;01H, MP1;03H). Reading the indirect ad­dressing register itself will indirectly derive 00H, while writing the indirect addressing reg­ister indirectly will lead to no operations. (IAR0, MP0) is indirectly addressable in bank 0, but (IAR1, MP1) is available for all banks.
Accumulator – ACC
The accumulator (ACC) relates to the ALU opera­tions. It is also mapped to location 05H of the data memory and is capable of carrying out immediate data operations. Data movement between these two data memories has to pass t hrough t he ACC.
Arithmetic and logic unit – ALU
This circuit performs 8 -bit ari thm etic and logic operations, and provides the following functions:
Arithmetic operation (ADD, ADC, SUB, SBC, DAA)
Logic operation (AND, OR, XOR, CPL)
Rotation (RL, RR, RLC, RRC)
Increment and decrement (INC, DEC)
Branch decision (SZ, SNZ, SIZ, SDZ, etc.)
The ALU not only saves the results of data operation, but also changes th e contents of the status register.
Status register – STATUS
The status register (0AH) is 8-bit wide. It contains a zero flag (Z), a carry flag (C), an auxiliary carry flag (AC), an over flow flag (O V), a powerdown flag (PD), and a WDT time-out flag (TO). The status register not only records the status information, but also controls the operation sequence.
The status re gister, like most other regis ters, can be altered by instructions except for the TO and PD flags. Any d ata written into the status register will not change TO or PD. It should be noted that ope ration s re la ted to the statu s reg­ister may derive different results from those intended. For exa mp l e, cleari ng th e statu s reg­ister CLR [0AH] has no effect on the TO and PD flags, and the value of the zero flag is also “1”, i.e., UU0100 is the data in the register, where the value of U is an unchanged value.
The Z, OV, AC, and C flags generally reflect the status of the latest operations.
On entering an interrupt sequence or executing a subroutine call, the status register will not be automatically pushed onto the stack. If the con­tents of the status is i mpo rtan t , and if the su b­routine may corrupt the status register, the programmer should take preca utions to sa ve it properly.
11 23th Feb ’98
Labels Bits Function
C is set if the operation results in a carry out in additi on or if a borrow does not
OV PD 4 PD is cleared during power up, and set by a “HALT” instruction. TO 5
take place in s ubtraction; otherwis e C is cleared. C is also affected b y a rotate through carry instructions.
AC is set if the operation results in a carry out of the low nibbles in addition or if
a borrow from the high nibble into the low nibble does not take place in subtraction; otherwise AC is cleared.
Z is set if the resul t of an arith metic or a l ogic operati on is zero; o therwise Z is cleared.
OV is set if the operation results in a carry into the high-order bit but not a carry
out of the high-order bit, or vice versa; otherwise OV is cleared.
TO is cleared during power up o r by a “CLR WDT” instruction and a “HALT”
instruction. TO is set by a current timer time-out. 6 Undefined, read as “0” 7 Undefined, read as “0”
STATUS register
The HT9480 pr ovides an i nternal programm a­ble timer inte rrupt, an internal d ata ready in­terrupt, timer/event counter interrupt, and a battery fail interrupt. The inte rnal data ready interrupt and the battery fail interrupt employ the same jump location (04H). The interrupt control register (INTC;0BH) contains interrupt control bits to set no t only the enab le/disable status but also the interrupt request flags.
Once an interrupt subro utine is serviced, the other interrupts will all be blocked (by clearing the EMI bit). This scheme may prevent any further interrupt ne sting. Other interrupt re­quests may occur during this interval, but only the interrupt re quest fla g is record ed. If a cer­tain interrupt requires servicing within the service routine, the EMI bit and the correspond­ing bit of the INTC register may be set to permit interrupt nesting. W hen the stack is full, the interrupt request will not be acknowledged even if the related interrupt is enable d, until the SP is decreme nted. If imme diate service i s desired, the stack should be prevented from becoming full.
All of these interrupts can support the wake-up function. As an interrup t is serviced , a contro l transfer occurs by pushing the contents of the PC onto the stack, followed by a branch to a subroutine at the specifi ed loca tion in the pro­gram memory. Only the contents of the PC is pushed onto the stack. If the contents of the register or of the status re gister (STATUS) is altered by the interrupt service program which corrupts the desire d control sequence, the con­tents should be saved in advance.
The data ready interrupt and battery fail inter­rupt share the same subroutine call location 04H. Checking the battery fail interrupt bit (
BF;bit 4 of 1EH) and th e da ta re ady inte rrup t
bit (
DR; bit 7 of 1EH) can determine which kind of interrupt has occurred. The value of 1EH-bit 7
DR is cleared “0” by the decoder data ready interrupt signal, and is set to “1” when the sets this bit high. Both interrupt bits are active low.
The data ready inte rrupt is generated by the pager decoder after a valid call is received, and is initialized by setting the data ready interrupt request flag (EIF; b it 4 of INTC) and th e data
12 23th Feb ’98
ready interrupt bit (DR; bit 7 of 1EH). Once the data ready interru pt is triggered, the stack is not full, and the EMI bit is set, a subroutine call to location 04H will occur. The related interrupt request flag (EIF) will, however, be reset, and the EMI bit cleared to disable further inter­rupts. This interrup t sh ou ld be pro ces se d care­fully if the battery fail interrupt is activated as well.
The battery fail interrupt, on the other hand, is triggered by a high to low transition on When the battery fail interrupt is enabled, the stack is not fu ll, an d th e interru pt requ es t fl ag (EIF; bit 4 of INTC) is set, a subroutine call to location 04H wil l occur. The related interrupt request flag (EIF) will also be reset, and the EMI bit be cleared to disable other interrupts.
The programmable timer interrupt is automat­ically triggered at a rate of 256Hz/N (where the value of N ran ges from 1 to 256), and th en the interrupt req uest flag (T0F; bit 5 of INTC) is set. When the timer i nterrupt is enabled, the stack is not full, and the programmable tim er interrupt is activated, a subroutine call to loca­tion 08H will occur. Then, the related interrupt
request flag (T0F) will be reset, and the EMI bit cleared to disable other interrupts.
The timer/event counter interrupt is initialized by setting the timer/event counter interrupt re­quest flag (T1F; bit 6 of INTC), which is nor­mally caused by a timer overflow. When the interrupt is ena bled, the stack is not ful l, and the T1F bit is set , a subroutine call to location 0CH will occur. The related interrupt request flag (T1F) will be reset, and the EMI bit cleared to disable further interrupts.
During the execution of an interrupt subrou­tine, other interrup t acknowledgments are all held until the “RETI” instruction is executed, or the EMI bit and the related interrupt control bit are both set to 1 (if the stack is not full). To return from the in terrupt subroutine, a “RET” or “RETI” instruction may be invoked. RETI will set the EMI bit to enable an interrupt service, but RET will not.
The interrupts are serviced between the rising edges of the two adja cent T2 clocks. In cas e of simultaneous requests, the following table shows the priority that is applied. These can be masked by resetting the EMI bit.
Register Bit No. Label Function
Controls the master (global) interrupt (1=enabled; 0=disabled)
Controls the data ready and battery fail interrupts (1=enabled; 0=disabled)
Controls the programmable timer interrupt (1=enabled; 0=disabled)
Controls the timer/event counter interrupt (1=enabled, 0=disabled)
Internal data ready and battery fail interrupt request flag (1=active; 0=inactive)
Internal programmable timer interrupt request flag (1=active; 0=inactive)
Timer/event counter request flag (1=active; 0=inactive)
INTC register
13 23th Feb ’98
6T1F 7 -- Unused bit, read as “0”
NO. Interrupt Source Priority Vector
Data ready interrupt and
battery fail interrupt
timer interrupt Timer/event
counter overflow
The programmable timer interrupt request flag (T0F), timer/event counter interrupt request flag (T1F), data ready interrupt and battery fail interrupt request flag (EIF), enable timer/event counter bit (ET1I), enable data ready interrupt bit (EEI), and ena ble programmable timer in­terrupt bit (ET0 I) make up the regi ster INTC which is located at 0BH in the data memory. The EEI, ET0I, ET1I, and EMI bits are all use d to control the enable/disable status of the inter­rupts, preventing the requested interru pt from being serviced. Once the interrupt request flags (T0F, T1F, and EIF) are set, t hey wil l r emain in the INTC register until the interrupts are serv­iced or cleared by a software instruction.
A “CALL subroutine ” in the interrupt subrou­tine should be u sed. This is beca use interrup ts often occur in an unpredictable manner or need to be immediately serviced in some applica­tions. During this time, if only one stack is left, and enabling the inte rrupt is not well control­led, the operation of a “CALL subroutine” in the interrupt service routine is quite likely to upset the original control sequence.
Oscillat or co nf iguration
The system core and the pager subsystem of the HT9480 are clocked by different oscillators. The system oscillato r can be either a crystal or an RC type. The su bsystem low power osc illator , on the other hand, is a crystal type which is de­signed with the power on start-up function to reduce the stabili zation time of the oscillator. This start-up function is enabled by PC2 which is initially set high at power on reset, and should be clea red so a s to en ab le th e low - power oscillator functi on . T he oscil la tor co nfigura tio n is running in the low power mode.
Low power oscillator
The system oscillator can be configured as either an RC or crystal type of oscillator , deter­mined by mask option. No matte r what kind of oscillator type is selected, the signal provides a system clock. The system clock may also be externally connected. The HALT mode stops the system osci llator and igno res external sig­nals to conserve power.
If the system oscillator is an RC type oscillator, an external resistor between OSC1 and OSC2 is required. The system clock is available on OSC2, which can be used to syn chro nize e xter­nal logic. An RC oscillator provides the most cost-effective solution. The frequency of oscilla­tion may vary with power , temperature, and the chip itself due to process variations. The RC oscillator is, there fore, not suitable for timing sensitive opera tions wh ere an accurate oscill a­tor frequency is desired.
On the other hand, if a crystal type oscillator is used, a crystal across OSC1 and OSC2 is re­quired to provide the feed back and phase shift for oscillation, and no other external compo­nents are required. A ceramic resonator can replace the crystal connected between OSC1 and OSC2 to derive a frequency reference. In this case, two e xtern al ca paci tors at OSC 1 a nd OSC2 are required.
14 23th Feb ’98
System clock oscillator
An external clock can also be applied to OSC1 . In this application, the mask option for the crystal type osci llator should be selected , and OSC2 kept open.
The low power crystal oscillator is designed for the pager subsystem and is used to clock the frequency divider, pager decoder, and LCD driver. When the system enters the powerdown mode the crystal oscillator for the pager subsys­tem keeps running.
Watchdog timer – WDT
The clock source of the watchdog timer (WDT ) is implemented by a subsystem clock (WDTCLK from the pager subsystem which re­mains running during a system halt) or by an
instruction clock (the syste m clock divided by
4), that is deci ded by ma sk op ti on . Th e v a lu e of WDTCLK can be set as 153.6kHz/1024 (or 2048),
76.8kHz/1024 (or 2048), or 32.768k Hz/1024 (or
2048), depending upon the different crystal type. The WDT is the program designed to avoid software m alfunctions or sequence from jumping to an unknown location with unpre­dictable results. It can be disabled by mask option. If the WDT is disabled, all the execu­tions related to the WDT lead to no operations.
If the subsystem clock is selected, it is first divided by 256 (8 stages) to get the nominal time-out period. Longer tim e-outs can be real­ized by invoking the WDT prescaler. Writing data to WS2, WS1, and WS0 (b its 2,1,0 of the WDTS) can yie ld different time -out periods. If the values of WS2, WS1, and WS0 are all equal to 1, the division ratio is up to 1:128.
On the other hand, if th e instruction clock is applied, the WDT operates in the same manner as the case when the subsystem clock is chosen, except that i n the HALT state the W DT stops counting and lose its protection purpose. In this situation, the WDT logic can be restarted by external logic. The high nibble a nd bit 3 of the WDTS is reserved for user defined flags, which can be used to indicate some specified status.
The overflow of the WDT under normal ope ra­tion not only initializes the “chip reset”, but sets the status bit “TO”. An overflow in the HALT
Division Ratio Option Crystal Type and Time-Out Period
WS2 WS1 WS0 Division Ratio 153.6kHz 76.8kHz 32.768kHz
0 0 0 1:1 13.3ms 26.7ms 6 2.5ms 0 0 1 1:2 26.7ms 53.3ms 125ms 0 1 0 1:4 53.3ms 106.7ms 250ms 0 1 1 1:8 106.7ms 213.3m s 5 00ms 1 0 0 1:16 213.3ms 426.7ms 1000ms 1 0 1 1:32 426.7ms 853.3ms 2000ms 1 1 0 1:64 853.3ms 1706.7ms 4000ms 1 1 1 1:128 1706.7ms 3413.3ms 8000ms
WDTs register
15 23th Feb ’98
Watchdog timer
mode initializes a “warm reset” only when the PC and SP are reset to zero. To clear the con­tents of the WDT (including the WDT pres­caler), there are three methods to be ado pted namely, external reset (a low level to software instruction(s) , and a “HALT” instruc­tion. There are two typ es of software instruc­tions, “CLR WDT” and “CLR WDT1”/“CLR WDT2”. But only one of these two types of in­structions can be active at a time depending on the mask op tion option”. If the “CLR WDT” is selected (i.e., CLRWDT times equal one), any execution of the “CLR WDT” instruction clears the WDT. In the case that “CLR WDT1” and “CLR WDT2” are chosen (i.e ., CLRWDR times equal two), th ese two instructions should be executed to clear the WDT; otherwise, the WDT may reset the chip due to a time-out.
Powerdown opera tion – HALT
The HALT mode is initialized by the “HALT” instruction and results in the following.
The system tu rns o ff. The low power os cilla tor, tone generator, LCD driver, pager decoder, and WDT oscillator all keep running (if the WDT oscillator is selected).
The contents of the on–chip RAM and of the registers remain unchanged.
The WDT and th e WDT prescaler are cleared and counted again (if the WDT clock is from the WDT oscil lator).
All the I/O ports remain in their original status. The PD flag is set but the TO flag is cleared. The system can quit the HALT mode by an
“CLR WDT tim es selection
external reset, an interrupt, an external falling edge signal on port A, or a WDT overflow. An external reset leads to device initialization and the WDT overflow performs a “warm reset”. After the TO an d PD flags are examined, the reason for the chip reset is determined. The PD flag that is cleared on power-up is set afte r the “HALT” instruction is execute d. The TO fla g is set when the WDT time-out occurs, which causes a wake-up that resets only the PC and SP, and leaves the others in their original status.
The port A wake-up and interrupt me thods can be considered as a continuation of normal exe­cution. Every bit in port A can be independently selected to wake up the device by mask option . Awakening from an I/O port stimulation, the program resumes execution of the next instruc­tion. However, if the program awakens from an interrupt, two sequences may occur. The pro­gram will resume execution at the next instruc­tion if the rela ted interrup t(s) is (are) di sabled or the interrupt(s) is (are) enabled but the stack is full. A regular interrupt response, on the other hand, may tak e place if the interrupt is enabled and the stack is not full.
If the wake-up event(s) occurs and the wake-up results from an interrupt acknowledge, the actual interrupt subroutine execution is delayed by one or more cycles. On the oth er han d, if the wak e­up brings about the following instruction execu­tion, the actual interrupt subroutine is executed immediately after the dummy period is completed.
To minimize power consumption, the I/O pins should all be carefully managed before entering the HALT status.
16 23th Feb ’98
There are five ways in which a reset can occur:
Power on reset (POR)
RES reset during normal operation
RES reset during HALT
WDT time-out reset during norma l oper ati on
WDT time-out reset during HALT
The WDT time-out during HALT is different from other chip reset conditions, since it can perform a “warm reset” that just resets the PC and SP, leaving the other ci rcuits to ke ep their state. Some registers remain unchanged during other reset conditi ons. Most registers are reset to the “initial condition ” when the reset condi­tions are met. By examining the PD and TO flags, the program can distinguish between dif­ferent “chip resets”.
TO PD RESET Conditions
0 0 Power on reset uu 01 1u
RES reset during normal operation
RES wake-up HALT WDT time-out during normal
1 1 WDT wake-up HAL T
Note:“u” means “unchanged”
Reset configuration
If crystal mask option is selected , the can be fed by X1, X2 decoder input clock (See Application Circuit 2).
The functional un its ch ip res et sta tus is shown in the following table.
PC 0000H Interrupt Disabled Prescaler Cleared
Cleared. After master
reset, WDT starts counting.
Programmable timer Counter
Timer/event Counter
Programmable Tone Generator
Pager Decoder Off Input/output Ports input mode
Points to the top of the stack
µC clock
Reset circuit
17 23th Feb ’98
Programmable timer counter and timer/event counter
The programmable timer co unter (TMR0) and timer/event counter (TMR1) are constructed us­ing the same structure. Both counters contain an 8–bit programmable count-up counter, whose clocks may come from an external source or from the system clock divided by 4.
If the internal instruction clock is selected, only one reference time-base is pro vided . The exter­nal clock input allows the user to count external events, measure time intervals or pulse widths, or generate an accurate time base. The clock of the programmable timer counter should com e from the external clock of the 75Hz for Real Time Clock (RTC) if a 76.8kHz crystal is used.
There are two sets of regis ters related to the programmable timer counter and to the timer/event counter namely, TMR0 (0DH) and TMRC0 (0EH) and TMR1 (10H) and TMRC1 (11H). There are also two physical registers mapped to the TMR0 and TMR1 locations: Writing to TMR0 and TMR1 puts the starting value in the programmable tim er counter and in the timer/event counter preload registers, while reading them gets the contents of the two counters. TMRC0 and TMRC1 are co ntrol reg­isters used to define some timer options.
The TM0 and TM1 bits define the operation mode. The event count mode is used to count external events, which means that the clock source may come from either a 256Hz generator (for TMR0) or an external pin (for TMR1) . The timer mode fu nctions as a normal timer, with the clock source coming from the instruction clock or from the outputs of the TMR1 prescaler (TMR0 cannot be us ed i n th is mo de). The pulse width measurement mode can be used to count the high or low level duration of the exte rnal signal TMR1, TMR0 is also disabled in this mode. The counting is based on the system clock.
In the event count or timer mode, once the programmable timer counter or timer/event counter starts counti ng, it will count from th e current contents in the counter to FFH. Once an overflow occurs, the counter is reloaded from its counter preload register a nd generates an in­terrupt request flag (T0F; bit 5 of INTC and T1F; bit 6 of INTC for programmable timer counter and timer/event counter, respectively).
On the other hand, in the pulse width measure­ment mode with t he TON bit equa l to one, w hen the TMR1 receives a transient from low to high (or high to low depending upon the TE bit) it will start counting until the TMR1 returns to the original leve l and resets the TON as well.
Labels (TMRC0
and TMRC1)
0~2 Unused bits, read as “0”
TE 3
Bits Function
To define the TMR0 and TMR1 active edge of programmable timer counter and timer/event counter (0=active on low to high; 1=active on high to low)
To enable/di sable timer count ing (0=disable d; 1= en ab led)
5 Unused bits, read as “0”
To define the operation mode 01=Event count mode (external clock)
10=Timer mode (in ternal clock)
11=Pulse width measurement mo de 00=Unused
TMRC register
18 23th Feb ’98
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