Holtek Semiconductor Inc HT6513B Datasheet

Mouse Controller
Pin Assignment
Low power dissipation
Use 32.768KHz crystal
Crystal oscillator circuits on-chip
1200 baud rate serial output
Power directly from RS-232C without exter­nal power supply
Three key-switches a nd four photo-couples inputs
Key-in and key-release debounce interval 52 ms
The HT6513 can execute two different outputs with any of the key-switch inputs
RXD with heavy NMOS output
General Description
The HT6513 is a specially designed CMOS IC for mouse control applications. Capable of driv­ing up to 3 key-switches a nd 4 photo-couplers directly into a standard RS-232C line, and it
can be operated without an external power sup­ply. It is compatible with both Microsoft and Mouse systems with false entries being pre­vented by internal debounce circuits.
1 23rd Oct ’96
Block Diagram
Pin Description
Pin Name I/O
When this pin is connected to VDD , then HT65 13 is assi gned to operate under the microsoft mode only. If the pin is connected to VSS, then HT6513 wi ll ope rate under th e m ouse system mode. If MS pin is “floating”, the HT6513 is on the power on initiation mode.
TEST I Pull-Low
For IC test only. The test pin must be connected to VSS, while
the chip is under normal usage. OSCI I Oscillator input pin OSCO O Oscillator output pin
The signal is sent b y the mouse driver from the computer to
select the mode.
The HT6513 re plies with the selected m ode to the RXD line
after the puls e signal of the RTS l ine. RXD wi ll send out “ CD”H
code under the microsoft mode.
Open Drain
There are 7 or 8 bits in each data byte. Using p arallel-in and
serial-out circuit, the data bytes are shifted out from bit 0
through the most significant bit. HT6513 will transmit the
data when the s tatus of the three ke y-switches or the state of
the horizontal counter or vertical counter change. VSS I Negative power supply
2 23rd Oct ’96
Pin Name I/O
Three key-switches have seven different combinations in total.
Both key-pressed and key-released signals will be sent
accompanied with horizo ntal and ve rtical state. The status of
the key-switches, the value s of h orizon tal or ve rtical co unters
will be present at RXD and
RXD. The debounce interval for
both key-press and key-release is 13ms. X1
X2 Y1 Y2
Four photo-couplers signals denote UP, DOWN, LEFT, and
RIGHT state.
During the scaning period, as long as the photo-couplers
change their states, the value of vertical or horizon tal counte r
will increase or decrease accordingly. VDD I Position power supply
Approximate Internal connection circuits
3 23rd Oct ’96
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