Hologic Discovery Technical Manual

QDR® Series
Hologic, Inc. 35 Crosby Drive Bedford, MA 01730 USA
Phone in US: 800-321-4659
Fax (Domestic): 781-280-0670
Fax (International): 781-280-0671
Document 080-1085
Revision 008
Discovery QDR Series Technical Manual
December 2010
The information contained in this manual is confidential and proprietary to Hologic, Inc. This information is provided only to authorized representatives of Hologic's customers solely for the purpose of facilitating the use of Hologic's products. No information contained herein may be disclosed to any unauthorized person for any purpose whatsoever without the prior written consent of Hologic, Inc.
The procedures described in this document are intended for use by direct employees of Hologic, Inc., or authorized Hologic Equipment Resellers and their trained field engineers. Any unauthorized or untrained persons performing these procedures may affect the warranty of the Discovery QDR Series.
Exercise proper caution when servicing the system. There are dangerous and potentially lethal voltages accessible within the Discovery system. To avoid exposure to shock hazards, the Main Circuit Breaker should be switched off, and the power cord removed, before working inside any part of the system.
The Discovery QDR Series Fan Beam X-ray Bone Densitometer produces ionizing radiation in the form of X-rays. It may be dangerous to the patient, operator or field engineer unless safe exposure factors and operating instructions are observed. To avoid unsafe exposure, do not attempt to service the equipment unless you are a Hologic, Inc., certified field engineers. Exercise proper caution when servicing the system. A dosimeter (film badge) should always be worn while on site. Dose and scatter measurements must be taken after each service call to ensure that the parameters are still within specifications.
Hologic, Inc., has made all effort to ensure that the information in this manual is accurate and complete. Hologic, Inc., shall not, however, be liable for any technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein, or for incidental, special or consequential dangers in connection with the furnishing or use of this manual. The information in this manual is subject to change without notice.
Discovery and the Hologic logo are registered trademarks of Hologic, Inc. All other products and company names used in this manual are trademarks and registered trademarks of other manufactures.
Printed in U.S.A. Copyright© 2003-2010 by Hologic, Inc., All rights reserved
Discovery QDR Series Technical Manual
1.1 System Overview ............................................................................................... 1-1
1.1.1 X-Ray Scanning Principles ....................................................................... 1-2
1.2 Functional Overview .......................................................................................... 1-4
1.3 Product Specifications ..................................................................................... 1-10
1.3.1 Exam Mode(s) Performance ................................................................... 1-12
1.3.2 Duty Cycle: ............................................................................................. 1-13
1.3.3 Leakage Technique Factors .................................................................... 1-13
1.3.4 Minimum Beam Filtration ...................................................................... 1-13
1.3.5 Measured Half Value Layer (HVL) At Different Operating Potentials . 1-13
1.3.6 Line Voltage and Maximum Line Current ............................................. 1-13
1.3.7 Technique Factors for Maximum Line Current ...................................... 1-13
1.3.8 Maximum Deviation ............................................................................... 1-14
1.3.9 Measurement Criteria for Technique Factors ......................................... 1-14
2.1 Computer ........................................................................................................... 2-1
2.2 PCI Communications Controller Board ............................................................. 2-1
2.2.1 Interface Connections ............................................................................... 2-1
2.3 Distribution Board ............................................................................................. 2-3
2.3.1 Power ........................................................................................................ 2-3
2.3.2 Interface Connections ............................................................................... 2-4
2.4 Motor Controller Board ..................................................................................... 2-5
2.4.1 Power ........................................................................................................ 2-5
2.4.2 Interface Connections ............................................................................... 2-6
2.5 TZ Drive Board (A and SL Only) ...................................................................... 2-6
2.5.1 Service Switches ....................................................................................... 2-7
2.5.2 Power ........................................................................................................ 2-7
2.5.3 Interface Connections ............................................................................... 2-8
2.6 Control Panel Controller Board ....................................................................... 2-10
2.6.1 Power ...................................................................................................... 2-10
2.6.2 Interface Connections ............................................................................. 2-10
2.7 C-Arm Interface Board .................................................................................... 2-12
2.7.1 Continuity Daisy Chain .......................................................................... 2-13
2.7.2 Power ...................................................................................................... 2-13
2.7.3 Interface Connections ............................................................................. 2-13
2.8 X-Ray Controller Assembly (P/N 010-1273) .................................................. 2-16
2.8.1 Interface .................................................................................................. 2-16
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Discovery QDR Series Technical Manual
2.8.2 X-Ray Controller Board .......................................................................... 2-18
2.9 X-Ray Source Unit ........................................................................................... 2-19
2.10 Data Acquisition System (C, W, and SL) ..................................................... 2-20
2.10.1 Solid State Detector ............................................................................. 2-20
2.10.2 Integrator/Multiplexor Subsection ........................................................ 2-20
2.10.3 Analog To Digital Board ...................................................................... 2-21
2.10.4 Power .................................................................................................... 2-21
2.10.5 Interface Connections ........................................................................... 2-21
2.11 Data Acquisition System (A Model only) ..................................................... 2-23
2.11.1 Solid State Detector ............................................................................. 2-23
2.11.2 Power .................................................................................................... 2-23
2.11.3 Interface Connections ........................................................................... 2-23
2.12 Integrator/Multiplexor Board ......................................................................... 2-24
2.12.1 Power .................................................................................................... 2-25
2.12.2 Interface Connections ........................................................................... 2-25
2.13 Analog To Digital Board (A Model Only) .................................................... 2-27
2.13.1 Power .................................................................................................... 2-27
2.13.2 Interface Connections ........................................................................... 2-27
2.14 Torroid Power Module and DIN Rail ............................................................ 2-29
3.1 Pre-Installation Requirements ............................................................................ 3-1
3.1.1 Required Tools .......................................................................................... 3-1
3.1.2 Required Documentation .......................................................................... 3-1
3.1.3 Room and Doorway Size .......................................................................... 3-2
3.1.4 Arrange For Help ...................................................................................... 3-6
3.2 Uncrate and Move to Destination ...................................................................... 3-6
3.2.1 Inspect For Shipping Damage ................................................................... 3-6
3.2.2 Uncrate Unit .............................................................................................. 3-7
3.2.3 Take Inventory .......................................................................................... 3-8
3.2.4 Measure Path To Final Destination .......................................................... 3-8
3.2.5 Remove Tabletop (If Necessary) .............................................................. 3-9
3.2.6 Remove Discovery A or SL Lower C-Arm Assembly (If Necessary) ... 3-10
3.2.7 Prepare the Tabletop for Moving (A, W,Wi) .......................................... 3-12
3.2.8 Move Unit To Destination ...................................................................... 3-12
3.2.9 Set Up the Unit ....................................................................................... 3-16
3.3 Install the System ............................................................................................. 3-18
3.3.1 Install Cables ........................................................................................... 3-18
3.3.2 Check Power Line Voltage ..................................................................... 3-23
3.3.3 Install Computer ..................................................................................... 3-24
iv Table of Contents
Discovery QDR Series Technical Manual
3.3.4 Start QDR Software in Service Mode ..................................................... 3-24
3.3.5 Check Table Alignment .......................................................................... 3-25
3.3.6 Perform C-Arm Parallelism Adjustment (A and SL systems only) ........ 3-27
3.4 Calibrate and Test the System ......................................................................... 3-28
3.4.1 Check Tube kV Peak Potential ............................................................... 3-28
3.4.2 Check Tube Current ............................................................................... 3-30
3.4.3 Adjust Belt Tension ................................................................................ 3-32
3.4.4 Calibrate Motors ..................................................................................... 3-33
3.4.5 X-Ray Beam Alignment ........................................................................ 3-47
3.4.6 Calibrate Aperture (Cannot be run on Ci and Wi models) ..................... 3-53
3.4.7 Check Laser Positioning Offset .............................................................. 3-54
3.5 A/D Gain Control Adjustment ......................................................................... 3-54
3.5.1 Check and Verify the A/D Gain ............................................................. 3-54
3.5.2 Adjust the A/D Gain ............................................................................... 3-55
3.5.3 Perform Detector Flattening .................................................................. 3-55
3.5.4 Perform Lateral Alignment Test (A and SL) .......................................... 3-56
3.5.5 Check HVPS/S (Tank) For Radiation Leakage ...................................... 3-58
3.5.6 Calibrate For Area, BMD And BMC ...................................................... 3-60
3.5.7 Scan Thickness Measurement & Calibration (C and W) ........................ 3-61
3.5.8 Scan Thickness Measurement & Calibration (A and SL) ....................... 3-61
3.5.9 Calibration of Area and BMC, for Array Scan Modes ........................... 3-62
3.5.10 RECALYZE and Add Array AP Scans to the QC Database ................ 3-63
3.5.11 Install Software Options ....................................................................... 3-64
3.5.12 Test Scan Modes ................................................................................... 3-64
3.5.13 Finish Assembling Unit ........................................................................ 3-66
3.5.14 Measure X-Ray Dose To Patient .......................................................... 3-66
3.5.15 Measure X-Ray Scatter From Phantom ................................................ 3-67
3.5.16 Perform QC ........................................................................................... 3-67
3.5.17 Run Reproducibility Test ...................................................................... 3-67
3.5.18 Table Top Radiographic Uniformity (A, W and Wi) ........................... 3-68
3.5.19 Instruments using Body Composition Analysis (BCA) ........................ 3-69
3.5.20 Instruments using BMD Whole Body Analysis ................................... 3-70
3.6 The Radiation Measurement Report ................................................................ 3-70
4.1 Check Table Alignment ..................................................................................... 4-1
4.2 Align the Table .................................................................................................. 4-1
4.2.1 Table Edge to T-Rail (“A” Dimension) Adjustment ................................ 4-1
4.2.2 Front to Back T-Rail and Table Edge/Rail Gap Adjustment .................... 4-3
4.3 C-Arm Parallelism Adjustment ........................................................................ 4-3
4.4 X-Ray Beam Alignment ................................................................................... 4-4
4.5 Aperture Calibration ......................................................................................... 4-9
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Discovery QDR Series Technical Manual
4.6 Motor Calibration ............................................................................................ 4-10
4.7 Laser Positioning Offset Adjustment ............................................................... 4-26
4.8 A/D Gain Control Adjustment ......................................................................... 4-26
4.8.1 Check and Verify the A/D Gain ............................................................. 4-27
4.8.2 Adjust the A/D Gain ............................................................................... 4-27
4.9 Filter Drum Encoder Alignment ...................................................................... 4-28
4.10 Detector Flattening ....................................................................................... 4-29
4.11 Lateral Alignment Test (QDR 4500A and SL) .............................................. 4-30
4.12 Table Top Radiographic Uniformity ............................................................. 4-32
4.12.1 Instruments using Body Composition Analysis (BCA) ........................ 4-33
4.12.2 Instruments using BMD Whole Body Analysis ................................... 4-33
4.13 Check Phantom values ................................................................................... 4-34
4.14 Area, BMD, and BMC Calibration ................................................................ 4-34
4.14.1 Scan Thickness Measurement & Calibration (C and W) ...................... 4-35
4.14.2 Scan Thickness Measurement & Calibration (A and SL) ..................... 4-36
4.14.3 Calibration of Area and BMC, for Array Scan Modes ......................... 4-37
4.14.4 RECALYZE and Add Array AP Scans to the QC Database ................ 4-38
5.1 Recommended Tools ......................................................................................... 5-1
5.2 Electronics Tray FRUS ...................................................................................... 5-1
5.2.1 Electronics Tray Printed Circuit Boards ................................................... 5-2
5.2.2 C-Arm Y Motor or Gearcase .................................................................... 5-3
5.2.3 C-Arm Y Encoder ..................................................................................... 5-4
5.3 Table Y FRUs (A, W and Wi Only) .................................................................. 5-4
5.3.1 Control Panel (All models) ....................................................................... 5-5
5.3.2 PCBs Under Right-Side of the Table ........................................................ 5-5
5.3.3 Table Y Belt .............................................................................................. 5-6
5.3.4 Table Y Motor or Gearcase ...................................................................... 5-7
5.3.5 Table Y Encoder ....................................................................................... 5-7
5.4 Table X FRUS ................................................................................................... 5-8
5.4.1 Table X Motor Controller PCB ................................................................ 5-9
5.4.2 Table X Belt ............................................................................................ 5-10
5.4.3 Table X Motor or Gearcase .................................................................... 5-10
5.4.4 Table X Encoder ..................................................................................... 5-11
5.5 Table Z FRUs (A and SL only) ...................................................................... 5-12
5.5.1 Pedestal ................................................................................................... 5-12
5.5.2 The Linear Rotary String (Encoder) ....................................................... 5-14
5.6 Lower C-Arm FRUS ........................................................................................ 5-16
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Discovery QDR Series Technical Manual
5.6.1 C-Arm Interface Board ........................................................................... 5-17
5.6.2 X-Ray Controller Assembly ................................................................... 5-18
5.6.3 Filter Drum Assembly ............................................................................ 5-18
5.6.4 Tank Assembly ....................................................................................... 5-19
5.6.5 Arm R FRUS (A and SL only) ............................................................... 5-21
5.6.6 Motor Controller Board ......................................................................... 5-23
5.6.7 Arm R Belt .............................................................................................. 5-23
5.6.8 Arm R Motor, Gearcase, Encoder or Encoder Belt ................................ 5-24
5.6.9 Gas Spring ............................................................................................... 5-25
5.7 Upper C-Arm FRUS ........................................................................................ 5-25
5.7.1 Detector Assembly A, SL, W, C Systems .............................................. 5-26
5.7.2 Detector Assembly C1 and Wi Systems ................................................. 5-27
5.7.3 Laser Assembly ....................................................................................... 5-29
5.7.4 Analog to Digital Converter Board (A Model only) ............................... 5-30
5.8 Aperture Assembly FRUS ............................................................................... 5-31
5.8.1 Aperture Stepper Motor .......................................................................... 5-31
5.8.2 Aperture Motor PCB ............................................................................... 5-32
5.8.3 Aperture Position Belt ............................................................................ 5-32
5.8.4 Rotary Potentiometer .............................................................................. 5-33
5.9 Drum Assembly FRUS .................................................................................... 5-34
5.9.1 Drum Encoder PCB ................................................................................ 5-34
5.9.2 Drum Belts .............................................................................................. 5-36
5.9.3 Stepper Motor Assembly ........................................................................ 5-37
5.9.4 Drum Bearings ........................................................................................ 5-37
5.10 Replacing EMI Cables ................................................................................... 5-40
5.11 FRU Lists ....................................................................................................... 5-41
6.1 Before Starting ................................................................................................... 6-1
6.2 Software Configuration ...................................................................................... 6-1
6.3 Hardware Configuration .................................................................................... 6-1
6.4 Power Problems ................................................................................................. 6-1
6.5 Motion Problems ................................................................................................ 6-2
6.6 Control Panel Problems ..................................................................................... 6-5
6.7 Display Problems ............................................................................................... 6-5
6.7.1 Vertical Stripe ........................................................................................... 6-5
6.7.2 Horizontal Stripe ....................................................................................... 6-6
6.7.3 Noise ......................................................................................................... 6-7
6.7.4 No Display ................................................................................................ 6-7
6.8 Targeting/Laser Problems .................................................................................. 6-8
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Discovery QDR Series Technical Manual
6.9 Data Communications Problems ....................................................................... 6-8
6.10 Area/BMD/BMC/CV Specification Problems ................................................. 6-9
6.11 X-Ray Problems ............................................................................................... 6-9
6.11.1 No X-Rays .............................................................................................. 6-9
6.12 X-Ray Alignment Problems ............................................................................. 6-9
6.12.1 X-Ray beam does not align properly ...................................................... 6-9
6.12.2 System Fails X-Ray Beam Alignment Verification ............................. 6-10
6.13 Detector Flattening Problems ........................................................................ 6-10
6.13.1 System Consistently Fails the Detector Flattening Procedure .............. 6-10
6.14 Laser Problems .............................................................................................. 6-11
6.15 Oil leakage ..................................................................................................... 6-12
6.15.1 The Torque Specifications .................................................................... 6-12
6.15.2 Tank Top Cover Components and Screw Location .............................. 6-12
6.15.3 Tightening the Lexan Cup Screws ........................................................ 6-13
6.15.4 Tightening the Bladder Gasket Screws ................................................. 6-13
6.15.5 Tightening the Transformer Seal Screws .............................................. 6-14
6.15.6 Tightening the Tank Cover Gasket Screws .......................................... 6-14
6.16 Miscellaneous Problems ................................................................................ 6-15
7.1 Customer Preventive Maintenance .................................................................... 7-1
7.2 Field Service Preventive Maintenance .............................................................. 7-1
7.2.1 Guide Rail and Bearing Maintenance ....................................................... 7-3
9.1 X-Ray Survey .................................................................................................... 9-1
9.1.1 Invoking X-Ray Survey ............................................................................ 9-1
9.1.2 The Main Display ..................................................................................... 9-2
9.1.3 The Display Controls ................................................................................ 9-3
9.2 SQDRIVER ....................................................................................................... 9-9
9.3 SQVERIFY ...................................................................................................... 9-10
9.4 SQKEYPAD .................................................................................................... 9-10
viii Table of Contents
Section 1

1.1 System Overview

The Hologic Discovery® X-ray Bone Densitometer (Discovery-C and -W is shown in Figure 1-1 on Page 1-2; Discovery-A and -SL is shown in Figure 1-2 on Page 1-2) estimates the bone mineral content (BMC) and bone mineral density (BMD) of selected areas of the body or of the entire skeleton. It does so using X-rays of two different energy levels. This dual-energy scheme allows soft tissue within the selected area to be subtracted out leaving only bone to be scanned and estimated.
This manual uses "Discovery" to refer to all models in the Discovery series of systems. Information presented in this manual that applies only to a particular model, or models, will be noted as such.
The patient lies face up on the table and, with the aid of a cross-hair laser, the operator positions the scanning arm over the region of interest. After entering patient data and selecting the type and size of scan desired, the operator initiates the scan with a single keystroke.
The operator is not required to select technique factors as tube current and voltage are pre­selected and fixed. Since testing is performed by fan beam method, rather than by flooding the area as in conventional radiography, the scanning time is a function of the dimensions of the area to be measured, the desired resolution, and the desired precision.
BMC results are expressed in grams of calcium hydroxyapatite and BMD is reported in grams/ cm2 of the same compound.
In most cases, no additional shielding is necessary for patient, operator, or room. The Discovery system can be placed in any convenient non-shielded examination room. Contact your state regulatory agency for details about additional shielding requirements, if any.
The Discovery system employs a patented Automatic Internal Reference System, which continuously calibrates the machine to eliminate the effects of variations in temperature, tube flux, etc. No daily calibration is required. The daily scanning of a quality control phantom is required to provide assurance that the system is functioning correctly and to aid in the detection of any long-term drift.
The X-ray scans produced by the Discovery, and displayed on the monitor, are intended only to locate anatomical sites for measurement and to assure the operator that the machine is operating properly. They are not intended as a substitute for conventional film-based diagnostic scans.
Discovery QDR Series Technical Manual
Figure 1-1. Discovery®-C and -W System
Figure 1-2. Discovery®-A and -SL System

1.1.1 X-Ray Scanning Principles

An X-ray source, consisting of a high voltage generator and X-ray tube in a common, shielded enclosure, is mounted beneath the patient on the C-Arm. It generates a narrow, tightly collimated, fan-shaped beam of X-rays which alternate, at power line frequency, between 100kVp and 140kVp. At the other end of the C-Arm, above the patient, is a crystal/solid state detector array. During a scan, the C-arm and table move, under computer control, to guide the beam over the desired scan area.
Discovery QDR Series Technical Manual
Before passing through the patient, the beam is filtered through a rotating drum in which alternating segments having radio-opacities equivalent to tissue, bone and air are located. When finally intercepted by the detector, the beam contains information about the X-ray absorbing characteristics of both the patient and the calibration materials in the filter drum. An A/D converter, fed by the detectors, supplies a complex digital signal to the computer, which uses that signal both to construct the screen display, and as the basis for its computations of BMC and BMD.
The Discovery computer algorithm is based on the principle that bone attenuates the X-ray beam differently at high and low energies. The bone mineral content of any sample point can be computed from:
Q= L - kH
where L and H are the logarithms of the sample attenuation at high (140kVp) and low (100kVp) energies, respectively. The constant k depends on the tissue attenuation characteristics of the beam. In the Discovery, k is continuously measured using the “tissue” segment in the filter wheel.
The program works in the following manner:
1. Load preliminary scan and obtain regions of interest from operator.
2. Estimate k as an average value of: k = [L
where L
interposed by the filter drum, and L
Note: The subscript "
- L
] / [H
- H
indicates a low-energy me as ureme nt with tissue -equi vale nt m aterial
, H
" designates the filter drum segment that is empty (i.e., contains
and H
are similarly defined.
neither bone- nor tissue-equivalent material).
3. Using this value of k, calculate Q for each point scanned using the formula given
above (Q = L - kH). This array of Q values constitutes a "Q scan". Displays the Q scan.
4. Compile a histogram of the Q values. Because a large portion of the scan con-
tains soft tissue only, this histogram will have a large peak. Choose a threshold value just above this peak, and apply that value to discriminate, point by point in the Q scan, between "bone" points (whose Q is above the threshold) and "non­bone" points (whose Q is below the threshold).
Discovery QDR Series Technical Manual
Figure 1-3. Q Scan Plot
5. Use the "non-bone" points to calculate a baseline value for each scan line. Using
these points, form a new histogram and repeat steps 4 and 5 until the results con verge.
6. Smooth the segment boundaries to eliminate isolated noise-generated "bone"
7. Display the "bone" and "non-bone" points for operator approval.
8. Determine the constant of proportionality (d0) that relates the Q values to actual
BMC (grams). This constant is determined by measuring how much Q shifts when bone-equivalent material is interposed by the filter drum.
9. Calculate the total bone mineral values by adding up the Q values for all "bone"
points in each region of interest (e.g., each vertebra), and multiplying by d0.
10. Determine the bone areas by counting the number of "bone" points in each region
of interest.
11. Calculate bone mineral density as: BMD = BMC / area
12. Display the calculated results and print the report.

1.2 Functional Overview

This section provides block diagrams of the Discovery system along with a brief functional overview of each diagram and block. A detailed functional description along with interconnection diagrams and interconnection descriptions is provided in Section 2 of this manual.
Discovery QDR Series Technical Manual
Figure 1-4. Discovery System Block Diagram
The Hologic Discovery consists of essentially three conceptual subsystems. These subsystems are the Operator’s Console, Motor Control Subsystem, and C-Arm Subsystem.
The Operator’s Console is the input/output subsystem of the instrument and consists of a PC running the Discovery system software under Windows XP® and the PCI
Communications Controller Board manufactured by Hologic. The software communicates with the scanner sending out arm and table motion commands, X-Ray commands, and X­ray detection commands. The software also checks to see that commands have been completed and issues an appropriate error message when a command fails.
The Motor Control subsystem of the scanner is controlled by the Distribution Board. All motor movement commands are routed through the Distribution Board to the individual Motor Drivers. There is one Motor Driver for each motor: Arm Y direction (A Y), Table X direction (TX), T able Y directio n (TY) (A and W models only), and Arm Rotation (AR)(A and SL models only). The Distribution Board also distributes the DC power throughout the scanner. Circuit breakers for each Motor Driver can be found on the Distribution Board.
The C-Arm subsystem controls the generation and detection of X-rays. It processes the commands received from the Distribution Board and passes them to the X-Ray Controller or the Detector Assembly. The X-Ray Controller, as its name implies, controls the generation of the X-Rays by the X-Ray Source or “Tank”. The X-Rays pass through the patient and are sensed by the Detector Assembly.
Discovery QDR Series Technical Manual
Network I/F Card
AC from DIN Rail
Figure 1-5. Discovery Operator's Console Block Diagram
The Discovery Operator’s Console consists of a Pentium PC on a convenient, roll-around computer cart designed specifically for the Discovery PC. AC power from the scanner is fed to the Operator’s Console via a power strip attached to the PC cart.
The Pentium PC contains the video controller board to drive the monitor and the PCI Communications Controller Board to interface the PC to the Scanner. A modem card is provided for remote communications with other PCs. A Network Interface Card (NIC) is
installed to control communications with the Hologic QDRNet® or a DICOM® network. The mouse gives the operator easy control over the Windows XP-based Discovery software and the keyboard is used for data input to the Discovery software. A color inkjet printer is provided with the PC. An optional laser printer can be substituted for the inkjet printer.
Discovery QDR Series Technical Manual
TY Stepper
Motor Driver
TX Stepper
Motor Driver
AY Stepper
Motor Driver
To/From C-Arm Interface
To/From Control Panel Interface
From DIN
and LVPS
AR Stepper
Motor Driver
TZ Stepper
Motor Driver
Figure 1-6.Discovery Distribution and Motor Control Block Diagram
The heart of the Discovery Scanner is the Distribution Board. This board interfaces the PC to the different subsections of the Scanner, distributes control signals to the table and C­Arm, and distributes DC power throughout the Scanner. The Distribution Board receives command inputs from the PCI Communications Controller Board in the PC and voltages from the DIN rail and Low Voltage Power Supply. Commands and voltages dealing with the generation of X-Rays or the acquisition of scan data are transferred to the C-Arm Interface Board, which controls both functions. The Distribution Board also receives Table and C-Arm motion commands from the PCI Communications Controller Board in the PC.
When a motion command is received, the Distribution Board routes the command along with a board address to the Motor Driver Boards. The addressed Motor Driver Board converts these digital commands into analog signals that are strong enough to drive the motors. A Position Encoder attached to the idler pulley moved by the motor, senses changes in the position of the arm or table. This device provides a voltage feedback to the Motor Driver Board that is translated into a motor position, which in turn, is fed back to software in the Operator’s Console PC.
The Discovery Control Panel is located at the head end of the table and communicates with the Distribution Board via the Control Panel Interface Board. The Control Panel provides the operator with a means to issue manual commands to move table and arm
Discovery QDR Series Technical Manual
Detector Board
(Detectors, Muxes,
and A/D Converter)
Aperture Motor
Position Sensor
Filter Drum Motor
Position Sensor
Detector Assembly
motors, turn power to the instrument on or off, and an indicator showing when X-rays are being generated.
The C-Arm Interface Board controls the C-Arm Subsystem. Commands to the subsystem arrive from the Distribution Board. The commands processed by the C-Arm Interface Board are sent to the Positioning Laser, the X-Ray Control ler (XRC ), the Ape rture M otor, the Detector assembly, or the Filter Drum Assembly. The commands sent to the Positioning Laser are simple on/of f commands. Commands sent to the XRC tell it when to produce X-rays, which power level of pulse to produce, and the pulse mode to be used. These commands will subsequently control the way the X-Ray Source (Tank) is driven by the XRC. Instructions to the Aperture Motor are for selecting the aperture to be used for the scan. The commands to the Filter Drum Assembly turn the Filter Drum on or off and synchronize the filter drum with the AC line waveform. The last set of command signals is sent to the Detector Assembly to synchronize the acquisition of data with the production of the X-rays from the source (Tank).
The C-Arm Interface Board collects data from most of the circuits mentioned above for transmission back to the Distribution Board and, finally, the Discovery software. The
Figure 1-7. Discovery C-Arm Block Diagram
Aperture Motor Assembly sends back position information indicating which of the aperture slits is in position. The Filter Drum Assembly sends back filter and reference phase information. The XRC sends back information concerning fault conditions, beam conditions, and an AC Line signal for generating AC Line Interrupts to the software. The Detector Board sends data collected from scans back to the software through the C-Arm
Discovery QDR Series Technical Manual
Interface Board and the Distribution Board. Mathematical algorithms applied to this data produce the scans seen by the operator and to calculate the BMD, BMC, and area of the bone matter scanned.
Block Description
Computer Controls and commands all Discovery hardware modules. PCI Communications
Controller Board Distributi on Board Provides the interconnections between the Discovery Operator's Console and the
Control Panel Provides switches for manually moving the C-Arm and Patient Table. Also
TX Stepper Motor Driver
TY Stepper Motor Driver
TZ Stepper Motor Driver
AR Stepper M otor Driver
AY Stepper Motor Driver
C-Arm Interface Controls the Aperture and Filter Drum motors, generates timing and control signals
X-Ray Controller Controls the operation of the X-ray Source.
Controls the flow of commands to and from the Scanner modules via the communications bus.
Scanner and distributes DC voltages.
provides Emergency Stop and Instrument On/Off switches. Controls the motion of the Patient Table in and out motor and monitors table
position information from the encoder. Controls the motion of the Patient Table left to right motor and monitors table
position information from the encoder (A and W only). Controls the motion of the Patient Table left and right pedestal motor and monitors
table position information from the string encoders (A and SL only). Controls the rotational motion of the C-Arm and m onitors C-arm position
information from the encoder (A and SL only). Controls the motion of the C-Arm left and right motor and monitors C-Arm
position information from the encoder.
for the X-Ray Controller and the Data Acquisition System, monitors the tape switches, and provides power to the Positioning Laser.
X-Ray Source Unit Generates the X-ray beam. Detector Board Converts the X-rays into electrical signals. Integrates the signals from the Solid
State Detectors and converts them to a digital value in the Analog-to-Di git a l converter circuitry.
Control Panel Provides the operator with a means to reposition the table, C-Arm, and to turn on
the laser.
Positioning Laser Provides a laser crosshair beam to assist in positioning the patient on the Patient
Discovery QDR Series Technical Manual

1.3 Product Specifications

Scanning Me t hod All Multi-detector array, indexing table, and motorized C-arm X-ray System All Switched Pulse Dual-Energy X-ray tube, operating at 100 and
140kV, 5mA avg. at 50% duty cycle, 2.5mA avg. at 25% duty cycle (30sec. maximum), Tungsten target
Detector System A 216 multi-channel detector consisting of CdWO4 scintillators
coupled to silicon diodes
SL/C/ W 128 multi-channel detector consisting of CdWO4 scintillators
coupled to silicon diodes
Scanning Sites A Lumbar spine (in AP and lateral projections), proximal femur
(hip) forearm, IVA Spine, and whole body
SL Lumbar spine (in AP and lateral projections), proximal femur
(hip), IVA Spine, and forearm
W Lumbar spine (in AP and decubitus lateral projections),
proximal femur (hip), forearm, IVA spine (AP only) and whole body
C Lumbar spine (in AP and decubitus lateral projections),
proximal femur (hip), forearm, and IVA spine (AP only)
Scan Region A 1.95m (76.77 in.) x.65m (25.59 in.) maximum
SL 96cm (38 in.) x .65m (25.59 in.) maximum W 1.97m (77.5 in.) x.65m (25.59 in.) maximum C .96m (38 in.) x.51m (20 in.) maximum
Scatter Radiation All Less than 10µGy/h (1mrad/h) at 2m (79 in.) from the center of
the X-ray beam for all scans
Leakage Radiation All The Discovery meets the requirements of 21 CFR 1020.30(k)
for leakage from the X-ray source
External Shielding Requirement
Calibration All Self Calibrating using Hologic Automatic Internal Reference
All Contact state regulatory agency.
System. Operator calibration NOT required.
Discovery QDR Series Technical Manual
System Weight installed
A & SL 327kg 720lb 34.1kg 75lb C & W 295kg 650lb
System Weight shipping
Operating Temperature
Humidity All 20 – 80% relative Humidity, non-condensing Storage
Temperature Humidity All 20 – 80% relative Humidity, non-condensing
Footprint Length Width
T ab le extended A & W 3.02 119 1.50 T ab le not exte nded A & W 2.02 79.5 1.22
Average Heat Load ALL 1000w (3400 BTU/hr)
A & SL 659kg 1450lb C & W 568kg 1250lb All
C & SL 2.02 79.5 1.40
Scanner Console
15o – 32o C (59o - 90o F)
15o – 32o C (59o - 90o F)
m inches m
inches m inches
59 1.42 56 48 1.42 56 55 1.42 56
Patient Table Height
Positioning Laser All Diode laser (<1mW) cross hair, with emergency mechanical shutter X-Ray Collimation All Dual movable aperture with 0.5mm and 1.0mm slits Leakage Current All Normal <75µA Single Fault <400µA Resolution All 0.5 line pair/mm approximately 1.0mm
A & SL Adjustable, 71cm (28 in.) from floor when scanning in AP mode
86.4cm (34 in.) at maximum elevation
C & W 71cm (28 in.) +/- 25mm (1 in.)
Discovery QDR Series Technical Manual

1.3.1 Exam Mode(s) Performance

Exam Type Model Default
Length (in.)
AP Spine High Def
AP Spine Array All 8.0 82 L1, L2, L3, L4 0.20 1.0 AP Spine Fast All 8.0 41 L1, L2, L3, L4 0.10 1.0
AP Spine Turbo All 8.0 21 L1, L2, L3, L4 0.05 1.0 Express Scan All 8.0 10 L1, L2, L3, L4 0.07 1.0 Decubitus Lateral
Spine Fast Lat Spine High
Def Lat Spine Array A & SL 8.0 240 L1, L2, L3, L4 0.70 1.0 Lat Spine Fast A & SL 6.0 120 L1, L2, L3, L4 0.35 1.0 Hip High Def All 6.0 123 Femur (Total) 0.20 1.0 Hip Array All 6.0 62 Femur (Total) 0.20 1.0 Hip Fast All 6.0 31 Femur (Total) 0.10 1.0
All 8.0 163 L1, L2, L3, L4 0.20 1.0
C & W 8.0 160 L2, L3, L4 0.40 1.0
A & SL 8.0 240 L1, L2, L3, L4 0.35 1.0
D u r a tion(s)
@ Default
Scan Site Dose
in vivo
Hip Turbo All 6.0 16 Femur (Total) 0.05 1.0 Dual Hip All 6.0 2X Scan Mode Left & Right
Whole Body W 77.0 402 Whole Body 0.015 1.0
A 77.0 180 Whole Body 0.01 1.0
Forearm All 6.0 31 Forearm
(Radius &
Ulna) (Total)
IVA SE AP Imaging
IVA SE R/L Lateral
IVA DE R/L Imaging
Small Animal Spine and Femur
Small Animal Whole Body
All 16.1 10 Spine T5-L4 0.07 NA
All 16.1 10 Spine T5-L4 0.07 NA
All 13.6 511 Spine T5-L4 0.35 NA
A 2/3 149 Spine & Femur NA NA
A 12.0 122 Whole Body NA NA
d Scan
0.10 1.0
Discovery QDR Series Technical Manual

1.3.2 Duty Cycle:

C, W and SL IVA 12%
All Others 50%
A Whole Body 100%
IVA 12% All Others 50%

1.3.3 Leakage Technique Factors

The leakage technique factors for all models of Discovery are the same. It is the maximum continuous current at the maximum peak potential. This is X-ray mode #3. Peak potential 100/140kVp (dual energy), current 10mA peak 25% duty cycle or 2.5mA average.

1.3.4 Minimum Beam Filtration

The minimum filtration permanently in the beam is 3.7mm Al equivalent @80kV.
1.3.5 Measured Half Value Layer (HVL) At Different Operat­ing Potentials
Measured operating potential Measured Half Value Layer
Discovery All 80kV 3.7mm Al equivalent 100kV 5.0mm Al equivalent 140kV 6.5mm Al equivalent

1.3.6 Line Voltage and Maximum Line Current

Power Requirements:
All 100VAC 16A 50/60Hz, Max apparent resistance = 0.32 ohm
120VAC 14A 50/60Hz, Max apparent resistance = 0.32 ohm 230VAC 8A 50/60Hz, Max apparent resistance = 1.28 ohm

1.3.7 Technique Factors for Maximum Line Current

Peak Potential 140kVp Tube Current 10mA peak, 50% duty factor or 5mA average.
Discovery QDR Series Technical Manual

1.3.8 Maximum Deviation

The maximum deviation from the preindication given by labeled technique factor control settings or indicators are as follows:
Peak Potential: +/- 15% Current: +/- 40% Time: +/- 10%

1.3.9 Measurement Criteria for Technique Factors

The measurement criteria of the technique factors is as follows:
Peak Potential: The voltage peak is measured with an oscilloscope. Voltage is a squarewave pulse.
Peak is defined as the peak voltage of the 4 millisecond pulse, discounting any initial overshoot.
Current: Current is measu red with an oscilloscope on the last millisecond of the 4 millisecond
Time: Time of each pulse is measured with an oscilloscope and defined as the time between
50% rise and fall times of the peak potential pulse. Time of the scan is measured by counting the number of AC line pulses from the start to the end. X-ray pulses are synchronous with the AC line.
Section 2
This section provides a detailed functional description along with interconnection diagrams and descriptions of the Hologic Discovery. Refer to Section 1 for a block diagram and a brief functional description of each block.

2.1 Computer

The Discovery Scanner is interfaced to a PCI Communications Controller Board/ISA Bus computer which controls table and C-arm movement, X-ray generation, performs all necessary calculations, and manages both the patient and QC database information.
The computer is a Pentium III-based (or higher) PC that comes equipped with floppy disk drive, hard disk drive, keyboard, mouse, 17” color monitor, and CDROM R/W for archiving scans and backups of the system database. For details pertaining to the computer and its associated components, please refer to the documentation shipped with each unit.

2.2 PCI Communications Controller Board

The PCI Communications Controller Board handles all the communications between the Computer and the Scanner C-Arm and Table assemblies. The board resides in one of the computer internal ISA slots and communicates with the computer via the computer's I/O bus. It connects to the Distribution Board in the Scanner through a 50-conductor ribbon cable. This cable contains two independent communications links (one synchronous and one asynchronous) and additional system control signals. Each signal requires a pair of conductors for differential (RS422) noise immunity.
The asynchronous link communicates with the Motor Controller Boards (TX, TY, AR, and AY), the TZ Drive Board, the C-Arm Interface Board, and the Control Panel Controller section of the Detector Board (or the Control Panel Interface on A and SL models). The synchronous link communicates with the Data Acquisition System (DAS).

2.2.1 Interface Connections

Figure 2-1 on page 2-3 describes the interconnections between the PCI Communications Controller Board and the Distribution Board. The table also identifies the connectors and their pin assignments.
Discovery QDR Series Technical Manual
Table 2-1. PCI Communications Controller Board/Distribution Board
Interconnection Descri ptio ns
Signal Pair Description
Asynchronous data to the Scanner. JP1-2
Synchronous data to the Scanner. JP1-28
Synchronous data clock from PCI Communications Controller Board to Distribution Board. Synchronizes data to the Scanner.
Synchronous data frame from PCI Communication Command Board to Distribution Board.
Asynchronous Data from the Scanner. JP1-8
Synchronous Data from the Scanner. JP1-34
Synchronous data clock from PCI Communication Command Board to Distribution Board. Synchronizes data from the Scanner.
Synchronous data frame from Distribution Board to PCI Communication Command Board.
Signals an emergency condition. Generated by the C­Arm Interface Board.
PCI1 Pin Dist2 Pin
JP1-4 JP1-5
JP1-31 JP1-7
JP1-10 JP1-11
JP1-37 JP1-13
JP1-14 JP1-39
JP10-4 JP10-6
JP10-7 JP10-9
JP10-12 JP10-13
JP10-15 JP10-16
JP10-18 JP10-19
JP10-21 JP10-22
JP10-24 JP10-25
JP10-27 JP10-28
AC line zero-crossing signal used for system wide synchronization. Generated by the C-Arm Interface Board.
Synchronous signal for Detector Integrate period. Generated by the C-Arm Interface Board.
Resets the Scanner controllers. JP1-20
Removes power from the Scanner motor drivers and the X-ray system
Note: 1 PCI = PCI Communication Controller Board
2 Dist = Distribution Board
JP1-40 JP1-16
JP1-17 JP1-42
JP1-45 JP1-49
JP10-30 JP10-31
JP10-33 JP10-34
JP10-39 JP10-40
JP10-48 JP10-49
Discovery QDR Series Technical Manual
Figure 2-1. PCI Communication Command Board/Distribution Board
Interconnection Diagram

2.3 Distribution Board

The Distribution Board provides interconnections between the Discovery Operator's Console (PC) and the Scanner. It passes several signal lines from the Operator's Console and power lines from the DIN rail directly to the C-Arm Interface module. It also provides buffering and individual drivers and receivers for various signal lines to and from individual Scanner modules and the PCI Communication Command Board. The Distribution Board is located in the Electronics Tray in the base of the Scanner.
One cable connects the Operator's Console (PC) communications bus to the Distribution Board. One cable connects to the Distribution Board from the DIN rail. This cable brings DC power to the Distribution Board and connects the X-Ray On and Emergency signal lines to the Power Module.
Up to eight cables connect the Distribution Board to the various Scanner boards depending on instrument model. Four cables connect to the four Motor Controller Boards (Table X, Table Y, Arm R, and Arm Y). A single cable connects to the TZ Drive Board. T wo cables (one signal and one power) connect to the C-Arm Interface Board. In addition, one cable connects to the scanner Control Panel Interface Board. In the C and W models, this board is a separate section of the Detector Board. In the A and SL versions, the Control Panel Interface Board is a separate board located under the table.
The Distribution Board has provision for three jumpers that can be installed to override the EMERGENCY signal lines when troubleshooting.

2.3.1 Power

The Distribution Board receives +24 and +/-15VDC from the Multi-voltage DC Switching Power Module. The +24VDC is applied through four individual circuit breakers to the Table X, Table Y, Arm R, and Arm Y Motor Controller Boards. The +24 and +/-15VDC are passed to the C-Arm Interface Board. The +24 VDC is also reduced to +7 and +5VDC by regulators to power op-amps and analog switches located on this board. The +7VDC is passed to the Control Panel Controller Board. The +5VDC powers the digital section of
Discovery QDR Series Technical Manual
the Distribution Board. The +24VDC power supply is not closely regulated and its outputs may range from +24V to +35V under normal conditions.
Note: +7VDC may measure anywhere from +6.25VDC to +7.25VDC. This is true
everywhere +7VDC is shown in this manual.
Limits for +/- 15VDC
Six green LEDs indicate the status of the +28 (on QDR-4500s, +24 on Discovery), +24, +15, -15, +7 and +5VDC (ON indicates the respective voltage is present). Five red LEDs indicate the status of the five circuit breakers applying voltage to the motor drivers/ controller. ON indicates the circuit breaker has been tripped by an over-current condition.

2.3.2 Interface Connections

Figure 2-2 shows connections to/from the Distribution Board.
Figure 2-2. Distribution Board High Level Interconnection Diagram
Discovery QDR Series Technical Manual

2.4 Motor Controller Boar d

The Motor Controller Board is a microprocessor controlled power driver circuit for use with a two-coil bipolar stepper motor. It receives high-level commands through the Distribution Board from the host computer, and applies 24-volt pulses to the stepper motor windings. The Discovery uses four identical Motor Controller Boards to control and drive the Table X (Table In/Out), Table Y (Table Left/Right), C-Arm Y (C-Arm Left/Right), C­Arm R (Arm rotation, A/SL only) stepper motors. The motor windings are driven by two integrated H-bridges. These integrated circuits provide internal level conversion and power limiting. Their logic level control inputs are driven from a stepper motor control microcircuit that receives commands from the microprocessor. The control circuit senses the current in the motor windings and adjusts the duty cycle of the applied voltage in such a way as to limit the maximum motor current. The maximum value is determined by an 8­bit control word at a Digital to Analog Converter.
Each Motor Controller Board monitors the position of its respective mechanism using a voltage received from an associated Position Encoder connected to the mechanism. The Position Encoder is a precision potentiometer that divides a +/-3V reference source. The output voltage is fed to a sense amplifier in proportion to the position of the mechanism driven by the motor. The sense amplifier output is converted to digital value that provides position feedback to the microprocessor.
The Motor Controller Boards receive movement commands from the Discovery computer via the communications bus. Each Motor Controller Board contains an ID switch and four status indicators (LEDs). The ID switch is a 16-position rotary encoded switch (SW1) that is read during system initialization to determine the Motor Controller Board address for communicating with the Discovery computer. ID switch settings for the Motor Controller Boards are as follows:
Table X drive 4 Table Y drive 5 C-Arm Rotation 6 C-Arm Y drive 7
The four red status LEDs provide visual indications of motor drive power on, Stepper CPU active, motor drive direction, and motor step pulses.
The Motor Controller Board also has provision (JP2) for connecting limit switches to inhibit motor operation when the mechanism goes beyond established mechanical limits. This feature is not used in the Discovery and, therefore, no cable is connected to JP2.

2.4.1 Power

Power input to the Motor Controller Board is +24VDC. This voltage provides the motor drive power and is converted down to +5VDC for use by logic circuits on the board. The +5VDC is also converted to -5VDC. Two green LEDs provide a visual indication of the power present on the Motor Controller Board.
Discovery QDR Series Technical Manual
(⎯) (⎯) (⎯) (⎯)
+REF (⎯)
Distribution Board

2.4.2 Interface Connections

Figure 2-3 shows the typical interconnections between the Distribution Board, the Motor Controller Board, the Stepper Motor, and the Position Encoder. Figure 2-1 describes the interconnections between the Distribution Board and the Motor Controller. Table 2-3 describes the interconnections between each Motor Controller and its respective stepper motor and position encoder. The tables also identify the connectors and their pin assignments.
Figure 2-3. Distribution Board/Motor Controller Board Interconnection Diagram
Table 2-2.Distribution Board/Motor Controller Board Interconnection Descriptions
Signal Description Table X Table Y C-Arm Y Pin(s)
28V 28V_RET
Asynchronous Receive Data. JP7 JP5 JP11 11
Asynchronous Transmit Data. JP7 JP5 JP11 14
System Reset. Resets the Motor Controller Board.
DC power for the Motor Controller Board.
JP7 JP5 JP11 17
JP7 JP5 JP11 2,3,4,5
Table 2-3. Motor Controller Board/Stepper Motor and Position Encoder
Interconnection Descriptions
Signal Description Pin
(No label) Motor drive signals (4). JP5-1 - JP5-4 +REF (+3V) Precision posit ive v oltage to position potentiometer. JP3-1 (No label) Position encoder wiper return voltage. JP3-3
-REF (-3V) Precision negative voltage to position poten tiome ter. JP3-5

2.5 TZ Drive Board (A and SL Only)

The TZ Drive Board is a microprocessor-controlled power driver circuit for the two AC pedestal motors, which raise and lower the patient table of the Discovery A and SL. This
Discovery QDR Series Technical Manual
board is located in the Electronics Tray in the rear of the bottom of the Scanner base assembly.
The TZ Drive Board communicates with the PCI Board, via the Distribution Board, to drive the pedestal motors under computer control. Manual repositioning of the pedestal may be required in case of an emergency . In this case, manual control is provided through the Table switches of the Scanner’s Operator Control Panel.
The TZ Drive board monitors the position of both pedestals using signals received from an associated Position Encoder connected to the respective pedestal.

2.5.1 Service Switches

The TZ Drive board contains four service switches used during replacement of a defective pedestal or Position Encoder. Table 2-4 describes these switches and their respective functions.
Caution: The TZ drive motors are designed to run at a 5% duty cycle. If the motors
overheat, the built-in thermal cutouts may trip and cause the motors to stop functioning. If this occurs, you must wait about 20 minutes before functionality is restored.
The TZ drive motors are designed to run at a 5% duty cycle. If the motors overheat, the built-in thermal cutouts may trip and cause the motors to stop functioning. If this occurs, you must wait about 20 minutes before functionality is restored.
Table 2-4.TZ Drive Service Switches
Switch Function
Mode (Normal/Service) Determines whether the TZ Drive is in Normal or Service
Direction (Up/Down) When the TZ drive is in Service mode, determines the
direction of pedestal movement (not active in normal mode).
Left When the TZ drive is in Service mode, moves the left
pedestal in the direction specified by the Direction switch (not active in normal mode).
Right When the TZ drive is in Service mode, moves the right
pedestal in the direction specified by the Direction switch (not active in normal mode).
Reset Resets the board after manual operation. The TZ Drive
board must be reset after any manual operation.

2.5.2 Power

Power input to the TZ Drive Board is +24VDC from the Distribution Board and 240VAC from the DIN Rail. The +24VDC powers circuitry located on this board and is reduced to
Discovery QDR Series Technical Manual
+3.0VREF (Position Signal)
+3.0VREF (Position Signal)
Distribution Board
To/From DIN Rail Assembly
120V(A)_LEFT 120V(B)_LEFT
+5VDC. The +5VDC is converted to -5VDC and +/-3VDC. The +/-5VDC powers logic circuitry on this board, while the +/- 3VDC provides the reference voltage for the position sensors. Two green LEDs provide visual indication of the +24 and +5VDC status (ON indicates the respective voltage is present).
The 240VAC power is connected through control relays to the pedestal motors.

2.5.3 Interface Connections

Figure 2-4 shows the interconnections between the Distribution Board, the TZ Drive Board, the Pedestal Motors, and the Pedestal Position Encoders. Table 2-5 describes the interconnections between the Distribution Board and the TZ Drive Board. Table 2-6 describes the line voltage (240VAC, line to line) between the DIN Rail Assembly and the TZ Drive Board. Table 2-7 describes the interconnections between the TZ Drive Board and the two pedestal motors and their respective position encoders. The tables also identify the interconnection connector and pin assignments.
Table 2-4 shows the interconnections between the Distribution Board, the TZ Drive Board, the Pedestal Motors, and the Pedestal Position Encoder, Table 2-5 describes the interconnections between the Distribution Board and the TZ Drive Board. Table 2-6 describes the line voltage (240VAC line to line) between the DIN Rail Assembly and the TZ Drive Board. Table 2-7 describes the interconnection between the TZ Drive Board and the two pedestal motors and their respective position encode rs. The tabl es also iden tify the interconnection connectors and pin assignments.
Figure 2-4. Distribution Board/TZ Drive Board Interconnection Diagram
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