Hologic and MyoSure are registered trademarks of Hologic, Inc.
and its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. Aquilex is a trademark of Hologic, Inc. and its subsidiaries in the
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These instructions for use contain information that is subject to copyright. All
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Users of this product should not hesitate to point out to us any errors or issues
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tered trademarks, and product names are the property of their
Federal Law (only for U.S. market)
Caution: Federal law restricts this device to sale by or on the
order of a physician.
Hologic und MyoSure sind eingetragene Warenzeichen der Hologic, Inc. und ihrer Tochtergesellschaften in den Vereinigten
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Hologic et MyoSure sont des marques déposées de Hologic Inc.,
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Hologic y MyoSure son marcas comerciales registradas de Hologic, Inc. y sus subsidiarias en los Estados Unidos y otros países. Aquilex es una marca comercial de Hologic, Inc. y sus subsidiarias
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merciales, marcas comerciales registradas y nombres de produc-
Hologic e MyoSure sono marchi registrati di Hologic, Inc. e relati-
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Le presenti istruzioni per l’uso contengono informazioni protette dal diritto di
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Hologic en MyoSure zijn gedeponeerde handelsmerken van Hologic, Inc. en haar dochtermaatschappijen in de Verenigde Staten en andere landen. Aquilex is een handelsmerk van Hologic,
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CE marking according to Directive 93/42/EEC
CE-Kennzeichnung gemäß Richtlinie 93/42/EWG
Marquage CE conforme à la directive 93/42/CEE
Identificación CE conforme a la directiva 93/42/CEE
Marchio CE conforme alla direttiva 93/42/CEE
EG-markering conform Richtlijn 93/42/EEG
3.1Warnings and Precautions .................................................................................................................................................... 5
3.2Description of the Aquilex Fluid Control System ............................................................................................................ 12
4Initial System Set-up........................................................................................................................................................... 13
4.1Preparing the System for Use............................................................................................................................................... 13
5.1Front of Irrigation Pump Unit ............................................................................................................................................... 15
5.2Rear of Irrigation Pump Unit................................................................................................................................................. 15
5.3Fluid Monitoring Unit Set-up................................................................................................................................................ 16
5.3.1Setting of the Container Scale.............................................................................................................................................. 18
5.3.2Connecting the Vacuum Tube............................................................................................................................................... 19
5.4Turning On the Aquilex System............................................................................................................................................ 20
5.5Hanging the Fluid Bags........................................................................................................................................................... 21
5.12Using the Pump during Surgery........................................................................................................................................... 27
5.13Changing Bags during Surgery............................................................................................................................................. 28
5.14Changing Container during Surgery................................................................................................................................... 28
5.15Changing Instrument during Surgery................................................................................................................................ 29
5.17Turning System Off.................................................................................................................................................................. 29
8Care and Maintenance........................................................................................................................................................ 32
8.1Cleaning the System................................................................................................................................................................ 32
8.2Maintenance Carried out by Authorized Service Technician....................................................................................... 32
8.3Replacing of the Fuse .............................................................................................................................................................. 33
9.2Basic Function Tests................................................................................................................................................................. 34
9.2.3Pressure Measuring Test ........................................................................................................................................................ 36
9.2.4Fluid Deficit Measurement Test ........................................................................................................................................... 37
9.2.5Testing the Vacuum Pump..................................................................................................................................................... 38
9.3Determine the Software Version......................................................................................................................................... 39
10Error and Warning Messages.............................................................................................................................................. 40
12Guidelines and Manufacturer's Statement - Electromagnetic Compatibility ................................................................... 44
12.2Guidelines and Manufacturer’s Statement – Electromagnetic Emissions .............................................................. 45
12.3Guidelines and Manufacturer's Statement/Electromagnetic Interference Immunity........................................ 46
12.4Guidelines and Manufacturer's Statement - Electromagnetic Interference Immunity....................................... 47
12.5Recommended Safety Distances Between Portable and Mobile RF Telecommunications Devices and Aqui-
13Accessory List ...................................................................................................................................................................... 49
14Warranty Information ........................................................................................................................................................ 50
lex Fluid Control System......................................................................................................................................................... 48
1Important Operator/User Notes
Read the manual carefully and become familiar with the operation and function
of the Aquilex™ Fluid Control System (Aquilex System) and the accessories before
using the device in the OR. Non-observance of the instructions listed in this manual can lead
• to life-threatening injuries of the patient,
• to severe injuries of the surgical team, nursing staff or service personnel, or
• damage or malfunction of the system and/or accessories.
The manual is only for the Aquilex fluid control system, consisting of pump, container scale and bag scale.
viating slightly from the delivered product due to further development of the
sections with special attention.
Warnings indicate risks to the safety of the patient or operator. Failure to follow
warnings may result in injury to the patient or operator.
Important Operator/User Notes
Subject to technical changesThe manufacturer reserves the right to have illustrations and technical data de-
Please noteThe words WARNING, CAUTION, and NOTE carry special meanings. Read these
Warnings indicate risks to the equipment. Failure to follow cautions may result
in damage to the system.
Notes provide special information to clarify instructions or present additional in-
Safety Information
2Safety Information
Exclusion of liabilityHologic is not liable for direct or consequential damage and the warranty is null
and void if:
• the system and/or the accessories are operated and used by untrained personnel,
• the system and/or the accessories are improperly used, prepared, or maintained,
• the instructions and rules in the user/operator manual are not adhered to,
• unauthorized persons perform repairs, adjustments, or alterations on or to the
system or accessories,
• unauthorized persons open the system,
• the prescribed inspection and maintenance schedule is not adhered to.
Receipt of technical documentation from Hologic does not authorize individuals
to perform repairs, adjustments, or alterations on or to the system or accessories.
Authorized service technicianOnly an authorized service technician may perform repairs, adjustments, or al-
terations on the system or accessories. Any violation will void the manufacturer's
warranty. Authorized service technicians are trained and certified only by the
Normal UseThe system may be used only as intended.
Care and maintenanceThe service and maintenance of the device and its accessories has to be carried
out as per instructions to ensure the safe operation of the device. For the protection of the patient and the operating team, check that the device is complete and
functional before each use.
Maintenance of the device may not be performed during the operation.
ContaminationBefore shipping, decontaminate device and accessories in order to protect the
service personnel. Follow the instructions listed in this manual. If this is not possible,
• the product must be clearly marked with a contamination warning and
• is to be double-sealed in safety foil.
The manufacturer has the right to reject contaminated products for repair.
Waste managementIn the European Community, this symbol indicates that the waste of electrical
and electronic equipment must not be disposed of as unsorted municipal waste
and must be collected separately instead. Please contact Hologic or an accordingly authorized disposal or waste management company for further information.
uterus during diagnostic and operative hysteroscopies and to monitor the volume differential between the irrigation fluid flowing into and out of the uterus.
py is contraindicated. See the operators manual of your hysteroscope for absolute and relative contraindications.
Relative contraindications to endometrial ablation:
Hysteroscopic endometrial ablation, whether by laser or electrosurgery, should
not be undertaken before adequate training, preceptorship, and clinical experience. Additionally, tissue sampling is required prior to destruction of the endometrium. The following are clinical conditions that can significantly complicate
hysteroscopic endometrial ablation:
• Adenomatous endometrial hyperplasia
•Uterine leiomyoma
• Severe adenomyosis
• Pelvic pain (subtle PID)
• Uterine anomalies
• Surgical skill (see above)
• Severe anemia
• Inability to circumnavigate the myoma (re: myoma size) - predominantly intramural myomas with small submucous components.
Intended UseThe Aquilex™ Fluid Control System is intended to provide fluid distension of the
ContraindicationsThe system may not be used to introduce fluids into the uterus when hysterosco-
3.1Warnings and Precautions
When performing monopolar hysteroscopic electrosurgery, the distension medium must be electrically non-conductive. Examples include glycine, sorbitol and
mannitol. Isotonic saline irrigation fluids may only be used when performing bipolar electrosurgical resective procedures.
The pressure should be kept as low as possible to allow for a sufficient intrauter-
ine distension and to reduce the forces that could allow fluid, ambient air, and/
or gas to enter the circulatory system.
Intrauterine distention is usually possible with pressure values between 35 to
70 mmHg. A pressure above 75 to 80 mmHg is required only in rare cases or if the
patient has an excessively high blood pressure.
Fluid overload
There is a risk of irrigation fluid reaching the circulatory system of the patient's
soft tissue by passing through the uterus. This can be affected by distention pressure, flow rate, perforation of the uterine cavity and duration of the hysteroscopic surgery. It is critical to closely monitor the input and outflow of the
distending liquid at all times.
Fluid deficit
The fluid left in the patient must be monitored. The deficit is the total amount of
fluid left in the patient or unaccounted for otherwise. Take notice of the measurement tolerance of the system (see Chapter 11, Technical Data). Estimating
the fluid volume remaining in the patient is the physician’s responsibility.
Fluid intake and output surveillance
Strict fluid intake and output surveillance should be maintained. If a low viscos-
ity fluid distention medium is used, intrauterine instillation exceeding 2 liters
should be followed with great care due to the possibility of fluid overload.
Serum sodium concentration
It is also necessary to monitor the concentration of sodium in the blood of the pa-
tient to prevent electrolyte disturbances. Monitoring of the concentration of sodium in the blood must be performed by the physician and is not performed or
supported by the system.
The deficit display value is lost in case of a power loss or “brownout.”
If the message “Check Scale Connection” appears, the deficit must be calculated
manually. The pump keeps displaying the last known deficit value determined
prior to the failure of the scale connection.
A container change during surgery is only allowed, if the container holds at least
0,5 liters of fluid. Otherwise, the deficit value may be falsified. In this case, the
Some distension fluids may lead to fluid overload and, consequently, hyponatre-
mia with its attending sequelae. This can be affected by the distending pressure,
flow rate, and duration of hysteroscopic procedure. It is critical to closely monitor the input and outflow of the distending liquid at all times.
Pulmonary edema
Hysteroscopic surgery is associated with a risk of developing pulmonary edema
resulting from fluid overload with isotonic fluids. It is critical to closely monitor
the input and outflow of the distending liquid at all times.
Cerebral edema
Hysteroscopic surgery is associated with a risk of developing cerebral edema re-
sulting from fluid overload and electrolyte disturbances with hypoosmolar (nonionic) fluids such as glycine 1.5 % and sorbitol 3.0 %. It is critical to closely monitor the input and outflow of the distending liquid at all times.
Idiosyncratic reactions
In rare cases, idiosyncratic reactions, including:
• intravascular coagulopathy
• allergic reaction including anaphylaxis
may occur while performing a hysteroscopy if a liquid distention medium is used.
Hypothermia (monitoring body temperature)
Continuous flow of distention fluids can lead to a lowering of the patient's body
temperature during hysteroscopic surgery. Lower body temperatures can cause
coronary and cardiovascular problems. Always monitor the patient's body temperature during the entire surgery. Make especially sure that the following, hypothermia promoting, operation conditions are avoided as best as possible:
• longer operating times
• use of cold irrigation fluid.
Rupture of the fallopian tube secondary to tubal obstruction
Distention of the uterus may lead to a tear of the fallopian tube should there be
an obstruction or permanent occlusion. The rupture could lead to irrigation fluid
flowing into the patient's peritoneal cavity, resulting in a fluid overload. It is critical to closely monitor the input and outflow of the distending liquid at all times.
An air embolism can be the result of air contained in the tube set or connected
instrument reaching the patient. Ensure there is always fluid in the bag to prevent air from being pumped into the patient.
The system is only intended for use with flexible fluid containers. Do not use
glass containers as they might break. With rigid containers, fluid cannot flow
quickly enough due to the vacuum being generated inside of the containers. Risk
of implosion with rigid containers.
Filling the tubing with irrigation fluid and resetting the deficit display to zero are
to be done at the physician’s discretion.
Place the system in such a way as to allow for easy visualization of the display
values, system functions, and access to the control elements.
Functional test
The functional test must be performed prior to each device use.
Do not use this system if a defect is suspected or detected during the function
check. This also applies to obvious defects, especially defects and damage to the
power plug and power cord.
Pressing the ON/OFF switch does not disconnect the system from the wall power
outlet. This requires pulling the power cord located in the rear of the system.
Technique and procedures
Only the physician can evaluate the clinical factors involved with each patient
and determine if the use of this system is indicated. The physician must deter-
mine the specific technique and procedure that will accomplish the desired clinical outcome.
Check all factory settings
Factory settings are not mandatory settings for the physician. The physician is responsible for all settings affecting the surgical procedure.
Original accessories
For your own safety and that of your patient, use only Aquilex accessories.
Additional equipment
Additional equipment connected to medical electrical devices must be demonstrated to be compliant with their respective IEC or ISO standards (IEC 60601-1,
IEC 60950 or IEC 62368 for data processing equipment).
Not explosion-proof
The system is not explosion-proof. Do not use in an area where flammable anes-
thetic gases are present.
Changes to the system are not allowed.
To avoid risk of electrical shock, this system may only be connected to a supply
mains with protective earth.
Professional qualification
This manual does not include descriptions or instructions for surgical proce-
dures/techniques. It is also not suitable for training physicians in the use of surgical techniques. Medical instruments and systems may be used only by
physicians or medical assistants with the appropriate technical/medical qualification working under the direction and supervision of a physician.
Sterile media and accessories
Always work exclusively with sterile substances and media, sterile fluids, and
sterile accessories, if so indicated.
Replacement system and accessories
In case the system or any of the accessories fail during a procedure, an alterna-
tive system and replacement accessories should be kept within easy reach to be
able to finish the operation with the replacement components.
Cleaning the system / Sterilization not allowed.
The pump and the cart/scale can be disinfected by wiping off the outer surfaces.
Do not sterilize the pump and the cart/scale.
Condensation / Water penetration
Protect system from moisture. Do not use if moisture has penetrated the system.
System defect
If a system defect is suspected or confirmed, do not use the system. Ensure the
system will no longer be used until a qualified service technician conducts the
appropriate tests and repairs.
Risk of electrical shock
To prevent electrical shock, do not open this device. Never open this device yourself. Refer servicing to qualified service personnel.
Replacing fuse
Replace the fuse only with a fuse of the same type and rating (see Chapter 11,
Technical Data).
Equipment should be positioned such that power cord can be easily disconnect-
Electromagnetic emissions may increase and rise above the permissible limits if
other equipment (e.g. MyoSure® Control Unit) is stacked onto or placed directly
next to the Aquilex Fluid Control System. The user is responsible for monitoring
the devices to make sure they function properly.
Electrical Interference (see Chapter 12, Guidelines and Manufacturer's State-
ment - Electromagnetic Compatibility): Electrical interference with other devices
or instruments was considered when developing this system and none was detected during testing. However, if you still detect or suspect such interference,
please follow these suggestions:
• Move the Aquilex System, the other device, or both devices to a different location
• Increase distance between devices used
• Consult an electro-medical expert
The Aquilex Fluid Control System should not be used directly next to other devices as this could result in malfunctions. The Aquilex Fluid Control System was test-
ed for compliance with IEC 60601-1-2 as a stand alone system. Therefore, do not
stack other devices (e.g. MyoSure® Control Unit) on the system or the Irrigation
Pump Unit. In particular, do not place any other device than the AQL-100P on the
trays of the AQL-100CBS. If usage in the manner described above is nevertheless
required, this system and the other devices should be monitored to make sure
they function properly.
If the Aquilex Fluid Control System is configured as part of a ME SYSTEM, the en-
tire ME SYSTEM should be tested for compliance with IEC 60601-1-1, and any
equipment used with the Aquilex Fluid Control System should be Type BF.
If the leakage current of the configured ME SYSTEM exceeds the limits of IEC
60601-1-1, install an appropriately rated UL 2601-1/IEC 60601-1 approved isola-
tion transformer and retest the system.
Always use the hooks of the bag scale to hang the fluid bags to ensure an accu-
rate determination of the fluid deficit. In addition, leave the empty fluid bags
hanging on the bag scale until the end of surgery.
Federal Law (only for U.S. market)
Federal law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician.
Indoor climate
Before switching on the device, sufficient time must have passed to adjust to the
indoor climate.
When using the Aquilex System with tissue removal systems, e.g. MyoSure®, the
combination of low set pressures and excessive vacuum pressures may result in
a significant loss of intrauterine distension pressure which has the potential to
affect the visibility of the surgical field. Conversely, when employing a high distension pressure, the deactivation of the tissue removal system can lead to pressure spikes that can exceed 150 mmHg.
Do not use the covered power output at the rear of the irrigation pump unit.
The system may only be connected with hysteroscopes designed for and featur-
ing the technical specification permitting such a combined use. Any utilized hysteroscopes must comply with the most recent versions of IEC 60601-2-18 and
ISO 8600.
Check to ensure the available wall outlet voltage matches the data listed on the
label attached to the back of the pump. Incorrect voltage can cause errors and
malfunctions and may destroy the system.
The device is transportable. The roller wheels of the Fluid Monitoring Unit (cart/
scale) are used for positioning at the place of use. To transport the device, re-
move all fluid bags from the hooks and make sure there are no containers or only
completely emptied containers on the cart/scale. Inflow and outflow tubes must
be completely removed. Make sure the power supply line does not touch the
ground and there are no other objects located on the Aquilex fluid control system. Always use the handle to move the system safely.
To avoid affecting the accuracy of the deficit calculation ensure that the first step
of the container change is to disconnect tubing from the full containers. Remove
full containers from the scale immediately after that.
Only for U.S. operatorsOnly use a certified (UL-listed), removable mains connection cable, type SJT, min-
imal 18 AWG, 3 leads. The plug connectors must comply with NEMA 5-15 and
IEC 16320-C13. Grounding will only be reliable if the equipment is connected to
a corresponding hospital grade socket.
3.2Description of the Aquilex Fluid Control System
Technical application scope of the system
Suggested distension mediaThe Aquilex Fluid Control System can be used with hypotonic, electrolyte-free
The intrauterine pressure can be adjusted on the front of the pump. It can be pre-set
to a range between 40 and 150 mmHg. The maximun inflow rate is 800 ml/min and
is reduced automatically by the pump once the pre-set intrauterine pressure setting
has been reached.
The system has been designed to provide both fluid and vacuum systems that
maximize the performance of tissue removal systems, e.g. MyoSure®.
media (e.g., glycine 1.5% and sorbitol 3.0%) and isotonic, electrolyte containing
media (e.g., saline 0.9% and Lactated Ringer's).
Pressure measuring and regulatingThe system operates with a completely non-contact pressure measurement of
the irrigation medium. The contact-free pressure measurement is achieved by integrating the pressure chamber into the tubing system. The pressure chamber
transmits the irrigation fluid pressure to the electronics of the device via a pressure sensor. The pressure control circuit continuously compares the desired preset intrauterine pressure with the actual intrauterine pressure. The function of
this algorithm is to maintain the pre-set intrauterine pressure. Check for possible
leaks if the pre-set intrauterine pressure cannot be achieved.
4Initial System Set-up
Always check all parts and accessories of the system when performing initial setup. If the system has obvious defects, contact Hologic Technical Support (Chapter
14, Warranty Information).
temperature and humidity must meet the requirements mentioned in Chapter
11, Technical Data.
Equipment should be positioned such that power cord can be easily disconnected.
Indoor climate
Before switching on the device, sufficient time must have passed to adjust to the
indoor climate.
4.1Preparing the System for Use
Initial System Set-up
Initial system set-upPlace the system on a level surface and install in a dry environment. The ambient
The Aquilex Fluid Control System should not be used directly next to other devices as this could result in malfunctions. The Aquilex Fluid Control System was test-
ed for compliance with IEC 60601-1-2 as a stand alone system. Therefore, do not
stack other devices (e.g. MyoSure® Control Unit) on the system or the Irrigation
Pump Unit. In particular, do not place any other device than the AQL-100P on the
trays of the AQL-100CBS. If usage in the manner described above is nevertheless
required, this system and the other devices should be monitored to make sure
they function properly.
Check to ensure the available wall outlet voltage matches the data listed on the
label attached to the back of the system. Incorrect voltage can cause errors and
malfunctions and may destroy the system.
Ensure the connection data and technical specifications of the power supply
comply with DIN VDE or national requirements. The wall outlet power supply
cord must be plugged into a properly installed safety wall plug (see DIN VDE
0107). Read the device label located in rear of pump to determine the operating
voltage of the system.
uilex power cord to establish a connection between the wall outlet and the power cord connection located in the rear of the system.
Connection to the wall outlet
Grounding contactThe power connection must be equipped with a grounding contact. Use the Aq-
3 leads. The plug connectors must comply with NEMA 5-15 or IEC 320/CEE22.
Grounding will only be reliable if the equipment is connected to a corresponding
hospital grade outlet.
safety rules and regulations.
Only for U.S. operatorsUse only a certified (UL-listed), removable power cord, type SJT, minimal 18 AWG,
Potential equalizationIntegrate the system into the potential equalization system as specified by local
Initial System Set-up
Precautionary measuresMedical devices are subject to special safety and protective measures concerning
electromagnetic compatibility (hereafter abbreviated as EMC).
This system is to be used only for the purposes described in the manual and has
to be installed, set up, and operated in compliance with the EMC notes and instructions.
4.2System Components
Fig. 4-1System Components
(1)Bag scale
(2)Fluid bag
(3)Irrigation Pump Unit
(4)Tr ay s
(5)Container scale cable/connector
(6)Container scale
(7)Container holders
(9)Roller wheel base
(10)Locking foot brake
The Aquilex Fluid Control System is divided into two separate boxes for shipping:
Box 1 contains:
• Irrigation Pump Unit
• Instructions for Use
•Power cord
• Aquilex system vacuum tube set (low and high vacuum)
Box 2 contains:
• Fluid Monitoring Unit (cart with scale)
•Container rings
5System Operation
only for
Please make sure that the functional check according to chapter 6 has been performed prior to each device use.
5.1Front of Irrigation Pump Unit
Please familiarize yourself with the layout of the individual elements on the front
of the pump.
The fluid monitoring unit (cart/scale) consists of a weighing unit for fluid bags
(1), a weighing unit for fluid containers (5), and a roller wheel base (8).
1. Remove the cart/scale from the cardboard shipping box.
2. Remove the pump and the power cords from the first cardboard box.
3. Loosen the handwheel (6) (Fig. 5-4, page 17) and pull bag scale upwards to
stop. The screw (7) (Fig. 5-4, page 17) must be inserted into the provided
opening. Secure the bag scale with the handwheel.
4. Depending on the type of container used, attach the container rings (included
in the second box) to the upper (6) or lower (7) container holders ( Fig. 53, page 16).
5. Guide the power cord through the holes provided for this purpose and connect to pump (2) (Fig. 5-4, page 17) and plug into grounded, shockproof safety wall socket.
6. Attach the scale to the pump by connecting the connector of the bag scale
with the connector of the container scale (4) (Fig. 5-4, page 17) and fix the
connected cables below the lower pump tray by means of the provided wire
clips. Connect the second connector of the bag scale to the port on the back
of the pump (5) (Fig. 5-4, page 17).
System Operation
The pump's software automatically detects whether the container scale and bag
scale are connected or only the container scale.
Fig. 5-4Scale and pump connection
(1)Bag deflector
(2)Power cord/pump connection
(3)Covered power output
(4)Plug connection, bag scale with
container scale
(5)Bag scale connector, connection to
Scale error
Ensure that nothing weighs down the scale during system start-up. Doing so
may result in an inaccurate deficit value.
Fluid deficit
The fluid left in the patient must be monitored. The deficit is the total amount of
fluid left in the patient or unaccounted for otherwise. Take notice of the measurement tolerance of the system (see Chapter 11, Technical Data). Estimating
the fluid volume remaining in the patient is the physician’s responsibility.
The greater the consumption of irrigation fluid, the greater the deviation be-
tween the actual and the displayed deficit (see "Technical Data," deficit accuracy: ± 6%).
Serum sodium concentration
It is also necessary to monitor the concentration of sodium in the blood of the pa-
tient to prevent electrolyte disturbances. Monitoring of the concentration of sodium in the blood must be performed by the physician and is not performed or
supported by the system.
to achieve the most exact deficit value possible.
Precise balancingTry to collect all the fluid running out of the uterine cavity during the procedure
Scale capacityThe container scale can be loaded with a weight of up to 25 kg (55 lbs). The max-
imum load of the bag scale is 12 kg (27 lbs). If the scales are loaded beyond these
System Operation
limits, the message Scale Overload/Check Scale is triggered and displayed. Three
audible warning beeps are emitted as well (See Chapter 10, Error and Warning
Make sure the containers and fluid bags hang freely, are not resting on some-
thing, and do not touch other objects except the bag deflectors. Failure to follow
these instructions means the deficit cannot be calculated correctly.
Connect the scale to the pump before turning the system on to ensure the system recognizes the scale.
5.3.1Setting of the Container Scale
The container scale can be used with containers from different manufacturers.
Bemis®3 litersDeRoyal® Crystaline™ 2.1 l
Abbott 2 litersSerres 2 & 3 liters
Medi-Vac® 3 litersMedela 3 liters
Medi-Vac Flex Advantage 3000 cc
Ensure containers are positioned properly in the respective holders.
Only use containers with overflow protection.
5.3.2Connecting the Vacuum Tube
When using the Aquilex System with tissue removal systems, e.g. MyoSure®, the
combination of low set pressures and excessive vacuum pressures may result in
a significant loss of intrauterine distension pressure which has the potential to
affect the visibility of the surgical field. Conversely, when employing a high distension pressure, the deactivation of the tissue removal system can lead to pressure spikes that can exceed 150 mmHg.
Connect vacuum tube with hygiene filter to suction containers. The vacuum tube
with hygiene filter must be replaced when dirty and after 30 days at the latest.
The vacuum tube with hygiene filter should not be cleaned.
System Operation
• Connection for low vacuum (white)
· Connect vacuum tube with white connector to low vacuum port (white) (1)
Fig. 5-5. This vacuum pump has a fixed vacuum pressure (~ 225 mmHg).
· Use the connecting tube ((5) Fig. 5-5) when two containers are serially con-
nected to the same vacuum port.
• Connection for high vacuum (green)
· Connect vacuum tube set with the green connectors to the high vacuum
port (green) (8) in Fig. 5-6. This vacuum can be adjusted to a maximum
500 mmHg using adjustment dial.
· Use the connecting tube ((12) Fig. 5-6) when two containers are serially
connected to the same vacuum port.
1. Press the ON/OFF switch. The displays and indicators light up and system
turns on.
2. The system now performs a device self-test.
The device self-test is used by the system to check whether the container and
the bag scale are connected, among others. If the bag scale is not connected,
the message "System OK. Bag Scale Not Connected” is displayed. In this case,
please check the appropriate data connection of the scales with the pump according to chapter 5.3.
3. If a tube set is in the inflow tube holder when the pump is switched on, the
pump display (Fig. 5-1, Front of Irrigation Pump Unit (1)) shows the message
Remove Tube Set. The device self-test resumes once the tube set is removed
from the roller wheel.
If the device self-test is unsuccessful, the corresponding error messages are
displayed (see Chapter 10, Error and Warning Messages).
The system has successfully completed the device self-test when a single audible
beep is heard. The message System OK is displayed for 5 secs followed by the
message Insert Tube Set.
Do not use this system if a defect is suspected or detected during the function
check. This also applies to obvious defects, especially defects and damage to the
power plug and power cord.
5.5Hanging the Fluid Bags
System Operation
Fig. 5-7Fluid bag suspension
(1)Bag scale
(2)Fluid bag on bag hook
(3)Bag deflector
When performing monopolar hysteroscopic electrosurgery, the distension medi-
um must be electrically non-conductive. Examples include glycine, sorbitol and
mannitol. Isotonic saline irrigation fluids may only be used when performing bipolar electrosurgical resective procedures.
Hang one or two fluid bags filled with distension fluid appropriate for procedure.
The system is only intended for use with flexible fluid containers. Do not use
glass containers as they might break. With rigid containers, fluid cannot flow
quickly enough due to the vacuum being generated inside of the containers. Risk
of implosion with rigid containers.
5.6Using Tube Sets
The Aquilex Fluid Control System is designed for use with sterile disposable inflow and outflow tube sets.
transponder detects the type of tube, whether it has been used, and its reliability
automatically. The pump display indicates this information. This eliminates accidental reuse of tube sets on more than one patient (see Chapter 5.7, Tube Overview).
Tube set recognitionEach inflow tube set is equipped with tube set recognition technology. An RFID
System Operation
Visual inspection of the tube set
Before the operation, perform a visual inspection of the tube set and its packag-
ing. Damaged tube sets or tube sets from damaged packagings may not be used.
Reprocessing of sterile disposable products
Reuse of inflow or outflow tube can cause an infection hazard for patients and/
or users as well as impair of product functionality. Contamination and/or impaired functionality of the system can cause risk of injury, illness, or death. Do
not re-process or reuse single-use inflow or outflow tube sets.
Comply with national disposal and hygiene rules when disposing of tubes, col-
lected fluid, and the containers or containers.
5.7Tube Overview
Three different tube sets are necessary to operate the system. The following table lists each type of tube set and its application.
Article num-
AQL-110Aquilex Fluid Control System inflow tube set, disposable,
AQL-111Aquilex Fluid Control System outflow tube set, disposable,
AQL-112Complete tube set (inflow and outflow) disposable, sterilized
AQL-114Aquilex Fluid Control System high and low vacuum tube set:
sterilized using ethylene oxide
sterilized using ethylene oxide
using ethylene oxide
re-usable, non-sterile
Table 5-1
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