2.0 BEFORE YOU BEGIN ............................................................................................................................................................. 3
3.0 WARNINGS, NOTES, AND NOTICES .................................................................................................................................... 3
5.0 ADDITIONAL ITEMS REQUIRED FOR INSTALLATION ........................................................................................................ 4
6.0 TOOLS REQUIRED FOR INSTALLATION .............................................................................................................................. 4
7.0 AVENGER EFI SYSTEM OPTIONS ........................................................................................................................................ 4
8.0 PLANNING THE INSTALLATION ............................................................................................................................................ 4
9.0 REMOVAL OF EXISTING FUEL SYSTEM .............................................................................................................................. 5
9.1 Preparing the Manifold for Installation .................................................................................................................................. 5
9.2 Installation of AVENGER EFI Manifold ................................................................................................................................ 5
9.3 Installing the distributor ........................................................................................................................................................ 7
9.4 Vacuum Line Connections ................................................................................................................................................... 7
10.0 SUPPLY AND RETURN FUEL SYSTEM INSTALLATION .................................................................................................... 7
10.1 Fuel Supply/Return System Description ............................................................................................................................. 7
11.1 Important Wiring “Do’s and Don’ts” .................................................................................................................................. 12
13.3.1 Throttle Position Sensor (TPS) .................................................................................................................................. 14
13.3.2 Manifold Air Pressure Sensor (MAP) ......................................................................................................................... 14
13.3.3 Coolant Temperature Sensor (CTS) .......................................................................................................................... 14
13.3.4 Manifold Air Temperature Sensor (MAT) ................................................................................................................... 14
13.3.6 Wide Band Oxygen Sensor (WB02) .......................................................................................................................... 14
14.1 Idle Air Control (IAC) ........................................................................................................................................................ 16
Holley has written this manual for the installation of the AVENGER EFI manifold and fuel system. Wiring harness and ECU
installation, sensor connections, startup, and tuning are contained on the disc supplied with AVENGER systems. Please read
all the WARNINGS, NOTES, and TIPS, as they contain valuable information that can save you time and money. Should you
need information or parts assistance, please contact our technical service department at 1-270-781-9741, Monday through
Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. CST. Please have the part number of the product you purchased when you call.
WARNING! The AVENGER EFI systems consist of a number of sophisticated components. Failure of any one
component does not constitute, nor does it justify, warranty of the complete system. Individual service
items are available for replacement of components. If assistance is required or if you need further
warranty clarification, you can call Holley Technical Service at the number shown above.
WARNING! To preserve warranty, these instructions must be read and followed thoroughly and completely before
and during installation. It is important that you become familiar with the parts and the installation of the
AVENGER EFI system before you begin. Failure to read and understand these instructions could result
in damage to AVENGER EFI components that are not covered by the warranty and could result in serious
personal injury and property damage.
WARNING! Use of leaded fuels will degrade the oxygen sensor and will result in incorrect exhaust gas oxygen
readings and improper fuel delivery. Failure to follow these directions does not constitute the right to a
warranty claim.
WARNING! Failure to follow all of the above will result in an improper installation, which may lead to personal injury,
including death, and/or property damage. Improper installation and/or misuse of this or any Holley
product will void all warrantees.
WARNING! Use of some RTV silicone sealers will destroy the oxygen sensor used with this product. Ensure the RTV
silicone sealant you use is compatible with oxygen sensor vehicles. This information should be found on
the RTV package.
Fuel injection systems have proven to increase engine performance by allowing the engine to operate to the best output it is
capable of producing. Make sure your engine is in good basic running order before installing the AVENGER EFI fuel injection
system. Anything that increases the power of your engine demands more from all the components and systems. If your engine
is in poor condition before you begin this installation, you won't get the results you want.
Fuel injection is more efficient, but also less forgiving than a carburetor. A properly tuned EFI system can disclose hidden
problems your carburetor may have concealed. Corroded terminals or a weak battery, alternator or ignition system will not
adversely affect your carburetor, but they will interfere with the precision functions of an EFI system.
The engine cooling system must have a working 160F to 210F thermostat. The intake manifold needs to be hot enough to
completely vaporize the injected fuel.
WARNING! For the safety and protection of you and others, the installation, adjustment, and repair must be performed
only by a trained mechanic having adequate fuel system experience. It is particularly important to
remember one of the very basic principles of safety: fuel vapors are heavier than air and tend to collect in
low places where an explosive fuel/air mixture may be ignited by any spark or flame resulting in property
damage, personal injury and/or death. Extreme caution must be exercised to prevent spillage and thus
eliminate the formation of such fuel vapors.
WARNING! These instructions are provided as a general guideline for installation. Each user must use his own
judgment to determine whether his own, or the engine's safety will be endangered by any procedure
selected. The user should consult factory engine manuals to ensure compliance with fastener torque and
WARNING! This type of work MUST be performed in a well-ventilated area. Do not smoke or have an open flame
other important specifications unique to each engine.
present near gasoline vapors or an explosion may result.
Installation of the AVENGER EFI intake system and the ECU requires approximately the same level of skill and experience to
replace or service an induction system consisting of a carburetor and conventional intake manifold (as well as basic wiring skills
for the installations of the ECU).
Adequate skills for modifying the vehicle fuel supply are critical, and will vary widely, depending upon the selected components
and methods of fuel line plumbing. The most basic level will require the user to plumb a high-pressure supply fuel line and a
tank return fuel line to the fuel rails. The most complex level may require the user to modify the fuel tank, re-route or add fuel
lines, or mount various combinations of electrical and/or mechanical fuel pumps. Some fabrications may be required, depending
on applications, for throttle cable assemblies, throttle cable bracket and thermostat housings.
NOTICE: If you are not absolutely certain that you have the skills and experience required to perform these
procedures, we strongly recommend you have this system installed and tested by a technician with
specialized training in EFI and fuel systems service.
The following is a list of materials that are needed, depending on the application.
3/8" fuel hose (must meet SAE J30)
Parts to mount the throttle cable 3/8” steel fuel line (must meet SAE J526) RTV sealant (O2 sensor compatible)
Various Electrical Connectors Selection of 1/2" and 3/8" pipe plugs
PTFE pipe sealing compound Heat Shrink
Mechanical fuel pump block off plate 0-50 psi fuel gauge or Holley 0-100 PSI pressure transducer (recommended)
The following is a list of materials that are needed, depending on the application.
Standard wrench set Small & Medium blade screwdriver Timing/Advance Light
#2 Phillips screwdriver Digital Volt meter Drill and assorted bit sizes
Hole saw (2”) Allen Wrench Set 10” adjustable wrench Gasket Scraper Factory service manual
AVENGER EFI systems offer several optional brackets and spacers designed to simplify installation in certain applications.
These parts can be ordered separately by contacting our technical service department at 1-270-781-9741.
Before starting the installation of the AVENGER EFI system several things must be decided:
Mounting location of the fuel pump
Mounting location of the fuel filters
Routing of the fuel supply line from the tank, to the filter, to the pump
Routing of the high pressure fuel supply line from the pump to 10micron fuel filter to the fuel rails on top of the manifold
Routing of the fuel return line from the pressure regulator to the fuel tank
Mounting locations of the ECU
Proper throttle cable installation
Proper thermostat housing clearance
1. Disconnect the ground side of the battery.
2. Drain the cooling system. Remove the cooling system hoses and thermostat housing.
3. Drain the fuel tank, then disconnect the fuel supply line or disconnect the fuel supply line and plug the hose.
4. Disconnect all throttle linkages.
5. Identify or number the ignition wires. Numbering the ignition wires will help in reconnecting them during MPI system
assembly. Remove the ignition wires from the coil and spark plugs.
6. Remove the ignition cables and distributor cap as one unit.
7. Note the position of the rotor and the distributor housing. Mark rotor position on the distributor and mark distributor housing
position on the engine block to ensure accurate re-assembly. After marking the position of the rotor and the distributor
remove the distributor. It is easiest if the rotor points directly towards the firewall.
8. Loosen all manifold bolts before removal. Remove the manifold bolts.
9. Remove the existing manifold. If required, remove valve covers.
10. Remove the mechanical fuel pump and push rod and install a mechanical fuel pump block-off plate.
9.1 Preparing the Manifold for Installation
1. Protect the lifter galley with clean shop rags. Close off the ports by stuffing them with clean shop rags.
WARNING! Failure to cover the intake opening with a clean towel could result in dirt or debris entering the engine.
Dirt or debris in the induction system can cause engine damage, which may require a complete engine
2. Using a gasket scraper, remove gasket material from heads and block. When all loose material is removed, carefully
remove the shop rags from the ports, ensuring that no material falls into passages. Using a shop vac, remove all debris
from the lifter gallery.
3. Inspect carefully. Use a flashlight to inspect the interior of all air, oil, and water passages.
4. Soak a clean shop rag with solvent, and clean all sealing surfaces. Surfaces must be completely clean to ensure a reliable
seal between the components and gaskets.
9.2 Installation of AVENGER EFI Manifold
WARNING! Use new gaskets. Be sure you are using the proper gasket for your engine, for aluminum manifolds, as
recommended by the manufacturer.
1. The manifold comes with the rails, fittings, and crossovers loosely installed in the proper locations. The crossover lines will
have to be removed in order to install the intake manifold bolts. The injectors, fittings, rails, and crossovers should be
assembled and tightened after the manifold is installed on the engine.
2. Install the manifold gaskets, carefully following the instructions provided by the gasket manufacturer.
3. Use O2 sensor compatible RTV (again following manufacturer's instructions) around all water passages and for end seals
if end seal gaskets are not used.
4. Carefully position the manifold on the heads, so the bolt holes in the manifold are centered over bolt hoses in the heads.
5. Hand start all the bolts.
6. Tighten down the manifold bolts in the proper sequence and torque as recommended in the engine manual.
NOTE: Consult your engine manual for proper fastener torque, bolt tightening pattern and other manifold installation
7. Remove the fuel rails. Install the fuel injectors. Lubricate the fuel injector top and bottom O-rings. Do not use synthetic,
animal or vegetable oils. Use of an O-ring specific lubricant is recommended. Use motor oil if you do not have a good
O-ring lubricant. Be careful not to damage the O-rings.
WARNING! Damage of the O-ring can cause fuel leakage. A fuel leak may result in a fire or an explosion hazard, which
could cause serious injury or death.
8. Carefully install the injectors into the rails and then install the injectors and both rails into the manifold. Reinstall the four
1/4-20 x 1” Allen head screws that held the rails in place and tighten securely.
9. Make sure that the four end fittings in the fuel rails (they should already be installed but not tightened) are threaded in to an
adequate depth.
10. Reattach the front and rear crossover tubes. Tighten completely hand tight.
11. After the crossover tubes are installed, tighten the nut on the four fittings that go into the fuel rails. Tighten securely.
12. Securely tighten the front and rear crossover tubes with a wrench.
13. The regulator should already be installed. Make sure that the two Allen head screws securing it to the fuel rail are tight.
Also check that the regulator fitting it tight and is pointed in the desired direction. Do not overtighten the fitting in the
regulator or it will leak.
14. Next install the throttle body. The throttle body is in a separate box in the kit, which contains the gaskets needed. First
install the gasket that matches the manifold base. Next install the steel plate included with the throttle body. Next install the
gasket that matches the plate. Install the throttle body with the 4 5/16-18 bolts and washers included. The MAP sensor
bracket is attached by the rear, passenger side bolt. Install the MAP sensor first with the two 10-32 x 1” screws and #10
washers. See Figure 1. The throttle cable bracket is attached with the rear driver’s side bolt. The bracket in the kit works
with most throttle cables and transmission cables.
15. Tighten throttle body bolts securely.
16. Check the front fuel rail cross over tubing. This line may shift during the foregoing operations, so ensure that the line
cannot interfere against the manifold runner or the water cross-over. Adjust if necessary.
Figure 1
17. Install new thermostat housing gasket, replace thermostat housing, replace the coolant hoses and refill the cooling system.
18. Attach the throttle cable.
9.3 Installing the distributor
Follow the manufacturer’s recommended procedures for the following steps:
1. Drop in the distributor making sure that the rotor aligns with marks made during disassembly. If you are installing a new
distributor, you will have to make sure it is properly timed.
2. Align distributor housing with marks made on block during disassembly.
3. Ensure the distributor seats properly against
4. Ensure the distributor shaft is fully engaged in the
oil pump.
5. Bolt the distributor hold down clamp to the
6. Replace the distributor cap.
7. Replace the spark plug wires and check that they
are in the correct firing order.
9.4 Vacuum Line Connections
1. Install vacuum hoses to the appropriate port on
the throttle body (See Fig 2). Use the diagrams
made during removal of the existing fuel system
to locate the correct port. The vacuum ports of
the throttle body are labeled in the figure to the
Figure 2
The MPI fuel system is a fuel metering system based on a time/pressure principle. The longer the injector is open the lager the
amount of fuel per fueling event is delivered to the engine. Fuel pressure also plays a direct role in how much fuel is delivered
to the engine. The higher the fuel pressure the more fuel is delivered during the fueling event. It is crucial for the proper
operation of a high performance MPI system that the fuel system be installed and sized correctly. Unlike a carburetor where
low-pressure fuel is delivered at an "as need" rate, the MPI supply system must continuously deliver fuel at the correct high
pressure in a volume greater than the engine requires at maximum load. The excess fuel the injectors do not use is returned to
the fuel tank. At idle, most of the fuel is returned to the tank, but a wide-open throttle (WOT) under full load nearly all of the fuel
is used by the engine and only a small amount is returned to the fuel tank. An improperly installed or sized MPI supply fuel
system may deliver enough fuel at low engine speeds but will starve the engine at WOT.
10.1 Fuel Supply/Return System Description
The high pressure fuel supply system consists of the following sub-systems: the fuel pick-up, a coarse fuel pump pre-filter, the
high pressure electric fuel pump, the 10 micron high pressure fuel filter and a 3/8” ID fuel line (See Fig.3). The fuel pick-up
delivers fuel from the tank to the inlet of the fuel pump filter. From the filter the fuel line supplies filtered fuel to the high pressure
pump inlet. The high pressure electric fuel pump delivers pressurized fuel to the 10micron fuel filter, which in turn delivers
filtered pressurized fuel to the fuel rails, fuel injectors, and the fuel pressure regulator. The function of the regulator is to
maintain a constant fuel pressure of 300kPa (43.5psi). The outlet of the regulator returns the excess fuel back to the fuel tank.
The following section covers the installation of an in-line pump. Holley PN 12-920 is included with this kit. Holley includes both
a pre and post filter with the AVENGER MPFI system. Both of these filters are designed to connect to an EFI pressure rated
rubber hose. They are not designed for “AN” style plumbing. If AN lines and fittings are used, obtain AN style filters. AN fittings
are available for the 12-920 pump. PN 26-160 contains two -6 pump fittings and PN 26-180 contains two -8 pump fittings.
All of the fittings on the intake manifold are -6 AN fittings (except the internal threads of the fuel pressure regulator which have a
“Saginaw” thread. There are barbed adapters included that can be installed on the inlet and return fittings that can be used to
connect to high pressure rated rubber fuel hose.
10.2 Fuel Pressure Regulator
The function of the fuel pressure regulator is to provide constant fuel pressure for the fuel injectors. Constant fuel pressure is
essential to ensure an accurate fuel metering process. The fuel pressure regulator of the system is set to 300kPa (43.5 psi) to
match the flow characteristics of the fuel injectors. The pressure regulator is reference to the manifold pressure to ensure the
required differential pressure for the metering event. Thus at high manifold vacuum (i.e. idle) the fuel pressure gage will read a
fuel pressure that is slightly lower than 300kPa (43.5 psi) because the gage is referenced to atmospheric conditions and not to
the intake conditions. The pressure reading at idle will vary with the application as manifold vacuum changes from engine to
engine and from application to application.
The regulator included is adjustable. To adjust the fuel pressure: remove the vacuum reference line and turn the screw
clockwise to increase the pressure (or counter-clockwise to decrease the fuel). Fuel pressure can be lowered slightly or raised
to reduce or increase the amount of fuel the injectors add. This is usually only done when the injectors used need to have their
flow decreased at idle or increased at wide-open throttle. Make sure you input the actual pressure into the software in the
“Engine Parameters” section.
NOTE: Increasing the fuel pressure by 10 PSI (43.5 to 53.5) results in a fuel metering increase of about 10%. The same is
true when reducing the fuel pressure.
NOTE:If the fuel pressure is changed, make sure to change the “Actual System Pressure” in the Engine Parameters setup in
the software.
Figure 3
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