Hobbywing Platinum-30A-OPTO-PRO User Manual

User Manual of PLATINUM PRO Series Brushless Speed Controller HW-SM004DUL-20130502
Thanks for purchasing our Electronic Speed Controller (ESC). High power system for RC model can be very dangerous, so please read this manual carefully. In that we have no control over the correct use, installation, application, or maintenance of our products, no liability shall be assumed nor accepted for any damages, losses or costs resulting from the use of the product. Any claims arising from the operating, failure or malfunctioning etc. will be denied. We assume no liability for personal injury, property damage or consequential damages resulting from our product or our workmanship. As far as is legally permitted, the obligation to compensation is limited to the invoice amount of the affected product.
Ź High performance microprocessor brings out the best compatibility with all kinds of motors and the highest driving efficiency. Ź Maximum motor speed: 210000 RPM (2 poles), 70000 RPM (6 poles), 35000 RPM (12 poles). Ź 3 start modes: Normal / Soft / Very-Soft, compatible with fixed-wing aircraft and helicopter. Ź Throttle range can be configured to be compatible with all transmitters currently available on market. Ź Smooth, linear, quick and precise throttle response. Ź Separate Ź Multiple protection features: Low-voltage cut-off protection / over-heat protection / throttle signal loss protection. Ź The output of the built-in BEC is switchable by user programming (5.25V or 6.0V). Ź With governor mode for helicopter. Ź USB supported. The firmware of the ESC can be updated by the USB adapter. Ź Several kinds of
Normal Voltage ESC˄Supports 2 to 6 Cells Lipo)
30A 40A
60A 80A
100A 150A
High Voltage ESC
70A 120A
Note1: BEC means the ³Battery Elimination Circuit´. It is a DC-DC voltage regulator to supply the receiver and other equipments from the main battery pack. With the build-in BEC of an ESC, the receiver neednt to be supplied with an additional battery pack.
Note2: 7KH (6&QDPHG ³[[[-2372´or ³xxx-HV´ KDVQ¶WD EXLOW-in BEC, an UBEC (Ultimate-BEC) or an individual battery pack should be used to power the receiver. And an individual battery pack is needed to power the program card when setting the programmable values of such ESCs, please read the user manual of program card for reference.
Wiring Diagramǐ
voltage regulator IC for microprocessor to get a better anti-jamming capability.
Program Cards
are supported. Very easy to program the ESC at home or at the field.
Platinum Pro Series
Model Cont.
Platinum-30A-OPTO 30A 40A None Platinum-40A 40A 60A Switch
Platinum-60A 60A 90A Switch Platinum-80A 80A 120A Swicth
Platinum-100A 100A 150A Switch Platinum-150A-OPTO 150A 220A None None Yes 2-6 5-18 125g 88*55*15
Platinum-70A-HV Platinum-120A-HV
Supports 5 to 12 Cells Lipo)
105A None None Yes 5-12 15-36 82g 70*34*16
180A None None Yes 5-12 15-36 125g 88*55*15
None Yes
5.25V or 6V, 3A Yes
5.25V or 6V, 4A Yes
5.25V or 6V, 4A Yes
5.25V or 6V, 4A Yes
Lipo NiMH L*W*H
2-6 5-18 31g 55*25*12 2-6 5-18 38g 59*27*12
2-6 5-18 68g 70*34*16 2-6 5-18 77g 70*34*16
2-6 5-18 82g 70*34*16
WeightBattery CellsBEC
The Platinum-150A-OPTO, Platinum-70A-HV, Platinum-120A-HV, Pentium-80A-HV and Pentium-100A-HV ESC use the new anti-spark structure. There are a pair of bullet connectors and a thin red wire attached with the positive input wire (red color, thick) of the ESC. They are used to eliminate sparks when the battery pack is connecting with the ESC. Please use it in the following sequence:
1. Disconnect the two bullet connectors on the positive input wire (red color, thick) of the ESC.
2. Connect battery wires.
3. Connect the bullet connectors on the positive input wire (red color, thick) of the ESC as soon as you hear WKHVSHFLDOWRQH³ƈ´
Programmable Items
1. Brake Setting˖*Off / Soft / Hard / Very Hard, default is ³Off´.
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2. Battery Type
3. Low Voltage Protection Mode (CutOff Mode)
power). Default is ³Soft Cut´.
4. Low Voltage Protection Threshold (Cutoff Threshold)
4) For lithium batteries, the cutoff threshold of the whole battery pack is calculated according to the cells number.
5) For NiMH and NiCd batteries, the cutoff threshold of the whole battery pack is calculated as follows:
6) If this programmable item is set to ³Custom´, that means you can set the cutoff threshold for the whole battery pack very accurately
5. Start Mode
³1RUPDO´LV preferred for fixed-ZLQJDLUFUDIW³6RIW´ or ³Ve ry-S RIW´DUH preferred for helicopters. The initial acceleration of the ³Soft´ and ³Very-Soft´ modes are slower than ³Normal´ mode, usually it takes 3 second for ³Soft´ mode or 8 seconds for ³Very-Soft´ mode from 0%
throttle advance to full throttle. After startup, if the throttle is closed (throttle stick is moved to the bottom position) and opened again (throttle stick is moved upwards) within 3 seconds, the restart will be temporarily changed to ³Normal´ mode to get rid of the chances of a crash caused by slow throttle response. This special design is usedful for aerobatic flight.
6. Timing
Usually, low timing value is suitable for most motors. But there are many differences among structures and parameters of different motors so please try and select the most suitable timing value according to the motor you are just using. The correct timing value makes the motor run smoothly. And generally, higher timing value brings out higher output power and higher speed.
Note3: After changing the timing setting, please test your RC model on ground prior to flight!
7. Governor Mode
If the governor mode is activated, the ESC will try its best to hold the motor speed at a fixed value. (Usually the throttle curve is a horizontal line, you can change the preset motor speed by changing the height of this line). The speed range of ³Governor Low´ mode is 10000RPM to 45000RPM for 2 poles brushless motor, ³Governor High´ mode is 46000RPM to 200000RPM for 2 poles brushless motor. In order to calculate the speed of the main rotor blades of your helicopter, you need to know the motor poles number and the gear rate of main drive gear vs. the pinion. For example, if you are using a 6 poles motor (that is: 3 pair poles), and the main drive gear is 150T, the pinion is 13T, so you can calculate as follows: The rotation speed for the main rotor blades = (The speed of 2 poles motor * 13) / 3 / 150 When you adjust the throttle curve, please make sure that the motor can run at this preset speed even if the motor load is heaviest. Please note that the governor mode function is automatically disabled if the throttle volume is less than 60%.
8. Reserved Item #1
9. PWM Frequency: *12KHz / 8.+]GHIDXOWLV³.+]´
For some motors with high KV (high speed) and many poles, the 12KHz PWM frequency may let them work more smoothly. But the higher PWM frequency will make the ESC hotter. Generally, the 8KHz PWM frequency is suitable for most motors.
10. Built-In BEC Output: *5.25V / 6V, default is 5.25V.
11. Reserved Item #2: Reserved for future.
12. Lipo Cells: For normal voltage ESC (supports 2-6 cells Lipo), the values are *Auto / 2S / 3S / 4S / 5S / 6S, the default is ³Auto´; Note4 For high voltage ESC (supports 5-12 cells Lipo), the values are *Auto / 5S / 6S / 8S / 10S / 12S, the default is ³Auto´. This programmable item is available for lithium battery. In the startup process, the motor will emiWVVHYHUDO³%HHS-´WRQHVWRUHSUHVHQWWKH Lipo cells number, it is helpful for you to check whether it is coincident with the actual battery pack or not. Note5
Note4: If you choose ³Auto´, the ESC may mistakenly judge the battery cells when the voltage is less than 3.7V/Cell, so we strongly VXJJHVWVHWWLQJWKH³/LSR&HOOV´PDQXDOO\. Note5: For high voltage ESC (supports 5 to 12 cells Lipo), when the motor emits the ³Beep´ tones to represents the cells number, a
long ³Beep²´ tone = 5 short ³Beep-´ tone. So 5S = ³Beep²´, 6S = ´Beep²Beep-´ (1 long 1 short), 8S=´Beep²Beep-Beep-Beep-´ (1 long 3 short), 10S= ³Beep²Beep²´ (2 long), 12S=´Beep²Beep²Beep-Beep- 2 to 6 cells Lipo), we still use 5 short ³Beep-´ tones to represent 5S lipo, and 6 short ³Beep-´ tones to represent 6S lipo.
Begin To Use The New ESC
Please check the wiring and connections carefully, and then start the ESC in the following sequences:
1. Move the throttle stick to the bottom position and then switch on the transmitter.
2. Connect the battery pack to the ESC, the ESC begins the self-test process, a special tone ³ the battery pack is in normal range, and then N ³Beep´ tones will be emitted, means the number of lipo battery cells. Finally a long
*Lithium (Lipo or Li-ion) / NiMH, GHIDXOWLV³/Lthium´.
For normal voltage ESC (supports 2-6 cells Lipo), the Low / Middle / High value for each cell is: 2.85V / 3.15V / 3.30V For high voltage ESC (supports 5-12 cells Lipo), the Low / Middle / High value for each cell is: 2.75V / 3.0V / 3.25V For example, if the cutoff threshold is set to ³Middle´, then the threshold for a 3 cells Lipo battery pack is 3.15*3=9.45V.
Low : 50% of the batterys batterys full charged voltage Middle: 62.5% of the batterys full charged voltage High: 75% of the batterys full charged voltage
with the step of ±0.1V. The LCD program box or PC software (through USB adapter) is needed to customize the value.
*Normal / Soft / Very-SRIWGHIDXOWLV³NRUPDO´
0°/ 3.75° / 7.5° / 11.25° / *15° / 18.75° / 22.5° / 26.25°, default is 15°. Note3
*Off / Governor Low / Governor High, default is ³Off´
Reserved for future.
*Soft Cut (Gradually reduce the output power) / Hard Cut (Immediately stop the output
Low / *Middle / High / CustomGHIDXOWLV³Middle´
´ (2 long 2 short). While for normal voltage ESC (supports
ƈ 123´ is emitted, which means the voltage of
User Manual of PLATINUM PRO Series Brushless Speed Controller HW-SM004DUL-20130502
p p
³Beep²´ tone will be emitted, which means the self-test is OK, the aircraft or helicopter is ready to go flying.
If nothing is happened, please check the battery pack and all the connections; If a special tone ³
because the throttle channel of your transmitter is reversed, please set it correctly;
If the red LED flashes very quickly (2 times per second), means the input voltage is too low or too high, please check your batterys
3. VERY IMPORTANT! Because different transmitter has different throttle range, you need to calibrate the throttle range and let the ESC
remember it. Please read the instruction on the left bottom of this page ------³Throttle Range Setting´. After correctly setting the throttle range, the red LED lights when the throttle stick is moved to the top position (Maximum throttle).
Alert Toneǐǐ
1. Input voltage is abnormal: The ESC begins to check the voltage when the battery pack is connected, if the voltage is not in the acceptable range, such an alert WRQHZLOO EH HPLWWHG ³Beep-Beep-, Beep-Beep-´ (Every ³Beep-Beep-´ has a time interval of about 1 second), and at the same time, the red LED also flashes.
2. Throttle signal is lost: When the ESC cant detect the normal throttle signal, such an alert WRQHZLOOEHHPLWWHG³Beep-, Beep-, Beep-´. (Every ³Beep-´ has a time interval of about 2 seconds)
3. Throttle stick is not in the bottom position: When the throttle stick is not in the bottom (lowest) position, a very rapid alert tone will be emitted: ³Beep-, Beep-, Beep-´. (Every ³Beep-´ has a time interval of about 0.25 second.)
Protection Functionǐǐ
1. Abnormal startup protection: If the motor fails to start within 2 seconds of throttle application, the ESC will cut-off the output power. In this case, the throttle stick MUST be moved to the bottom position again to restart the motor. (This happens in the following cases: The connection between ESC and motor is not reliable, the propeller or the motor is blocked, the gearbox is damaged, etc.)
2. Over-heat protection: When the temperature of the ESC is over a factory-preset degree, the ESC will reduce the output power.
3. Throttle signal loss protection: The ESC will cutoff the output power if throttle signal is lost for more than 0.25 second, the output power will be resumed as soon as the throttle signal is normal again.
Trouble Shootingǐǐ
ƈ ´ is emitted after 2 Beep tones (³Beep-Beep-´), means the ESC has entered the program mode, it is
Trouble Possible Reason Action
After power on, motor does not work, no sound is emitted After power on, motor does not work, such an alert tone is emitted and the red LED flashes at the same time. ³Beep-Beep-, Beep-Beep-´ (Every ³Beep-Beep-´ has a time interval of about 1 second) After power on, motor does not work, such an alert tone is emitted: ³Beep-, Beep-, Beep- ´(Every ³Beep-´ has a time interval of about 2 seconds) After power on, motor does not work, such an alert tone is emitted: ³Beep-, Beep-, Beep-´ (Every ³Beep-´ has a time interval of about 0.25 second) After power on, motor does not work, a special
tone ³
ƈ ´ is emitted after 2 ³Beep´ tones
(Beep-Beep-) The motor runs in the opposite direction The connection between ESC and
The motor stop running while in working state Throttle signal is lost Check the receiver and transmitter
ǏǏNormal Startup Procedureǐǐ
Move the throttle stick to bottom position and then switch on your transmitter
ǏǏThrottle Range Settingǐ
Switch on the transmitter, and then move the throttle stick to
Connect the battery pack to the ESC, a special tone ³ƈ123´ emits, that means the battery supply is OK
Connect battery pack to the ESC, a special tone ³ƈ123´ emits, that means the battery supply is OK, then wait for 2 seconds
The connection between battery pack and ESC is not correct Input voltage is abnormal, too high or too low.
Throttle signal is irregular or lost Check the receiver and transmitter
The throttle stick is not in the bottom (lowest) position
Direction of the throttle channel is reversed, so the ESC has entered the program mode
the motor need to be changed.
ESC has entered Low Voltage Protection mode Some connections are not reliable Check all the connections: battery pack
Several ³Beep-´ tones emits to represent the number of lipo battery cells
³Beep-Beep-´ tone emits, that means the highest point of throttle range has been correctly confirmed
Check the power connection. Replace the connector with new one Check the voltage of battery pack
Check the control cable of the ESC
Move the throttle stick to bottom position Set the throttle trimmer to neutral or even lower.
Set the direction of throttle channel correctly (Please refer to the user manual of your transmitter)
Swap any two wire connections between ESC and motor
Check the control cable of throttle channel Land RC model as soon as possible, and replace the battery pack
connection, throttle signal cable, motor connections, etc.
As soon as the self-test process is finished, a long ³Beep²´ tone will be emitted
Move throttle stick to the bottom position, several ³Beep-´ tones emits to represent the number of
o battery cells
Move the throttle stick upwards to go flying now
A long ³Beep²´ tone emits, means the lowest position of throttle range has been confirmed
ǏǏProgram The ESC With The Transmitterǐǐ(4 Setps)
1. Enter program mode
2. Select programmable items
3. 6HWLWHP¶s value (Programmable value)
4. Exit program mode
1. Enter program mode
a) Switch on transmitter, move the throttle
stick to the top position.
b) Connect the battery pack to the ESC, a
special tone ³ƈ123´ emits, that means the battery supply is OK.
c) Wait for 2 seconds, the motor will emit
³Beep-Beep-´ tone.
d) Wait for another 5 seconds, special tone
like ³ƈ program mode is entered
´ emits, that means the
2. Select programmable items
After entering program mode, you will hear 14 groups of ³Beep´ tones in a loop with the following sequence. If you move the throttle stick to bottom position within 3 seconds after one kind of tones, the corresponding item will be selected.
1 B Brake (1 short tone)
2 BB Battery Type (2 short tones)
3 BBB Cutoff Mode (3 short tones)
4 BBBB Cutoff Threshold (4 short tones)
5 Beep² Start Mode (1 long tone)
6 Beep²B Timing (1 long 1 short)
7 Beep²BB Governor Mode (1 long 2 short)
8 Beep²BBB Reserved Item #1 (1 long 3 short)
9 Beep²BBBB PW M Frequency (1 long 4 short)
10 Beep²Beep² Built-in BEC Output (2 long tones)
11 Beep²Beep² B Reserved Item #2 (2 long 1 short)
12 Beep²Beep² BB Lipo Cells (2 long 2 short)
13 Beep²Beep² Beep² B Reset All To Defaults (3 long 1 short)
14 Beep²Beep² Beep² BB Exit (3 long 2 short)
Note: ³%HHS²´ means a long ³Beep´ tone, ³B´ means a short ³Beep´ tone. Usually, 1 long ³%HHS²´ VKRUW³B´.
3. Set item value (Programmable value)
means the value is set and saved. (Keep the throttle stick at the top position, you will go back to Step #2 and you can select other items; Or Move the stick to bottom position within 2 seconds will exit program mode directly)
Beep Items
Battery Type
Cutoff Mode
Cutoff Threshold
Start Mode
Timing Governor Mode
Reserved Item #1
PWM Frequency
Built-in BEC Output
Reserved Item #2
Lipo Cells
The value with * symbol is the factory-preset value (That is: default value).
1 short 2 short 3 short 1 long
Soft Hard Very Hard
Hard Cut
*Soft Cut
Soft Very Soft
3.75° 7.5° 11.25°
2S 3S 4S 5S 6S
5S 6S 8S 10S 12S
High Custom
4 short 1 long
4. Exit program mode
There are 2 ways to exit
1 long
1 long
1 short
18.75° 22.5° 26.25°
ĕ For high voltage ESC
3 short
2 short
ĕ For normal ESC
(2 to 6S Lipo)
(5 to 12S Lipo)
the program mode:
a) In Step #3, after
b) In Step #2, after tone
please move the throttle stick to the bottom position within 2 seconds.
Beep²Beep²Beep ²BB´ (3 long 2 short Beep tones, that is the item #14), move the throttle stick to the bottom position within 3 seconds.
Note6: After setting the programmable items by the throttle stick or a Program Card, you will hear 5 long ³Beep²´ tones when the ESC exits the program mode. You can restart the ESC after 5 seconds.
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