Easy Profile
Easy Profile
No-Clean Solderpaste
No-Clean Solderpaste
Product Description
Easy Profile®256HA is a no-clean, air or nitrogen
reflowable solder paste specifically designed to
provide maximum print characteristics and
solderability. EP256HA has been designed for
applications that require the ultimate activity with
respect to difficult to solder to components and
board surface metallizations. EP256HA is also
capable of stencil printing after downtimes of up to
90 minutes with an effective first print down to
20 mils. EP256HA is a solder paste formula that
maintains its activity and printing characteristics
for up to 8 hours without any shear thinning.
• Excellent solderability on difficult to solder to
components, i.e., PdAg
• High activity on all substrates, including OSPs
• Excellent printing characteristics to 0.4mm
(16 mil) pitch with Type 3 powder
• Capable of 90 minute break times in printing
• High print speeds to 150 mm/sec (6 in/sec)
• Stencil life: 8+ hours (process dependent)
• Scrap is reduced due to less paste dry out
• Stable tack: 8+ hours
• Classified as ROL0 per J-STD-004
• Compatible with enclosed print head systems
Standard Applications
90% Metal - Stencil Printing
90% Metal - Enclosed Head Printing
Physical Properties
(Data given for Sn63Pb37 90% metal, -325+500 mesh)
Viscosity (typical):1800 poise
Malcom Viscometer @ 10rpm and 25°C
Initial Tackiness (typical): 37 grams
Tested to Kester Method 1W-QC-3-04
Slump Test: Pass
Tested to J-STD-005, IPC-TM-650, Method 2.4.35
Solder Ball Test: Pass
Tested to J-STD-005, IPC-TM-650, Method 2.4.43
Wetting Test: Pass
Tested to J-STD-005, IPC-TM-650, Method 2.4.45
Reliability Properties
Copper Mirror Corrosion: Low
Tested to J-STD-004, IPC-TM-650, Method 2.3.3
Corrosion Test: Low
Tested to J-STD-004, IPC-TM-650, Method 2.6.15
Silver Chromate: Pass
Tested to J-STD-004, IPC-TM-650, Method 2.3.33
Chloride and Bromides: None Detected
Tested to J-STD-004, IPC-TM-650, Method 2.3.35
Fluorides by Spot Test: Pass
Tested to J-STD-004, IPC-TM-650, Method
SIR, IPC (typical): Pass
Tested to J-STD-004, IPC-TM-650, Method
Blank EP256HA
Day 1
1.6 ×1010Ω 1.0 × 109Ω
Day 4
9.9 ×109Ω 2.1 × 109Ω
Day 7
7.7 ×109Ω 1.9 × 109Ω
33 Springdale Ave. Canton, MA 02021