HK hu0705 schematic

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TECHNICAL SERVICE: Stamer Musikanlagen GmbH • Magdeburger Str. 8 • 66606 St.Wendel • Germany Music & Sales P.E. GmbH • Leipziger Str. 3 • 66606 St.Wendel • Germany
The components used in this product - particularly parts affecting safety as well as speakers and transformers ­were developed and manufactured to certain specifications. Please use original spare parts only to ensure the product remains fully functional and safe.
Die in diesem Produkt verwendeten Komponenten, insbeson­dere sicherheitsrelevante Teile, Lautsprecher und Transforma­toren wurden nach spezifischen Vorgaben entwickelt und ge­fertigt. Bitte benutzen Sie ausschließlich Original-Ersatzteile – nur so ist die volle Funktionalität und Sicherheit gewährleistet.
Edition Blue
features page: 3-6
drawing-numbers-example page: 7
standard for single wire confection page: 8
HU0705-EDITION BLUE 15DFX page: 9
exploded drawings: complete Rev.: A page: 10-11
chassis Rev.: A page: 12 electronics Rev.: A page: 13-14 cabling Rev.: A page: 15-17
spare parts list Rev.: A page: 18-19
circuit diagrams Rev.: A page: 20
Edition Blue™ 15/30/60 DFX
1The Channels of the Edition Blue™ DFX
The Edition Blue™ DFX is equipped with two channels, Clean and Lead. Its innovative circuit design, which simulates the important sound-forming elements of tube amps using semiconductor technique, gives both channels the dynamics needed by a discerning guitarist for his/her musical expression. The sensitive preamp of the Edition Blue™ DFX not only produces harmonious overdrive but also a significant dynamic response to the style of playing.
1.1 The Clean channel
Depending of the preamp control settings, the amp can produce a variety of contemporary and „vintage“ Clean sounds.
1.2 Volume
Determines the Clean channel‘s Volume. Depending on the type of pick-ups, the amp will begin to clip somewhere around the 12 o‘clock setting. If desired, the Clean channel can produce a lot of crunch.
1.3 Channel Select
This Channel Selector switch activates either the Clean or Lead channel. The Lead channel is active when the button is pressed.
1.4 The Lead channel
Classical, open rock sounds – direct and dynamic. In particular the effective sound-shaping tool facilitates a large spectrum of Lead sounds.
1.5 Lead Gain
Controls the amount of distortion in the Lead channel.
2 The Effects of the Edition Blue DFX
The Edition Blue DFX is equipped with two independent „signal processors“. Signal processor 1: modulation effects and Delay, Signal processor 2: digital spring reverb. Both signal processors can be used at the same time and are independently adjustable. The settings work for both the Clean and the Lead channel.
2.1 Preset Adjust
The first effect section of the Edition Blue™ DFX offers you the two most important modulation effects, Chorus und Flanger, as well as Delay. They are behind each other on the Preset Adjust control. In the first section, the Chorus is active; in the second section, the Flanger is active and in the third section, the Delay. Within a section, you can change the character of the effects with this potentiometer. The parameters are selected in such a way that it creates good quality sounds which Lead quickly and simply to the desired effect. Through clockwise rotation, the speed (rate) of the modulation effect changes. Dependent on the rate, the modulations depth is automatically regulated in such a way that in every control position the best possible sound effects are always heard. With Delay, the Delay (time) and the number of repetitions (Feedback) change at the same time. The mixing ration between „dry“ signal and the effects can be infinitely variedly regulated with FX Level.
2.2 Chorus
With slow adjustments, the Chorus sounds deep and rich, which works best for floating ballads. Thanks to the automatic effect depth adjustment, quicker Chorus adjustments don‘t „scream“.
1.6 Lead Master
Determines the Lead channel Volume Level in relation to the Clean channel Volume Level.
1.7 Bass, Mid, Treble
The sound control works for both channels. Mid and Treble controls influence each other (as is also standard and desired on tube amp models): if you boost the treble, it causes a central lowering and vice versa. This characteristic enables the greatest possible variety of sound nuances.
1.8 Master
Controls the Master Volume of the Edition Blue™ DFX inclusive of the effects. The Line Out signal remains unaffected by this control.
2.3 Flanger
The slow Flanger settings give an intense sweeping effect, while with rapid adjustments you can produce current rock and pop effects.
2.4 Delay
With the Delay control, the time to the next repetition can be varied infinitively from 80 ms to 1400 ms. Feedback is automatically adjusted. Short Delays with little feedback are best suited for „rockabilly“ sounds, intermediary Delays are perfect for typical „U2“ sounds, while long times are good for playing the canon-like „Queen“ licks.
2.5 FX Level
This control determines „how many“ Chorus/Flanger/Delays should be mixed with the sound. At the left control the signal is „dry“, effect section one more or less switched off. At the right control, a mixing ratio of 1:1 exists. The FX Level control works independently of the Reverb control.
Only for Edition 30 and 60 DFX: the FX section can be switched on and off with the Footswitch. As with the FX Level control, Reverb works independently. See also 3.3 Footswitch.
Edition Blue™ 15/30/60 DFX
2.6 Reverb
The Reverb is an authentic adaptation of a classic string Reverberation. It works and responds in exactly the same way: the control Reverb adjusts the Volume of the string Reverberation while the time always stays the same. The Reverb control works independently of the FX Level control. In the same way, when the left control is used, the signal is „dry“ and effect section two is more or less switched off.
3 Outlets and other Controls
Edition Blue 15 DFX
Edition Blue 30 DFX
Edition Blue 60 DFX
To connect a signal processor:
Connect the processor‘s Input to the Line In jack and the
Output to the Line Out jack.
To avoid noise, signal degradation, and interrupted signals,
only use high-quality patch cables.
Always make sure that the signal processor is not distorting
the signal. If necessary also observe the Volume indicator of the signal processor and use the Input and Output control of the signal processor for dialing in a suitable Level.
Distortion devices are not designed for use in an FX loop. Generally,
any kind of device that compresses the signal should be connected first in the signal chain. Depending on the type of effect you want to achieve, you may want to connect your compressor directly between the instrument and the amp‘s Input.
If you are using several processors or stamp boxes, ensure you
connect them in the proper order.
If you want to feed the Edition Blue™ DFX signal to a mixing console, we recommend you route it through the Hughes & Kettner® Red Box®. Patch the signal from the Line Out jack, as this signal path‘s Level is here. The signal is then independent, balanced and frequency corrected (speaker simulation) from the Master control.
3.3 Footswitch (not applicable for Edition Blue 15 DFX)
This jack is for a standard 1-way or 2-way Footswitch (e.g. Hughes & Kettner® FS-1 or FS-2). This allows you to switch back and forth between the Clean and Lead channels and to turn the effect section on and off as you want. If you use a 1-way switch, the channels are switched; if you use a 2-way switch, the channels run through switch 1 and the effects are controlled by switch 2.
If you want to be able to control the channels by the Footswitch, the Channel Select switch must be switched to the front of the Clean channel.
3.1 Input
Connecting socket for guitar
3.2 Line Out and Line In (not for Edition Blue 15 DFX)
The Edition Blue™ DFX is equipped with a serial insert. The preamp signal of the amp is completely routed and processed through an ingrained signal processor. The Line Out can also be used as the Output for a mixing console.
As soon as the Line Out jack is occupied, the internal signal path
is interrupted in order to feed the external signal. If no external signal processor is used, this jack must stay free. It cannot be used as an additional Input.
3.4 Headphones
Headphone jack. The speaker is automatically switched of f when a plug is inserted into this jack.
3.5 CD Input
Jack for connecting CD players, tape decks or other audio sources. The circuit is controlled directly by the Master circuit of the Edition Blue™ DFX, which means that you can use the Master control to adjust the Input signal‘s volume. To dial in the desired balance of levels for the playback and guitar signals, the connected playback device has to be equipped with some type of variable Output control.
Most audio sources have an adjustable headphone Output. You can connect this with the CD Input with an appropriate adapter (stereo jack/2 x cinch).
3.6 Mains
Jack for the included Mains cable. Ensure the amp‘s voltage matches your local AC voltage rating before you plug the cord into the wall socket.
Edition Blue™ 15/30/60 DFX
Before you switch on the audio playback device, turn the Master control all the way down. Then turn up the Master control a little and dial in the desired balance levels. Once you‘re satisfied with these levels, gradually turn up the control to the desired overall level.
4 Standard Setup and Cable Connections
6 Troubleshooting
The Edition Blue™ DFX will not switch on:
The amp is not receiving any Mains voltage. Check the Mains cable
to see if it is properly connected.
The Mains fuse is defective. Replace the fuse with another suitable
fuse. If this fuse is also defective, consult your Hughes & Kettner® dealer.
The Edition Blue™ DFX is correctly connected but the sound
is inaudible:
One or more of the Gain and Master controls may be turned down.
One of the internal fuses is defective. Get a qualified service
technician to replace the fuse (taking care that the values are the same)
The Clean channel cannot be activated through an external
The Channel Select switch on the front panel may not be in the „off“
position. Switch the Clean channel on.
5 Service and Maintenance
The Edition Blue™ DFX amps do not require maintenance of any type. However, there are a few precautions to observe to significantly lengthen the life of your amp:
Always ensure that all peripheral devices, cords and cables are in
a state of good repair! Defective speaker cables (short circuits, loose connections) are the most common cause of failure. Poor-quality cables will always lead to humming problems.
Make sure that your amp‘s ventilation ducts are not blocked
or covered.
Avoid mechanical shocks and exposure to extreme heat, dust and
especially moisture.
Pay close attention to the specifications of peripheral devices.
Never connect devices with high Output signal levels (e.g. power
amps) to your amp‘s Input.
Check for the correct voltage before you plug in the amp. If in
doubt, check with the venue‘s sound technician or the caretaker of the building.
Do not carry out “do it yourself” repairs. Get a qualified service
technician to replace internal fuses.
Use a soft, damp cloth to clean the exterior surface of the
Edition Blue™ DFX.
When using the Line In / Line Out jacks, there is a humming
An electrical or magnetic field is causing interference. Here, it is
recommended to use a DI box, e.g. Hughes & Kettner® Red Box®.
You have connected an FX processor to the Line Out jack but
the signal is totally distorted even when using Clean sounds.
The Input of the FX processor is overloaded. Reduce the processor‘s
Input sensitivity (“Input” or “Gain”).
You have connected an FX processor to the Line Out but the
Output signal is too quiet:
The FX processor‘s Output Level is set incorrectly. Turn the Output
Level of the processor up high.
Edition Blue™ 15/30/60 DFX
7 Technical Specifications
Model: 15 DFX 30 DFX 60 DFX
Output power into 8 ohms: 15 watts 30 watts 60 watts
Max. power consumption: 55 VA 70 VA 100 VA
Mains fuse:
230/240 volt configuration T 250 mA T 315 mA T 250 mA 120 volt configuration T 500 mA T 630 mA T 500 mA 100 volt configuration T 500 mA T 630 mA T 630 mA
Internal Fuses: T 315 mA T 315 mA T 315 mA
Operational temperature range: -10˚ − +35˚ C -10˚ − +35˚ C -10˚ − +35˚ C
Weight: 7.3 kg 9.2 kg 13 kg
Width 404 mm 440 mm 480 mm Height 375 mm 410 mm 490 mm Depth 195 mm 220 mm 275 mm
Speaker: 8" Celestion 10" Jensen 12" Celestion
Super 8 Vintage Rockdriver
+ 14 hidden pages