FM 049
Service Bulletin Letter
Affected products:
Change released: 26-Aug-02 Bulletin letter no.: HK0004-0
Internal project code: HK1901
Affected serial no.: from to
Changes already implemented by manufacturer from serial no. 20043286 on-
mains fuse open, current limiting relay Rel2 does not switch on or unit does
not work at all due to disruption of NTC R115
wrong value (3,3kohms) assembled for resistor R2;
of that reason relay Rel2 does not work and NTC R115, which is working as
transformer inrush current limiter, is remaining in the primary circuit instead
of getting shorted after a short delaytime by the relay contacts.
This failure is not obvious and the unit is working normal due to the NTC's
value is decreased to a few ohms while becoming hot. But there is a substanĀtial hazard, that the NTC will be damaged soon, when working under permanent
Remark: even when the unit is correctly assembled and working well, it may
happen that the mains fuse will be destroyed, when the unit is switched on and
off a few times in very short intervalls.
Reason: the NTC can not cool down fast enough and is remaining hot . Under
this condition the NTC has only a few ohms and is not able to limit the inrush
current of the transformer, which leads to a destroyed mains fuse.
replace R2 with 1kohms/ 0.25W resistor, or
replace R2 with 1kohms/ 0.25W resistor and fuse, or
replace R2 with 1kohms/ 0,25W and defective NTC R115
Photos/ schematics
See next page
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Dart service bulletin HK1901.doc QS Stand A, 14.09.06
FM 049
Service Bulletin Letter
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Dart service bulletin HK1901.doc QS Stand A, 14.09.06