Item General Specifications
Intelligent output
48 functions assignable
RUN (run signal), FA1~FA5 (frequency arrival signal), OL,OL2 (overload
advance notice signal), OD (PID deviation error signal), AL (alarm signal),
OTQ (over/under torque threshold), UV (under-voltage), TRQ (torque limit
signal), RNT (run time expired), ONT (power ON time expired), THM
(thermal warning), BRK (brake release), BER (brake error), ZS (0Hz
detection), DSE (speed deviation excessive), POK (positioning completion),
ODc (analog voltage input disconnection), OIDc (analog current input
disconnection), FBV (PID second stage output), NDc (network disconnect
detection), LOG1~LOG3 (Logic output signals), WAC (capacitor life
warning), WA F (cooling fan warning), FR (starting contact), OHF (heat sink
overheat warning), LOC (Low load), MO1~MO3 (general outputs for EzSQ),
IRDY (inverter ready), FWR (forward operation), RVR (reverse operation),
MJA (major failure), WCO (window comparator O), WCOI (window
comparator OI), FREF (frequency command source), REF (run command
source), SETM (second motor in operation), EDM (STO (safe torque off)
performance monitor), OP (option control signal), NO (no function)
Monitor output (analog)
Output freq., output current, output torque, output voltage, input power,
thermal load ratio, LAD freq., heat sink temperature, general output (EzSQ)
Pulse train output
(0~10Vdc, 32kHz max.)
[PWM output]
Output freq., output current, output torque, output voltage, input power,
thermal load ratio, LAD freq., heat sink temperature, general output (EzSQ)
[Pulse train output]
Output frequency, output current, pulse train input monitor
Alarm output contact
ON for inverter alarm (1c contacts, both normally open or closed available.)
Other functions
Free-V/f, manual/automatic torque boost, output voltage gain adjustment,
AVR function, reduced voltage start, motor data selection, auto-tuning,
motor stabilization control, reverse running protection, simple position
control, simple torque control, torque limiting, automatic carrier frequency
reduction, energy saving operation, PID function, non-stop operation at
instantaneous power failure, brake control, DC injection braking, dynamic
braking (BRD), frequency upper and lower limiters, jump frequencies, curve
accel and decel (S, U, inversed U,EL-S), 16-stage speed profile, fine
adjustment of start frequency, accel and decel stop, process jogging,
frequency calculation, frequency addition, 2-stage accel/decel, stop mode
selection, start/end freq., analog input filter, window comparators, input
terminal response time, output signal delay/hold function, rotation direction
restriction, stop key selection, software lock, safe stop function, scaling
function, display restriction, password function, user parameter,
initialization, initial display selection, cooling fan control, warning, trip
retry, frequency pull-in restart, frequency matching, overload restriction,
over current restriction, DC bus voltage AVR
Protective function
Over-current, over-voltage, under-voltage, overload, brake resistor overload,
CPU error, memory error, external trip, USP error, ground fault detection at
power on, temperature error, internal communication error, driver error,
thermistor error, brake error, safe stop, overload at low speed, modbus
communication error, option error, encoder disconnection, speed excessive,
EzSQ command error, EzSQ nesting error, EzSQ execution error, EzSQ user
Operating (ambient): -10 to 40°C(*10), / Storage: -20 to 65°C(*11)
20 to 90% humidity (non-condensing)
Vibration *11
5.9m/s2 (0.6G), 10 to 55 Hz
Altitude 1,000m or less, indoors (no corrosive gasses or dust)
Coating color
Remote operator unit, cables for the units, braking unit, braking resistor, AC
reactor, DC reactor, EMC filter, fieldbus